13 research outputs found

    Modeling and querying spatio-temporal clinical databases with multiple granularities

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    In molti campi di ricerca, i ricercatori hanno la necessit\ue0 di memorizzare, gestire e interrogare dati spazio-temporali. Tali dati sono classici dati alfanumerici arricchiti per\uf2 con una o pi\uf9 componenti temporali, spaziali e spazio-temporali che, con diversi possibili significati, li localizzano nel tempo e/o nello spazio. Ambiti in cui tali dati spazio-temporali devono essere raccolti e gestiti sono, per esempio, la gestione del territorio o delle risorse naturali, l'epidemiologia, l'archeologia e la geografia. Pi\uf9 in dettaglio, per esempio nelle ricerche epidemiologiche, i dati spazio-temporali possono servire a rappresentare diversi aspetti delle malattie e delle loro caratteristiche, quali per esempio la loro origine, espansione ed evoluzione e i fattori di rischio potenzialmente connessi alle malattie e al loro sviluppo. Le componenti spazio-temporali dei dati possono essere considerate come dei "meta-dati" che possono essere sfruttati per introdurre nuovi tipi di analisi sui dati stessi. La gestione di questi "meta-dati" pu\uf2 avvenire all'interno di diversi framework proposti in letteratura. Uno dei concetti proposti a tal fine \ue8 quello delle granularit\ue0. In letteratura c'\ue8 ampio consenso sul concetto di granularit\ue0 temporale, di cui esistono framework basati su diversi approcci. D'altro canto, non esiste invece un consenso generale sulla definizione di un framework completo, come quello delle granularit\ue0 temporali, per le granularit\ue0 spaziali e spazio-temporali. Questa tesi ha lo scopo di riempire questo vuoto proponendo un framework per le granularit\ue0 spaziali e, basandosi su questo e su quello gi\ue0 presente in letteratura per le granularit\ue0 temporali, un framework per le granularit\ue0 spazio-temporali. I framework proposti vogliono essere completi, per questo, oltre alle definizioni dei concetti di granularit\ue0 spaziale e spazio-temporale, includono anche la definizione di diversi concetti legati alle granularit\ue0, quali per esempio le relazioni e le operazioni tra granularit\ue0. Le relazioni permettono di conoscere come granularit\ue0 diverse sono legate tra loro, costruendone anche una gerarchia. Tali informazioni sono poi utili al fine di conoscere se e come \ue8 possibile confrontare dati associati e rappresentati con granularit\ue0 diverse. Le operazioni permettono invece di creare nuove granularit\ue0 a partire da altre granularit\ue0 gi\ue0 definite nel sistema, manipolando o selezionando alcune loro componenti. Basandosi su questi framework, l'obiettivo della tesi si sposta poi sul mostrare come le granularit\ue0 possano essere utilizzate per arricchire basi di dati spazio-temporali gi\ue0 esistenti al fine di una loro migliore e pi\uf9 ricca gestione e interrogazione. A tal fine, proponiamo qui una base di dati per la gestione dei dati riguardanti le granularit\ue0 temporali, spaziali e spazio-temporali. Nella base di dati proposta possono essere rappresentate tutte le componenti di una granularit\ue0 come definito nei framework proposti. La base di dati pu\uf2 poi essere utilizzata per estendere una base di dati spazio-temporale esistente aggiungendo alle tuple di quest'ultima delle referenze alle granularit\ue0 dove quei dati possono essere localizzati nel tempo e/o nel spazio. Per dimostrare come ci\uf2 possa essere fatto, nella tesi introduciamo la base di dati sviluppata ed utilizzata dal Servizio Psichiatrico Territoriale (SPT) di Verona. Tale base di dati memorizza le informazioni su tutti i pazienti venuti in contatto con l'SPT negli ultimi 30 anni e tutte le informazioni sui loro contatti con il servizio stesso (per esempio: chiamate telefoniche, visite a domicilio, ricoveri). Parte di tali informazioni hanno una componente spazio-temporale e possono essere quindi analizzate studiandone trend e pattern nel tempo e nello spazio. Nella tesi quindi estendiamo questa base di dati psichiatrica collegandola a quella proposta per la gestione delle granularit\ue0. A questo punto i dati psichiatrici possono essere interrogati anche sulla base di