5 research outputs found

    Interfacing virtual agents with collaborative knowledge: Open domain question answering using Wikipedia-based topic models

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    Waltinger U, Breuing A, Wachsmuth I. Interfacing virtual agents with collaborative knowledge: Open domain question answering using Wikipedia-based topic models. In: Walsh T, ed. Proceedings of the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI–11). Barcelona, Spain: AAAI Press; 2011: 1896-1902.This paper is concerned with the use of conversational agents as an interaction paradigm for accessing open domain encyclopedic knowledge by means of Wikipedia. More precisely, we describe a dialog-based question answering system for German which utilizes Wikipedia-based topic models as a reference point for context detection and answer prediction. We investigate two different perspectives to the task of interfacing virtual agents with collaborative knowledge. First, we exploit the use of Wikipedia categories as a basis for identifying the broader topic of a spoken utterance. Second, we describe how to enhance the conversational behavior of the virtual agent by means of a Wikipedia-based question answering component which incorporates the question topic. At large, our approach identifies topic-related focus terms of a user’s question, which are subsequently mapped onto a category taxonomy. Thus, we utilize the taxonomy as a reference point to derive topic labels for a user’s question. The employed topic model is thereby based on explicitly given concepts as represented by the document and category structure of the Wikipedia knowledge base. Identified topic categories are subsequently combined with different linguistic filtering methods to improve answer candidate retrieval and reranking. Results show that the topic model approach contributes to an enhancement of the conversational behavior of virtual agents


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    En este trabajo se expone: la problemática de la recuperación de pasajes, el dominio de los textos legales y las patentes y su característica de diversidad idiomática. Se presentan técnicas para solucionar problemas de recuperación de información y se analizan dos participaciones en competencias con prepuestas de enfoques novedosos.Correa García, S. (2010). RECUPERACIÓN DE PASAJES EN TEXTOS LEGALES Y PATENTES MULTILINGÜES. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/14084Archivo delegad

    Cross-lingual question answering

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    Question Answering has become an intensively researched area in the last decade, being seen as the next step beyond Information Retrieval in the attempt to provide more concise and better access to large volumes of available information. Question Answering builds on Information Retrieval technology for a first touch of possible relevant data and uses further natural language processing techniques to search for candidate answers and to look for clues that accept or invalidate the candidates as right answers to the question. Though most of the research has been carried out in monolingual settings, where the question and the answer-bearing documents share the same natural language, current approaches concentrate on cross-language scenarios, where the question and the documents are in different languages. Known in this context and common with the Information Retrieval research are three methods of crossing the language barrier: by translating the question, by translating the documents or by aligning both the question and the documents to a common inter-lingual representation. We present a cross-lingual English to German Question Answering system, for both factoid and definition questions, using a German monolingual system and translating the questions from English to German. Two different techniques of translation are evaluated: • direct translation of the English input question into German and • transfer-based translation, by using an intermediate representation that captures the “meaning” of the original question and is translated into the target language. For both translation techniques two types of translation tools are used: bilingual dictionaries and machine translation. The intermediate representation captures the semantic meaning of the question in terms of Question Type (QType), Expected Answer Type (EAType) and Focus, information that steers the workflow of the question answering process. The German monolingual Question Answering system can answer both factoid and definition questions and is based on several premises: • facts and definitions are usually expressed locally at the level of a sentence and its surroundings; • proximity of concepts within a sentence can be related to their semantic dependency; • for factoid questions, redundancy of candidate answers is a good indicator of their suitability; • definitions of concepts are expressed using fixed linguistic structures such as appositions, modifiers, and abbreviation extensions. Extensive evaluations of the monolingual system have shown that the above mentioned hypothesis holds true in most of the cases when dealing with a fairly large collection of documents, like the one used in the CLEF evaluation forum.Innerhalb der letzten zehn Jahre hat sich Question Answering zu einem intensiv erforschten Themengebiet gewandelt, es stellt den nächsten Schritt des Information Retrieval dar, mit dem Bestreben einen präziseren Zugang zu großen Datenbeständen von verfügbaren Informationen bereitzustellen. Das Question Answering setzt auf die Information Retrieval-Technologie, um mögliche relevante Daten zu suchen, kombiniert mit weiteren Techniken zur Verarbeitung von natürlicher Sprache, um mögliche Antwortkandidaten zu identifizieren und diese anhand von Hinweisen oder Anhaltspunkten entsprechend der Frage als richtige Antwort zu akzeptieren oder als unpassend zu erklären. Während ein Großteil der Forschung den einsprachigen Kontext voraussetzt, wobei Frage- und Antwortdokumente ein und dieselbe Sprache teilen, konzentrieren sich aktuellere Ansätze auf sprachübergreifende Szenarien, in denen die Frage- und Antwortdokumente in unterschiedlichen Sprachen vorliegen. Im Kontext des Information Retrieval existieren drei bekannte Ansätze, die versuchen auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise die Sprachbarriere zu überwinden: durch die Übersetzung der Frage, durch die Übersetzung der Dokumente oder durch eine Angleichung von sowohl der Frage als auch der Dokumente zu einer gemeinsamen interlingualen Darstellung. Wir präsentieren ein sprachübergreifendes Question Answering System vom Englischen ins Deutsche, das sowohl für Faktoid- als auch für Definitionsfragen funktioniert. Dazu verwenden wir ein einsprachiges deutsches System und übersetzen die Fragen vom Englischen ins Deutsche. Zwei unterschiedliche Techniken der Übersetzung werden untersucht: • die direkte Übersetzung der englischen Fragestellung ins Deutsche und • die Abbildungs-basierte Übersetzung, die eine Zwischendarstellung verwendet, um die „Semantik“ der ursprünglichen Frage zu erfassen und in die Zielsprache zu übersetzen. Für beide aufgelisteten Übersetzungstechniken werden zwei Übersetzungsquellen verwendet: zweisprachige Wörterbücher und maschinelle Übersetzung. Die Zwischendarstellung erfasst die Semantik der Frage in Bezug auf die Art der Frage (QType), den erwarteten Antworttyp (EAType) und Fokus, sowie die Informationen, die den Ablauf des Frage-Antwort-Prozesses steuern. Das deutschsprachige Question Answering System kann sowohl Faktoid- als auch Definitionsfragen beantworten und basiert auf mehreren Prämissen: • Fakten und Definitionen werden in der Regel lokal auf Satzebene ausgedrückt; • Die Nähe von Konzepten innerhalb eines Satzes kann auf eine semantische Verbindung hinweisen; • Bei Faktoidfragen ist die Redundanz der Antwortkandidaten ein guter Indikator für deren Eignung; • Definitionen von Begriffen werden mit festen sprachlichen Strukturen ausgedrückt, wie Appositionen, Modifikatoren, Abkürzungen und Erweiterungen. Umfangreiche Auswertungen des einsprachigen Systems haben gezeigt, dass die oben genannten Hypothesen in den meisten Fällen wahr sind, wenn es um eine ziemlich große Sammlung von Dokumenten geht, wie bei der im CLEF Evaluationsforum verwendeten Version

