16 research outputs found

    Plan merging by reuse for multi-agent planning

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    Multi-Agent Planning deals with the task of generating a plan for/by a set of agents that jointly solve a planning problem. One of the biggest challenges is how to handle interactions arising from agents' actions. The first contribution of the paper is Plan Merging by Reuse, pmr, an algorithm that automatically adjusts its behaviour to the level of interaction. Given a multi-agent planning task, pmr assigns goals to specific agents. The chosen agents solve their individual planning tasks and the resulting plans are merged. Since merged plans are not always valid, pmr performs planning by reuse to generate a valid plan. The second contribution of the paper is rrpt-plan, a stochastic plan-reuse planner that combines plan reuse, standard search and sampling. We have performed extensive sets of experiments in order to analyze the performance of pmr in relation to state of the art multi-agent planning techniques.This work has been partially supported by the MINECO projects TIN2017-88476-C2-2-R, RTC-2016-5407-4, and TIN2014-55637-C2-1-R and MICINN project TIN2011-27652-C03-02

    Cooperative planning in multi-agent systems

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] Automated planning is a centralized process in which a single planning entity, or agent, synthesizes a course of action, or plan, that satisfies a desired set of goals from an initial situation. A Multi-Agent System (MAS) is a distributed system where a group of autonomous agents pursue their own goals in a reactive, proactive and social way. Multi-Agent Planning (MAP) is a novel research field that emerges as the integration of automated planning in MAS. Agents are endowed with planning capabilities and their mission is to find a course of action that attains the goals of the MAP task. MAP generalizes the problem of automated planning in domains where several agents plan and act together by combining their knowledge, information and capabilities. In cooperative MAP, agents are assumed to be collaborative and work together towards the joint construction of a competent plan that solves a set of common goals. There exist different methods to address this objective, which vary according to the typology and coordination needs of the MAP task to solve; that is, to which extent agents are able to make their own local plans without affecting the activities of the other agents. The present PhD thesis focuses on the design, development and experimental evaluation of a general-purpose and domain-independent resolution framework that solves cooperative MAP tasks of different typology and complexity. More precisely, our model performs a multi-agent multi-heuristic search over a plan space. Agents make use of an embedded search engine based on forward-chaining Partial Order Planning to successively build refinement plans starting from an initial empty plan while they jointly explore a multi-agent search tree. All the reasoning processes, algorithms and coordination protocols are fully distributed among the planning agents and guarantee the preservation of the agents' private information. The multi-agent search is guided through the alternation of two state-based heuristic functions. These heuristic estimators use the global information on the MAP task instead of the local projections of the task of each agent. The experimental evaluation shows the effectiveness of our multi-heuristic search scheme, obtaining significant results in a wide variety of cooperative MAP tasks adapted from the benchmarks of the International Planning Competition.[ES] La planificaci贸n autom谩tica es un proceso centralizado en el que una 煤nica entidad de planificaci贸n, o agente, sintetiza un curso de acci贸n, o plan, que satisface un conjunto deseado de objetivos a partir de una situaci贸n inicial. Un Sistema Multi-Agente (SMA) es un sistema distribuido en el que un grupo de agentes aut贸nomos persiguen sus propias metas de forma reactiva, proactiva y social. La Planificaci贸n Multi-Agente (PMA) es un nuevo campo de investigaci贸n que surge de la integraci贸n de planificaci贸n autom谩tica en SMA. Los agentes disponen de capacidades de planificaci贸n y su prop贸sito consiste en generar un curso de acci贸n que alcance los objetivos de la tarea de PMA. La PMA generaliza el problema de planificaci贸n autom谩tica en dominios en los que diversos agentes planifican y act煤an conjuntamente mediante la combinaci贸n de sus conocimientos, informaci贸n