101 research outputs found

    Designing pull production control systems:Customization and robustness

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    In this dissertation we address the issues of selecting and configuring pull production control systems for single-product flowlines. We start with a review of pull systems in the literature, yielding a new classification. Then we propose a novel selection procedure based on a generic system that we test on a case also studied in the literature. We further study our procedure for a variety of twelve production lines. We find new types of pull systems that perform well. Next, we raise the issue of designing pull systems under uncertainty. We propose a novel procedure to minimize the risk of poor performance. Results show that risk considerations strongly influence the selection of a specific pull system

    Cross-Border Collaboration in Disaster Management

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    Wenn sich eine Katastrophe ereignet, ist eine schnelle und koordinierte Reaktion der verschiedenen Krisenmanagementakteure unerlässlich, um die vorhandenen Ressourcen bestmöglich einzusetzen und somit ihre Auswirkungen zu begrenzen. Dieses Zusammenspiel wird erschwert, wenn die Katastrophe mehrere Länder betrifft. Neben den unterschiedlichen Regelungen und Systemen spielen dann auch kulturelle Einflüsse wie Sprachbarrieren oder mangelndes Vertrauen eine entscheidende Rolle. Obwohl die Resilienz von Grenzgebieten von fundamentaler Bedeutung ist, wird diese in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur immer noch unterschätzt. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wird ein agentenbasiertes Modell zur Untersuchung der organisationsübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit bei Katastropheneinsätzen in einer Grenzregion vorgestellt. Indem Kommunikationsprotokolle aus der Literatur auf den Kontext der grenzüberschreitenden Kooperation erweitert werden, analysiert das Modell die globale Dynamik, die aus lokalen Entscheidungen resultiert. Ein szenariobasierter Ansatz zeigt, dass höheres Vertrauen zwar zu signifikant besseren Versorgungsraten führt, der Abbau von Sprachbarrieren aber noch effizienter ist. Insbesondere gilt dies, wenn die Akteure die Sprache des Nachbarlandes direkt sprechen, anstatt sich auf eine allgemeine Lingua franca zu verlassen. Die Untersuchung der Koordination zeigt, dass Informationsflüsse entlang der hierarchischen Organisationsstruktur am erfolgreichsten sind, während spontane Zusammenarbeit durch ein etabliertes informelles Netzwerk privater Kontakte den Informationsaustausch ergänzen und in dynamischen Umgebungen einen Vorteil darstellen kann. Darüber hinaus verdoppelt die Einbindung von Spontanfreiwilligen den Koordinationsaufwand. Die Koordination über beide Dimensionen, zum einen die Einbindung in den Katastrophenschutz und zum anderen über Grenzen hinweg, führt jedoch zu einer optimalen Versorgung der betroffenen Bevölkerung. In einem zweiten Teil stellt diese Arbeit ein innovatives empirisches Studiendesign vor, das auf transnationalem Sozialkapital und Weiners Motivationstheorie basiert, um prosoziale Beziehungen der Menschen über nationale Grenzen hinweg zu quantifizieren. Regionale Beziehungen innerhalb der Länder werden dabei als Vergleichsbasis genommen. Die mittels repräsentativer Telefoninterviews in Deutschland, Frankreich und der deutsch-französischen Grenzregion erhobenen Daten belegen die Hypothese, dass das Sozialkapital und die Hilfsbereitschaft über die deutsch-französische Grenze hinweg mindestens so hoch ist wie das regionale Sozialkapital und die Hilfsbereitschaft innerhalb der jeweiligen Länder. Folglich liefert die Arbeit wertvolle Erkenntnisse für Entscheidungsträger, um wesentliche Barrieren in der grenzüberschreitenden Kooperation abzubauen und damit die grenzüberschreitende Resilienz bei zukünftigen Katastrophen zu verbessern. Implikationen für die heutige Zeit in Bezug auf Globalisierung versus aufkommendem Nationalismus sowie Auswirkungen von (Natur-) Katastrophen werden diskutiert