    Parallel corpus multi stream question answering with applications to the Qu'ran

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    Question-Answering (QA) is an important research area, which is concerned with developing an automated process that answers questions posed by humans in a natural language. QA is a shared task for the Information Retrieval (IR), Information Extraction (IE), and Natural Language Processing communities (NLP). A technical review of different QA system models and methodologies reveals that a typical QA system consists of different components to accept a natural language question from a user and deliver its answer(s) back to the user. Existing systems have been usually aimed at structured/ unstructured data collected from everyday English text, i.e. text collected from television programmes, news wires, conversations, novels and other similar genres. Despite all up-to-date research in the subject area, a notable fact is that none of the existing QA Systems has been tested on a Parallel Corpus of religious text with the aim of question answering. Religious text has peculiar characteristics and features which make it more challenging for traditional QA methods than other kinds of text. This thesis proposes PARMS (Parallel Corpus Multi Stream) Methodology; a novel method applying existing advanced IR (Information Retrieval) techniques, and combining them with NLP (Natural Language Processing) methods and additional semantic knowledge to implement QA (Question Answering) for a parallel corpus. A parallel Corpus involves use of multiple forms of the same corpus where each form differs from others in a certain aspect, e.g. translations of a scripture from one language to another by different translators. Additional semantic knowledge can be referred as a stream of information related to a corpus. PARMS uses Multiple Streams of semantic knowledge including a general ontology (WordNet) and domain-specific ontologies (QurTerms, QurAna, QurSim). This additional knowledge has been used in embedded form for Query Expansion, Corpus Enrichment and Answer Ranking. The PARMS Methodology has wider applications. This thesis applies it to the Quran – the core text of Islam; as a first case study. The PARMS Method uses parallel corpus comprising ten different English translations of the Quran. An individual Quranic verse is treated as an answer to questions asked in a natural language, English. This thesis also implements PARMS QA Application as a proof of concept for the PARMS methodology. The PARMS Methodology aims to evaluate the range of semantic knowledge streams separately and in combination; and also to evaluate alternative subsets of the DATA source: QA from one stream vs. parallel corpus. Results show that use of Parallel Corpus and Multiple Streams of semantic knowledge have obvious advantages. To the best of my knowledge, this method is developed for the first time and it is expected to be a benchmark for further research area