y capacidades. En PMA cooperativa, se asume que los agentes son colaborativos y trabajan conjuntamente para la construcci贸n de un plan competente que resuelva una serie de objetivos comunes. Existen distintos m茅todos para alcanzar este objetivo que var铆an de acuerdo a la tipolog铆a y las necesidades de coordinaci贸n de la tarea de PMA a resolver; esto es, hasta qu茅 punto los agentes pueden generar sus propios planes locales sin afectar a las actividades de otros agentes. La presente tesis doctoral se centra en el dise帽o, desarrollo y evaluaci贸n experimental de una herramienta independiente del dominio y de prop贸sito general para la resoluci贸n de tareas de PMA cooperativa de distinta tipolog铆a y nivel de complejidad. Particularmente, nuestro modelo realiza una b煤squeda multi-agente y multi-heur铆stica sobre el espacio de planes. Los agentes hacen uso de un motor de b煤squeda embebido basado en Planificaci贸n de Orden Parcial de encadenamiento progresivo para generar planes refinamiento de forma sucesiva mientras exploran conjuntamente el 谩rbol de b煤squeda multiagente. Todos los procesos de razonamiento, algoritmos y protocolos de coordinaci贸n est谩n totalmente distribuidos entre los agentes y garantizan la preservaci贸n de la informaci贸n privada de los agentes. La b煤squeda multi-agente se gu铆a mediante la alternancia de dos funciones heur铆sticas basadas en estados. Estos estimadores heur铆sticos utilizan la informaci贸n global de la tarea de PMA en lugar de las proyecciones locales de la tarea de cada agente. La evaluaci贸n experimental muestra la efectividad de nuestro esquema de b煤squeda multi-heur铆stico, que obtiene resultados significativos en una amplia variedad de tareas de PMA cooperativa adaptadas a partir de los bancos de pruebas de las Competici贸n Internacional de Planificaci贸n.[CA] La planificaci贸 autom脿tica 茅s un proc茅s centralitzat en el que una 煤nica entitat de planificaci贸, o agent, sintetitza un curs d'acci贸, o pla, que satisfau un conjunt desitjat d'objectius a partir d'una situaci贸 inicial. Un Sistema Multi-Agent (SMA) 茅s un sistema distribu茂t en el que un grup d'agents aut貌noms persegueixen les seues pr貌pies metes de forma reactiva, proactiva i social. La Planificaci贸 Multi-Agent (PMA) 茅s un nou camp d'investigaci贸 que sorgeix de la integraci贸 de planificaci贸 autom脿tica en SMA. Els agents estan dotats de capacitats de planificaci贸 i el seu prop貌sit consisteix en generar un curs d'acci贸 que aconseguisca els objectius de la tasca de PMA. La PMA generalitza el problema de planificaci贸 autom脿tica en dominis en qu猫 diversos agents planifiquen i act煤en conjuntament mitjan莽ant la combinaci贸 dels seus coneixements, informaci贸 i capacitats. En PMA cooperativa, s'assumeix que els agents s贸n col路laboratius i treballen conjuntament per la construcci贸 d'un pla competent que ressolga una s猫rie d'objectius comuns. Existeixen diferents m猫todes per assolir aquest objectiu que varien d'acord a la tipologia i les necessitats de coordinaci贸 de la tasca de PMA a ressoldre; 茅s a dir, fins a quin punt els agents poden generar els seus propis plans locals sense afectar a les activitats d'altres agents. La present tesi doctoral es centra en el disseny, desenvolupament i avaluaci贸 experimental d'una ferramenta independent del domini i de prop貌sit general per la resoluci贸 de tasques de PMA cooperativa de diferent tipologia i nivell de complexitat. Particularment, el nostre model realitza una cerca multi-agent i multi-heuristica sobre l'espai de plans. Els agents fan 煤s d'un motor de cerca embegut en base a Planificaci贸 d'Ordre Parcial d'encadenament progressiu per generar plans de refinament de forma successiva mentre exploren conjuntament l'arbre de cerca multiagent. Tots els processos de raonament, algoritmes i protocols de coordinaci贸 estan totalment distribu茂ts entre els agents i garanteixen la preservaci贸 de la informaci贸 privada dels agents. La cerca multi-agent es guia mitjan莽ant l'aternan莽a de dues funcions heur铆stiques basades en estats. Aquests estimadors heur铆stics utilitzen la informaci贸 global de la tasca de PMA en lloc de les projeccions locals de la tasca de cada agent. L'avaluaci贸 experimental mostra l'efectivitat del nostre esquema de cerca multi-heur铆stic, que obt茅 resultats significatius en una ampla varietat de tasques de PMA cooperativa adaptades a partir dels bancs de proves de la Competici贸 Internacional de Planificaci贸.Torre帽o Lerma, A. (2016). Cooperative planning in multi-agent systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/65815TESISPremiadoCompendi