vincoli spazio-temporali basati su granularit\ue0. L'interrogazione di dati spazio-temporali associati a granularit\ue0 richiede l'utilizzo di un linguaggio d'interrogazione che includa, oltre a strutture, operatori e funzioni spazio-temporali per la gestione delle componenti spazio-temporali dei dati, anche costrutti per l'utilizzo delle granularit\ue0 nelle interrogazioni. Quindi, partendo da un linguaggio d'interrogazione spazio-temporale gi\ue0 presente in letteratura, in questa tesi proponiamo anche un linguaggio d'interrogazione che permetta ad un utente di recuperare dati da una base di dati spazio-temporale anche sulla base di vincoli basati su granularit\ue0. Il linguaggio viene introdotto fornendone la sintassi e la semantica. Inoltre per mostrare l'effettivo ruolo delle granularit\ue0 nell'interrogazione di una base di dati clinica, mostreremo diversi esempi di interrogazioni, scritte con il linguaggio d'interrogazione proposto, sulla base di dati psichiatrica dell'SPT di Verona. Tali interrogazioni spazio-temporali basate su granularit\ue0 possono essere utili ai ricercatori ai fini di analisi epidemiologiche dei dati psichiatrici.In several research fields, temporal, spatial, and spatio-temporal data have to be managed and queried with several purposes. These data are usually composed by classical data enriched with a temporal and/or a spatial qualification. For instance, in epidemiology spatio-temporal data may represent surveillance data, origins of disease and outbreaks, and risk factors. In order to better exploit the time and spatial dimensions, spatio-temporal data could be managed considering their spatio-temporal dimensions as meta-data useful to retrieve information. One way to manage spatio-temporal dimensions is by using spatio-temporal granularities. This dissertation aims to show how this is possible, in particular for epidemiological spatio-temporal data. For this purpose, in this thesis we propose a framework for the definition of spatio-temporal granularities (i.e., partitions of a spatio-temporal dimension) with the aim to improve the management and querying of spatio-temporal data. The framework includes the theoretical definitions of spatial and spatio-temporal granularities (while for temporal granularities we refer to the framework proposed by Bettini et al.) and all related notions useful for their management, e.g., relationships and operations over granularities. Relationships are useful for relating granularities and then knowing how data associated with different granularities can be compared. Operations allow one to create new granularities from already defined ones, manipulating or selecting their components. We show how granularities can be represented in a database and can be used to enrich an existing spatio-temporal database. For this purpose, we conceptually and logically design a relational database for temporal, spatial, and spatio-temporal granularities. The database stores all data about granularities and their related information we defined in the theoretical framework. This database can be used for enriching other spatio-temporal databases with spatio-temporal granularities. We introduce the spatio-temporal psychiatric case register, developed by the Verona Community-based Psychiatric Service (CPS), for storing and managing information about psychiatric patient, their personal information, and their contacts with the CPS occurred in last 30 years. The case register includes both clinical and statistical information about contacts, that are also temporally and spatially qualified. We show how the case register database can be enriched with spatio-temporal granularities both extending its structure and introducing a spatio-temporal query language dealing with spatio-temporal data and spatio-temporal granularities. Thus, we propose a new spatio-temporal query language, by defining its syntax and semantics, that includes ad-hoc features and constructs for dealing with spatio-temporal granularities. Finally, using the proposed query language, we report several examples of spatio-temporal queries on the psychiatric case register showing the ``usage'' of granularities and their role in spatio-temporal queries useful for epidemiological studies

