10 research outputs found

    On the concept of relevance in legal information retrieval

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    The concept of 'relevance' is crucial to legal information retrieval, but because of its intuitive understanding it goes undefined too easily and unexplored too often. We discuss a conceptual framework on relevance within legal information retrieval, based on a typology of relevance dimensions used within general information retrieval science, but tailored to the specific features of legal information. This framework can be used for the development and improvement of legal information retrieval systems

    An agent-based architecture for online dispute resolution services

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    Tese de doutoramento em "Philosophy in Informatics"Conflicts are a natural consequence of our daily social interactions and should be regarded as opportunities to improve some aspect, condition or flaw. In order for conflicts to have positive outcomes, not only from an economical view but also concerning the maintenance of good interpersonal-relationships, tools are needed that can explain to the parties the inner mechanisms of the conflict resolution process, its restrictions and its rules. Only well-informed parties can take good and realistic decisions and better understand the others’. In this thesis, the most important aspects in a conflict resolution process concerning the aforementioned are identified, with the objective of designing a tool that can effectively support the parties from the beginning to the end of the conflict. The resulting tool, UMCourt , has as main objective to support decisions by providing the right information in the right moment to the right stakeholders. Specifically, several problems are addressed that include the definition of a suitable agent-based architecture, the building of important knowledge and the support in the negotiation process, either by generating solutions or by analysing the behaviour of the parties. This last issue is addressed in more detail in this thesis. In fact, the most serious drawback that was identified in current conflict resolution methods is their complete disregard for contextual and subjective information about the parties: the trend has been, for many years, to focus on the objective aspects of the conflict. The main contribution of this thesis is a vision on conflict resolution that goes the other way around: asides from objective information, decisions should also be based on contextual features such as our level of stress, body language, attitudes or our conflict handling style. We rely on this information on a daily basis to communicate efficiently. It results only logical that it should be included in conflict resolution methods that rely so heavily on communication. The approach put forward relies on the analysis of the individual’s behaviour in order to infer such context information. Disputant parties and, in particular, mediators and negotiators, can better understand the state of the participants and take better decisions (e.g. make a pause, understand how a party is affected by an issue). This is particularly important when online dispute resolution methods that rely on cold and impersonal communication technologies (often constituting a barrier to efficient communication) are used.Os conflitos são uma consequência natural das nossas interações sociais e devem ser vistos como oportunidades para melhorar determinados aspetos, condições ou mesmo falhas. Para que tenham resultados positivos, não só do ponto de vista económico mas também do ponto de vista das relações interpessoais, são necessárias ferramentas que expliquem às partes as particularidades do processo, as suas restrições e as suas regras. Apenas partes bem informadas podem tomar decisões realísticas e melhor entender as decisões dos restantes. Nesta tese, os aspetos mais importantes num processo de resolução de conflitos são identificados, com o objetivo de definir uma ferramenta que possa, efetivamente, suportar as partes do início ao fim do conflito. A ferramenta resultante, designada UMCourt , tem como principal objetivo suportar decisões fornecendo a informação certa no momento certo às entidades certas. Especificamente, vários problemas são atacados que incluem a definição de uma arquitetura de software adequada, a construção de conhecimento e o suporte à negociação, quer através da geração de soluções quer através da análise comportamental das partes. Este último tópico é tratado em mais detalhe nesta tese. De facto, a limitação mais significante que foi identificada nos atuais métodos de resolução de conflitos é a negligência da importância dos fatores contextuais e da informação subjetiva acerca das partes: a tendência tem sido no sentido de se focarem apenas nos aspetos objetivos. A principal contribuição desta tese é a de uma visão do processo de resolução de conflitos que aponta no sentido oposto: para além da informação objetiva, as decisões devem também ser baseadas em aspetos contextuais tais como o nível de stress, a linguagem corporal ou o estilo de lidar com o conflito. Enquanto indivíduos, baseamonos nestes aspetos diariamente para comunicar de forma eficiente. É portanto lógico que tal informação seja incluída em métodos de resolução de conflitos que se baseiam de forma tão clara na comunicação. A abordagem proposta baseia-se na análise comportamental de cada indivíduo para aquisiçao da informação de contexto. As partes em conflito e, em particular, os mediadores e negociadores, podem entender melhor o estado de todos os participantes e tomar melhores decisões (e.g. fazer uma pausa, perceber como uma parte é afetada por uma questão). Isto é especialmente importante quando são usados métodos de resolução de conflitos em linha baseados no uso de tecnologias de comunicação frias e impessoais, que geralmente configuram elas próprias um obstáculo à eficiência da comunicação

