565 research outputs found

    Stuttgart Interconnection Network Project from PIX to NICS

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    The PIX follow-up project NICS is described. The purpose of PIX was access to X.25, the DATEX-P network of the Federal German Post Office. The development and implementation of higher protocols for levels 4-7 in the ISOSINN was the actual problem here. Results of the PIX project are given. NICS (Stuttgart Interconnection Network Project) is presented. International Protocols are reviewed. PAD service is described, which allows terminal access to DATEX-P network of the Federal German Post Office

    Viewpoints. 75 Sides to Freie Universität Berlin

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    Das Buch mit 75 Illustrationen und Kurztexten ist eine Reise durch die Geschichte und Welt der Freien Universität Berlin und entstand im April 2023 anlässlich ihres 75-jährigen Gründungsjubiläums. Die Bilder zeigen, ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit, mit Augenzwinkern, eine vernetzte und internationale Universität, die sich seit ihren Anfängen und fortwährend ihren Leitwerten Freiheit, Gerechtigkeit und Wahrheit verpflichtet fühlt und zu einem bedeutenden Teil der Stadt und des Wissenschaftsraums Berlin geworden ist. Aspekte ihrer Geschichte und Gegenwart wurden künstlerisch interpretiert von Yves Haltner, einem Schweizer Illustrator und Grafiker, der in Berlin lebt und arbeitet.The book containing 75 illustrations and short texts is a journey through the history and world of Freie Universität Berlin. It was created in April 2023 to mark the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the university’s founding. With a hint of irony and pointed fragmentary playfulness, the images depict a connected, international university deeply committed to its core values: freedom, justice, truth. The university has become an important part of Berlin as a city and research hub. Various aspects of the past and present of the university were artistically interpreted by Yves Haltner, a Swiss illustrator and graphic designer who lives and works in Berlin

    Small-angle neutron scattering and Molecular Dynamics structural study of gelling DNA nanostars

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    DNA oligomers with properly designed sequences self-assemble into well defined constructs. Here, we exploit this methodology to produce bulk quantities of tetravalent DNA nanostars (each one composed by 196 nucleotides) and to explore the structural signatures of their aggregation process. We report small-angle neutron scattering experiments focused on the evaluation of both the form factor and the temperature evolution of the scattered intensity at a nano star concentration where the system forms a tetravalent equilibrium gel. We also perform molecular dynamics simulations of one isolated tetramer to evaluate the form factor theoretically, without resorting to any approximate shape. The numerical form factor is found to be in very good agreement with the experimental one. Simulations predict an essentially temperature independent form factor, offering the possibility to extract the effective structure factor and its evolution during the equilibrium gelation.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Razvoj računalnog upravljačkog sustava za višedjelni fluorescentni detektor

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    A new control system for fluorescence and EXAFS studies has been developed consisting of germanium detectors and digital signal processor electronics. Using a standard PC and a new software package leads to a high flexibility regarding application, user interface and use of different synchrotron facilities. The new system achieves spectra with considerably higher quality when compared to a traditional system for fluorescence and EXAFS studies. This allows the investigation of thin films and diluted systems as shown by experiments on a W/Nb multilayer system and on FeS2 doped with Zn.Razvili smo upravljački sustav za proučavanje fluorescencije i EXAFS koji se sastoji od germanijskih detektora i signalne digitalne procesorske elektronike. Primjenom standardnog osobnog računala i novog programskog paketa, postigli smo veliku prilagodljivost u primjenama, s međujedinicama i za različite sinkrotronske postave. Nov sustav postiže znatno bolje spektre u usporedbi s uobičajenim sustavima za proučavanje fluorescencije i EXAFS. Tako su moguća istraživanja tankih slojeva i razrijeđenih otopina, kako pokazujemo s višeslojnim W/Nb i sa Zn-punjenim FeS2

    Razvoj računalnog upravljačkog sustava za višedjelni fluorescentni detektor

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    A new control system for fluorescence and EXAFS studies has been developed consisting of germanium detectors and digital signal processor electronics. Using a standard PC and a new software package leads to a high flexibility regarding application, user interface and use of different synchrotron facilities. The new system achieves spectra with considerably higher quality when compared to a traditional system for fluorescence and EXAFS studies. This allows the investigation of thin films and diluted systems as shown by experiments on a W/Nb multilayer system and on FeS2 doped with Zn.Razvili smo upravljački sustav za proučavanje fluorescencije i EXAFS koji se sastoji od germanijskih detektora i signalne digitalne procesorske elektronike. Primjenom standardnog osobnog računala i novog programskog paketa, postigli smo veliku prilagodljivost u primjenama, s međujedinicama i za različite sinkrotronske postave. Nov sustav postiže znatno bolje spektre u usporedbi s uobičajenim sustavima za proučavanje fluorescencije i EXAFS. Tako su moguća istraživanja tankih slojeva i razrijeđenih otopina, kako pokazujemo s višeslojnim W/Nb i sa Zn-punjenim FeS2