69 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK MINAT ANGGOTA KOMUNITAS OLAHRAGA FREELETICS TERHADAP KOMUNITAS OLAHRAGA FREELETICS DI KOTA SURABAYA   Penelitian ini menguji bagaimana minat anggota komunitas olahraga Freeletics terhadap komunitas olahraga Freeletics di kota Surabaya. Minat adalah ketertarikan pada sesuatu hal ataupun aktifitas tanpa ada yang menyuruh. Minat diperoleh dari hasil pengamatan, kemudian timbul dorongan untuk berpartisipasi di dalamnya.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui minat anggota komunitas olahraga Freeletics terhadap komunitas olahraga Freeletics di kota Surabaya. Sasaran penelitian adalah anggota aktif komunitas olahraga Freeletics di kota Surabaya dengan jumlah subjek penelitian sebesar 40 responden. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan kuantitatif deskriptif dengan analisis data dan proses pengambilan data dilakukan dengan pengisian angket tertutup. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, maka didapat hasil perhitungan persentase. Hasil tersebut antara lain: 1) Dimensi pengetahuan olahraga Freeletics 87.8% 2) Dimensi pengenalan aplikasi Freeletics 85% 3) Dimensi manfaat olahraga Freeletics 88.5% 4) Dimensi komunitas olahraga Freeletics di kota Surabaya 79% 5) Dimensi minat saya bergabung dengan komunitas olaharaga Freeletics di kota Surabaya 84.3% Dimensi dominan yang mempengaruhi minat anggota komunitas olahraga Freeletics terhadap komunitas olahraga Freeletics di kota Surabaya terdapat pada dimensi manfaat olahraga Freeletics dengan hasil persentase tertinggi sebesar 88.5%. Kata Kunci : Freeletics, Komunitas, Anggota, Minat. ABSTRACT THE PASSION OF FREELETICS SPORT COMMUNITY MEMBER TOWARDS FREELETICS SPORT COMMUNITY IN SURABAYA   This study examines passion within the members of Freeletics sport community toward this community in Surabaya. Passion is an enticing desire into something or any activities done by their own will. Passion comes from observation and then encouragement which arises to participate inside it. This study aims to find out passion within the members of Freeletics sport community toward this community in Surabaya. The objective of this study is active members of Freeletics sport community in Surabaya with total research subject 40 respondents. This study uses descriptive qualitative method with data analysis and the process of collecting data uses closed questionnaire. Based on the result of analysis and discussion, then the writer got the result of percentage. The results are: 1)The dimension of Freeleticssport science is 87,8% 2)The dimension of Freeleticsapplication introduction is 85% 3)The dimension of Freeleticssport advantage is 88,5% 4)The dimension of Freeleticssport community in Surabaya is 79% 5)The dimension of my passion in joining Freeletics sport community in Surabaya is 84,3% The dominant dimension that influences the passion of Freeletics sport community members toward Freeletics sport community in Surabaya is in the dimension of Freeleticssport advantage with the highest result 88.5%. Keywords : Freeletics, Community, Member, Passion. &nbsp

