729 research outputs found

    Ambush marketing is dead ; long live ambush marketing – a re-definition and typology of an increasingly prevalent phenomenon

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    Ambush marketing is more than thirty years old, and its prevalence continues to grow. Recent cases indicate that brands perpetrating ambushes are becoming more creative, but the literature has failed to keep pace, offering scant analysis of the different forms that ambushing can take and the implications it can have, and little investigation or consideration from the ambusher’s perspective. This study proposes a new definition of ambushing and typology of the three types of ambush marketing strategy: incursion, obtrusion and association. Each type is defined and explored, and the significance and implications for sponsors, event owners and ambushers are examined, providing new insight into the nature and impact of ambushing for industry stakeholders

    The Olympic Games and associative sponsorship: Brand personality identity creation, communication and congruence

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the brand relationships between a mega-sports event, the Olympic Games, and its branded main sponsors, using the lens of brand personality. Design/methodology/approach: The study uses the internet-based website communications of the sponsor and event brands to assess congruence in brand personality identity exhibited in the communications of sponsors and how these relate to the event brand itself. A lexical analysis of the website text identifies and graphically represents the dominant brand personality traits of the brands relative to each other. Findings: The results show the Olympic Games is communicating excitement as a leading brand personality dimension. Sponsors of the Olympics largely take on its dominant brand dimension, but do not adapt their whole brand personality to that of the Olympics and benefit by adding excitement without losing their individual character. The transference is more pronounced for long-running sponsors. Practical implications: Sponsorship of the Olympic Games does give brands the opportunity to capture or borrow the excitement dimension alongside building or reinforcing their own dominant brand personality trait or to begin to subtly alter their brand positioning. Originality/value: This study is the first to examine how the sponsor’s brand aligns with the event being sponsored as a basis for developing a strong shared image and associative dimensions complimentary to the positioning of the brand itself

    Sport Brands: Brand Relationships and Consumer Behavior

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    Erfassung der Effektivität von Sportsponsoring als Marketingkommunikationsinstrument auf der impliziten und expliziten Verarbeitungsebene von Konsumenten als Handlungsgrundlage für operative und strategische Managemententscheidungen

