7,487 research outputs found

    The Optimal Climate Policy Portfolio when Knowledge Spills across Sectors

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    This paper studies the implications for climate policy of the interactions between environmental and knowledge externalities. Using a numerical analysis performed with the hybrid integrated assessment model WITCH, extended to include mutual spillovers between the energy and the non-energy sector, we show that the combination between environmental and knowledge externalities provides a strong rationale for implementing a portfolio of policies for both emissions reduction and the internalisation of knowledge externalities. Moreover, we show that implementing technology policy as a substitute for stabilisation policy is likely to increase global emissions.technical change, climate change, development, innovation, spillovers

    Technological Uncertainty and Cost-effectiveness of CO2 Emission Trading Schemes

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    This paper studies implications of uncertainty about the arrival date of a competitive CO2 backstop technology for the design of cost-effective CO2 emission trading schemes. For this purpose, we develop a dynamic general equilibrium model that captures empirical links between CO2 emissions associated with energy use, the rate and direction of technical change and the economy. We specify CO2 capture and storage (CCS) as the backstop technology whose competitiveness is anticipated or not. We find that the discounted welfare loss associated with the environmental target is lower if CCS is not anticipated and that CO2 shadow prices are then relatively high in the years before CCS is competitive. By not simply postponing the implementation of an emission reduction strategy until CCS is competitive, one relies more on economy-wide technical change and its welfare-enhancing technology externalities, thus allowing for a higher steady state. -- Dieses Papier untersucht die Implikationen von Unsicherheit bezĂŒglich der VerfĂŒgbarkeit einer kompetitiven Technologie zur Kohlenstoffabscheidung und ?speicherung auf die Ausgestaltung kosteneffektiver CO2 Emissionshandelssysteme. Zu diesem Zweck wird ein dynamisches rechenbares allgemeines Gleichgewichtsmodell entwickelt, welches den empirischen Zusammenhang zwischen CO2 Emissionen, Rate und Richtung des technischen Wandels und wirtschaftlichen AktivitĂ€ten berĂŒcksichtigt. Kohlenstoffabscheidung und ?speicherung wird als sogenannte Backstop-Technologie modelliert, deren Wirtschaftlichkeit antizipiert wird oder eben nicht. Die Simulationsergebnisse zeigen, dass die diskontierten Wohlfahrtsverluste der Klimapolitik niedriger sind, wenn die Technologie zur Kohlenstoffabscheidung und ?speicherung nicht antizipiert wird. In diesem Fall sind die Preise fĂŒr CO2 Emissionszertifikate vor der unerwarteten EinfĂŒhrung der Backstop-Technologie relativ hoch. Es wird nicht einfach auf die Wirtschaftlichkeit der Kohlenstoffabscheidung und ? speicherung gewartet. Vielmehr wird ohne die BerĂŒcksichtigung von Kohlenstoffabscheidung und ? speicherung ein strikterer Politikpfad zur Erreichung der klimapolitischen Ziele implementiert, der die Internalisierung von technologischen ExternalitĂ€ten und somit ein höheres Wohlfahrtsniveau ermöglicht. Die Umweltpolitik sollte gegeben der großen technologischen Unsicherheiten vorsichtig sein, Vermeidungsanstrengungen zu verschieben und auf eine Wunderwaffe zu Lösung des Klimaproblems im Energiesektor zu warten.CO2 capture and storage,computable general equilibrium modeling,directed technical change,emission trading,technological uncertainty

    Irrigation and poverty alleviation: review of the empirical evidence

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    Irrigated farming, Poverty, Conflict, Participatory management, Farmer participation, Environmental effects, Asia, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka

    Environmental and Innovation Performance in a Dynamic Impure Public Good Framework

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    We model investment decisions regarding innovation and emissions abatement in a dynamic theoretical framework. Considering knowledge stock as an impure public good, we study the reaction function between one representative agent’s investments in innovation and the other agents’ investments in the public characteristic of the impure public good. We demonstrate that the reaction function has a positive slope under general conditions and that its sensitiveness is affected by assumptions on the elasticity of substitution in the benefit function. The positivity of the reaction function is then empirically tested in an econometric estimation. We exploit an original sector-based database by gathering innovation efforts as well as polluting emissions and economic dimensions over the time span 1996-2005 for 15 European countries and 23 manufacturing sectors. Empirical results show that sector-based innovation investment is positively driven by the public characteristics provided by other sectors. Different reactivity strength for different polluting emissions also allows us to disclose the role of complementarity in agents’ decisions.impure public goods; environmental externalities; innovation spillovers

    The Optimal Climate Policy Portfolio when Knowledge Spills Across Sectors

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    This paper studies the implications for climate policy of the interactions between environmental and knowledge externalities. Using a numerical analysis performed with the hybrid integrated assessment model WITCH, extended to include mutual spillovers between the energy and the non-energy sector, we show that the combination between environmental and knowledge externalities provides a strong rationale for implementing a portfolio of policies for both emissions reduction and the internalisation of knowledge externalities. Moreover, we show that implementing technology policy as a substitute for stabilisation policy is likely to increase global emissions.Technical Change, Climate Change, Development, Innovation, Spillovers