    Designing for empowerment

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    Technology bears the potential to empower people - to help them tackle challenges they would otherwise give up on or not even try, to make experiences possible they did not have access to before. One type of such technologies - the application area of this thesis - is health and wellbeing technology (HWT), such as digital health records, physical activity trackers, or digital fitness coach applications. HWTs often claim to empower people to live healthier and happier lives. However, there is reason to challenge and critically reflect on these claims and underlying assumptions as more and more researchers are finding that technologies aiming or claiming to be empowering often turn out to be disempowering. This critical reflection is the starting point of this thesis: Can HWTs really empower people in their everyday lives? If so, how should we go about designing them to foster empowerment and avoid disempowerment? To this aim, this thesis makes three main contributions: First, it presents a framework of empowering technologies that aims to introduce conceptual and terminological clarity of empowerment in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). As a literature review conducted for this thesis reveals, the understandings of empowerment in HCI diverge substantially, rendering the term a subsumption of diverse research endeavors. The presented framework is informed by the results of the literature review as well as prior work on empowerment in social sciences, psychology, and philosophy. It aims to help other researchers to analyze conceptual differences between their own work and others’ and to position their research projects. In the same way, this thesis uses the proposed framework to analyze and reflect on the conducted case studies. Second, this thesis explores how HWT can empower people in a number of studies. Technologies that are investigated in these studies are divided into three interaction paradigms (derived from Beaudouin-Lafon’s interaction paradigms): Technologies that follow the computer-as-tool paradigm include patient-controlled electronic health records, and physical activity trackers; technologies in the computer-as-partner paradigm include personalized digital fitness coaches; and technologies in the computer-as-intelligent-tool paradigm includes transparently designed digital coaching technology. For each of these paradigms, I discuss benefits and shortcomings, as well as recommendations for future work. Third, I explore methods for designing and evaluating empowering technology. Therefore, I analyze and discuss methods that have been used in the different case studies to inform the design of empowering technologies such as interviews, observations, personality tests, experience sampling, or the Theory of Planned Behavior. Further, I present the design and evaluation of two tools that aimed to help researchers and designers evaluate empowering technologies by eliciting rich, contextualized feedback from users and fostering an empathic relationship between users and designers. I hope that my framework, design explorations, and evaluation tools will serve research on empowering technologies in HCI to develop a more grounded understanding, a clear research agenda, and inspire the development of a new class of empowering HWTs.Technologie für Empowerment — im Deutschen am besten mit Befähigung oder Ermächtigung übersetzt: diese Vision ist sowohl in medizinischen und technischen Fachkreisen als auch in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur im Feld Mensch-Maschine Interaktion (MMI) weit verbreitet. Technologie kann — laut dieser Vision — Menschen helfen Herausforderungen zu meistern, die sie sonst nicht schaffen oder nicht mal versuchen würden, oder Ihnen komplett neue Erfahrungen ermöglichen. Eine Art von “empowernden”, also befähigenden Technologien sind Technologien für Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden (health and wellbeing technologies, HWT), wie beispielsweise digitale Krankenakten, Schrittzähler, oder digitale Fitnesstrainer. Sowohl Werbung als auch Forschung über HWTs preist diese häufig als Schlüssel zu einem gesünderen und glücklicheren Leben an. Es gibt aber durchaus Gründe diesen Behauptungen kritisch gegenüberzustehen. So haben bereits einige Forschungsprojekte über vermeintlich “empowernde” Technologien ergeben, dass diese eher entmächtigen — also Ihre Nutzer mehr einschränken als Ihnen mehr Möglichkeiten zu verschaffen. Eine kritische Reflexion der Annahme, dass HWTs ihre Nutzer empowern stellt den Ausgangspunkt dieser Dissertation dar: Können HWTs ihre Nutzer wirklich empowern? Falls dem so ist, wie sollten sie am besten gestaltet werden? Der Beitrag meiner Dissertation zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen wird in drei Teilen präsentiert: Im ersten Teil stelle ich ein konzeptuelles Framework vor, mit dem Ziel terminologische Klarheit im Bereich Empowerment in MMI zu fördern. Eine Literaturanalyse im Rahmen dieser Dissertation hat ergeben, dass die Verwendungen des Begriffs “Empowerment” in der MMI Literatur sehr stark voneinander abweichen. Beispielsweise wird der Begriff in Literatur über Technologien für Barrierefreiheit anders verstanden als in Literatur über Technologien für bürgerliches Engagement. Folglich schert das Schlagwort “Technologien für Empowermen”, das in Präsentationen und Denkschriften weit verbreitet ist, komplett unterschiedliche Ansätze über einen Kamm. Das Framework, das in dieser Dissertation vorgestellt wird, zeigt die Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten bei der Verwendung des Empowermentbegriffs auf. Es entstand als Resultat der Literaturanalyse und integriert gleichzeitig Erkenntnisse von Empowermenttheorien die in Sozialwissenschaften, Psychologie und Philosophie diskutiert wurden. In dieser Dissertation wird das vorgestellte Framework verwendet, um die präsentierten Studien über HWTs einzuordnen und zu diskutieren. Im zweiten Teil präsentiere ich verschiedene empirische und technische Studien mit dem Ziel zu verstehen wie HWTs Menschen empowern können. Die Technologien, die dabei untersucht werden teile ich in drei Interaktionsparadigmen ein (die von den Interaktionsparadigmen von Beaudouin-Lafon abgeleitet sind): Technologien im Paradigma Computerals- Werkzeug sind beispielsweise digitale Krankenakten und Schrittzähler; Technologien im Paradigma Computer-als-Partner sind beispielsweise digitale personalisierte Fitnesstrainer und Technologien im Paradigma Computer-als-intelligentes-Werkzeug sind beispielsweise transparent gestaltete digitale personalisierte Gesundheitsberater oder Fitnesstrainer. Vorund Nachteile von Technologien in diesen drei Paradigmen werden diskutiert und Empfehlungen für zukünftige Forschung in diesen Bereichen abgeleitet. Im dritten Teil, untersuche ich, welche Methoden für die Gestaltung und Evaluierung von empowernden Technologien geeignet sind. Einerseits diskutiere ich die Vor- und Nachteile der Methoden, die in den einzelnen Untersuchungen von HWTs (im zweiten Teil) verwendet wurden, wie zum Beispiel Interviews, Observationen, die Experience Sampling Methode oder Fragebögen basierend auf der Theorie des geplanten Verhaltens. Andererseits berichte ich über die Gestaltung und Entwicklung von zwei Applikationen mit dem Ziel Forschern und Designern die Evaluation von empowernden Technologien zu erleichtern. Konkret hat die erste Applikation das Ziel es Testnutzern zu ermöglichen immer und überall für sie wichtige Aspekte des Nutzererlebnisses an das Entwicklungsteam weiterzugeben. Bei der Entwicklung der zweiten Applikation stand dagegen die Förderung von Empathie zwischen Nutzern und Designern im Vordergrund. Ich hoffe, dass das vorgestellte Framework, die Studien über HWTs und Evaluationswerkezeuge die Forschung über empowernde Technologien voranbringen, zu einer klaren Forschungsagenda beitragen, und die Entwicklung von neuartigen HWTs anregen werden


