4 research outputs found

    Drawing, Handwriting Processing Analysis: New Advances and Challenges

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    International audienceDrawing and handwriting are communicational skills that are fundamental in geopolitical, ideological and technological evolutions of all time. drawingand handwriting are still useful in defining innovative applications in numerous fields. In this regard, researchers have to solve new problems like those related to the manner in which drawing and handwriting become an efficient way to command various connected objects; or to validate graphomotor skills as evident and objective sources of data useful in the study of human beings, their capabilities and their limits from birth to decline

    La Tablet en la escuela: Revisión bibliográfica en Scopus (The Tablet in schools: A bibliographic review from Scopus)

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    La incorporación de las tabletas en muchas escuelas a lo largo del mundo, ha despertado la curiosidad de la comunidad científica, justificando el auge de reseñas, noticias, publicaciones derivadas de la investigación, la celebración de congresos y exposiciones o la proliferación de libros. En este contexto surge la necesidad de conocer y analizar aquello que sea de interés. El presente artículo recoge los resultados de una revisión bibliográfica a partir de las publicaciones localizadas en la base de datos de Scopus, del periodo del 2016 al 2019. El objetivo principal fue identificar y analizar las 50 publicaciones seleccionadas como muestra, recogidas de revistas, libros y libros de actas en la base de datos Scopus cuya temática abordase la investigación y uso de la Tablet en la escuela en los últimos cuatro años. En lo metodológico se ha optado por el análisis documental, que permite extraer datos de índole cuantitativa y cualitativa

    Analisi della scrittura in corsivo durante l'apprendimento e l'influenza dell'et\ue0, del genere e della lingua madre

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    Le difficolt\ue0 nella scrittura rappresentano una causa comune di scarso rendimento scolastico e di bassa autostima. Oggigiorno, questo problema \ue8 particolarmente importante a causa dell\u2019utilizzo sempre pi\uf9 intensivo delle tecnologie moderne nella vita quotidiana e nelle scuole. Sin dalle scuole elementari, infatti, i bambini stanno incrementando l\u2019uso di tablet e dita a discapito dei classici fogli e penna, rendendo sempre pi\uf9 difficoltoso l\u2019apprendimento del corsivo. In questo contesto, l\u2019analisi della grafia rappresenta un importante strumento per la valutazione di metodi di insegnamento al fine di esaminarne l\u2019efficacia nella prevenzione della disgrafia. Scopo della presente tesi \ue8 stato quello di analizzare i parametri qualitativi e quantitativi estratti da scritture acquisite mediante tavoletta digitale, al fine di valutare le differenze nell\u2019apprendimento del corsivo in relazione al metodo di insegnamento applicato. In particolare, \ue8 stata eseguita un\u2019analisi comparativa tra il metodo tradizionale di insegnamento del corsivo ed il metodo Terzi esaminando le grafie di 40 bambini, seguiti dalla prima alla quinta elementare, in due classi parallele nelle quali sono stati applicati i due metodi. Gli strumenti di analisi sviluppati hanno permesso di evidenziare le caratteristiche quantitative e qualitative delle grafie e la loro relazione con la scolarizzazione e col metodo di insegnamento seguito. L\u2019approccio metodologico sviluppato si \ue8 dimostrato adatto a stimare le abilit\ue0 di scrittura e promettente ai fini dell\u2019identificazione precoce della disgrafia nell\u2019infanzia. Inoltre, queste metodologie sono state utilizzate per indagare l\u2019influenza del genere, dell\u2019et\ue0 e della madrelingua sui parametri cinematici della grafia.Handwriting difficulties represent a common cause of underachievement in children education and low self-esteem. Nowadays a new problem arises due to the growing use of modern technologies in daily life and in the school. In fact, primary-school children are increasingly using tablet and fingers rather than classic paper and pencil so that cursive writing is becoming difficult to learn properly and achieve correctly. In this context, the analysis of handwriting represents an important tool for the evaluation of a teaching method to assess its efficacy in preventing dysgraphia. The aim of this thesis was the qualitative and quantitative analysis of handwriting acquired by using digital tablet in order to assess the differences of achievement of cursive related to different teaching methods. A comparative analysis between the traditional handwriting teaching method and the alternative Terzi's approach in 40 pupils, from the first to the last year of the primary school, was performed. The results highlighted that both quantitative and qualitative features of cursive handwriting depended on the teaching approach. The developed methodologic approach proved to be a suitable tool for handwriting assessment and for the early identification of dysgraphia. Furthermore, the tool was used to investigate the influence on the kinematic parameters of handwriting by gender, age and mother-tongue

    The Influence of the Spatio-Temporal Terzi Treatment on the Kinematics of Cursive Writing of Dysgraphic Subjects

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    Many different treatment approaches have been ap- plied for handwriting remediation in school-aged children. The effects of these treatments are usually evaluated by using ad-hoc checklists as well as some standard test protocols like Movement ABC tests, Visual-Motor Integration (V.M.I.) tests, etc. Recently, digitizing tablets have allowed the study of kinematic character- istics of handwriting and a series of parameters were estimated on cursive writing of Italian children. In this paper, the influence of a new rehabilitation protocol (Terzi\u2019s method) on kinematics of cursive writing was evaluated. The analysis was carried out on 22 nonproficient handwriting children, attending primary or secondary school, which undertook a series of three exercises, with and without linguistic concerns. A set of kinematic parameters was calculated before and after the rehabilitation process. The results showed that Terzi\u2019s rehabilitation program is capable of producing a significant velocity increase in the test without linguistic involve- ment, whereas a significant slowdown in the stroke realization was present in the other tasks. The effectiveness of Terzi\u2019s rehabilitation program was proved by significant improvements in the V.M.I. test, in the Movement ABC test as well as in writing legibility (evaluated by checklist)