473 research outputs found

    Technology and skills in the construction industry

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    DfMA: Towards an integrated strategy for a more productive and sustainable construction industry in Australia

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    Design for manufacture and assembly (DfMA) is an important part of the future of the construction industry due to the promise of speed of project delivery, quality control, worker safety, and waste minimization onsite via the purposeful design for manufacture and assembly offsite. However, the adoption of DfMA in Australia has been slow. This paper investigates the barriers prohibiting widespread uptake and how digital construction will be a catalyst for improving use on commercial-scale projects. A total of six leading experts were interviewed to elicit their opinions, and seven recent case studies of high-rise modular apartment and hotel buildings constructed by Hickory were cross-referenced as evidence of DfMA capability. The experts suggested that the reasons for slow adoption in Australia were community mindset, government regulations and incentives, planning and building codes, unionization and business politics, finance, and supply chain management. The case studies suggest that compatible building type and transportation distance are also factors. These barriers can be addressed by the clever integration of building information modelling tools with lean construction processes as part of a proposed strategy leading to smarter (more productive) and better (more sustainable) outcomes predicated on growth in digital construction practices. The paper concludes with a proposed framework for change that conceptualizes the ‘ecosystem’ needed to support widespread DfMA in the Australian context, including the paradigm shift from building to manufacturing/assembly, the displacement of workers from onsite to offsite activity, and the expansion of interdisciplinary design and construct collaboration

    Game-like interactive environment using BIM-Based Virtual Reality for the Timber Frame Self-Build Housing Sector

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    BIM, gamification, and Virtual Reality applications are more often used to serve the interests of Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA). This paper presents a comprehensive study to exploit these technologies’ innovative approaches and capabilities. The study is specifically adopted to implement small and medium-size architectural and construction practices with a limited budget and time dedicated to visualisation creation. The collected evidence proved that a game-like platform combined with BIM could provide simplified data delivery to a client, leading to customer satisfaction, confidence and increased sales. The designed workflow and templates were tested in the case study of a small self-build construction company. The staff was trained to provide BIM data correctly and use supplied game templates. The case study demonstrated that automation of the VR House Configurator creation is achievable. The study’s outcome is an integrated solution to regenerate BIM models in the game environment and utilise the house configurator’s organised furniture library and costing interface. Furthermore, the usability tests confirmed the applicability, practicability, and validity of the developed framework and tools to deal with the revealed challenges in the self-build sector. Finally, the research provided a fresh approach for the companies in the sector, a step-by-step guide for implementing the innovative changes, and detailed descriptions of the methodologies and workflows

    4D comparative analysis of construction approaches towards industrialization: traditional versus total prefabrication

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Modelação de Informação na Construção de Edifícios BIM A+O objetivo desta investigação é encorajar uma maior produtividade na indústria AEC, representando e promovendo uma análise comparativa de abordagens de construção muito diferentes: construção tradicional versus pré-fabricação total rumo à industrialização. A construção de um edifício cujo projeto foi realizado em BIM, totalmente orientado para a industrialização, apresenta-se como uma oportunidade para realizar uma análise 4D abrangente que compara soluções tradicionais e industrializadas (abordagens de construção no local e fora do local). A investigação concentra-se na análise deste caco de estudo prático, baseado em BIM e está centrada na avaliação dos impactos no planeamento das várias fases de construção, e na exposição dos impactos detalhados da solução industrializada quando comparada com uma solução tradicional. A construção do edifício em estudo começou em 2022. A sustentabilidade e a circularidade estão implícitas. O estudo de caso sugerido é um hotel em Guimarães que ultimamente tem recebido a atenção dos meios de comunicação devido à sua inovadora metodologia de pré-fabricação. Os módulos pré-fabricados são utilizados para a construção do edifício. Esta abordagem será avaliada e comparada com as alternativas tradicionais existentes. Considerando isto, foi desenvolvido um quadro teórico propondo um quadro baseado numa análise comparativa BIM 4D para ambas as abordagens de construção: construção tradicional e pré-fabricação total. Quantificando as vantagens da utilização da pré-fabricação em relação à construção convencional, utilizando a grande extensão da tecnologia de modelação de informação de construção (BIM), e os benefícios potenciais da utilização de um motor de programação inteligente para a análise comparativa 4D.The purpose of this research is to encourage higher productivity in the AEC industry by promoting a comparative analysis between very different construction approaches: traditional construction versus total prefabrication towards industrialization. The construction of a building whose project was carried out in BIM, totally oriented towards industrialization, presents itself as an opportunity for a comprehensive 4D analysis that compares traditional and industrialized solutions (onsite and offsite construction approaches) in terms of time and needed resources. The research concentrates on proposing a BIM-based framework to quantify the 4D analysis of this practical case study. It is focused on assessing the impacts on the planning of the execution stage, both off-site and on-site, and on exposing the detailed impacts of the industrialized solution when compared to a traditional one. The effective construction of the building in the study began in 2022. Sustainability and circularity are implied. The suggested case study is a hotel in Guimarães that has lately received media attention due to its innovative pre-fabrication methodology. Prefabricated modules are used to construct the building. This approach will be evaluated and compared to existing traditional alternatives. Considering this, a theoretical framework was developed by proposing a framework based on a 4D BIM comparative analysis for both approaches of construction: traditional construction and total prefabrication. Quantifying the advantages of using prefabrication over conventional construction, By using the large extent of building information modelling (BIM) technology, and the potential benefits of using an intelligent schedule engine for the 4D comparative analysis.Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Programme – ERASMUS

