904 research outputs found


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    Based on a review of scientific literature, as well as a detailed analysis of business processes, it should be stated that the increase in the volume of sales on a global scale generates not only the need to analyse the development of business, but above all the need to conduct scientific research in the field of improving logistics processes and information flow in the supply chain. The relatively long time of delivery of ordered goods, the complexity of customs processes and logistic service make it necessary to apply innovative digitalization solutions in order to be able to monitor and react quickly to disruptions. These analyses are most noticeable in global supply chains, which is why the New Silk Road became the research area. In this paper, the authors focused on conducting a review of digitalisation solutions that improve the efficiency in supply chains. The review was conducted both in the research aspect, by verifying knowledge on the subject in the scientific literature available on the Web of Science and Scopus databases, but also in the practical aspect, by analysing needs and trends in the use of supply chain digitalisation in business practice. The research aspect was based on the application of the CANVAS model for the identification of business needs in the supply chain digitalisation aspect and on surveys for importance degree analysis for the identified needs in business practice. The research carried out in this area is the result of cooperation between Lukasiewicz Research Network – Poznan Institute of Technology and Poznan School of Logistics. The research was conducted in 2021 and the first half of 2022 among Polish logistic companies.Proučavanjem znanstvene literature, uz detaljnu analizu poslovnih procesa, utvrđeno je da povećanje ukupne prodaje na globalnoj razini stvara ne samo potrebu za analizom razvoja poslovanja, nego iznad svega potrebu za provođenjem znanstvenog istraživanja u području poboljšanja logističkih procesa i protoka informacija u opskrbnom lancu. Relativno dugo vrijeme potrebno za isporuku naručene robe, složenost carinskih procesa i logističkog servisa stvaraju potrebu za primjenom inovativnih digitaliziranih rješenja da bi se moglo pratiti i brzo reagirati na zastoje. Ove analize najuočljivije su u globalnim opskrbnim lancima, zbog čega je Novi put svile postao područje istraživanja. U ovome radu autori su se usredotočili na pregled digitalizacijskih rješenja kojima se poboljšava učinkovitost opskrbnih lanaca. Pregled je proveden u istraživačkom aspektu verificiranjem znanja o predmetu istraživanja u znanstvenoj literaturi dostupnoj na Web of Science i Scopus bazama podataka, ali također i praktičnom aspektu, analizom potreba i trendova u uporabi digitalizacije opskrbnih lanaca u poslovnoj praksi. Istraživački aspekt temeljio se na primjeni CANVAS modela za identifikaciju poslovnih potreba u polju digitalizacije opskrbnog lanca na istraživanjima analize stupnja značajnosti identificiranih potreba u poslovnoj praksi. Istraživanje koje je provedeno u ovome području rezultat je suradnje između Lukasiewicz Research Network – Poznan Institute of Technology i Poznan School of Logistics. Istraživanje je provedeno 2021. u prvoj polovini 2022. među poljskim logističkim tvrtkama

    A learning experience in the fields of economics and business: creation of student-managed inter-university virtual networks

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    With this article we shall describe the learning experience carried out by our students in the fields of Economics and Business at the Universities of Huelva and University of Seville within an active- and cooperative-learning framework involving creation of virtual networks between our students and others who were attending diverse universities in Spain and abroad, thus allowing us to strengthen interactions and information exchanges among students, also allowing them to apprehend on their own the characteristics of economic and business and entrepreneuring realities in which they are immersed and, very specially, the use of virtual communities in the Internet

    How Does the Implementation of Social Entrepreneurship Business-to-Business Marketing Strategy?

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    XYZ as a social entrepreneur in Bogor, produces handicrafts from newspapers to raise public awareness of environmental and social issues. This study aims to identify the marketing mix applied by XYZ, analyze customer perceptions of the marketing mix, and formulate recommendations for XYZ's marketing mix 4.0 to increase demand for newspaper craft products. Convenience sampling was used, and descriptive data analysis was performed. The respondents included three internal company representatives, 13 customers, and 12 prospective customers. According to the research findings, XYZ successfully implemented a 4P marketing mix strategy that covered product, price, place/distribution, and promotion. XYZ's marketing strategy in these areas has been rated highly in the excellent category of product (100%), price (85%), place/distribution (77%), and promotion (92%). However, the research also suggests that a company could enhance its marketing tactics by adopting the 4C marketing mix (co-creation, currency, communal activation, and conversation) based on insights gathered from customers and potential customers to better cater to the market's needs

