138 research outputs found

    Does blended problem-based learning make Asian medical students active learners?:A prospective comparative study

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    Background: Asian educators have struggled to implement problem-based learning (PBL) because students rarely discuss their work actively and are not sufficiently engaged in self-directed learning. Supplementing PBL with additional e-learning, i.e. 'blended' PBL (bPBL), could stimulate students' learning process. Methods: We investigated the effects of bPBL on tutorial group functioning (discussion, self-efficacy, self-directed learning, active participation, and tutor's perceived authority) and students' level of acceptance of the e-learning elements. We compared PBL and bPBL in a medical university in Japan. In the bPBL condition, the tutor's instructions were replaced with online materials and short quizzes. After the course, a 13-item questionnaire using a 5-point Likert scale was distributed regarding the tutorial group functioning of the tutorial group (influence of discussion, self-efficacy, self-directed learning, active participation, and tutors' authority). The mean scores of subscales were compared with analysis of covariance. Knowledge levels were measured using a pre-test post-test design. A multiple regression analysis was performed to explore the association between e-learning acceptance and the subscales related to PBL. Results: Ninety-six students participated in the study (PBL: n = 24, bPBL: n = 72). Self-efficacy and motivation for learning triggered by group discussions was significantly higher for students in bPBL (p = 0.032 and 0.007, respectively). Knowledge gain in test scores was also significantly better in the bPBL condition (p = 0.026), and self-directed learning related positively to the acceptance of blended learning (p = 0.044). Conclusions: bPBL seemed more effective in promoting active learning and improving knowledge, without affecting tutors' authority. Implementing e-learning into PBL is suggested to be an effective strategy in the Asian context

    Consideration of Science Education in Japan in the 21st Century

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    理科教育のあり方について4つのことを提言した、(1)第2次世界大戦後、豊かになりたいという明確な学習の動機付けがあったが、豊かな社会になるにつれてさまざまな教育に関する問題が生じている。学校だけが努力してもこどもを健全に育てるには限界がきているだろう。これからの学習指導は学校が中心であることには変わらないが、社会が学校教育をサポートする環境づくりが必要である。(2)高等学校では、校内研修に取り組む体制を確立することや「教える内容」ばかりでなく「教える方法」に研修に力を入れることが求められる.(3)大学や高等学校では、社会で必要とされる「コミュニケーション能力」「問題解決・分析能力」「企画創造力」「データ処理・事務処理能力」などに教育の重点を置くべきである。(4)小中学校では、総合的な学習の時間を設けないで、基礎基本の定着に重みを置き、必要に応じ考える力や学び方・調べ方等の能力の育成を各教科の授業の中で行うべきである.Article信州大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター紀要 教育実践研究 2: 65-75(2001)departmental bulletin pape

    SOA-based Campus Administration Management System using Multi-layered Architecture : Campus-SIA

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    Articleマルチメディア通信と分散処理ワークショップ論文集. 4: 219-226 (2012)conference pape

    Effects of mild calorie restriction and high-intensity interval walking in middle-aged and older overweight Japanese

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    We investigated whether a combination of mild calorie restriction (MCR) and high-intensity interval walking (HIW) improved physical fitness more than HIW alone in middle-aged and older overweight Japanese (40-69 years old, BMI >= 23.6 kg/m(2)). Forty-seven women and 16 men were divided into MCR + HIW and HIW groups. All subjects performed HIW: >= 5 sets of 3-min low-intensity walking (40% peak aerobic capacity for walking, VO2peak) and 3-min high-intensity walking (>= 70% VO2peak) per day, >= 4 days per week, for 16 weeks while energy expenditure was monitored with a tri-axial accelerometer. The MCR + HIW group consumed meal replacement formula (240 kcal): a mixture of low-carbohydrates and -fat and high-protein, for either lunch or dinner everyday and therefore, had similar to 87% of the energy intake of the HIW group during the intervention period. Although the HIW group showed improvements in BMI, blood pressure, and several blood chemicals, the MCR + HIW group had greater improvement. Moreover, the medical expenditure for the 6 months including the intervention period was 59% lower in the MCR + HIW group than in the HIW group. Our strategy of a short-term combination of MCR and HIW may thus prevent lifestyle-associated diseases and improve health in middle-aged and older overweight Japanese.ArticleEXPERIMENTAL GERONTOLOGY. 44(10):666-675 (2009)journal articl