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    This research investigation was conducted to develop, execute, and analyze a collection of discrete-event system simulation and animation models for different modern mining operations and systems, including two open-pit gold mines, an aggregate mine (sand and gravel), an open-cast (strip) coal mine, and an underground mine evacuation operation. The mine simulation and animation models aimed to study and assess a wide range of practical unique and common "what if?" scenarios that the mine engineers and managers of the case studies posed in different aspects during the research. A comprehensive and detailed literature review was also performed to provide a summary of the published discrete-event system simulation projects and their applications in the mining and mineral industry. The simulation results of the investigation were effectively implemented to assist the engineers in maximizing the productivity of the mines, improving the operation processes, reducing the environmental impact of the haulage operations, and enhancing the equipment utilization in various case studies. In addition, due to the shortage of powerful and flexible computer simulation tools in designing and analyzing underground mining evacuation operations and rescue equipment with respect to the mine operating characteristics and layout, the discrete-event system simulation and animation technique was innovatively implemented for modeling these complex systems. GPSS/H® and PROOF Professional® were the simulation language and animation software used for this research work

    Success and failure factors in ICT projects: a Dutch perspective.

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    This thesis examines the success and failure factors in ICT projects. The low success rate of software projects in terms of reliability, meeting due dates and working within assigned budgets is widely recognised and topical. International as well as Dutch publications and the procedures in Tarek Abdel-Hamid's work on Software Project Management/Dynamics are discussed. A SUFFI Chart (SUFFI = SUccess and Failure Factors in ICT projects) is developed. The management of a portfolio of projects is compared with the SUFFI Chart. A number of Dutch projects with which the author was directly involved are examnined to show how they compare with the factors identified from the literature. These do show considerable correlation between important SUFFI factors and project success. The portfolio consists of nine ICT projects and four ICT project audits. Projects such as SAP, RBAC, EAI, charging method, PABX, financial building adrnmistration, information retrieval, book reservations, traffic data collection, introduction of the Internet functionality and SOX, for different companies/organisations (Delft University of Technology, National Police Services Agency, KPN - Dutch Telecom Company, University of Amsterdam, government, banking). This work shows that for a successful project 4 of the 5 most important SUFFIs have to be absent

    A grid-aware emergency response model for natural disasters

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    Natural phenomena are essential and unavoidable planetary actions. When they occur in extreme forms they may have a disastrous impact on human life, property and the environment. Emergency management bodies mitigate, prepare for, respond to and recover from such events. Emergency response is a sum of decisions and actions taken through the collaboration and cooperation of many specialists from different disciplines. However, primary and secondary research findings suggest that there are limitations in the current information and communication technologies (leT), which affect the effectiveness and efficiency of emergency response tasks. Therefore, the focus of this research was to investigate whether the appropriate use of cutting-edge leT (such as the Grid) can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of emergency response operations for natural disasters. The approach adopted in the research involved literature reviews, case studies, face-toface structured interviews with emergency management stakeholders and leT experts, model development using Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) linked to Information Systems Development Methodologies (lSDMs), and finally, one-to-one evaluation exercises. ease studies and interviews involving two member states of the European Union were carried out to investigate current practices and to highlight the limitations that emergency management stakeholders face during response operations. SSM was used to investigate the problem area and to produce a conceptual Emergency Response Model (ERM). Further literature review and interviews suggested the Grid as the most appropriate technology to support the ERM. The linking together of the SSM findings with ISDMs - resulted in the production of a Grid-Aware Emergency Response Model (G-AERM) for natural disasters. The evaluation of the G-AERM demonstrated the applicability of Grid technology to emergency response by supporting stakeholders in monitoring, planning, controlling and managing actions within emergency situations caused by natural disasters in a far more informed way in terms of effectiveness and efficiency....EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Информационные технологии и математическое моделирование (ИТММ-2019) : материалы XVIII Международной конференции им. А. Ф. Терпугова, 26−30 июня 2019 г. Ч. 2

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    Сборник содержит избранные материалы XVIII Международной конференции имени А.Ф. Терпугова по следующим направлениям: теория массового обслуживания и телетрафика, графы и их применение в задачах анализа дискретных автоматов, прикладной вероятностный анализ. Для специалистов в области информационных технологий и математического моделирования.Текст на рус. и англ. яз