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    ABSTRAK MINAT ANGGOTA KOMUNITAS OLAHRAGA FREELETICS TERHADAP KOMUNITAS OLAHRAGA FREELETICS DI KOTA SURABAYA   Penelitian ini menguji bagaimana minat anggota komunitas olahraga Freeletics terhadap komunitas olahraga Freeletics di kota Surabaya. Minat adalah ketertarikan pada sesuatu hal ataupun aktifitas tanpa ada yang menyuruh. Minat diperoleh dari hasil pengamatan, kemudian timbul dorongan untuk berpartisipasi di dalamnya.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui minat anggota komunitas olahraga Freeletics terhadap komunitas olahraga Freeletics di kota Surabaya. Sasaran penelitian adalah anggota aktif komunitas olahraga Freeletics di kota Surabaya dengan jumlah subjek penelitian sebesar 40 responden. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan kuantitatif deskriptif dengan analisis data dan proses pengambilan data dilakukan dengan pengisian angket tertutup. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, maka didapat hasil perhitungan persentase. Hasil tersebut antara lain: 1) Dimensi pengetahuan olahraga Freeletics 87.8% 2) Dimensi pengenalan aplikasi Freeletics 85% 3) Dimensi manfaat olahraga Freeletics 88.5% 4) Dimensi komunitas olahraga Freeletics di kota Surabaya 79% 5) Dimensi minat saya bergabung dengan komunitas olaharaga Freeletics di kota Surabaya 84.3% Dimensi dominan yang mempengaruhi minat anggota komunitas olahraga Freeletics terhadap komunitas olahraga Freeletics di kota Surabaya terdapat pada dimensi manfaat olahraga Freeletics dengan hasil persentase tertinggi sebesar 88.5%. Kata Kunci : Freeletics, Komunitas, Anggota, Minat. ABSTRACT THE PASSION OF FREELETICS SPORT COMMUNITY MEMBER TOWARDS FREELETICS SPORT COMMUNITY IN SURABAYA   This study examines passion within the members of Freeletics sport community toward this community in Surabaya. Passion is an enticing desire into something or any activities done by their own will. Passion comes from observation and then encouragement which arises to participate inside it. This study aims to find out passion within the members of Freeletics sport community toward this community in Surabaya. The objective of this study is active members of Freeletics sport community in Surabaya with total research subject 40 respondents. This study uses descriptive qualitative method with data analysis and the process of collecting data uses closed questionnaire. Based on the result of analysis and discussion, then the writer got the result of percentage. The results are: 1)The dimension of Freeleticssport science is 87,8% 2)The dimension of Freeleticsapplication introduction is 85% 3)The dimension of Freeleticssport advantage is 88,5% 4)The dimension of Freeleticssport community in Surabaya is 79% 5)The dimension of my passion in joining Freeletics sport community in Surabaya is 84,3% The dominant dimension that influences the passion of Freeletics sport community members toward Freeletics sport community in Surabaya is in the dimension of Freeleticssport advantage with the highest result 88.5%. Keywords : Freeletics, Community, Member, Passion. &nbsp

    Modificación de la condición física inducida por un entrenamiento de alta intensidad: Freeletics

