131 research outputs found

    초보자를 위한 프로그래밍 교육 방안 연구 - 음악 구조와 프로그래밍 코드의 연결고리를 중심으로 -

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    학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 융합과학기술대학원 : 융합과학부(디지털정보융합전공), 2014. 2. 이교구.Despite advances in programming language education, many beginner programmers face difficulties and give up in the early stages, just because they are not familiar with the programming syntax and semantics. In this research, we propose a method, for introductory programming using musical metaphor with an aim to entice beginners to program. This methodology is motivated by two concepts: first, music notation as an analogy to programming provides an enjoyable programming experiencesecond, on-line auditory feedback enables to notify the status of program for the users in a pleasant way. We described musical the settings as programming metaphors to help beginners learn them with ease and intuition. We built on this work through the system by incorporating with Java API for on-line auditory feedback. This system is to help beginners provide on-line auditory feedback as a communication medium to immediately notify the results in a pleasant way. We tested the methodology with 32 students as novice programmers and found that those in the experimental condition qualified significantly more inviting experience with this study. Participants in the control and experimental groups took a course for introductory programming, and most students felt that this methodology was a positive influence, particularly those with enjoyment. These findings suggest that some useful ideas how programming is taught, and it could be an impact on motivation to program and influence students first-time experience.1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Research Question 3 1.3 Research Goal and Objectives 3 2 Literature Review 4 2.1 Computer Science Education 4 2.1.1 Educational Programming Languages 4 2.1.2 Introductory Programming 6 2.2 Music and Programming 10 2.3 Summary of Literature Review 11 3 Methodology 13 3.1 System 13 3.1.1 Programming Style 13 3.1.2 Key Structures 16 3.1.3 Programming Environment 20 3.2 User Survey 23 4 Experimental Evaluation 25 4.1 Introductory Course 26 4.2 Tutorials 29 4.3 Preliminary Case Study 31 4.4 Questionnaire 32 4.5 Participants 32 5 Results and Discussion 35 5.1 Data Analysis 35 5.2 Survey Feedback 41 5.3 In-depth Interview 46 6 Conclusion 48 6.1 Contributions 48 6.2 Limitation and Future work 50Maste

    Introductory programming: a systematic literature review

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    As computing becomes a mainstream discipline embedded in the school curriculum and acts as an enabler for an increasing range of academic disciplines in higher education, the literature on introductory programming is growing. Although there have been several reviews that focus on specific aspects of introductory programming, there has been no broad overview of the literature exploring recent trends across the breadth of introductory programming. This paper is the report of an ITiCSE working group that conducted a systematic review in order to gain an overview of the introductory programming literature. Partitioning the literature into papers addressing the student, teaching, the curriculum, and assessment, we explore trends, highlight advances in knowledge over the past 15 years, and indicate possible directions for future research

    Threshold concepts and teaching programming

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    This thesis argues that the urge to build and the adoption of a technocratic disposition have influenced and affected the pursuit and development of a deeper understanding of the discipline of computing and its pedagogy. It proposes the introduction to the discipline of the threshold concept construct to improve both the understanding and the pedagogy. The research examines the threshold concept construct using the theory of concepts. The examination establishes the conceptual coherence of the features attributed to threshold concepts and formalises the basis for threshold concept scholarship. It also provides a refutation for critiques of threshold concepts. The examination reveals the inextricable links between threshold concepts and pedagogic content knowledge. Both rely on the expertise of reflective pedagogues and are situated at the site of student learning difficulties and their encounters with troublesome knowledge. Both have deep understanding of discipline content knowledge at their centre. The two ideas are mutually supportive. A framework for identifying threshold concepts has been developed. The framework uses an elicitation instrument grounded in pedagogic content knowledge and an autoethnographic approach. The framework is used to identify state as a threshold concept in computing. The significant results of the research are two-fold. First, the identification of state as a threshold concept provides an insight into the disparate difficulties that have been persistently reported in the computer science education literature as stumbling blocks for novice programmers and enhances and develops the move towards discipline understanding and teaching for understanding. Second, the embryonic research area of threshold concept scholarship has been provided with a theoretical framework that can act as an organising principle to explicate existing research and provide a coherent focus for further research