    Efficient approaches for multi-agent planning

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    Multi-agent planning (MAP) deals with planning systems that reason on long-term goals by multiple collaborative agents which want to maintain privacy on their knowledge. Recently, new MAP techniques have been devised to provide efficient solutions. Most approaches expand distributed searches using modified planners, where agents exchange public information. They present two drawbacks: they are planner-dependent; and incur a high communication cost. Instead, we present two algorithms whose search processes are monolithic (no communication while individual planning) and MAP tasks are compiled such that they are planner-independent (no programming effort needed when replacing the base planner). Our two approaches first assign each public goal to a subset of agents. In the first distributed approach, agents iteratively solve problems by receiving plans, goals and states from previous agents. After generating new plans by reusing previous agents' plans, they share the new plans and some obfuscated private information with the following agents. In the second centralized approach, agents generate an obfuscated version of their problems to protect privacy and then submit it to an agent that performs centralized planning. The resulting approaches are efficient, outperforming other state-of-the-art approaches.This work has been partially supported by MICINN projects TIN2008-06701-C03-03, TIN2011-27652-C03-02 and TIN2014-55637-C2-1-R

    ADP an Agent Decomposition Planner CoDMAP 2015

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    ADP (an Agent Decomposition-based Planner) is de-signed to deduce agent decompositions from standard PDDL-encoded planning problems and then to exploit such found decompositions to generate a heuristic used for efficient planning. The decomposition process parti-tions the problem into an environment and a number of agents which act on and influence the environment, but can not (directly) effect each other. The heuristic calcu-lation is an adaptation of the FF relaxation heuristic to incorporate multiagent information. Relaxed planning graphs are only ever generated for single-agent sub-problems. However, when cooperation is necessary, an agent鈥檚 starting state may include facts added by others

