523 research outputs found

    OpenMinTeD: A Platform Facilitating Text Mining of Scholarly Content

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    The OpenMinTeD platform aims to bring full text Open Access scholarly content from a wide range of providers together with Text and Data Mining (TDM) tools from various Natural Language Processing frameworks and TDM developers in an integrated environment. In this way, it supports users who want to mine scientific literature with easy access to relevant content and allows running scalable TDM workflows in the cloud

    OpenAIRE-Connect: Open Science as a Service for repositories and research communities

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    Communication presented at "12th International Conference on Open Repositories" (OR 2017), Brisbane, Australia, 26-30 June 2017.OpenAIRE-Connect fosters transparent evaluation of results and facilitates reproducibility of science for research communities by enabling a scientific communication ecosystem supporting exchange of artefacts, packages of artefacts, and links between them across communities and across content providers. To this aim, OpenAIRE-Connect will introduce and implement the concept of Open Science as a Service (OSaaS) on top of the existing OpenAIRE infrastructure1, by delivering out-of-the-box, on-demand deployable tools in support of Open Science. OpenAIRE-Connect will realize and operate two OSaaS services. The first will serve research communities to (i) publish research artefacts (packages and links), and (ii) monitor their research impact. The second will engage and mobilize content providers, and serve them with services enabling notification-based exchange of research artefacts, to leverage their transition towards Open Science paradigms. Both services will be served on-demand according to the OSaaS approach, hence be re-usable by different disciplines and providers, each with different practices and maturity levels, so as to favor a shift towards a uniform cross-community and cross-content provider scientific communication ecosystem

    The Third National Information Day: Open Access to Scientific Information

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    The paper presents in brief the “Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe” project and what is done in Bulgaria in the area of open access to scientific information

    Research in Context: Výzkum v kontextu

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    Znalost kontextu vědeckých výsledků pomáhá vylepšovat vyhledávání, sdílení a opětovné užití výsledků výzkumu uživatelům v knihovnách i vědeckých komunitách. OpenAIREplus usnadňuje přístup k výsledkům evropskému výzkumu. Jedním z cílů OpenAIRE plus je snaha propojovat výzkumné publikace s daty z výzkumu a informacemi o autorech a grantech. Příspěvek ukáže na demonstrativním příkladu z oblasti sociálních věd, jak je možné využívat přidružené publikace vědeckých výstupů (tzv. enhanced publications).Context of scholarly results improves discovery, sharing and re-use in library and research communities. OpenAIREplus facilitates access to European research. Its mission is to interlink research publications, data, contributors and grants. Introducing pilots for the Social & Life Sciences we show how disciplinary services can be used to enhanced publications in cross-disciplinary environments. The approach followed originate from text-mining and interlinks innovative repository services and initiatives like DataCite

    EGI: anOpen e-Infrastructure Ecosystem for the Digital European Research Area

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    Bringing the digital European Research Area (ERA) online means modernising Europe’s research infrastructure by promoting open science through the availability, accessibility and reuse of scientific data and results, the use of web- based tools that facilitate scientific collaboration and ensuring public access to research. As the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) is the largest European distributed computing infrastructure providing 24/7 access to large scale computing, storage and data resources through a federation of national resource providers, it allows scientists from all disciplines to make the most out of the latest computing technologies for the benefit of their research. This paper describes the methodology and approach for defining EGI’s role in bringing this digital ERA online. The work presented defines the roles and functions of EGI as an open ICT ecosystem, required service redesign, the added value of EGI for the European research communities and demonstrates the role that EGI plays in contributing to the Europe 2020 strategy for social-economic impact

    How open science elevates collaboration in Covid-19 research : the road to Open Science

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    The current COVID-19 pandemic represents a significant threat that requires speedy knowledge exchange and transparency. It has undoubtedly demonstrated just how critical openly available scientific information can be for society. Where the realization of a fully open and transparent research practice with accessible and interoperable research outputs is still under construction, existing Open Science initiatives, policies and infrastructures now show effective ways to accelerate COVID-19 research. In this article we discuss how Open Science has become a crucial mindset when addressing current research practices, how Open Science principles show their strength in times of crisis and how existing infrastructures offer the possibility to be deployed as aggregators of open COVID-19 research.De huidige COVID-19-pandemie is een bedreiging die snelle kennisuitwisseling en -transparantie noodzakelijk maakt. Deze tijd toont onweerlegbaar aan hoe doorslaggevend vrij beschikbare wetenschappelijke informatie kan zijn voor de maatschappij. Hoewel de realisatie van een volledig open en transparante onderzoekspraktijk, met toegankelijke en uitwisselbare onderzoeksresultaten, nog verder moet worden ontwikkeld, geven beleid en infrastructuur nu al effectieve manieren aan om COVID-19-onderzoek te versnellen. In dit artikel bespreken we hoe Open Science een cruciale manier van denken is geworden in de huidige onderzoekspraktijk, hoe Open Science-principes hun sterkte aantonen in tijden van crisis en hoe bestaande infrastructuur kan worden ingezet als verzamelaars van open COVID-19-onderzoek.La pandémie actuelle de COVID-19 est une menace qui exige un échange rapide de connaissances et de la transparence. Cette période montre de manière incontestable combien l'information scientifique librement disponible peut être décisive pour la société. Bien que la réalisation d'une pratique de recherche totalement ouverte et transparente, avec des résultats de recherche accessibles et échangeables, doive encore être développée, la politique et l'infrastructure signalent déjà des moyens efficaces d'accélérer la recherche COVID-19. Dans cet article, nous examinons comment la Science Ouverte est devenue un mode de pensée crucial dans la pratique actuelle de la recherche, comment les principes de la Science Ouverte démontrent leur force en temps de crise, et comment les infrastructures existantes peuvent être déployées comme collecteurs pour une recherche COVID-19 ouverte