    Using LinkedIn to Promote Effective Corporate Social Responsibility Communication Through The B2B Supply Chain

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    Utilizing LinkedIn as a communication tool for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) communications is a relatively unknown area of CSR research. However, existing scholarship and current business trends suggest that LinkedIn may be beneficial for business to business (B2B) companies to communicate to their corporate partners. Findings from this study advance communication scholarship in this relatively new area of research and provide new understanding in how LinkedIn can be used by companies to strengthen business operations pertaining to corporate social responsibility. This thesis examines how Equinix, a B2B company, communicates its socially responsible initiatives on LinkedIn and to what extent its publicization efforts reflect the overlapping CSR values of its publicly named top corporate partners. A two-year content analysis ranging from 2021 to 2023 was conducted on Equinix’s LinkedIn posts and corporate sustainability reports. Results of this qualitative case study suggests that Equinix’s online users are interested in seeing more content related to its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts and community investments, as well as current events related to sustainability operations. These results are compiled into a strategic plan that highlights the shared values of the case subject’s corporate partners, what shortcomings and best practices exist in the case subject’s attempts of publicizing its CSR values on LinkedIn, and recommendations for how the case subject should move forward in effectively communicating its CSR efforts on LinkedIn

    An electric commerce platform for material testing laboratories

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    The emergence of the Internet has allowed businesses to create new sales and marketing channels to provide value for their customers in the marketplace. Engineering manufacturers and suppliers have taken advantage of the internet to automate the customer service aspects of their businesses as well as to market their services in a cost-effective but widespread manner. This work aims to apply the practices and benefits of electronic commerce (e-commerce) to a material testing laboratory through the creation of a functioning website with e-commerce features. The effects of Search Engine Optimization, website accessibility issues, marketing considerations, security concerns, and common business models and strategies regarding web development are examined. Features such as an automated quoting system and a customer portal are also implemented for use at a material testing laboratory

    Embedding risk management within new product and service development of an innovation and risk management framework and supporting risk processes, for effective risk mitigation : an action research study within the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Sector

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    At first glance, innovation and risk management seem like two opposing disciplines with diverse objectives. The former seeks to be flexible and encourages enhanced solutions and new ideas, while the latter can be seen as stifling such innovative thinking. Since there is a failure rate of as many as eight out of every ten products launched, it is perhaps necessary for organisations to consider applying more structured approaches to innovation, in order to better manage risks and to increase the chances of delivering improved goods and services. A risk management approach is well suited to address the challenge of failure, as it focuses not only on the negative impact of risks but also on the opportunities they present. It aligns these with the strategic objectives of the organisation to increase the chances of its success. The research objective of this study was to establish how to embed risk management within the innovation divisions of an organisation to ensure that more efficient products and services are delivered to customers. To achieve this end, action research was conducted in a large organisation operating in a high-technology environment that launches many diverse products and services and rapidly expanding service offerings to other industries. The study took four years to complete and delivered multiple interventions that successfully embedded risk management within the organisation, leading to changed behaviours and double-loop learning. Two main knowledge contributions are offered by the study. Firstly, a generic and empirically validated integrated Innovation and Risk Management Framework (IRMF) is developed and guides new product and service development by considering both best practices and risks. Secondly, a risk dashboard is designed as a design science artefact within the action research cycles, which consolidates all the knowledge that was generated during the study. This is ultimately a visual interface to support stage-gate decision making. Since the context of the study was broad, extensive and complicated, the use of mixed-method research complemented and expanded on the findings by providing another layer of support and validation. This thesis highlights the complexity of innovation and presents the need for an organising framework that will encourage innovation but is sufficiently flexible to cater for diverse needs and risks. The study delivers several other, valuable contributions regarding what, how and why incidents occur within the real-world context of new product and service development. Several generic artefacts, such as risk processes and maturity frameworks, are also developed, which can guide risk and new product and service development practitioners to deliver more efficient product and services. This study offers several novel approaches to evaluating risks and provides practical support and recommendations, addressing shortcomings of fragmented research in similar, but smaller-scale studies that have been conducted in information systems. It is the premise of this research that a much wider number of risks need to be managed as new products and services are developed, than was noted in previous studies. Effective risk management in new product and service development could lead to competitive advantage for organisations by increasing knowledge and facilitating sustainable, informed risk decision-making