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    Propósito: La sociedad actual emplea menos tiempo en la realización de actividad física debido a nuevas obligaciones. Por ello se ha llevado a cabo una revisión bibliográfica sobre los beneficios que supone un entrenamiento interválico de alta intensidad (HIT o HIIT), además de aplicar un programa de entrenamiento a un grupo de universitarios basado en ejercicios calisténicos realizados a alta intensidad. Métodos: 17 sujetos, 9 mujeres y 8 hombres, han formado parte del grupo Freeletics. Se ha valorado la antropometría y composición corporal, la fuerza máxima y fuerza resistencia en el tren superior, la fuerza resistencia abdominal y la fuerza isométrica en los miembros superiores, así como la flexibilidad. Resultados: Tras 18 semanas de entrenamiento se ha reducido significativamente el sumatorio de 6 pliegues (15,25%), el porcentaje graso (12,00%) y el porcentaje de masa muscular (1,75%), así como han aumentado significativamente la fuerza máxima (50,00%) y fuerza resistencia (25,00%) en el tren superior, la fuerza resistencia abdominal (13,16%) y se han observado pérdidas en la flexibilidad medida por "sit and reach" (26,67). Conclusiones: El Freeletics puede ser un buen método para mejorar la condición física, bien es cierto que nuevos trabajos deben valorar ostros aspectos de la condición físic


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    The Freeletics Surabaya Community does not yet have an information system that can be used to convey information on community activities, health, sports events, and 12 week programs. The 12 week program is a program that members of the community can participate in. In this program, each member will be given a training menu for 12 weeks to work on. Each member who participates in this program is required to provide progress information every week, this information is weight and photos of body changes after doing exercise menu. With the information system, the exercise menu can be accessed via a mobile device and the progress of the exercise results can be uploaded and analyzed according to the needs, namely forming an ideal body and a healthy physique. In addition, it makes it easier for the community to share information on routine activities, 12 week programs, sports activities that can be followed, health information and social activities to the community so that people have other options in terms of health and fun social activities to do. The information system development method is the Dynamic System Development Method which will be integrated with the Rational Unified Process. By using these two methods, it is hoped that the development of information systems can be more effective and efficient. The final result of this research is a web-based information system, which can then be developed into a mobile application-based information system.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan sistem informasi Komunitas Freeletics Surabaya yang dapat digunakan untuk menyampaikan informasi kegiatan kemasyarakatan, kesehatan, olah raga, dan program 12 minggu. Program 12 minggu merupakan program yang dapat diikuti oleh anggota komunitas. Dalam program ini setiap anggota akan diberikan menu pelatihan selama 12 minggu untuk dikerjakan. Setiap anggota yang mengikuti program ini diwajibkan untuk memberikan informasi perkembangan setiap minggunya, yaitu informasi berat badan dan foto perubahan tubuh setelah melakukan menu senam. Dengan adanya sistem informasi menu senam dapat diakses melalui perangkat mobile dan progres hasil senam dapat diunggah dan dianalisis sesuai dengan kebutuhan yaitu membentuk tubuh yang ideal dan fisik yang sehat. Selain itu juga memudahkan masyarakat untuk berbagi informasi kegiatan rutin, program 12 minggu, kegiatan olah raga yang bisa diikuti, informasi kesehatan dan kegiatan sosial kepada masyarakat sehingga masyarakat mempunyai pilihan lain dalam hal kesehatan dan kegiatan sosial yang menyenangkan. melakukan. Metode pengembangan sistem informasi tersebut adalah Metode Pengembangan Sistem Dinamis yang akan diintegrasikan dengan Rational Unified Process. Dengan menggunakan kedua metode tersebut diharapkan pengembangan sistem informasi dapat lebih efektif dan efisien. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini berupa sistem informasi berbasis web yang selanjutnya dapat dikembangkan menjadi sistem informasi berbasis aplikasi mobil

    Entrenamiento interválico de alta intensidad con el propio peso corporal (Freeletics BWT®) en población universitaria: efectos en la fuerza muscular = Body weight high intensity interval training (Freeletics BWT®) in college-aged students: effects on muscle strength