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    In den letzten drei Dekaden hat sich das Sponsoring im Allgemeinen und das Sportsponsoring im Besonderen als eine immer wichtigere und verstärkt verbindende Marketingkommunikationsplattform etablieren können. Im Kern versucht Sponsoring dabei, einen assoziativen Transfer zwischen der Sponsormarke und dem Sponsorobjekt (Event, Team, Athlet etc.) zu schaffen, welcher von dem Zuschauer bzw. Fan wertgeschätzt wird, um darüber die Markenwahrnehmung und das Markenverhalten zu beeinflussen. Aus moderner Kommunikationsperspektive, wie sie bei Sharp (2010) eingehend erörtert wird, sind weitere elementare Vorteile des Sponsoring, neben dem persönlichen Erreichen der Konsumenten, a) eine kontinuierliche und aufmerksamkeitsstarke Präsenz sowie b) das Auffrischen und Stärken von relevanten Assoziationen im menschlichen Gedächtnis zu ermöglichen. Cornwell et al. (2005) identifizieren in diesem Zusammenhang den folgenden Bedarf bei der Sponsoringforschung: „Implicit memory also plays a major role in the processing of sponsorship information. As such, greater consideration in future research must be given to investigating implicit memory for sponsorship information, rather than just using studies involving sponsor recall and recognition tasks tapping explicit memory.” (Cornwell et al. 2005, p. 29). Auf akademischer und praktischer Ebene ist festzustellen, dass lediglich in wenigen Sportsponsoring-Studien implizite Erhebungstechniken eingesetzt wurden, wie es auch generell im Marketing zu beobachten ist, obwohl dies Cornwell et al. (2005) in deren viel beachteten und zitierten Artikel als zukünftige Notwendigkeit klar identifiziert und gezielt hervorgehoben haben. Den Ausgangspunkt zum systematischen Verständnis der Sponsoringwirksamkeit bildet die assoziative Netzwerktheorie. Jeder Marketingkontakt wie das Wahrnehmen des Trikotsponsors oder der Post eines Athleten in den Sozialen Medien über den neuen Ausrüster, ob nun persönlich bzw. direkt oder nicht-persönlich bzw. indirekt erfahren, löst einen assoziativen Lernprozess aus, der neue Assoziationen im impliziten Gedächtnis speichert, bestehende Assoziationen verstärkt oder überschreibt und darüber am Ende den Marketingerfolg wie Markengefallen oder Markenkauf beeinflusst. Vor den skizzierten Hintergründen und den identifizierten Forschungslücken auf praktischer, theoretischer, methodischer und empirischer Ebene ergibt sich ableitend die folgende Motivation für die Durchführung einer systematischen Forschungsreihe: Schaffung eines erkenntnisleitenden Beitrages zur Wirksamkeit von horizontal und vertikal ausgerichteten Sportsponsoringaktivitäten auf impliziter und expliziter Ebene der Markeninformationsverarbeitung. Die einzelnen Studien der Forschungsreihe, welche insgesamt sechs aufeinander aufbauende Arbeiten umfasst, fallen in den Bereich einer verhaltenswissenschaftlichen Fundierung des Marketing im Allgemeinen und der Marketingforschung im Besonderen. Ziel der Forschungsreihe ist die Initiierung eines wissenschaftlich fundierten Erkenntnisfortschritts bei gleichzeitig hoher Praxisorientierung. Das Verständnis sowie der Nachweis, welche substanzielle Wirksamkeit eine Sportsponsoringaktivität hinterlässt, insbesondere bezüglich der markenwertspezifischen Assoziationen im Gedächtnis der Konsumenten, die in ihrer Gesamtheit das Bild einer Marke, präziser formuliert das Markenwissen determinieren und entsprechend die Wahrnehmung als auch das Verhalten gegenüber einer Marke beeinflussen, ist für das Marketingmanagement einer Sponsormarke von erfolgskritischer Relevanz. Die durchgeführten Forschungsstudien zielten darauf ab, eine inhaltliche und methodische Weiterentwicklung der Sportsponsoringforschung aus Perspektive der Wissenschaft und Praxis systematisch umzusetzen. Mittels einer kombinierten Erhebung und Analyse impliziter und expliziter Markenassoziationen sowie zusätzlicher markenwertrelevanter Engagementmaße wie Markenempfindung, -weiterempfehlung und -präferenz – wie im Rahmen der vorliegenden Forschungsreihe erfolgreich konzipiert, eingesetzt, überprüft und sukzessive weiterentwickelt wurde – lässt sich die Sponsoringwirksamkeit in einer kompakten und gleichzeitig ganzheitlichen Art und Weise sowohl wissenschaftlich fundiert als auch praxistauglich evaluieren. Insbesondere die zielorientierte und multidimensionale Erfassung von impliziten Markenassoziationen, wie von Cornwell et al. (2005) als kritisches Forschungsdefizit identifiziert, erwies sich als leistungsstark und wertvoll. Aus Perspektive des Marketingmanagement zeigt die vorliegende empirische Forschungsreihe ebenfalls die kritische Notwendigkeit des kombinierten Einsatzes aus impliziten und expliziten Erhebungsinstrumenten, um ein ganzheitliches Verständnis entwickeln zu können, wie Konsumenten die Marke und damit einhergehend die Markenkommunikation wahrnehmen und verarbeiten. Des Weiteren scheint es aus Perspektive des Marketingmanagement angebracht, die Wirksamkeit einer Sponsoringaktivität im Vorfeld anhand des Assoziationsfits zwischen Sponsorobjekt und Sponsormarke analytisch abzuschätzen. Nur wenn am Ende das Sponsorobjekt im Vergleich zur Sponsormarke bei den Assoziationen klar besser abschneidet, die für die Sponsormarke mit Blick auf eine positive Konsumentenreaktion essentiell sind, scheint ein Sponsoringinvestment zweckmäßig, da dann ein positiver Assoziationstransfer vom Sponsorobjekt auf die Sponsormarke wahrscheinlich ist, welcher einen nachhaltigen Ausbau und eine substanzielle Stärkung des Markenwissens ermöglicht

