1,774 research outputs found

    Inferencia estadística robusta basada en divergencias para dispositivos de un sólo uso

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas, leída el 30-06-2021A one-shot device is a unit that performs its function only once and, after use, the device either gets destroyed or must be rebuilt. For this kind of device, one can only know whether the failure time is either before or after a speci c inspection time, and consequently the lifetimes are either left- or right-censored, with the lifetime being less than the inspection time if the test outcome is a failure (resulting in left censoring) and the lifetime being more than the inspection time if the test outcome is a success (resulting in right censoring). An accelerated life test (ALT) plan is usually employed to evaluate the reliability of such products by increasing the levels of stress factors and then extrapolating the life characteristics from high stress conditions to normal operating conditions. This acceleration process will shorten the life span of devices and reduce the costs associated with the experiment. The study of one-shot device from ALT data has been developed considerably recently, mainly motivated by the work of Fan et al. [2009]...Los dispositivos de un solo uso (one shot devices en ingles), son aquellos que, una vez usados, dejan de funcionar. La mayor dificultad a la hora de modelizar su tiempo de vida es que solo se puede saber si el momento de fallo se produce antes o despues de un momento específico de inspeccion. As pues, se trata de un caso extremo de censura intervalica: si el tiempo de vida es inferior al de inspeccion observaremos un fallo (censura por la izquierda), mientras que si el tiempo de vida es mayor que el tiempo de inspeccion, observaremos un exito (censura por la derecha). Para la observacion y modelizacion de este tipo de dispositivos es comun el uso de tests de vida acelerados. Los tests de vida acelerados permiten evaluar la fiabilidad de los productos en menos tiempo, incrementando las condiciones a las que se ven sometidos los dispositivos para extrapolar despues estos resultados a condiciones mas normales. El estudio de los dispositivos de un solo uso por medio de tests de vida acelerados se ha incrementado considerablemente en los ultimos a~nos motivado, principalmente, por el trabajo de Fan et al. [2009]...Fac. de Ciencias MatemáticasTRUEunpu

    A new generalized Lindley distribution

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    In this paper, we present a new class of distributions called New Generalized Lindley Distribution(NGLD). This class of distributions contains several distributions such as gamma, exponential and Lindley as special cases. The hazard function, reverse hazard function, moments and moment generating function and inequality measures are are obtained. Moreover, we discuss the maximum likelihood estimation of this distribution. The usefulness of the new model is illustrated by means of two real data sets. We hope that the new distribution proposed here will serve as an alternative model to other models available in the literature for modelling positive real data in many areas. Keywords: Generalized Lindley Distribution; Gamma distribution, Maximum likelihood estimation; Moment generating function

    Estimating the Parameter of Exponential Distribution under Type II Censoring From Fuzzy Data

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    The problem of estimating the parameter of Exponential distribution on the basis of type II censoring scheme is considered when the available data are in the form of fuzzy numbers. The Bayes estimate of the unknown parameter is obtained by using the approximation forms of Lindley (1980) and Tierney and Kadane (1986) under the assumption of gamma prior. The highest posterior density (HPD) estimate of the parameter of interest is found. A Monte Carlo simulation is used to compare the performances of the different methods. A real data set is investigated to illustrate the applicability of the proposed methods


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    This report discusses the calculation of analytic second-order bias techniques for the maximum likelihood estimates (for short, MLEs) of the unknown parameters of the distribution in quality and reliability analysis. It is well-known that the MLEs are widely used to estimate the unknown parameters of the probability distributions due to their various desirable properties; for example, the MLEs are asymptotically unbiased, consistent, and asymptotically normal. However, many of these properties depend on an extremely large sample sizes. Those properties, such as unbiasedness, may not be valid for small or even moderate sample sizes, which are more practical in real data applications. Therefore, some bias-corrected techniques for the MLEs are desired in practice, especially when the sample size is small. Two commonly used popular techniques to reduce the bias of the MLEs, are ‘preventive’ and ‘corrective’ approaches. They both can reduce the bias of the MLEs to order O(n−2), whereas the ‘preventive’ approach does not have an explicit closed form expression. Consequently, we mainly focus on the ‘corrective’ approach in this report. To illustrate the importance of the bias-correction in practice, we apply the bias-corrected method to two popular lifetime distributions: the inverse Lindley distribution and the weighted Lindley distribution. Numerical studies based on the two distributions show that the considered bias-corrected technique is highly recommended over other commonly used estimators without bias-correction. Therefore, special attention should be paid when we estimate the unknown parameters of the probability distributions under the scenario in which the sample size is small or moderate