    Les versions dans les bases de données orientées objet : modélisation et manipulation

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    This thesis concerns object oriented databases; it proposes solutions to model and manage databases integrating versions. The concept of version is needed in various application fields such as technical documentation management, computer aided design and software engineering. Versions permit notably to keep and manage the evolution of the real world entities handled in such fields. There are different ways for versioning. Some works chose to describe the global evolution of a database; they manage versions of the whole database or versions of a database subpart. Our study focuses on representing independently the evolution of each entity described in the database. On the one hand, we propose a conceptual model extended to the versioning of objects and classes. Composition and relationship links, whose semantics are refined by cardinalities, integrate versioning for complex entities. Such links, including versions, induce complex contraints for structural integrity. On the other hand, we propose a language to manage this kind of databases. Particularly, this language provide a SelectFromWhere-type querying which take into account the specificities of versions; a query can take the most of the different abstraction levels related to versions that is to say derivation forests, trees and versions. The model and the language are realized within a prototype. This prototype is an end-user interface which provides a graphical management of databases integrating versions.Cette thĂšse s'inscrit dans le domaine des bases de donnĂ©es orientĂ©es objet ; elle propose des solutions pour dĂ©crire et manipuler des bases de donnĂ©es intĂ©grant des versions. Le concept de version est nĂ©cessaire dans de nombreux domaines d'application comme la gestion de documentations techniques, la conception assistĂ©e par ordinateur et le gĂ©nie logiciel. Les versions permettent notamment de conserver et manipuler l'Ă©volution des entitĂ©s du monde rĂ©el gĂ©rĂ©es dans de tels domaines. DiffĂ©rentes gestions de versions sont possibles. Certains travaux gĂšrent des versions de base ou d'une partie de base pour dĂ©crire l'Ă©volution globale d'une base de donnĂ©es ; notre Ă©tude s'intĂ©resse, quant Ă  elle, Ă  la reprĂ©sentation de l'Ă©volution de chaque entitĂ© dĂ©crite dans la base, de maniĂšre indĂ©pendante. Nous proposons, d'une part, un modĂšle conceptuel intĂ©grant la gestion de versions d'objets et de classes. Les relations de composition et d'association, dont la sĂ©mantique est affinĂ©e Ă  l'aide de cardinalitĂ©s, intĂšgrent les versions pour des entitĂ©s complexes. De telles relations, incluant les versions, induisent des contraintes d'intĂ©gritĂ© structurelle complexes, dont nous faisons l'Ă©tude. D'autre part, nous proposons un langage pour manipuler ce type de bases de donnĂ©es. Ce langage permet notamment une interrogation de type Select From Where qui prend en compte les spĂ©cificitĂ©s liĂ©es aux versions ; les diffĂ©rents niveaux d'abstraction liĂ©s aux versions c'est-Ă -dire les forĂȘts de dĂ©rivation, les arbres et les versions, peuvent ĂȘtre exploitĂ©s lors d'une interrogation. Une rĂ©alisation du modĂšle et du langage est effectuĂ©e au sein d'un prototype. Ce prototype est une interface destinĂ©e Ă  des utilisateurs occasionnels, en permettant de manipuler graphiquement une base de donnĂ©es intĂ©grant des versions

    Yavaa: supporting data workflows from discovery to visualization

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    Recent years have witness an increasing number of data silos being opened up both within organizations and to the general public: Scientists publish their raw data as supplements to articles or even standalone artifacts to enable others to verify and extend their work. Governments pass laws to open up formerly protected data treasures to improve accountability and transparency as well as to enable new business ideas based on this public good. Even companies share structured information about their products and services to advertise their use and thus increase revenue. Exploiting this wealth of information holds many challenges for users, though. Oftentimes data is provided as tables whose sheer endless rows of daunting numbers are barely accessible. InfoVis can mitigate this gap. However, offered visualization options are generally very limited and next to no support is given in applying any of them. The same holds true for data wrangling. Only very few options to adjust the data to the current needs and barely any protection are in place to prevent even the most obvious mistakes. When it comes to data from multiple providers, the situation gets even bleaker. Only recently tools emerged to search for datasets across institutional borders reasonably. Easy-to-use ways to combine these datasets are still missing, though. Finally, results generally lack proper documentation of their provenance. So even the most compelling visualizations can be called into question when their coming about remains unclear. The foundations for a vivid exchange and exploitation of open data are set, but the barrier of entry remains relatively high, especially for non-expert users. This thesis aims to lower that barrier by providing tools and assistance, reducing the amount of prior experience and skills required. It covers the whole workflow ranging from identifying proper datasets, over possible transformations, up until the export of the result in the form of suitable visualizations