    Non-Cooperative Games for Self-Interested Planning Agents

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    Multi-Agent Planning (MAP) is a topic of growing interest that deals with the problem of automated planning in domains where multiple agents plan and act together in a shared environment. In most cases, agents in MAP are cooperative (altruistic) and work together towards a collaborative solution. However, when rational self-interested agents are involved in a MAP task, the ultimate objective is to find a joint plan that accomplishes the agents' local tasks while satisfying their private interests. Among the MAP scenarios that involve self-interested agents, non-cooperative MAP refers to problems where non-strictly competitive agents feature common and conflicting interests. In this setting, conflicts arise when self-interested agents put their plans together and the resulting combination renders some of the plans non-executable, which implies a utility loss for the affected agents. Each participant wishes to execute its plan as it was conceived, but congestion issues and conflicts among the actions of the different plans compel agents to find a coordinated stable solution. Non-cooperative MAP tasks are tackled through non-cooperative games, which aim at finding a stable (equilibrium) joint plan that ensures the agents' plans are executable (by addressing planning conflicts) while accounting for their private interests as much as possible. Although this paradigm reflects many real-life problems, there is a lack of computational approaches to non-cooperative MAP in the literature. This PhD thesis pursues the application of non-cooperative games to solve non-cooperative MAP tasks that feature rational self-interested agents. Each agent calculates a plan that attains its individual planning task, and subsequently, the participants try to execute their plans in a shared environment. We tackle non-cooperative MAP from a twofold perspective. On the one hand, we focus on agents' satisfaction by studying desirable properties of stable solutions, such as optimality and fairness. On the other hand, we look for a combination of MAP and game-theoretic techniques capable of efficiently computing stable joint plans while minimizing the computational complexity of this combined task. Additionally, we consider planning conflicts and congestion issues in the agents' utility functions, which results in a more realistic approach. To the best of our knowledge, this PhD thesis opens up a new research line in non-cooperative MAP and establishes the basic principles to attain the problem of synthesizing stable joint plans for self-interested planning agents through the combination of game theory and automated planning.La Planificaci贸n Multi-Agente (PMA) es un tema de creciente inter茅s que trata el problema de la planificaci贸n autom谩tica en dominios donde m煤ltiples agentes planifican y act煤an en un entorno compartido. En la mayor铆a de casos, los agentes en PMA son cooperativos (altruistas) y trabajan juntos para obtener una soluci贸n colaborativa. Sin embargo, cuando los agentes involucrados en una tarea de PMA son racionales y auto-interesados, el objetivo 煤ltimo es obtener un plan conjunto que resuelva las tareas locales de los agentes y satisfaga sus intereses privados. De entre los distintos escenarios de PMA que involucran agentes auto-interesados, la PMA no cooperativa se centra en problemas que presentan un conjunto de agentes no estrictamente competitivos con intereses comunes y conflictivos. En este contexto, pueden surgir conflictos cuando los agentes ponen en com煤n sus planes y la combinaci贸n resultante provoca que algunos de estos planes no sean ejecutables, lo que implica una p茅rdida de utilidad para los agentes afectados. Cada participante desea ejecutar su plan tal como fue concebido, pero las congestiones y conflictos que pueden surgir entre las acciones de los diferentes planes fuerzan a los agentes a obtener una soluci贸n estable y coordinada. Las tareas de PMA no cooperativa se abordan a trav茅s de juegos no cooperativos, cuyo objetivo es hallar un plan conjunto estable (equilibrio) que asegure que los planes de los agentes sean ejecutables (resolviendo los conflictos de planificaci贸n) al tiempo que los agentes satisfacen sus intereses privados en la medida de lo posible. Aunque este paradigma refleja muchos problemas de la vida real, existen pocos enfoques computacionales para PMA no cooperativa en la literatura. Esta tesis doctoral estudia el uso de juegos no cooperativos para resolver tareas de PMA no cooperativa con agentes racionales auto-interesados. Cada agente calcula un plan para su tarea de planificaci贸n y posteriormente, los participantes intentan ejecutar sus planes en un entorno compartido. Abordamos la PMA no cooperativa desde una doble perspectiva. Por una parte, nos centramos en la satisfacci贸n de los agentes estudiando las propiedades deseables de soluciones estables, tales como la optimalidad y la justicia. Por otra parte, buscamos una combinaci贸n de PMA y t茅cnicas de teor铆a de juegos capaz de calcular planes conjuntos estables de forma eficiente al