    Measuring the Scale Outcomes of Curriculum Materials

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    SciTech News 68(2) - 2014

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    School district technology awareness: a descriptive study identifying implications for the 21st-century teaching and learning

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    Preparing students for 21st-century learning is a great responsibility and a challenge for many school districts across the country. A large body of research suggests that a school district’s level of awareness with regards to education technology and particularly those technologies that are on a positive trend correlates with a successful technology implementation program. District Administrators that lead the charge of developing technology policies and oversee the various aspect of the technology implementation must possess a solid awareness of modern education technologies and their interplays with curriculum and pedagogy. In addition, district Administrators must have the technological skill to overcome network infrastructure capabilities constraints as well as the leadership skill to prioritize technology. This study used a survey as its main method of data collection; the survey was guided by three research questions that helped gain valuable insight about California K12 school district Administrators’ familiarity with most relevant modern technologies and strategies for educating students in the 21st-century, knowledge of intermediation between (technology, pedagogy, curriculum), as well as what Administrators perceive as constraints that impede effective technology implementation. The data shows that majority of district Administrators reported to having insufficient knowledge of modern and emerging technologies or digital strategies that are most reliant on technology, in addition, the data suggest that district Administrators are finding funding, training, and infrastructure as main factors that impede implementation of technology appropriate for a 21st-century education. The results of this study propose recommendations that have implications for K12 school districts’ technology awareness, knowledge acquisition for technology preparedness, district technology plan, and minimum technology readiness requirement for school district Administrator positions for the 21st-century

    Development, implementation and evaluation of an interactive multimedia instructional model : A teaching and learning programming approach

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    This study sought to explore the outcomes from the use of a dynamic interactive visualisation tool among novice programmers in an introductory computer programming course. The proposed model, Dynamic Interactive Visualisation Tool in Teaching C (DIVTIC), was designed to use multimedia and visual imagery to provide learners with a step-by-step representation of program execution in the C language as a means of enhancing their understanding of programming structures and concepts. DIVTIC was designed to support constructivist learning principles and combined collaborative and visualisation learning strategies with use of the Internet and the World Wide Web to support the learning of programming. The feasibility and effectiveness of DIVTIC was explored among a cohort of 100 undergraduate engineering students, 50 in a control group and another 50 in an experimental group, studying an introductory programming course at Suranaree University of Technology (SUT) in Thailand, The study found that the use of DIVTIC was a successful complement to conventional teaching. The results clearly demonstrated the advantage of using DIVTIC among low achieving students. The students from this level in the experimental group significantly outscored their counterparts in the control group in the final test suggesting that DIVTIC was an important element in their learning process. Interestingly, these low achieving students used DIVTIC most and achieved highest grades. However, lower achieving students appeared to learn from simply viewing the animations rather than being highly interactive and stopping and starting them consistently. The study found that the visualisation process implemented in DIVTIC could be of considerable assistance to a particular group of students, those with a low GPA, in developing their understanding of difficult programming concepts