    Industrialization in wood construction

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    Abstract. The construction industry has been lacking in productivity and development in the past decades. The underlying reasons behind the weak improvements in construction include short-term contracts, poor definition of product, data, and processes as well as prevailing change resistance in the industry. Industrialization is one way to improve these issues. This research aims to investigate the characteristics of industrialization, its maturity state in a case company, and finally determine the next steps for improving industrialization in wood construction. For achieving the research objectives, a case-study supported by a broad literature review is conducted. The literature review identifies that the preconditions for industrial operation model are product, processes, and data, supported by integrated IT and continuous improvement. Commonly issues occur especially in data management and integration, as found also through the case-study. The roadmap for improving industrialization in wood construction requires changing attitudes, better definition of product, processes, and data, better data management and integration, and systematic development. The results include concrete data about the case company’s current state, obtained via a maturity model, as well as possible development measures to improve the situation. The gained results can be used to improve operating models in construction companies and to improve productivity in construction projects. Furthermore, the results can provide insights into the benefits of industrialization, and thus promote its application in wood construction.Teollistaminen puurakentamisessa. Tiivistelmä. Rakennusalalla on viime vuosikymmenet ollut varsin heikko tuottavuus ja kehitystoimet ovat olleet vähäisiä. Näiden ongelmien taustalla ovat muun muassa lyhytaikaiset sopimukset, heikko tuotteen, datan ja prosessien määrittely sekä alalla vallitseva muutoshaluttomuus. Puurakentamisen teollistaminen on yksi tapa vähentää alalle ominaisia ongelmia. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on perehtyä teollisen toiminnan nykytilaan ja kriittisiin elementteihin, analysoida teollistamisen kypsyystasoa caseyrityksessä ja lopulta määrittää seuraavat vaiheet teollisen toiminnan parantamiseksi puurakentamisessa. Tutkimus tehdään hyödyntäen kirjallisuuskatsausta ja tapaustutkimusta. Kirjallisuuskatsaus kuvaa teollistamiseen tarvittavat tärkeimmät osa-alueet, joihin kuuluvat tuote, prosessit ja data, joita tukevat integroidut IT-työkalut ja jatkuva parantaminen. Yleisesti rakennusalalla ongelmia esiintyy erityisesti datan hallinnassa ja integraatiossa, joka käy ilmi myös tapaustutkimuksessa. Teollisen toiminnan parantaminen puurakentamisessa edellyttää asenteiden muutosta, tuotteen, prosessien ja datan parempaa määrittelyä, parempaa tiedonhallintaa sekä systemaattista kehitystä. Työn tuloksena saadaan konkreettista dataa case-yrityksen tilasta kypsyysmallin avulla, sekä mahdollisia kehitystoimia tilanteen kehittämiseksi. Työn tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää rakennusyritysten toimintamallien kehittämiseen ja rakennusprojektien tuottavuuden parantamiseen. Lisäksi tulokset antavat näkemyksiä teollistamisen eduista ja voivat siten edistää puurakentamisen teollistumista

