31 research outputs found

    The Potentiality of the Teaching-Learning Objects (T-LO) and Teaching-Learning Virtual Environments (T-LVE)

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    The pedagogical mediation in Distance Education (DE) is supported by principles such as interaction, cooperation and autonomy. We have investigated the potentiality of the hypermedia T-LVE and in the T-LO, utilized to implement these pedagogical principles. The Meaningful Learning Theory categories have been methodologically chosen to analyze the elaboration and implementation process of potentially meaningful didactic materials with interactive tools like Lesson (Moodle module) and Articulate Present/Quizmaker (integrated to Power Point). The theoretical-methodological results about the methods and tools of content adaptation in T-LVE and T-LO clearly demonstrate the presence of the hypermedia character in these resources. We highlight that these interactive tools allow the systematized elaboration of hypermedia didactic materials. The Lesson and the Articulate provide connection between technological mediators, pedagogical principles and curricular contents. T-LVE and T-LO became potentially meaningful due to a didactic-methodological plan that includes progressive differentiation, integrative reconciliation, sequential organization and consolidation of the curricular contents

    Estudo dos fluxos comunicacionais num sistema colaborativo de objetos de aprendizagem

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    Doutoramento em Informação e Comunicação em Plataformas DigitaisA convergência tecnológica e de conteúdos está a mudar a lógica de desenvolvimento das tipologias de soluções de formação e a conduzir a modelos mais flexíveis e interativos, com vista a dar resposta aos novos contextos de formação, muito baseados em modelos de negócio que privilegiam a aprendizagem ao longo da vida, numa perspetiva de partilha do saber e do conceito de inteligência coletiva orientada ao contexto de utilização. Associado a uma necessidade acelerada de disseminação e partilha do conhecimento, e num contexto de formação profissional, surge a necessidade de formação rápida também designada por formação just in time ou rapid learning. Este tipo de formação é suportado por uma metodologia de ensino a distância (e-learning) em regime de autoformação, centrado em Learning Management Systems e/ou em sistemas de objetos de aprendizagem. Destas novas necessidades emergentes do processo de aprendizagem, a dimensão transdisciplinar da comunicação tem sido um dos aspetos sublinhados em diversos estudos como determinante para repensar as interações e configurações dos espaços digitais pedagógicos. Neste contexto, o principal objetivo deste estudo é a conceção e validação de um modelo que identifique e caracterize os fluxos comunicacionais mais relevantes em sistemas de objetos de aprendizagem colaborativos. A relevância desses fluxos foi estudada com base numa proposta de um modelo que permita a identificação e caracterização dos fluxos, assim como a perceção da sua eficácia formativa manifestada por utilizadores desse tipo de sistemas. Com vista a operacionalizar o objetivo geral definido para este trabalho, foi realizada uma investigação teórica que enquadra a temática em análise, quer do ponto de vista conceptual, quer do ponto de vista mais prático. A componente empírica teve como base o desenvolvimento de um protótipo funcional de um sistema de objetos de aprendizagem (COLOR – Collaborative Learning Objects Repository), que foi testado em cenário interorganizacional com utilizadores de sistemas de gestão de aprendizagem (LMS). No que diz respeito ao desenho metodológico, a investigação decorreu em duas grandes fases: a primeira fase centrou-se na conceção e desenho de um modelo que permitiu sistematizar os fluxos mais relevantes no sistema e a segunda, de carácter mais prático, onde se fez a conceção, desenvolvimento e validação do protótipo deste sistema em contexto interorganizacional. A execução deste plano metodológico foi suportada, na primeira fase, numa estratégia do tipo investigação-ação de natureza antecipatória (Antecipatory Action Research) e, na segunda fase, numa abordagem do tipo design research. Como resultado da investigação efetuada, propõe-se que a análise das relações que se estabelecem entre os agentes em sistemas de aprendizagem baseados em objetos de aprendizagem se centre na interação, focada em diferentes dimensões do fluxo comunicacional que a suporta, nomeadamente, padrão, contexto, domínio, nível, categoria, direção e iniciativa. Esta proposta baseia-se no princípio que os novos contextos digitais de aprendizagem devem ser capazes de disponibilizar mecanismos funcionais de comunicação ajustados ao ambiente pretendido e adaptados aos agentes do processo. Toda esta dinâmica situa-se num cenário orientado à aprendizagem autorregulada, à colaboração e à pesquisa de informação, fatores que permitem o desenvolvimento de espaços que fomentam a personalização da formação em função das necessidades e perfis dos utilizadores, explorando novas dinâmicas para os canais de comunicação já conhecidos nestes contextos. O trabalho desenvolvido nesta investigação vem sublinhar a importância da comunicação e interação em cenários de mediação tecnológica de suporte à aquisição e transferência de conhecimento em contexto organizacional, e respetivo impacto para os agentes de comunicação que nele participam e que por ele são afetados.Technological and content’s convergence is altering the paradigm of learning solutions development and leading to new models, more flexible and interactive, looking to answer new training contexts, mainly based in business models that privilege lifelong learning, knowledge sharing and the concept of collective intelligence oriented to user context. Along with the need for fast dissemination and sharing of knowledge, in the context of professional training, comes the need for fast training also known as just in time training or rapid learning. This type of training is based on a remote teaching methodology (e-learning) in a self-learning regimen, focused on Learning Management Systems and/or learning objects’ systems. From all these new emerging needs in the learning process, the multidisciplinary dimension of communication has been identified in several studies as one of the most important aspects to rethink the interactions and configurations of digital learning spaces. In this context, the main objective of this study is to conceive and validate a model that can identify and characterize the most relevant communication fluxes in collaborative learning objects’ systems. Those fluxes’ relevance has been studied on the basis of a model proposal which allows identifying and characterizing fluxes, besides perceiving its training effectiveness, as manifested by the system’s users. To achieve this work’s main goal, a theoretical investigation on the theme was performed, both from the conceptual and the practical point of view. The empirical component was based on the development of a functional prototype of a learning objects’ system (COLOR – Collaborative Learning Objects Repository), which was tested in an inter-organizational scenery with real users of learning management systems (LMS). Regarding the methodological design, the investigation took place in two main phases: the first focused on the notion and design of a model which allowed systematizing the most relevant fluxes in the system; and the second, more practical, consisted on the conceptualization, development and validation of this system’s prototype, in an inter-organizational context. The execution of this methodological plan was supported, on the first stage, by an investigation-action type strategy of anticipatory nature (Anticipatory Action Research) and, on the second stage, on a design research type approach. In result of the investigation, it is proposed that the analysis of relationships established between agents in learning systems based in learning objects focuses on the interaction, namely in different dimensions of the communication flux which supports it, such as pattern, context, dominium, level, category, direction and initiative. This proposal is based on the principle under which new digital learning contexts should be able to offer functional communication mechanisms adjusted to the desired environment and adapted to the process agents. This entire dynamics is on a set oriented towards self-regulated learning, collaboration ad information research, factors that allow the development of spaces which promote learning customization according to the users’ needs and profiles, exploring new dynamics for the communication channels already known in these contexts. The work developed under this investigation stresses the importance of communication and interaction in technological mediation sceneries that support the acquisition and transfer of knowledge in organizations, as well as its impact on communication agents that participate and are affected by it