    Debugging im Informatikunterricht

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    Debugging ist ein Schlüsselproblem des Informatikunterrichts: Programmierfehler zu finden und zu beheben stellt für Schülerinnen und Schüler ein erhebliches Hindernis beim Programmierenlernen dar und ist eine große Quelle für Frustration. Gleichzeitig stehen aber auch die Lehrkräfte vor der enormen Herausforderung, allen Lernenden gleichzeitig gerecht zu werden. Nichtsdestotrotz fehlt es bisher an informatikdidaktischer Forschung, die sich diesem gravierenden schulpraktischen Problem annimmt. In dieser Arbeit wird gemäß dem Forschungsformat der didaktischen Rekonstruktion der Prozess Debugging aus informatikdidaktischer Sicht aufgearbeitet. Dazu werden zunächst im Zuge der fachlichen Klärung vier Fähigkeiten identifiziert, die Schülerinnen und Schüler für selbstständiges Debugging benötigen: Die Anwendung eines systematischen Debuggingvorgehens, die Anwendung von Debuggingstrategien, die Verwendung von Heuristiken und Mustern für typische Fehler sowie von Werkzeugen. Das daraus resultierende Modell der Debuggingfähigkeiten für Novizen stellt damit die inhaltliche Basis für die Vermittlung von Debugging dar. Weiterhin wird die Perspektive der Lehrkräfte untersucht und analysiert, mit welchen Herausforderungen diese beim Debuggen im Unterricht konfrontiert sind und wie sie mit diesen umgehen. Die Lehrkräfte berichten dabei von großen Schwierigkeiten aufgrund mangelnder Selbstständigkeit der Schülerinnen und Schüler bei der Fehlerbehebung. Außerdem unterrichten sie Debugging kaum explizit, da es ihnen an Zeit, Konzepten und Materialien fehlt. Aus ihren Erfahrungen können weiterhin Gestaltungshinweise abgeleitet werden, wie etwa, dass Debugging nicht "auf Vorrat", sondern bei Bedarf unterrichtet und dabei die Selbstständigkeit der Lernenden auch aktiv eingefordert werden sollte. Darüber hinaus werden gesellschaftliche Ansprüche des Debugging untersucht und drei mögliche Beiträge zur Allgemeinbildung identifiziert: Zur Erklärung des Phänomens "fehlerhafte Software" aus der Lebenswelt, bezüglich des Lernens aus Fehlern sowie als Herangehensweise des Computational Thinking für Troubleshooting im Alltag. Daneben werden hinsichtlich der Perspektive der Lernenden Debugging-Lernvoraussetzungen von Schülerinnen und Schülern anhand ihres Vorgehens beim Troubleshooten erhoben, die deren Debuggingvorgehen beeinflussen. So wenden die Lernenden zwar ein systematisches Vorgehen für das Troubleshooten an und beziehen bisherige Erfahrungen und Muster für typische Fehler mit in diesen Prozess ein, haben aber insbesondere Probleme mit dem Aufstellen von (Alternativ-)Hypothesen oder dem Rückgängigmachen von erfolglosen Änderungen. Weiterhin haben sie Schwierigkeiten mit der Anwendung von Strategien wie dem Testen oder einer topographischen Suche, die entsprechend im Informatikunterricht adressiert werden müssen. Auf dieser Basis werden zehn Gestaltungskriterien für Konzepte und Materialien für das Debugging im Unterricht entwickelt sowie ein konkretes integratives Unterrichtskonzept für den Informatikunterricht entworfen. Die Wirksamkeit der expliziten Vermittlung von Debugging wird anhand des Unterrichtskonzepts empirisch validiert: Die Ergebnisse zeigen dabei die Bedeutung eines systematischen Vorgehens als Grundlage für erfolgreiches Debugging für Novizen auf und verdichten empirisch die These, dass Debugging explizit vermittelt werden sollte. Abschließend wird die Praxiswirksamkeit der Ergebnisse die Gestaltung einer Fortbildung untersucht und bezüglich des Transfers in die Unterrichtspraxis evaluiert. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die professionelle Kompetenz der Lehrkräfte sowie der Stellenwert des Themas Debugging für ihren Unterricht gestiegen ist. Außerdem versuchen sie, eine positive Fehlerkultur im Unterricht zu etablieren, und adaptieren und erweitern dazu die Fortbildungsinhalte. Zusammenfassend legt diese Arbeit damit die theoretische Grundlage für die Vermittlung von Debugging im Unterricht, indem relevante Debuggingfähigkeiten, unterrichtspraktische Anforderungen und Lernvoraussetzungen identifiziert werden. Darüber hinaus geben die Gestaltungskriterien sowie das evaluierte Unterrichtskonzept eine praxiswirksame Antwort auf die Frage, wie Debugging im Unterricht vermittelt werden kann. Neben diesen inhaltlichen Beiträgen werden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit zudem zwei methodische Beiträge geleistet. So wird einerseits ein Instrument zur Messung von Debuggingleistung und andererseits ein innovativer methodischer Ansatz zur Untersuchung von Troubleshooting-Vorgehensweisen entwickelt

    15th SC@RUG 2018 proceedings 2017-2018

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