    Incorporating prefabrication processes into building information modelling

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of University of Wolverhampton for the degree of Master of PhilosophyConventional business procedures are increasingly being replaced by dynamic and revolutionized growth due to the integration of Information and Communication technologies to meet changing business requirements. For survival in this highly competitive field of construction, the adaptation of new technologies enhancement and its revolution is considered as an essential requirement. Emerging ICT developments and new construction techniques have generated much needed discussion about how these two streams are connected together. The concept of prefabrication has grown in recent years to change conventional construction processes and simultaneously Building Information Model (BIM) has emerged to brighten up traditionally ill functioned business communication flow. Building Information Modelling in the early stage of building construction development provides the vehicle to bring the construction industry into line with other technically driven fields, such as Automotive and Aerospace. However, in the past this has not given much consideration towards interaction between itself and the much improved construction industry prefabrication process. This research has reviewed the current state of BIM capability in the Architecture Engineering and Construction (AEC) professions and establishes what is technologically possible. It also closely scrutinises one of the leading UK‟s cold rolled steel prefabricator‟s design and manufacturing process. The result of the findings leads the research to undertake in-depth benchmarking process to review and select an appropriate BIM application for live implementation. Upon selection, BIM application is customised to cater current and future design process of the above SME unit and implemented within a live construction project environment. Latest design process within SME unit along with BIM solution then evaluated against commercial criteria which determine the validity of incorporating construction industry prefabricating processes into current BIM applications iiand highlighted its overall benefits for the prefabricators and construction industry as a whole. Latter part of the research investigated the latest technological advancement available within BIM applications. Review has lead to highlight Application Programming Interface (API) available within the BIM applications. API provided much needed control mechanism to end users via standard programming mechanisms which captured during this research as the gateway to incorporate prefabricating information into BIM. Future Novel Framework developed based on API capabilities of the BIM applications in order to incorporate prefabricating processes into BIM Application

    Developing a skill profile prediction model for typologies of offsite construction

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    The aim of the current research was to develop a skill profile prediction model for the typologies of offsite construction (OSC). This research aim was achieved via five research objectives, from which the key findings and research outcomes were generated. OSC is perceived as an effective solution that can be implemented to address the issues evident in traditional construction. Some of the benefits OSC generated include better working conditions, improved productivity, efficiency, reduced wastage, and improved sustainability. Industry 4.0 has promoted OSC as a way to improve the uptake of new technologies in factory-based manufacturing and onsite assembly processes. Such technological advancements can have a significant impact on the skills used in OSC, as some of the existing skills in the construction industry may be eliminated or substituted (e.g., with those in other industries), and new skills may emerge based on industry needs. The magnitude of these possible OSC skill variations has not been a focus in previous studies on OSC. As such, the current research aimed to develop a skill profile prediction model for the typologies of OSC, through the adoption of a case-study based, qualitative research method. The research generated several significant outcomes: the validated OSC typology, the OSC skill classification developed through a logical approach, and a preliminary model for OSC skill prediction. The model can assist in forecasting future OSC skill requirements. Apart from the abovementioned outcomes, deriving a unit of measurement for skill prediction and identifying the complex, non-linear relationships between OSC types and skill variations represent the key outcomes of the research. As such, the research contributes to the current body of knowledge through its development of a unique OSC typology, a master list of onsite and offsite skills, an OSC skill prediction model and a methodology for the prediction of OSC skills. The focus on OSC elements in buildings rather than infrastructure projects, incorporating a limited number of case studies and developing a preliminary model rather than a market-ready product for OSC skill prediction represent the limitations of the research. Future research directions that could be taken to expand on the findings of the current research are as follows: evaluating the skill variations of different building types in the context of varying predominant materials and conducting a fundamentally quantitative study for OSC skills prediction

    DFMA-based design guidelines for high-rise modular buildings

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    This research aims to develop DfMA-based design guidelines for high-rise modular buildings to facilitate the widespread application and development of innovative OSC technology. This research contributes to linking the DfMA philosophy with the constructability of high-rise modular buildings in terms of manufacturability, transportability and assemblability