1,633 research outputs found

    Total Physical Response Strategies To improve vocabulary with 6th-grade students at the Enma Graciela Romero School of Tabacundo in the academic year 2022 – 2023

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    Implement Total Physical Response strategies to improve English vocabulary in 6th-grade students at “Enma Graciela Romero” school in the 2022-2023 academic period.In the modern world, English has become the most important international language for communication between people of different cultures. Therefore, English proficiency has become an essential skill for students. This is especially true for sixth-grade students at the Enma Graciela Romero school in Tabacundo, Ecuador, where English is taught as a compulsory subject. In the present investigation, the objective is the implementation of an educational strategy called Total Physical Response to improve English vocabulary in 6th-grade students of the "Enma Graciela Romero" school located in the city of Tabacundo, province of Pichincha in the academic period 2022-2023. Next, a sequence of theoretical foundations was ruled to support the implementation of the aforementioned strategy with respect to the improvement of vocabulary in English which includes two main skills such as listening and speaking. Subsequently, this study was carried out based on a mixed methodology that used different research methods, such as interviews and surveys to later collect, analyze and interpret the data obtained. Therefore, quantitative, and qualitative methods are involved in this research because they offer a unique and broad perspective on the perspective of both the teacher and the student as main educational actors. The results obtained showed that the use of physical movements and the use of interactive material to improve the English language are frequently present in the English classes of sixth-grade students. Therefore, it is analyzed that incorporating fun and interesting strategies where students worry about performing physical movements helps to improve the vocabulary of the contents in the second language. As a result, a didactic guide is provided where the use of active teaching methods through games is proposed to motivate and improve vocabulary through the association of words with movements to stimulate the retention of information in sixth-grade students.Licenciatur

    It is time to act : creative drama in the developing of the communicative competence and integrated skills

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    La principal función del enfoque comunicativo para la enseñanza de lenguas es permitir que los estudiantes -hagan- con la lengua de forma que se puedan comunicar efectivamente. Además, este enfoque es uno de los más amplios que hay para el aprendizaje gracias a sus casi ilimitados recursos, pero esto no significa que no se pueda explorar aún más. Con este proyecto de investigación, queremos ayudar a enriquecer la implementación del enfoque comunicativo a favor de la competencia comunicativa de los estudiantes y sus componentes de una maneta innovadora y creativa por medio de las técnicas del arte dramático. Este proyecto busca resolver la pregunta de en qué medida las técnicas del drama creativo son capaces de integrar las destrezas lingüísticas dentro del marco de la competencia comunicativa entre estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Lenguas Modernas en la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, Colombia. Por lo tanto, tomamos tres variables como las más importantes de la investigación: técnicas de drama, competencia comunicativa y destrezas integradas. Para la aplicación se optó por un diseño pre-experimental, se diseñaron tres planes para tres lecciones en el nivel de inglés básico de la licenciatura en la universidad. Cada una de las lecciones contaba con diferentes técnicas y los temas fueron asignados por los profesores encargados de los grupos con quienes se tuvo la intervención. A través de instrumentos de recolección de datos tales como encuestas, observación etnográfica y artefactos realizados por los estudiantes durante la clase, encontramos que la mayoría de los estudiantes mostraban una actitud positiva hacia el uso de las técnicas en el salón de clase y que los estudiantes caían en cuenta de que no solo debían utilizar más de una destreza par ale desarrollo de las actividades, sino también que podían recurrir a aspectos lingüísticos y no lingüísticos de la lengua para establecer comunicación con los demás.The main function of the communicative approach for language teaching is to allow the students to ‘do’ with the language in a way that they can communicate effectively. Furthermore, this approach is one of the broadest ones in terms of its almost unlimited resources, yet it can still be further explored. With this research project we want to help enrich the implementation of the communicative approach in favor of the communicative competence, in a creative and innovative way through creative drama techniques. This research project sought to answer the question of to what extent creative drama techniques are able to integrate language skills within the communicative competence among students of the Major in Modern Languages of Javeriana University. Thus, we took three variables that were the most important within the project; drama techniques, communicative competence and integration of skills. For the application we designed three lesson plans for Basic English courses of the major at Javeriana University. Each of them counted with different drama techniques and the topics were given by the main teachers of the courses. Through data collection instruments such as observation and artifacts made by students, we found that the majority of students had positive attitudes towards using drama in the classroom, and they were aware that not only did they have to use more than one ability, but that they also had to include linguistic and nonlinguistic aspects to make themselves understood.Licenciado (a) en Lenguas ModernasPregrad

    Communicative approach strategies to enhance oral production on A2 level students

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    Introduction: communication is the essence of life; at all levels, it cannot be seen only verbally or extra verbally, but in the process of interaction with the surrounding environment. Objective: his literature review aimed to analyze the efficiency of the different communicative language teaching strategies applied in the language classroom and their improvement in students’ oral production. Method: it accomplished a bibliographical analysis of 51 sources in the communicative approach field regarding strategies in spoken production of the English language. The searching emphasized the effectiveness of the different communicative language teaching strategies applied in the language classroom and the students’ enhancement in their oral production. This article selected several research tools such as books, scientific articles from indexed journals, and graduate theses. A meticulous search was carried out in databases such as Dialnet, Scielo, Eric, Google scholar, Semantics Scholar, Research Gate, and university digital repositories. Results: the most common and effective communicative approach strategies for oral production in the English language were identified; for example, debate, class presentations, problem-solving, modeling, comprehension questions, dialogs, pair and group work, role play, peer teaching, project-based, jigsaw, games, songs, use of realia, and authentic materials. Conclusion:  the efficiency of the communicative language teaching strategies was widely proved; for that reason, their employment is highly recommended to contribute to the students’ oral production enhancement.Introducción: la esencia de la vida está en la habilidad de comunicarse a todo nivel, no se puede ver solo de forma verbal o extraverbal, sino en el proceso de interacción con en medio que nos rodea. Objetivo: esta revisión literaria tuvo como objetivo analizar la efectividad de las diferentes estrategias comunicativas de enseñanza del lenguaje aplicadas en el aula de idiomas y su mejora en la producción oral del alumno. Método: se realizó un análisis bibliográfico de 51 fuentes en el campo de las estrategias del enfoque comunicativo en la producción oral del idioma inglés. En la búsqueda se enfatizó en la efectividad de las diferentes estrategias de enseñanza comunicativa aplicadas en el aula y la mejora de los estudiantes en su producción oral. Se seleccionaron varias herramientas de investigación como libros, artículos científicos de revistas indexadas y tesis de posgrado. Se llevó a cabo una búsqueda meticulosa en los navegadores de búsqueda, a saber: Dialnet, Scielo, Eric Google Scholar, Semantics Scholar, Research Gate y repositorios digitales universitarios. Resultados: se identificaron las estrategias del enfoque comunicativo más comunes y efectivas para la producción oral en el idioma inglés tales como debate, presentaciones en clase, resolución de problemas, modelado, preguntas de comprensión, diálogos, trabajo en parejas y en grupo, juego de roles, enseñanza entre pares, basado en proyectos, rompecabezas, juegos, canciones, uso de material real y auténtico. Conclusión: se concluye que la efectividad de las estrategias comunicativas fue ampliamente probada; por ello, su uso es muy recomendable para contribuir a la mejora de la producción oral de los estudiantes