tiempo que se minimiza la complejidad computacional de esta tarea combinada. Adem谩s, consideramos los conflictos de planificaci贸n y congestiones en las funciones de utilidad de los agentes, lo que resulta en un enfoque m谩s realista. Bajo nuestro punto de vista, esta tesis doctoral abre una nueva l铆nea de investigaci贸n en PMA no cooperativa y establece los principios b谩sicos para resolver el problema de la generaci贸n de planes conjuntos estables para agentes de planificaci贸n auto-interesados mediante la combinaci贸n de teor铆a de juegos y planificaci贸n autom谩tica.La Planificaci贸 Multi-Agent (PMA) 茅s un tema de creixent inter猫s que tracta el problema de la planificaci贸 autom脿tica en dominis on m煤ltiples agents planifiquen i actuen en un entorn compartit. En la majoria de casos, els agents en PMA s贸n cooperatius (altruistes) i treballen junts per obtenir una soluci贸 col路laborativa. No obstant aix貌, quan els agents involucrats en una tasca de PMA s贸n racionals i auto-interessats, l'objectiu 煤ltim 茅s obtenir un pla conjunt que resolgui les tasques locals dels agents i satisfaci els seus interessos privats. D'entre els diferents escenaris de PMA que involucren agents auto-interessats, la PMA no cooperativa se centra en problemes que presenten un conjunt d'agents no estrictament competitius amb interessos comuns i conflictius. En aquest context, poden sorgir conflictes quan els agents posen en com煤 els seus plans i la combinaci贸 resultant provoca que alguns d'aquests plans no siguin executables, el que implica una p猫rdua d'utilitat per als agents afectats. Cada participant vol executar el seu pla tal com va ser concebut, per貌 les congestions i conflictes que poden sorgir entre les accions dels diferents plans forcen els agents a obtenir una soluci贸 estable i coordinada. Les tasques de PMA no cooperativa s'aborden a trav茅s de jocs no cooperatius, en els quals l'objectiu 茅s trobar un pla conjunt estable (equilibri) que asseguri que els plans dels agents siguin executables (resolent els conflictes de planificaci贸) alhora que els agents satisfan els seus interessos privats en la mesura del possible. Encara que aquest paradigma reflecteix molts problemes de la vida real, hi ha pocs enfocaments computacionals per PMA no cooperativa en la literatura. Aquesta tesi doctoral estudia l'煤s de jocs no cooperatius per resoldre tasques de PMA no cooperativa amb agents racionals auto-interessats. Cada agent calcula un pla per a la seva tasca de planificaci贸 i posteriorment, els participants intenten executar els seus plans en un entorn compartit. Abordem la PMA no cooperativa des d'una doble perspectiva. D'una banda, ens centrem en la satisfacci贸 dels agents estudiant les propietats desitjables de solucions estables, com ara la optimalitat i la just铆cia. D'altra banda, busquem una combinaci贸 de PMA i t猫cniques de teoria de jocs capa莽 de calcular plans conjunts estables de forma eficient alhora que es minimitza la complexitat computacional d'aquesta tasca combinada. A m茅s, considerem els conflictes de planificaci贸 i congestions en les funcions d'utilitat dels agents, el que resulta en un enfocament m茅s realista. Des del nostre punt de vista, aquesta tesi doctoral obre una nova l铆nia d'investigaci贸 en PMA no cooperativa i estableix els principis b脿sics per resoldre el problema de la generaci贸 de plans conjunts estables per a agents de planificaci贸 auto-interessats mitjan莽ant la combinaci贸 de teoria de jocs i planificaci贸 autom脿tica.Jord谩n Prunera, JM. (2017). Non-Cooperative Games for Self-Interested Planning Agents [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90417TESI

    Fostering resilient execution of multi-agent plans through self-organisation

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    Traditional multi-agent planning addresses the coordination of multiple agents towards common goals, by producing an integrated plan of actions for each of those agents. For systems made of large numbers of cooperating agents, however, the execution and monitoring of a plan should enhance its high-level steps, possibly involving entire sub-teams, with a flexible and adaptable lower-level behaviour of the individual agents. In order to achieve such a goal, we need to integrate the behaviour dictated by a multi-agent plan with self-organizing, swarm-based approaches, capable of automatically adapting their behaviour based on the contingent situation, departing from the predetermined plan whenever needed. Moreover, in order to deal with multiple domains and unpredictable situations, the system should, as far as possible, exhibit such capabilities without hard-coding the agents behaviour and interactions. In this paper, we investigate the relationship between multi-agent planning and self-organisation through the combination of two representative approaches both enjoying declarativity. We consider a functional approach to self-organising systems development, called Aggregate Programming (AP), and propose to exploit collective adaptive behaviour to carry out plan revisions. We describe preliminary results in this direction on a case study of execution monitoring and repair of a Multi-Agent PDDL plan