    수단 스포츠 연맹의 스폰서십 활동에 대한 인식 검토

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    학위논문(석사)--서울대학교 대학원 :사범대학 체육교육과,글로벌스포츠매니지먼트전공,2019. 8. 이충근.Through examining of three Sudanese sports federations (SSF) with general sponsors objectives and activities, the researcher used the Readiness Assessment Tool (RAT) (Robinson & Minikin, 2012), to find out the significant perception (competitive advantages) of these SSFs, which may lead to building a profile that met the sponsors' objectives. The competitive advantages of an organization arise from the resources and capabilities that are in place within the organization. (Robinson & Minikin, 2012). Sudanese Sports Federations (SSFs) in general have limited or unidentified resources that require to be understood and discovered to be used for the interest of the federation in overall, or as a tool to generate additional financial source or to attract sponsorships particularly. To gain sponsorship deals, the SSFs compete with each other, through showing their competitive advantages that may be valuable and meet the sponsors' objectives. This research helped SSFs to answer some of the questions including what are the main assets and capabilities of Sudanese sports federations that can attract sponsors other than spectators base volume. The Readiness Assessment Tool (RAT) is the main tool for conducting this research; RAT is a tool for measuring 78 elements within eight pillars on the national federations structures and activities. RAT was chosen to assist the Oceania National Olympic Committees to understand the structure and development characteristics of NFs better and in particular to determine if there was a way to assess their readiness to undertake programs of development or activities, (Minikin, 2009). The eight pillars are; Governance Management, Sports Activity, Communication, Finance, Physical Resources, Human Resources, and Values, these pillars can be considered as main assets for the SSFs.연구원은 일반 스폰서의 목표와 활동을 담은 3 개의 수단 스포츠 연맹 (SSF)을 조사하여 RTS (Robinson & Minikin, 2012)를 사용하여이 SSF의 중요한 인식 (경쟁 우위)을 파악했습니다. 스폰서의 목표를 충족시키는 프로필을 만들 수 있습니다. 조직의 경쟁 우위는 조직 내에있는 리소스와 기능으로 인해 발생합니다. (Robinson & Minikin, 2012). 수단 스포츠 연맹 (SSF)은 전반적으로 연맹의 이익을 위해 사용되거나 추가적인 재원을 창출하거나 스폰서 쉽을 끌어들이는 수단으로 이해되고 발견되어야하는 제한되거나 식별되지 않은 자원을 가지고 있습니다. 스폰서 십 거래를 얻으려면 SSF는 경쟁 우위를 보여줌으로써 스폰서의 목적을 달성하고 서로 경쟁하게됩니다. 이 조사는 SSF가 관중의 기본 볼륨 이외의 스폰서를 유치 할 수있는 수단 스포츠 연맹의 주요 자산 및 기능을 비롯한 몇 가지 질문에 답하는 데 도움이되었습니다. 준비성 평가 도구 (RAT)는이 연구를 수행하기위한 주요 도구입니다. RAT는 전국 연맹의 구조와 활동에 관한 8 개 기둥 78 개 요소를 측정하는 도구입니다. RAT는 오세아니아 국가 올림픽위원회가 NF의 구조와 개발 특성을 더 잘 이해하고, 특히 개발이나 활동 프로그램을 수행 할 준비가되었는지 평가할 수있는 방법이 있는지를 결정하는 데 도움을주기 위해 선정되었습니다 (Minikin, 2009). 8 개의 기둥은; 거버넌스 관리, 스포츠 활동, 커뮤니케이션, 재무, 체육, 인적 자원 및 가치와 관련하여 이러한 기둥은 SSF의 주요 자산으로 간주 될 수 있습니다.Acknowledgment ii Abstract iv Table of Contents vii List of Tables ix List of Figures x 1. Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Study Background 1 1.2. Sponsorship of Sport Federations in Sudan. 4 1.4. Purpose of the Study 6 1.5. The significance of The Study 8 1.6. Research Question (s) 8 Chapter 2. Literature Review 11 2.1. Theoretical Framework 11 2.2. Scholars Definitions for Sponsorships 12 2.3. Development of Sponsorship 14 2.3.1 Sponsoring Sport properties 16 2.3.2. Views of Sponsorship 17 2.4. Theoretical Sponsors Objectives 19 2.5. Sudanese Sponsors Objectives 24 2.6. The Competitive Advantages Concept 27 2.6.1. Understanding the Competitive Advantage of NOCs. 29 Chapter 3. Research Method 31 3.1. Research Approach 31 3.1.1. Case Selection 33 3.1.2. Data Review 33 3.2. Readiness Assessment Tool (RAT) 34 Chapter 4. Finding 43 4.1. The Results 44 4.1.1 Sudanese Sports Federations perception toward the sponsorship activities. 44 4.1.2 The Sponsors Objectives 52 4.2. Summary of the Results 55 Chapter 5. Conclusion 57 5.1. Limitations of the Research 58 5.2. Implication & Future Research 59 References 60 Appendix 63 Appendix1: DTM letter to assist in collecting thesis data 63 Appendix 2: (RAT) Pillars elements (Governance) 64 Appendix 3: (RAT) Pillars elements (Management) 65 Appendix 4: (RAT) Pillars elements (Sport Activity) 66 Appendix 5: (RAT) Pillars elements (Communication) 67 Appendix 6: (RAT) Pillars elements (Finance) 68 Appendix 7: (RAT) Pillars elements (Physical Resources) 69 Appendix 8: (RAT) Pillars elements (Human Resources) 70 Appendix 9: (RAT) Pillars elements (Values) 71Maste

