7 research outputs found

    A Note on Flips in Diagonal Rectangulations

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    Rectangulations are partitions of a square into axis-aligned rectangles. A number of results provide bijections between combinatorial equivalence classes of rectangulations and families of pattern-avoiding permutations. Other results deal with local changes involving a single edge of a rectangulation, referred to as flips, edge rotations, or edge pivoting. Such operations induce a graph on equivalence classes of rectangulations, related to so-called flip graphs on triangulations and other families of geometric partitions. In this note, we consider a family of flip operations on the equivalence classes of diagonal rectangulations, and their interpretation as transpositions in the associated Baxter permutations, avoiding the vincular patterns { 3{14}2, 2{41}3 }. This complements results from Law and Reading (JCTA, 2012) and provides a complete characterization of flip operations on diagonal rectangulations, in both geometric and combinatorial terms

    Some notes on generic rectangulations

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    A rectangulation is a subdivision of a rectangle into rectangles. A generic rectangulation is a rectangulation that has no crossing segments. We explain several observations and pose some questions about generic rectangulations. In particular, we show how one may "centrally invert" a generic rectangulation about any given rectangle, analogous to reflection across a circle in classical geometry. We also explore 3-dimensional orthogonal polytopes related to "marked" rectangulations and drawings of planar maps.  These observations arise from viewing a generic rectangulation as topologically equivalent to a sphere

    Reconfiguration of plane trees in convex geometric graphs

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    A non-crossing spanning tree of a set of points in the plane is a spanning tree whose edges pairwise do not cross. Avis and Fukuda in 1996 proved that there always exists a flip sequence of length at most 2n42n-4 between any pair of non-crossing spanning trees (where nn denotes the number of points). Hernando et al. proved that the length of a minimal flip sequence can be of length at least 32n\frac 32 n. Two recent results of Aichholzer et al. and Bousquet et al. improved the Avis and Fukuda upper bound by proving that there always exists a flip sequence of length respectively at most 2nlogn2n - \log n and 2nn2n - \sqrt{n}. We improve the upper bound by a linear factor for the first time in 25 years by proving that there always exists a flip sequence between any pair of non-crossing spanning trees T1,T2T_1,T_2 of length at most cnc n where c1.95c \approx 1.95. Our result is actually stronger since we prove that, for any two trees T1,T2T_1,T_2, there exists a flip sequence from T1T_1 to T2T_2 of length at most cT1T2c |T_1 \setminus T_2|. We also improve the best lower bound in terms of the symmetric difference by proving that there exists a pair of trees T1,T2T_1,T_2 such that a minimal flip sequence has length 53T1T2\frac 53 |T_1 \setminus T_2|, improving the lower bound of Hernando et al. by considering the symmetric difference instead of the number of vertices. We generalize this lower bound construction to non-crossing flips (where we close the gap between upper and lower bounds) and rotations

    LIPIcs, Volume 248, ISAAC 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 248, ISAAC 2022, Complete Volum