65,513 research outputs found

    Every Seed Counts

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    Above all else, humans should understand the impact of the decisions they make, before they make them. In specific, the decisions that could harm the environment, whether that is on a large or small scale. Humans create an enormous amount of trash, and for this honors project a campaign was created that emphasizes the importance of being environmentally conscious with paper. Being environmentally conscious can be expressed in a multitude of ways, so the main focus of this project was to create plantable seed paper that people can use and then grow things with after they are finished. This project communicates that even a small decision, like choosing a more environmentally friendly paper, can make the world grow and flourish. The process of creating seed paper, planting, and then growing the plants has been documented in the form of photography and video. These forms of documentation are presented through a 3D gallery, and a websit

    Environmentally conscious consumption patterns in Hungarian households

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    This article provides a comprehensive review of the literature on the theoretical aspects of sustainable consumption. The conditions for consumers’ social responsibility and the formation of environmentally conscious behavior patterns will also be discussed, along with possible methods for motivating behavioral changes. The authors have completed a primary research study with the purpose of surveying environmentally conscious consumption patterns in Hungary. They also examined how the provision of appropriate information and the raising of awareness might encourage sustainable consumption. According to their findings, the respondents’ knowledge on environmentally conscious behavior was rather limited, and reinforcement was needed in identifying appropriate activity alternatives. This paper provides a summary of the qualitative research phase which employed in-depth interviews, logging and focus groups. The consecutive application of these methods enabled the authors to keep track of the process and the consequences of raising awareness

    Consumer behaviour and lifestyle patterns of Hungarian students in view of environmental awareness

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    The aim of this paper is to describe the consumer behaviour and everyday lifestyle patterns of Hungarian university and college students. The results are gained from an international survey, carried out by the Department of Environmental Economics and Technology at the Corvinus University of Budapest, supported by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. As background literature, characteristics of the consumer society and the development of sustainable consumption as a concept are interpreted in the paper. The empirical analysis aims to describe the most important clusters of students, based on the factors of their consumer behaviour, environmental activism and pro-environmental everyday habits. Our results identify two extreme clusters which most significantly differ from each other: the environmental activists and the indifferent group. However, a third cluster has the most modest consumer behaviour, namely the group which considers product features, energy consumption and the behaviour of producers. They spend the least on consumer goods. The three other clusters show quite mixed lifestyle patterns

    Antecedents and outcomes of consumer environmentally friendly attitudes and behaviour

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    With the intensification of problems relating to the environment, a growing number of consumers are becoming more ecologically conscious in their preferences and purchases of goods. This paper presents the results of a study conducted among 500 Cypriot consumers, focusing on the factors that shape consumer environmental attitudes and behaviour, as well as on the resulting outcomes. The findings confirmed that both the inward and outward environmental attitudes of a consumer are positively influenced by his/her degree of collectivism, long-term orientation, political involvement, deontology, and law obedience, but have no connection with liberalism. The adoption of an inward environmental attitude was also found to be conducive to green purchasing behaviour that ultimately leads to high product satisfaction. On the other hand, an outward environmental attitude facilitates the adoption of a general environmental behaviour, which is responsible for greater satisfaction with life. The findings of the study have important implications for shaping effective company offerings to consumers in target markets, as well as formulating appropriate policies at the governmental level to enhance environmental sensitivity among citizens

    Changes in the Environmental Attitudes of Secondary School Students

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    Midwest Businesses Accept the Challenge: Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Expand the Economy

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    There is a growing consensus that climate change is one of the most significant environmental issues facing the world today. Current energy use practices in the United States and around the world have been determined to be main contributors to global warming and climate change, which has the potential to disrupt economic and social stability as well as ecological well-being. There has long been a concern that to effectively address the global warming problem we must decide between a healthy environment and economic growth. A recent Congressional briefing dispelled this myth by demonstrating that clean energy products and technologies that reduce greenhouse gases are not incompatible with corporate profits and the creation of jobs

    Відповідальність прийняття рішень на засадах корпоративної соціальної відповідальності

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    Company decision-makers increasingly have to confront with the expectations of their closer or extended community, also that of their environment in connection with the consequences of their business-decisions. On the other hand, they must represent the interests of their proprietors and must also sustain profitable economy. The author reviews those factors which have a significant impact on socially responsible decision-making process, concerning the decision-makers, the company and the outer environment. The author answers to the question of what the specialities of such decisions are and in what direction the attitude of economic entities develop, concerning socially responsible operation. The author proved that corporate social responsibility (CSR in short form) manifests itself in a growing and expanding measure in the activities of corporations and business structures, on the one hand, as an expectation in connection with their courses, on the other hand, such a factor if fai ls, can make long-term competitiveness worse. Decisions related to CSR are strategic decisions, so they are made at the highest lev el. The personality, leadership style and self-assessment of the decision maker play a decisive role in the process of the influence of external expectations regarding CSR on organizational decisions. In addition, the size of the company, the regional location, the surrounding national culture, the social system and traditions also have a significant influence on socially responsible decisions. The described article/presentation/study was carried out as part of the EFOP-3.6.1-16-00011 “Younger and Renewing University – Innovative Knowledge City – institutional development of the University of Miskolc aiming at intelligent specialisation” project implemented in the frame work of the Szechenyi 2020 program. The realization of this project is supported by the European Union, co-financed by the European Social Fund.Керівникам компаній все частіше доводиться стикатися з очікуваннями їхньої ближчої або розширеної спільноти, а також з їхнім оточенням у зв'язку з наслідками своїх бізнес-рішень. З іншого боку, вони повинні представляти інтереси своїх власників і повинні також підтримувати прибуткову економіку. Автор розглядає ті фактори, які мають значний вплив на соціально відповідальний процес прийняття рішень, що стосується осіб, які приймають рішення, компанії та зовнішнього середовища. Автор відповідає на питання, що таке особливості таких рішень і в якому напрямку розвивається ставлення суб'єктів господарювання до соціально відповідальної діяльності. Автор довів, що корпоративна соціальна відповідальність (КСВ в короткій формі) проявляється в зростаючому і зростаючому вимірі діяльності корпорацій і бізнеc-структур, з одного боку, як очікування у зв'язку з їх курсами, з іншого боку, фактор, якщо це не вдається, може погіршити довгострокову конкурентоспроможність. Рішення, пов'язані з КСВ, є стратегічними рішенн ями, тому вони приймаються на найвищому рівні. Особистість, стиль лідерства та самооцінка особи, яка приймає рішення, відіграють вирішальну роль у процесі впливу зовнішніх очікувань щодо КСВ на організаційні рішення. Крім того, розмір компанії, регіональне розташування, навколишнє національна культура, соціальна система і традиції також мають значний вплив на соціально відповідальні рішення. Описана стаття / презентація / дослідження було проведено в рамках проекту EFOP-3.6.1-16-00011 «Молодший та оновлюваний університет - місто інноваційних знань - інституційний розвиток Мішкольцького університету з метою інтелектуальної спеціалізації», реалізований в рамках проекту програми «Сечені 2020». Реалізацію цього проекту підтримує Європейський Союз, який фінансується Європейським соціальним фондом