94 research outputs found

    Space shuttle main engine definition (phase B). Volume 5: Valves and interconnects

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    The steady state thermodynamic cycle balance of the single preburner staged combustion engine, coupled with dynamic transient analyses, dictated in detail the location and requirements for each valve defined in this volume. Valve configuration selections were influenced by overall engine and vehicle system weight and failure mode determinations. Modulating valve actuators are external to the valve and are line replaceable. Development and satisfactory demonstration of a high pressure dynamic shaft seal has made this configuration practical. Pneumatic motor driven actuators that use engine pumped hydrogen gas as the working fluid are used. The helium control system is proposed as a module containing a cluster of solenoid actuated valves. The separable couplings and flanges are designed to assure minimum leakage with minimum coupling weight. The deflection of the seal surface in the flange is defined by finite element analysis that has been confirmed with test data. The seal design proposed has passed preliminary pressure cycling and thermal cycling tests

    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volum

    27th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms: ESA 2019, September 9-11, 2019, Munich/Garching, Germany

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    Shortest Paths in Geometric Intersection Graphs

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    This thesis studies shortest paths in geometric intersection graphs, which can model, among others, ad-hoc communication and transportation networks. First, we consider two classical problems in the field of algorithms, namely Single-Source Shortest Paths (SSSP) and All-Pairs Shortest Paths (APSP). In SSSP we want to compute the shortest paths from one vertex of a graph to all other vertices, while in APSP we aim to find the shortest path between every pair of vertices. Although there is a vast literature for these problems in many graph classes, the case of geometric intersection graphs has been only partially addressed. In unweighted unit-disk graphs, we show that we can solve SSSP in linear time, after presorting the disk centers with respect to their coordinates. Furthermore, we give the first (slightly) subquadratic-time APSP algorithm by using our new SSSP result, bit tricks, and a shifted-grid-based decomposition technique. In unweighted, undirected geometric intersection graphs, we present a simple and general technique that reduces APSP to static, offline intersection detection. Consequently, we give fast APSP algorithms for intersection graphs of arbitrary disks, axis-aligned line segments, arbitrary line segments, d-dimensional axis-aligned boxes, and d-dimensional axis-aligned unit hypercubes. We also provide a near-linear-time SSSP algorithm for intersection graphs of axis-aligned line segments by a reduction to dynamic orthogonal point location. Then, we study two problems that have received considerable attention lately. The first is that of computing the diameter of a graph, i.e., the longest shortest-path distance between any two vertices. In the second, we want to preprocess a graph into a data structure, called distance oracle, such that the shortest path (or its length) between any two query vertices can be found quickly. Since these problems are often too costly to solve exactly, we study their approximate versions. Following a long line of research, we employ Voronoi diagrams to compute a (1+epsilon)-approximation of the diameter of an undirected, non-negatively-weighted planar graph in time near linear in the input size and polynomial in 1/epsilon. The previously best solution had exponential dependency on the latter. Using similar techniques, we can also construct the first (1+epsilon)-approximate distance oracles with similar preprocessing time and space and only O(log(1/\epsilon)) query time. In weighted unit-disk graphs, we present the first near-linear-time (1+epsilon)-approximation algorithm for the diameter and for other related problems, such as the radius and the bichromatic closest pair. To do so, we combine techniques from computational geometry and planar graphs, namely well-separated pair decompositions and shortest-path separators. We also show how to extend our approach to obtain O(1)-query-time (1+epsilon)-approximate distance oracles with near linear preprocessing time and space. Then, we apply these oracles, along with additional ideas, to build a data structure for the (1+epsilon)-approximate All-Pairs Bounded-Leg Shortest Paths (apBLSP) problem in truly subcubic time

    Subject index volumes 1–92

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    Algorithms for sparse convolution and sublinear edit distance

