64 research outputs found

    Subshifts, MSO Logic, and Collapsing Hierarchies

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    We use monadic second-order logic to define two-dimensional subshifts, or sets of colorings of the infinite plane. We present a natural family of quantifier alternation hierarchies, and show that they all collapse to the third level. In particular, this solves an open problem of [Jeandel & Theyssier 2013]. The results are in stark contrast with picture languages, where such hierarchies are usually infinite.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. To appear in conference proceedings of TCS 2014, published by Springe

    On the Expressive Power of 2-Stack Visibly Pushdown Automata

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    Visibly pushdown automata are input-driven pushdown automata that recognize some non-regular context-free languages while preserving the nice closure and decidability properties of finite automata. Visibly pushdown automata with multiple stacks have been considered recently by La Torre, Madhusudan, and Parlato, who exploit the concept of visibility further to obtain a rich automata class that can even express properties beyond the class of context-free languages. At the same time, their automata are closed under boolean operations, have a decidable emptiness and inclusion problem, and enjoy a logical characterization in terms of a monadic second-order logic over words with an additional nesting structure. These results require a restricted version of visibly pushdown automata with multiple stacks whose behavior can be split up into a fixed number of phases. In this paper, we consider 2-stack visibly pushdown automata (i.e., visibly pushdown automata with two stacks) in their unrestricted form. We show that they are expressively equivalent to the existential fragment of monadic second-order logic. Furthermore, it turns out that monadic second-order quantifier alternation forms an infinite hierarchy wrt words with multiple nestings. Combining these results, we conclude that 2-stack visibly pushdown automata are not closed under complementation. Finally, we discuss the expressive power of B\"{u}chi 2-stack visibly pushdown automata running on infinite (nested) words. Extending the logic by an infinity quantifier, we can likewise establish equivalence to existential monadic second-order logic

    Automata with Nested Pebbles Capture First-Order Logic with Transitive Closure

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    String languages recognizable in (deterministic) log-space are characterized either by two-way (deterministic) multi-head automata, or following Immerman, by first-order logic with (deterministic) transitive closure. Here we elaborate this result, and match the number of heads to the arity of the transitive closure. More precisely, first-order logic with k-ary deterministic transitive closure has the same power as deterministic automata walking on their input with k heads, additionally using a finite set of nested pebbles. This result is valid for strings, ordered trees, and in general for families of graphs having a fixed automaton that can be used to traverse the nodes of each of the graphs in the family. Other examples of such families are grids, toruses, and rectangular mazes. For nondeterministic automata, the logic is restricted to positive occurrences of transitive closure. The special case of k=1 for trees, shows that single-head deterministic tree-walking automata with nested pebbles are characterized by first-order logic with unary deterministic transitive closure. This refines our earlier result that placed these automata between first-order and monadic second-order logic on trees.Comment: Paper for Logical Methods in Computer Science, 27 pages, 1 figur

    Quantified CTL: Expressiveness and Complexity

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    While it was defined long ago, the extension of CTL with quantification over atomic propositions has never been studied extensively. Considering two different semantics (depending whether propositional quantification refers to the Kripke structure or to its unwinding tree), we study its expressiveness (showing in particular that QCTL coincides with Monadic Second-Order Logic for both semantics) and characterise the complexity of its model-checking and satisfiability problems, depending on the number of nested propositional quantifiers (showing that the structure semantics populates the polynomial hierarchy while the tree semantics populates the exponential hierarchy)

    Modal Fragments of Second-Order Logic

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    Formaalin logiikan tutkimuskohteina ovat erilaiset muodolliset systeemit eli logiikat, joiden avulla voidaan mm. mekanisoida monenlaisia päättelyprosesseja. Eräs modernin formaalin logiikan keskeisistä tutkimusaiheista on modaalilogiikka, jossa perinteisempää logiikkaa laajennetaan nk. modaliteeteilla. Modaliteettien avulla voidaan luoda mitä erilaisimpia formaaleja systeemejä. Modaalilogiikalla onkin huomattava määrä sovelluksia aina tietojenkäsittelytieteestä ja matematiikan sekä fysiikan perusteista filosofiaan ja kielitieteisiin. Väitöskirja keskittyy modaalilogiikan nk. malliteoriaan. Tutkielmassa luokitellaan erilaisia formaalin logiikan systeemejä perustuen siihen, millaisia ominaisuuksia kyseisten systeemien avulla voidaan ilmaista. Mitä korkeampi ilmaisuvoima formaalilla järjestelmällä on, sitä hitaampaa on järjestelmän avulla suoritettava tietokoneellistettu päättely. Tutkielma käsittelee useita modaalilogiikan systeemejä; painopiste on erittäin korkean ilmaisuvoiman omaavien logiikoiden teoriassa. Tarkastelun kohteena olevat kysymykset liittyvät suoraan muuhun modaalilogiikan alan matemaattiseen tutkimukseen. Tutkielmassa mm. esitetään ratkaisu vuodesta 1983 avoinna olleeseen tekniseen kysymykseen koskien nk. toisen kertaluvun propositionaalisen modaalilogiikan alternaatiohierarkiaa.In this thesis we investigate various fragments of second-order logic that arise naturally in considerations related to modal logic. The focus is on questions related to expressive power. The results in the thesis are reported in four independent but related chapters (Chapters 2, 3, 4 and 5). In Chapter 2 we study second-order propositional modal logic, which is the system obtained by extending ordinary modal logic with second-order quantification of proposition symbols. We show that the alternation hierarchy of this logic is infinite, thereby solving an open problem from the related literature. In Chapter 3 we investigate the expressivity of a range of modal logics extended with existential prenex quantification of accessibility relations and proposition symbols. The principal result of the chapter is that the resulting extension of (a version of) Boolean modal logic can be effectively translated into existential monadic second-order logic. As a corollary we obtain decidability results for multimodal logics over various classes of frames with built-in relations. In Chapter 4 we study the equality-free fragment of existential second-order logic with second-order quantification of function symbols. We show that over directed graphs, the expressivity of the fragment is incomparable with that of first-order logic. We also show that over finite models with a unary relational vocabulary, the fragment is weaker in expressivity than first-order logic. In Chapter 5 we study the extension of polyadic modal logic with unrestricted quantification of accessibility relations and proposition symbols. We obtain a range of results related to various natural fragments of the system. Finally, we establish that this extension of modal logic exactly captures the expressivity of second-order logic