    Transformation Paradox: A Framework for the Analysis of Politics in Enterprise Transformations

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    The purpose of this research is to develop a theoretical framework for the analysis of politics in enterprise transformations using a dialectical analysis approach (Hegel, 1989; Heraclitus, 1979; Pinkard, 1988; Skinner, 1978a, 1978b) and conduct an evaluation of the framework validity. The framework is constructed using a dialectical analysis of concepts stemming from the work of Alford and Friedland (1992) and considers four theoretical perspectives: autocratic, bureaucratic, pluralistic, and cognitive. The framework is then validated by means of qualitative metrics and adherence to critical ideology. This research addresses the problem that there is no holistic theoretical framework for the analysis of politics across the systemic, situational, and structural contexts found in enterprise transformations. Politics occurs at multiple levels in the enterprise making it difficult to identify the salient issues that need to be addressed in support of transformation. Transformations can be paradoxical as enterprises revert to the dominant paradigm that affirms present realities rather than developing a critical posture to break the constraining paradigm. The dialectical approach used embraces the power of multiple theoretical perspectives in the transformation process, asserting that theories have power over actions, behaviors, and language. The theoretical framework allows for the simultaneous existence of shifting states of cooperation, frustration, and paradigmatic hegemony over systemic, situational, and structural contexts that embody politics in enterprise transformations. Rough set theory is used to demonstrate the ability of the framework to be adaptive and to evolve based on the inclusion of new data. I conclude that the deployment of an evolving framework of this magnitude may have a significant impact on the management of transformation efforts and suggest new areas of research to further the work