    ICT Externalities: Evidence from cross country data

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    This paper reports the findings of an empirical study on the external effects of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on economic growth and productivity at an aggregate level. It focuses on possible network effects and spillovers emerging as externalities from investments in ICT. The existence of externalities is well described in theoretical work however empirical evidence is scarce. By using time series at the macro level for a panel of 15 countries I find positive externalities for investments in IT software and in telecommunication equipment, but not for IT hardware. The analysis, which accounts for cyclical effects and also takes external effects from non-ICT factors into account, points at considerable lags between the time of investing in these technologies and the time at which the externalities arise. Taking these externality effects into account, the paper shows that the impact of ICT on productivity is almost twice as high as compared to a model that does not include such effects.Productivity, Network Effects, Spillovers, Information and Communication Technologies, Total Factor Productivity

    Agglomeration externalities, innovation and regional growth: Theoretical perspectives and meta-analysis

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    Technological change and innovation and are central to the quest for regional development. In the globally-connected knowledge-driven economy, the relevance of agglomeration forces that rely on proximity continues to increase, paradoxically despite declining real costs of information, communication and transportation. Globally, the proportion of the population living in cities continues to grow and sprawling cities remain the engines of regional economic transformation. The growth of cities results from a complex chain that starts with scale, density and geography, which then combine with industrial structure characterised by its extent of specialisation, competition and diversity, to yield innovation and productivity growth that encourages employment expansion, and further urban growth through inward migration. This paper revisits the central part of this virtuous circle, namely the Marshall-Arrow-Romer externalities (specialisation), Jacobs externalities (diversity) and Porter externalities (competition) that have provided alternative explanations for innovation and urban growth. The paper evaluates the statistical robustness of evidence for such externalities presented in 31 scientific articles, all building on the seminal work of Glaeser et al. (1992). We aim to explain variation in estimation results using study characteristics by means of ordered probit analysis. Among the results, we find that the impact of diversity depends on how it is measured and that diversity is important for the high-tech sector. High population density increases the chance of finding positive effects of specialisation on growth. More recent data find more positive results for both specialization and diversity, suggesting that agglomeration externalities become more important over time. Finally, primary study results depend on whether or not the externalities are considered jointly and on other features of the regression model specification

    Environmental Efficiency, Emission Trends and Labour Productivity: Trade-Off or Joint Dynamics? Empirical Evidence Using NAMEA Panel Data

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    The paper provides new empirical evidence on the relationship between environmental efficiency and labour productivity using industry level data. We first provide a critical and extensive discussion around the interconnected issues of environmental efficiency and performance, firm performances and labour productivity, and environmental and non-environmental innovation dynamics. The most recent literature dealing with environmental innovation, environmental regulations and economic performances is taken as reference. We then test a newly adapted EKC hypothesis, by verifying the correlation between the two trends of environmental efficiency (productivity, namely sector emission on added value) and labour productivity (added value on employees) over a dynamic path. We exploit official NAMEA data sources for Italy over 1990-2002 for 29 sectoral branches. The period is crucial since environmental issues and then environmental policies came into the arena, and a restructuring of the economy occurred. It is thus interesting to assess the extent to which capital investments for the economy as a whole are associated with a positive or negative correlation between environmental efficiency of productive branches and labour productivity, often claimed by mainstream theory dealing with innovation in environmental economics. We believe that on the basis of the theoretical and empirical analyses focusing on innovation paths, firm performances and environmental externalities, there are good reasons to expect a positive correlation between environmental and labour productivities, or in alternative terms a negative correlation between mission intensity of production and labour productivity. The tested hypothesis is crucial within the long standing discussion over the potential trade-off or complementarity between environmental and labour productivity, strictly associated with sectoral and national technological innovation paths. The main added value of the paper is the analysis of the aforementioned hypothesis by exploiting a panel data set based on official NAMEA sectoral disaggregated accounting data, providing both cross section heterogeneity and a sufficient time span. We find that for most emissions, if not all, a negative correlation emerges between labour productivity and environmental productivity. Though this trend appears driven by the macro sectors services, manufacturing and industry, this evidence is not homogenous across emissions. In some cases U-shapes arise, mainly for services, and the assessment of Turning Points is crucial. Manufacturing and industry, all in all, seem to have a stronger weight. Overall, then, labour productivity dynamics seem to be complementary to a decreasing emission intensity of productive processes. The extent to which this evidence derives from endogenous market forces, industrial restructuring and/or from policy effects is scope for further research. The relative role of manufacturing and services in explaining this pattern is also to be analysed in future empirical analyses. In addition, the role of capital stocks and trade openness are extensions which may add value to future analyses carried out on the same NAMEA dataset.Decoupling, NAMEA Emissions, Labour Productivity, Sectoral Added Value, Kuznets Curves, Environmental Efficiency

    Technological Spillovers and Productivity in Italian Manufacturing Firms

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    We study whether a firm’s total factor productivity dynamics is positively influenced by its own R&D activity and by the technological spillovers generated at the intra- and inter-sectorial level. Our approach corrects simultaneously for the endogeneity and the selectivity biases introduced by the use of a firm’s own R&D as a regressor. A firm’s involvement in R&D activities accounts for significant productivity gains. Firms also benefit from spillovers originating from their own industries, as well as from innovative upstream sectors.R&D, TFP, selectivity, treatment effect