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    In this PhD thesis on fine-grained algorithm design and complexity, we investigate output-sensitive and sublinear-time algorithms for two important problems. (1) Sparse Convolution: Computing the convolution of two vectors is a basic algorithmic primitive with applications across all of Computer Science and Engineering. In the sparse convolution problem we assume that the input and output vectors have at most t nonzero entries, and the goal is to design algorithms with running times dependent on t. For the special case where all entries are nonnegative, which is particularly important for algorithm design, it is known since twenty years that sparse convolutions can be computed in near-linear randomized time O(t log^2 n). In this thesis we develop a randomized algorithm with running time O(t \log t) which is optimal (under some mild assumptions), and the first near-linear deterministic algorithm for sparse nonnegative convolution. We also present an application of these results, leading to seemingly unrelated fine-grained lower bounds against distance oracles in graphs. (2) Sublinear Edit Distance: The edit distance of two strings is a well-studied similarity measure with numerous applications in computational biology. While computing the edit distance exactly provably requires quadratic time, a long line of research has lead to a constant-factor approximation algorithm in almost-linear time. Perhaps surprisingly, it is also possible to approximate the edit distance k within a large factor O(k) in sublinear time O~(n/k + poly(k)). We drastically improve the approximation factor of the known sublinear algorithms from O(k) to k^{o(1)} while preserving the O(n/k + poly(k)) running time.In dieser Doktorarbeit über feinkörnige Algorithmen und Komplexität untersuchen wir ausgabesensitive Algorithmen und Algorithmen mit sublinearer Lauf-zeit für zwei wichtige Probleme. (1) Dünne Faltungen: Die Berechnung der Faltung zweier Vektoren ist ein grundlegendes algorithmisches Primitiv, das in allen Bereichen der Informatik und des Ingenieurwesens Anwendung findet. Für das dünne Faltungsproblem nehmen wir an, dass die Eingabe- und Ausgabevektoren höchstens t Einträge ungleich Null haben, und das Ziel ist, Algorithmen mit Laufzeiten in Abhängigkeit von t zu entwickeln. Für den speziellen Fall, dass alle Einträge nicht-negativ sind, was insbesondere für den Entwurf von Algorithmen relevant ist, ist seit zwanzig Jahren bekannt, dass dünn besetzte Faltungen in nahezu linearer randomisierter Zeit O(t \log^2 n) berechnet werden können. In dieser Arbeit entwickeln wir einen randomisierten Algorithmus mit Laufzeit O(t \log t), der (unter milden Annahmen) optimal ist, und den ersten nahezu linearen deterministischen Algorithmus für dünne nichtnegative Faltungen. Wir stellen auch eine Anwendung dieser Ergebnisse vor, die zu scheinbar unverwandten feinkörnigen unteren Schranken gegen Distanzorakel in Graphen führt. (2) Sublineare Editierdistanz: Die Editierdistanz zweier Zeichenketten ist ein gut untersuchtes Ähnlichkeitsmaß mit zahlreichen Anwendungen in der Computerbiologie. Während die exakte Berechnung der Editierdistanz nachweislich quadratische Zeit erfordert, hat eine lange Reihe von Forschungsarbeiten zu einem Approximationsalgorithmus mit konstantem Faktor in fast-linearer Zeit geführt. Überraschenderweise ist es auch möglich, die Editierdistanz k innerhalb eines großen Faktors O(k) in sublinearer Zeit O~(n/k + poly(k)) zu approximieren. Wir verbessern drastisch den Approximationsfaktor der bekannten sublinearen Algorithmen von O(k) auf k^{o(1)} unter Beibehaltung der O(n/k + poly(k))-Laufzeit

    Structural solutions to maximum independent set and related problems

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    In this thesis, we study some fundamental problems in algorithmic graph theory. Most natural problems in this area are hard from a computational point of view. However, many applications demand that we do solve such problems, even if they are intractable. There are a number of methods in which we can try to do this: 1) We may use an approximation algorithm if we do not necessarily require the best possible solution to a problem. 2) Heuristics can be applied and work well enough to be useful for many applications. 3) We can construct randomised algorithms for which the probability of failure is very small. 4) We may parameterize the problem in some way which limits its complexity. In other cases, we may also have some information about the structure of the instances of the problem we are trying to solve. If we are lucky, we may and that we can exploit this extra structure to find efficient ways to solve our problem. The question which arises is - How far must we restrict the structure of our graph to be able to solve our problem efficiently? In this thesis we study a number of problems, such as Maximum Indepen- dent Set, Maximum Induced Matching, Stable-II, Efficient Edge Domina- tion, Vertex Colouring and Dynamic Edge-Choosability. We try to solve problems on various hereditary classes of graphs and analyse the complexity of the resulting problem, both from a classical and parameterized point of view