    Systemic Design for the innovation of home appliances The meaningfulness of data in designing sustainable systems

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    This work addressed the domestic environment considering this context as a complex system characterised by significant impacts in terms of resource consumption. Within the theoretical framework of Systemic Design (SD), this thesis focused on home appliances, in order to understand how to reduce the impact directly attributable to them, while optimising and simplifying daily tasks for the user. A design methodology towards environmental sustainability has been structured, by focusing on the use of data for design purposes and on creating value for the user through meaningful products. It considers the user, the product and the environment as central topics, by giving them the same relevance and the literature review is structured accordingly, investigating needs and requirements, ethical issues, but also current products and future scenarios. During my experience at TU Delft, I spent six months in the Department of Internet of Things at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. Together with computer scientists, we developed a prototype to collect some missing data, establishing the importance of grounding the decision-making on reliable information. IoT and data gathering open a variety of possibilities in monitoring, accessing more precise knowledge of products and households useful for design purposes, up to understand how to fill the gap perceived by the user between needs and solutions. It considered the potential benefits of using IoT indicators to collect missing information about both the product, its use and its operating environment to address critical aspects in the design stage, thus extending products’ lifetime. This thesis highlighted the importance of building multidisciplinary design teams to investigate different classes of requirements, and the need for flexible tools to cope with complex and evolving requirements, the co-evolution of problem and solutions and investigating open-ended questions. This approach leaves room for addressing every step of the traditional life-cycle in a more circular way, shifting the focus from the life-cycle centrality of the previous century to a more complex vision about the product

    Boy Cultures and the Performance of Teenage Masculinities

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    This thesis is a response to negative media and public portrayals of young white working class men in Ireland It is prompted by the emergence into the public sphere of the Department of Education and Science’s Exploring Masculinities programme, a curriculum initiative designed to counter perceived problematic elements of youthful masculinity. This programme initiated a debate in the Irish media on men and boys, and gave a particular Irish dimension to the international focus on issues and questions about masculinity, social class and youth culture. My research seeks to uncover what lies behind increasingly negative and intransigent portrayals of young white working class men in Ireland who are, through their ‘deviant subcultures’, commonly presented as possessing or embodying a threat to established, middle class social norms and values. My focus throughout is on uncovering and generating an understanding of not only the material elements of the lived culture of young working class men; but also the effects this often violent and misogynistic culture may have on them, and on the way in which they are represented. The research, which is based on ethnographic fieldwork, seeks to reinvigorate debate on the effects of social class, traditional gender roles and disadvantage on gender identity and youth culture. Therefore, this is a ‘local’ ethnography, informed primarily by a small scale case-study conducted over two full school years with two groups of twelve young men from a disadvantaged, urban Cork City community. This work has emerged from and is supported by a broad cultural studies perspective with an emphasis on the pedagogical frameworks the boys participate in as well as their popular culture and everyday lives. It is presented with a full awareness and acknowledgement of the powerful influences which structure and shape youthful masculinities and cultural identities, taking full account of the community, home and school environments which the boys encounter and live within on a daily basis

    Proceedings / 6th International Symposium of Industrial Engineering - SIE 2015, 24th-25th September, 2015, Belgrade

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    editors Vesna Spasojević-Brkić, Mirjana Misita, Dragan D. Milanovi

    Proceedings / 6th International Symposium of Industrial Engineering - SIE 2015, 24th-25th September, 2015, Belgrade

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    editors Vesna Spasojević-Brkić, Mirjana Misita, Dragan D. Milanovi

    Transformation of higher education in innovation systems in China and Finland

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    This book publishes selected papers of the 2nd Sino-Finland Higher Education Forum - Transformation of Higher Education in Innovation Systems in China and Finland, held in Tampere, Finland in 2011. The Forum was jointly organised by the University of Tampere, University of Helsinki, Peking University and Beijing University of Technology. The aim was to bring the higher education researchers, policy makers, administrators and other experts together to exchange experiences and views and to explore current challenges of the role of higher education in innovation systems with a particular focus on China and Finland. Ideally, new ideas and best practices could be found by comparing the systems and the policies.The papers selected from the forum are categorised into six sections, namely 1) Theoretical insights and emerging practices, 2) Finnish experiences, 3) Chinese higher education systems, 4) Roles of universities in innovation systems in China, 5) Transformations in Chinese higher education, 6) Comparative perspectives and cooperation between the two countries.The book is intended for researchers, administrators, policy makers as well as students of higher education policy and administration

    Modular product development for mass customization

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