165,701 research outputs found

    Anti-competitiveness of Instant Messenger Tying by Microsoft

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    In this paper, we theoretically analyze Microsoft's tying practice in the instant messenger market. Using a model that highlights distinct features of the instant messenger, which are different from the cases of the web browser and the media player, we show that Microsoft can leverage its monopoly power in the operating system (OS) market to the instant messenger market through tying strategy. Microsoft's messenger tying hurts consumers because it enables Microsoft to monopolize messenger market and so fully exploit consumer's willingness to pay to the OS-messenger bundle. However, since tying saves installing costs, consumer loss is not so serious that total surplus improves under messenger tying. Finally we show that such results are robust to the possibilities of multi-homing in the instant messenger market.Microsoft, instant messenger, tying, foreclosure, multi-homing

    New Media Technology in Developing Effective Organizational Internal Communication

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    The article was intended to investigate various benefits of Whatsapp Messenger application for an effective intenal communication in PT Euro Management Indonesia. In addition, this research also aimed to map the organizational internal communication pattern through the use of Whatsapp Messenger application. The research used theories of organizaional communication, new media communication pattern, and computer mediated communication (CMC). Moreover, paradigm used in the research was constructivist with qualitative approach and the research method was case study. The research result finds that the use of new media Whatsapp Messenger as a tool of communication can build effective internal communication in PT Euro Management Indonesia. Moreover, it also shows that the internal organizational communication pattern in PT Euro Management Indonesia used in Whatsapp Messenger application is conversation pattern

    Kesenjangan Kepuasan Penggunaan Aplikasi Line Dan Blackberry Messenger Di Kalangan Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Di Pekanbaru

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    Developing of technology nowdays making interaction can be do with internet connection site such as social media. Line and blackberry messenger is application more used than other aplication in Indonesian. Purposes of this research is to know about sastifaction different when using Line and blackberry messenger application.This research using quantitative approach, the writter use unknown population totally sample to 96 respondents which are selected accidental sampling. To know how gratification discrepancy using comparative mean. The theory of Uses and Gratification, developed by Phillip Palmgreen is applied to analyze the result.The results of this research showed users application Line and blackberrry messenger obtained sastifaction different and results of comparative mean obtained GS Line 2,9638 and GS blackberry messenger 2,8805, results GO line 2,9419 and GO blackberry messenger 2,8100. Result gratification discrepancy line 0,0219 and blackberry messenger 0,07048 that means discrepancy blackberry messenger smaller than line. Line higher than blackberry messenger

    How Media and Behavioral Characteristics of Mobile Instant Messenger Affact Intimacy and Fatigue? The Moderating Effect of The Communication Context

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    Mobile instant messenger has become a part of our daily life because a smartphone is the primary communication device. To communicate other friends, they use a mobile instant messenger more frequently than giving a phone call. This study aims to investigate why people communicate others through a mobile instant messenger based on media and behavioral characteristics, which affect intimacy and fatigue. We expect this study would contribute for understanding the communication with a mobile instant messenger


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    ABSTRAK Di zaman modern seperti sekarang kebutuhan akan teknologi menjadikan masyarakat modern sangat individual, karena daya konsumsi teknologi pada masyarakat modern sendiri sangat tinggi, hal ini terbukti teknologi digunakan oleh orang dewasa hingga anak kecil. Penggunaan teknologi saat ini dapat digolongkan dengan berbagai macam bentuk, dimana media sosial yang menjadi bagian dari kemajuan teknologi, memiliki beberapa macam media sosial yang ada, salah satunya adalah media sosial Blackberry Messenger (BBM), yang digunakan untuk melakukan interaksi dan komunikasi dengan sesama pengguna media sosial (BBM) lainnya. Pada saat ini media sosial Blackberry Messenger (BBM),digunakan oleh 100 juta pengguna diseluruh dunia. Sifat pada penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dimana menghasilkan data berupa kata-kata tertulis atau lisan dari orang-orang dan perilaku yang dapat diamati, maupun bahasa yang disampaikan oleh (subyek penelitian), dan pengamatan yang dilakukan untuk dapat memaknai serta mengkaji segala teks-teks dan gambar yang ada didalam komunitas virtual Blackberry Messenger (BBM). Pendekatan yang dipilih adalah dramaturgi Erving Goffman dimana untuk mengetahui panggung depan dan panggung belakang yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa Unesa saat menciptakan identitas virtual di (BBM), selain itujuga untuk mengetahui bentuk-bentuk identitas virtual apa saja yang dapat diciptakan dalam media sosial tersebut. Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa Unesa pengguna media sosial Blackberry Messenger (BBM) menciptakan identitas virtualnya, dengan berbagai bentuk identitas yang diciptakan, selain itu juga mereka menggunakan pesan status personal messege (PM) dan foto profile display picture (DP), untuk sarana mengungkapkan identitasnya. Bentuk-bentuk identitas virtual yang diciptakan mahasiswa Unesa diantaranya sebagai seorang pencinta olahraga bulu tangkis, sebagai seorang gemar melakukan aktivitas berenang, sebagai seorang warga dari Madura (melalui nama akun yang dipakai berupa plat nomer kendaraan), sebagai seorang aktif diorganisasi kampus, seorang gemar travelling, seorang penjual pakaian online, seorang penjual kue, dan juga sebagai agen traveller ditempat wisata di wilayah Madura. Mereka mengungkapkan identitas virtual yang dimilikinya melalui postingan yang sering dilakukan, dan postingan tersebut merupakan bentuk panggung depan dan panggung belakang yang dimiliki mahasiswa Unesa di komunitas online Blackberry Messenger (BBM), selain itu juga mereka semua memiliki identitas tetap yakni sebagai mahasiswa Unesa yang aktif dikampus, dan identitas tersebut merupakan jati diri yang dimilikinya di dunia nyata.  Kata kunci : Identitas virtual, Mahasiswa Unesa, Blackberry Messenger (BBM)   ABSTRACT In modern times like now need for technology made modern society very individual, because of the consumption of technology on modern society own very high, it is proven technology used by adults and children.The use of technology current can be classed with a great variety of, where social media that are part of technological progress, have some kind of existing social media, one of which is social media blackberry messenger (BBM ) fuel, used to perform interaction and communication with other users social media (BBM) other fuel.Today social media blackberry messenger (BBM) fuel, used by 100 million users around the world.The nature of on research is descriptive qualitative where produce numbers of kata-kata written or spoken of orang-orang and behavior observable, or language delivered by ( subject ) research, and the observation made to perceive and examine all teks-teks and the picture in a community of virtual blackberry messenger (BBM ) fuel.Approach were dramaturgy Erving Goffman where to know the stage front and the stage back used by students unesa when created identity virtual in (BBM), it is also determine forms identity virtual whatever created in the social media.Results in the research indicated that college students are unesa users social media blackberry messenger (BBM) create identity virtualnya, by various forms identity created, it is also they use status message personal messege ( pm ) and a photograph of profile display picture ( dp ), to a means of expressing his identity.Forms identity virtual created students unesa among others as a lover sports badminton , as a substance activity swimming , as a citizen of madura ( through account names used plate number of vehicles ) , as a active organized campus , a is traveling , a seller of clothing online , a seller of cake , and also as agent traveller in tourism in the madura .They reveal the identity of virtual available through post often held by , and the post is a form of the stage front and the stage back owned students unesa of the community online blackberry messenger ( bbm ) , it is also they all have identity fixed namely as a student unesa active dikampus , and on that identity is identity the guy had in the real world . Keywords: Virtual Identity, Student Unesa, Blackberry Messenger (BBM). &nbsp