    Studies related to the process of program development

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    The submitted work consists of a collection of publications arising from research carried out at Rhodes University (1970-1980) and at Heriot-Watt University (1980-1992). The theme of this research is the process of program development, i.e. the process of creating a computer program to solve some particular problem. The papers presented cover a number of different topics which relate to this process, viz. (a) Programming methodology programming. (b) Properties of programming languages. aspects of structured. (c) Formal specification of programming languages. (d) Compiler techniques. (e) Declarative programming languages. (f) Program development aids. (g) Automatic program generation. (h) Databases. (i) Algorithms and applications

    University of New Hampshire undergraduate catalogue 2008-2009 bulletin..

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    University of New Hampshire undergraduate catalogue 2007-2008 bulletin..

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    Science Handbook 2009

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    Education and Social Work Handbook 2009

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    Tese de doutoramento em Arte ContemporĂąnea, apresentada ao ColĂ©gio das Artes da Universidade de CoimbraEsta nĂŁo Ă© uma tese somente sobre o estatuto da imagem. A razĂŁo para isso Ă© que nenhuma teoria Ă© ou pode ser adequada Ă  imagem e que o prĂłprio estatuto provoca todas as ferramentas da reflexĂŁo teĂłrica. Porque escolhi investigar imagens a partir da fotografia? Poderia falar de imagens a partir do desenho, da pintura e da tradição escultĂłrica. Como inventar no espelho e aceitar os dogmas acerca da imagem, as definiçÔes que se tornaram convicçÔes? Na escola de arte, embora tivesse habilidade para o desenho e para a pintura, meu interesse era nas imagens prontas. Uma tentativa de tirar o verniz das imagens Ă© a chave daquilo que hoje chamo de a Imagem Emancipada. Vemos isso nos pintores, nos cineastas que se divergem e se vĂȘ atravĂ©s da tecnociĂȘncia. Como amante da arte nĂŁo posso desenvolver meu interesse pela tĂ©cnica mais do que meu interesse pela crĂ­tica. O projeto de um futuro em Warburg: a antropologia da cultura ocidental em que a filologia, etnologia, histĂłria e biologia convergem com uma iconologia do intervalo, no qual o trabalho incessante Ă© a memĂłria social. A Imagem Emancipada sĂŁo os clarĂ”es dentro das imagens que buscamos. Embora tivesse influĂȘncia dos planos de cinema, as imagens que buscava construir, sempre vieram de minhas referĂȘncias de pintores e suas soluçÔes de espaço, cor e, por que nĂŁo dizer, tempo. Foi no inĂ­cio dos anos oitenta, com a atmosfera de regresso Ă  pintura e ao figurativismo, que a fotografia encontrou terreno fĂ©rtil para se desenvolver rumo a novas direçÔes.This is not a thesis that only covers image statute, and the reason is that no theory is, or can fit the image, and the thesis itself causes all theoretical reflection tools. Why have I chosen to investigate images from photograph? I could have talked about images from drawing, painting and sculpture tradition. How to invent in front of the mirror and accept the dogmas concerning the image and definitions that became convictions? At the art school, although I had the ability to draw and paint, my real interested was in finished images. An attempt to remove the varnish from images is the key of what I call today as Emancipated Image. We can see that in painters and filmmakers that diverge and see themselves through technology. As an art lover, I can not develop my interest for the critic. The project of a future in Warburg: western culture anthropology in which philosophy, ethnology, history and biology converge with an iconology of the recess, where the non stopping work is the social memory. Emancipated Image are the flash inside the images we seek. Although I had influence by cinema plans, the images I tries to build, always came from my references of painters and their solutions to space, color and why not mention, time. It was in the beginning of the 1980’s, with the return atmosphere to painting and to figuration, that photography found breeding ground to develop towards new directions

    Education and Social Work Handbook 2009

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