    Analysis and evaluation of the United Kingdom and Spain’s sport models

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    In this study, we have undertaken an analysis of the status of Spanish and British sport models. Sport has become a major socio-economic marvel of the modern world, with broad media coverage and both active and passive participation. Sporting achievement, the public image of many countries, is a top priority for the governments of developed nations and represents a goal of general interest. Using data analysis, we have examined the reality of the sport models in both countries through sportive variables, as well as the financials behind the sporting economy in the last 5 Olympic Games. The data reveals a more efficiency model in UK and a need of change if Spain wants to keep its current level of achievement internationally, where the current model requires a review of its structure and funding sources, public or private, and the modernisation of the federated management model that must be preserved and encouraged through (non-profit) organisations that benefit from a favourable tax system, such as the Sports Federations

    An empirical assessment of factors affecting the brand-building effectiveness of sponsorship

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    Purpose: This study assesses, in two different live sponsorship environments, the contribution of sponsorship to consumer-based brand equity. Design/methodology/approach: The study adopts a quantitative survey methodology, employing self-administered questionnaires at two UK sporting events (athletics and cricket). To isolate the impact of sponsorship, questionnaires were also distributed to comparison sample groups not exposed to the sponsorship activities. The elements of consumer-based brand equity are operationalised in line with Aaker‟s (1996) brand equity measurement tool. Findings: Sponsorship can be an appropriate vehicle through which to build consumer-based brand equity; however brand building success is not guaranteed and is subject to a range of factors impacting upon particular sponsorships, including strength of the sponsor-event link, leverage activities and clutter. The most successful sponsorship displayed marked contributions to building brand associations, perceived quality and brand loyalty. However, the presence of sponsorship clutter in particular was found to impact negatively upon the perception of quality transferred to a brand through sponsorship. Research limitations/implications: The use of live event settings limits the ability to tightly control all variables; therefore replication of this study using experimental methodologies is recommended. Nonetheless, findings indicate managers should consider the above mentioned contextual factors when selecting sponsorships in order to maximise sponsorship success. Originality/value: This study explores the contribution of sports sponsorship to consumer-based brand equity in live sponsorship settings, addressing concerns over the generalizability of previous experimental studies. Equally, this study compares the brand equity-building effectiveness of sponsorship for two sponsors, which differ on a range of contextual factors that impact upon sponsorship success