10 research outputs found

    Cogitator : a parallel, fuzzy, database-driven expert system

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    The quest to build anthropomorphic machines has led researchers to focus on knowledge and the manipulation thereof. Recently, the expert system was proposed as a solution, working well in small, well understood domains. However these initial attempts highlighted the tedious process associated with building systems to display intelligence, the most notable being the Knowledge Acquisition Bottleneck. Attempts to circumvent this problem have led researchers to propose the use of machine learning databases as a source of knowledge. Attempts to utilise databases as sources of knowledge has led to the development Database-Driven Expert Systems. Furthermore, it has been ascertained that a requisite for intelligent systems is powerful computation. In response to these problems and proposals, a new type of database-driven expert system, Cogitator is proposed. It is shown to circumvent the Knowledge Acquisition Bottleneck and posess many other advantages over both traditional expert systems and connectionist systems, whilst having non-serious disadvantages.KMBT_22

    A distributed rule-based expert system for large event stream processing

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    Rule-based expert systems (RBSs) provide an efficient solution to many problems that involve event stream processing. With today’s needs to process larger streams, many approaches have been proposed to distribute the rule engines behind RBSs. However, there are some issues which limit the potential of distributed RBSs in the current big data era, such as the load imbalance due to their distribution methods, and low parallelism originated from the continuous operator model. To address these issues, we propose a new architecture for distributing rule engines. This architecture adopts the dynamic job assignment and the micro-batching strategies, which have recently arisen in the big data community, to remove the load imbalance and increase parallelism of distributed rule engines. An automated transformation framework based on Model-driven Architecture (MDA) is presented, which can be used to transform the current rule engines to work on the proposed architecture. This work is validated by a 2-step verification. In addition, we propose a generic benchmark for evaluating the performance of distributed rule engines. The performance of the proposed architecture is discussed and directions for future research are suggested. The contribution of this study can be viewed from two different angles: for the rule-based system community, this thesis documents an improvement to the rule engines by fully adopting big data technologies; for the big data community, it is an early proposal to process large event streams using a well crafted rule-based system. Our results show the proposed approach can benefit both research communities


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    Cyber intrusions have become a serious problem with growing frequency and complexity. Current Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS) are deficient in speed and/or accuracy. Expert systems are one functionally effective IDS/IPS method. However, they are in general computationally intensive and too slow for real time requirements. This poor performance prohibits expert system's applications in gigabit networks. This dissertation describes a novel intrusion prevention expert system architecture that utilizes the parallel search capability of Content Addressable Memory (CAM) to perform intrusion detection at gigabit/second wire speed. A CAM is a parallel search memory that compares all of its entries against input data in parallel. This parallel search is much faster than the serial search operation in Random Access Memory (RAM). The major contribution of this thesis is to accelerate the expert system's performance bottleneck "match" processes using the parallel search power of a CAM, thereby enabling the expert systems for wire speed network IDS/IPS applications. To map an expert system's Match process into a CAM, this research introduces a novel "Contextual Rule" (C-Rule) method that fundamentally changes expert systems' computational structures without changing its functionality for the IDS/IPS problem domain. This "Contextual Rule" method combines expert system rules and current network states into a new type of dynamic rule that exists only under specific network state conditions. This method converts the conventional two-database match process into a one-database search process. Therefore it enables the core functionality of the expert system to be mapped into a CAM and take advantage of its search parallelism.This thesis also introduces the CAM-Assisted Intrusion Prevention Expert System (CAIPES) architecture and shows how it can support the vast majority of the rules in the 1999 Lincoln Lab's DARPA Intrusion Detection Evaluation data set, and rules in the open source IDS "Snort". Supported rules are able to detect single-packet attacks, abusive traffic and packet flooding attacks, sequences of packets attacks, and flooding of sequences attacks. Prototyping and simulation have been performed to demonstrate the detection capability of these four types of attacks. Hardware simulation of an existing CAM shows that the CAIPES architecture enables gigabit/s IDS/IPS

    An Analysis of the Problem of Illiteracy in India

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    Parallel Programming of Rule-based Systems in PARULEL

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    Although the problem of increasing the speed of rulebased programs by parallel processing has been studied for a long while, so far the level of parallelism achieved under various parallel processing schemes fails to meet expectations of high performance gains. In the past we have argued that without changing the inherently sequential execution semantics of typical AI rule-based languages, parallel speedup is severely limited. In a previous report, we proposed a new rule language, called PARULEL, that is based upon set-oriented execution semantics intended to increase performance under parallel execution. In order to effectively deal with run-time execution conflicts, we provide a meta-level of control in PARULEL by way of meta redaction rules. This report details a number of simulation studies comparing programs originally implemented in OPS5 and then rewritten in PARULEL. Various measurements made and reported here demonstrate that the execution semantics and conflict resolution mech..

    PARULEL: Parallel Rule Processing Using Meta-rules for Redaction

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    Although the problem of increasing the speed of rule-based programs has been studied for a long while, so far the level of parallelism achieved under various parallel processing schemes fails to meet expectations of high performance gains. Most of the work has focused on manipulating existing rule programs to accommodate parallel architectures. However, without changing the inherently sequential algorithms encoded in rule form and without using intrinsic parallel rule languages to exploit parallelism, speedup is severely limited. In this paper we demonstrate that to maximize parallelism, manipulations must take place at the algorithmic level in addition to the program level. However, traditional rule languages are not equipped to easily express parallel algorithms. Thus, an inherently parallel rule language must be devised to enable maximum parallelism. We present our initial specification of such a language, named PARULEL. Preliminary performance results are detailed for one test case..

    Predictive Dynamic Load Balancing of Parallel and Distributed Rule and Query Processing

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    Expert Databases are environments that support the processing of rule programs against a disk resident database. They occupy a position intermediate between active and deductive databases, with respect to the level of abstraction of the underlying rule language. The operational semantics of the rule language influences the problem solving strategy, while the architecture of the processing environment determines efficiency and scalability. In this paper, we present elements of the PARADISER architecture and its kernel rule language, PARULEL. The PARADISER environment provides support for parallel and distributed evaluation of rule programs, as well as static and dynamic load balancing protocols that predictively balance a computation at runtime. This combination of features results in a scalable database rule and complex query processing architecture. We validate our claims by analyzing the performance of the system for two realistic test cases. In particular, we show how the performanc..