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    Objetivos: Realizar una revisión bibliográfica del entrenamiento interválico de alta intensidad (HIIT) y la calistenia, y valorar los cambios producidos en los niveles de fuerza para distintos movimientos y grupos musculares tras un programa de entrenamiento con el propio peso corporal (Freeletics BTW®) de 9 semanas de duración en población universitaria, con el fin de justificar y discutir los resultados obtenidos. Métodos: Mediante test 1RM en press de banca (Velowin®v.1.0), batería de Bosco (SportJump System Pro®) y tests específicos de Freeletics BWT®, se analizaron valores de fuerza de 9 sujetos (3 hombres y 6 mujeres) clasificados previamente como ‘Recreativamente Entrenados’, entre un total de 32 sujetos participantes. Resultados: Aumento del 4.58% en SJ, 2.85% en CMJ y 7.33% en Abalakov (fuerza explosiva tren inferior); del 11.56% en 1RM press de banca (fuerza máxima tren superior); 27.61% en Sit-Ups (fuerza resistencia abdominal) y 29.78% en Test de Burpee 1 min (fuerza resistencia general). Conclusiones: El entrenamiento HIIT con el propio peso corporal de tipo Freeletics BWT® es eficaz y eficiente para lograr a corto plazo aumentos de la fuerza muscular y de la condición física en población universitari

    Entrenamiento con el propio peso corporal (freeletics BWT®): influencia en la condición aeróbica de mujeres jóvenes universitarias = Body weight training (Freeletics BWT®): aerobic fitness influence in university youth female

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    Propósito: Llevar a cabo una revisión bibliográfica del entrenamiento interválico de alta intensidad (HIIT) con el propio peso corporal y valorar los efectos en la condición aeróbica tras realizar un sistema de entrenamiento denominado Freeletics Body Weight Training® durante 9 semanas en mujeres jóvenes universitarias, con el objetivo de justificar y discutir las adaptaciones generadas. Métodos: mediante una prueba de esfuerzo ergoespirométrica en tapiz rodante se analizaron variables relacionadas con la condición aeróbica de 8 mujeres pertenecientes al grupo “sedentarios”, de un total de 32 sujetos. Resultados: incrementos significativos del 12,01% en valores de VO2 absoluto y 14,10% VO2 relativo en el umbral anaeróbico; del 14,77% en el VO2 absoluto y 14,10% VO2 relativo del umbral aeróbico. El incremento de 8,33% del VO2máx absoluto y relativo no es significativo. Atendiendo al tratamiento estadístico del tamaño del efecto existe un 79% de probabilidad en cuanto a VO2máx absoluto y un 77% de probabilidad en cuanto a VO2máx relativo, de mejorar un 8,33% el VO2máx en dichos parámetros. Conclusiones: Freeletics BWT® puede ser un método eficaz para la mejora de la condición aeróbica a corto plazo. Futuras investigaciones deben estudiar los efectos aislados de cada sesión tipo de dicho métod

    SensX: About Sensing and Assessment of Complex Human Motion

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    The great success of wearables and smartphone apps for provision of extensive physical workout instructions boosts a whole industry dealing with consumer oriented sensors and sports equipment. But with these opportunities there are also new challenges emerging. The unregulated distribution of instructions about ambitious exercises enables unexperienced users to undertake demanding workouts without professional supervision which may lead to suboptimal training success or even serious injuries. We believe, that automated supervision and realtime feedback during a workout may help to solve these issues. Therefore we introduce four fundamental steps for complex human motion assessment and present SensX, a sensor-based architecture for monitoring, recording, and analyzing complex and multi-dimensional motion chains. We provide the results of our preliminary study encompassing 8 different body weight exercises, 20 participants, and more than 9,220 recorded exercise repetitions. Furthermore, insights into SensXs classification capabilities and the impact of specific sensor configurations onto the analysis process are given.Comment: Published within the Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC), May 16th-18th, 2017, Calabria Italy 6 pages, 5 figure

    Sports activities at the fitness center while pandemy COVID-19 in the city of Mataram

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    This study aims to determine the phenomena, motives, and benefits of sports activities at the physical fitness center during the COVID-19 pandemic in the city of Mataram. This type of research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The technique of taking informants uses the Snowball Sampling technique. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and document analysis. The data validity technique uses two triangulation techniques, namely data triangulation and method triangulation. Data analysis was carried out in four stages, namely: data collection stage, data reduction stage, data presentation stage, conclusion drawing stage. The results showed that various methods were carried out by each individual to meet all the needs to stay healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic, one of which was by exercising at a fitness center (Fitness Center) because the place was clean as well as sports equipment and the place of exercise was adequate. But it must also adopt a healthy lifestyle and social distancing. The motives of the community to do sports activities during the COVID-19 pandemic are: want to maintain a healthy body, want to get the ideal body, want to tighten the muscles of the body, want to get happiness and recreation. Benefits of sports activities during the COVID-19 pandemic are: burning fat, increasing physical strength, can prevent disease, detoxification, increase metabolism, reduce stress, increase concentration, train breathing.Keywords: Sports Activities, Physical Fitness, COVID-19 pandemi