    Analisis dan Perancangan Aplikasi Bee-Messenger sebagai Media-Media Instant Messanging di Universitas Bina Nusantara

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    Technology today has progressed at a rapid rate, as well as with instant messaging growing into all aspects of life, even more so in the advancement of communication technology. By using the VoIP feature, users can communicate by voice via the Internet. Messenger as a communication medium that is fast, accurate and low cost is expected to meet the need for a practical communication media. The purpose of this study is to analyze and design a messaging application called Bee-Messenger which will be used as a medium of instant messaging in Bina Nusantara University, and also analyze the needs of users with feature-contained in commonly used messenger applications. Research methods used are literature review, field studies, and field observations. Evaluation is based on the comparison of Bee-Messenger features with the same features found in Yahoo Messenger and MSN Messenger. Bee-Messenger can also activate YM and MSN messaging accounts simultaneously in a single application that gives users a practical application messaging

    Pengaruh Social Media Marketing melalui Blackberry Messenger terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen di PT Agung Automall (Agung Toyota) Harapan Raya Pekanbaru

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    The rise of social media is the new media can be used as marketing at once to do consumer interaction, called social media marketing. One of the social media marketing which is now popular among business people, IE blackberry messenger. Through this application can send a message text, sound, and images for free about their business or place information and promotions offered from their products so that it formed an interest to buy from someone, with the blackberry messenger messages or information submitted can attract the attention of consumers so that it appears consumer interest was bought from them. It is utilized by the sales marketing PT Agung Automall (Agung Toyota) Harapan Raya Pekanbaru, to draw the attention or interest of consumers buy in blackberry messenger. The purpose of this study, i.e. to find out how big the influence of social media marketing through blackberry messsenger against consumer interest in buying PT Agung Automall (Agung Toyota) Harapan Raya Pekanbaru. The theory used in this research is the theory of S-O-R by Hovland and the concept of social media marketing as a supporter. The methods used in this study i.e. quantitative empirical research methods. Researchers gather data using questionnaires and documentation. The location of this research, PT Agung Automall (Agung Toyota) Harapan Raya located at JL. h. Imam Munandar/Harapan Raya Tip No. 13 Pekanbaru. The number of samples for the study that is as much as 91 respondents, using the technique of withdrawal sample Simple Random Sampling. For the sake of knowing how big the influence both of these variables, the researchers used a simple linear regression analysis. While the test questionnaire for data processing, is done using Statistics program Product anf Service Solution (SPSS)20 version of Windows. Based on the results of a simple linear regression for the study of the influence of social media marketing through blackberry messenger consumer buying interest against the PT Agung Automall (Agung Toyota) Harapan Raya Pekanbaru, the regression coefficient values obtained in this study were Y = 0.548 X + with 2.442 level significance 0.000. Of course smaller than α = 0.05. That is, there is the influence of social media marketing through blackberry messenger consumer buying interest against the PT Agung Automall (Agung Toyota) Harapan Raya Pekanbaru 55.3% and enter influencial in the category of being. H0 is rejected and thus Ha is received.JO


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    Smartphones are one of the tools used in carrying out daily work activities, the number of active social media users in Indonesia in January 2019 reached 150 million, 130 million of whom accessed social media using smartphones. With the development of smartphones in social media, many are misused using instant messaging applications, one of which is cybercrime such as cyberbullying, human trafficking systems, fraud and so on. Cyberbullying is one of the negative impacts in cyber crime through the use of applications that are often used, namely the TamTam Messenger social media. The problem that will be discussed in this study is the digital forensic process, especially mobile forensics in order to find digital evidence that was deleted on the TamTam Messenger application using the MobileEdit forensic tools and the National Institute of Justice method. The results of this study show that using the MobileEdit forensic tools and the National Institute of Justice method succeeded in recovering digital evidence that had been deleted by the perpetrator on the TamTam Messenger application
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