    Automatic extraction and structure of arguments in legal documents

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    A argumentação desempenha um papel fundamental na comunicação humana ao formular razões e tirar conclusões. Desenvolveu-se um sistema automático para identificar argumentos jurídicos de forma eficaz em termos de custos a partir da jurisprudência. Usando 42 leis jurídicas do Tribunal Europeu dos Direitos Humanos (ECHR), anotou-se os documentos para estabelecer um conjunto de dados “padrão-ouro”. Foi então desenvolvido e testado um processo composto por 3 etapas para mineração de argumentos. A primeira etapa foi avaliar o melhor conjunto de recursos para identificar automaticamente as frases argumentativas do texto não estruturado. Várias experiencias foram conduzidas dependendo do tipo de características disponíveis no corpus, a fim de determinar qual abordagem que produzia os melhores resultados. No segundo estágio, introduziu-se uma nova abordagem de agrupamento automático (para agrupar frases num argumento legal coerente), através da utilização de dois novos algoritmos: o “Algoritmo de Identificação do Grupo Apropriado”, ACIA e a “Distribuição de orações no agrupamento de Cluster”, DSCA. O trabalho inclui também um sistema de avaliação do algoritmo de agrupamento que permite ajustar o seu desempenho. Na terceira etapa do trabalho, utilizou-se uma abordagem híbrida de técnicas estatísticas e baseadas em regras para categorizar as orações argumentativas. No geral, observa-se que o nível de precisão e utilidade alcançado por essas novas técnicas é viável como base para uma estrutura geral de argumentação e mineração; Abstract: Automatic Extraction and Structure of Arguments in Legal Documents Argumentation plays a cardinal role in human communication when formulating reasons and drawing conclusions. A system to automatically identify legal arguments cost-effectively from case-law was developed. Using 42 legal case-laws from the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), an annotation was performed to establish a ‘gold-standard’ dataset. Then a three-stage process for argument mining was developed and tested. The first stage aims at evaluating the best set of features for automatically identifying argumentative sentences within unstructured text. Several experiments were conducted, depending upon the type of features available in the corpus, in order to determine which approach yielded the best result. In the second stage, a novel approach to clustering (for grouping sentences automatically into a coherent legal argument) was introduced through the development of two new algorithms: the “Appropriate Cluster Identification Algorithm”,(ACIA) and the “Distribution of Sentence to the Cluster Algorithm” (DSCA). This work also includes a new evaluation system for the clustering algorithm, which helps tuning it for performance. In the third stage, a hybrid approach of statistical and rule-based techniques was used in order to categorize argumentative sentences. Overall, it’s possible to observe that the level of accuracy and usefulness achieve by these new techniques makes it viable as the basis of a general argument-mining framework

    Logic and Games of Norms: a Computational Perspective

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    Methods and tools for analysis and management of risks and regulatory compliance in the healthcare sector: the Hospital at Home – HaH

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    Changing or creating a new organization means creating a new process. Each process involves many risks that need to be identified and managed. The main risks considered here are procedural risks and legal risks. The former are related to the risks of errors that may occur during processes, while the latter are related to the compliance of processes with regulations. Therefore, managing the risks implies proposing changes to the processes that allow the desired result: an optimized process. In order to manage a company and optimize it in the best possible way, not only should the organizational aspect, risk management and legal compliance be taken into account, but it is important that they are all analyzed simultaneously with the aim of finding the right balance that satisfies them all. This is exactly the aim of this thesis, to provide methods and tools to balance these three characteristics, and to enable this type of optimization, ICT support is used. This work is not intended to be a computer science or law thesis but an interdisciplinary thesis. Most of the work done so far is vertical and in a specific domain. The particularity and aim of this thesis is not so much to carry out an in-depth analysis of a particular aspect, but rather to combine several important aspects, normally analyzed separately, which however have an impact on each other and influence each other. In order to carry out this kind of interdisciplinary analysis, the knowledge base of both areas was involved and the combination and collaboration of different experts in the various fields was necessary. Although the methodology described is generic and can be applied to all sectors, a particular use case was chosen to show its application. The case study considered is a new type of healthcare service that allows patients in acute disease to be hospitalized to their home. This provide the possibility to perform experiments using real hospital database

    Methods and tools for analysis and management of risks and regulatory compliance in the healthcare sector: the hospital at home – HaH

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    Changing or creating an organisation means creating a new process. Each process involves many risks that need to be identified and managed. The main risks considered here are procedural and legal risks. The former are related to the risks of errors that may occur during processes, while the latter are related to the compliance of processes with regulations. Managing the risks implies proposing changes to the processes that allow the desired result: an optimised process. In order to manage a company and optimise it in the best possible way, not only should the organisational aspect, risk management and legal compliance be taken into account, but it is important that they are all analysed simultaneously with the aim of finding the right balance that satisfies them all. This is the aim of this thesis, to provide methods and tools to balance these three characteristics, and to enable this type of optimisation, ICT support is used. This work isn’t a thesis in computer science or law, but rather an interdisciplinary thesis. Most of the work done so far is vertical and in a specific domain. The particularity and aim of this thesis is not to carry out an in-depth analysis of a particular aspect, but rather to combine several important aspects, normally analysed separately, which however have an impact and influence each other. In order to carry out this kind of interdisciplinary analysis, the knowledge base of both areas was involved and the combination and collaboration of different experts in the various fields was necessary. Although the methodology described is generic and can be applied to all sectors, the case study considered is a new type of healthcare service that allows patients in acute disease to be hospitalised to their home. This provide the possibility to perform experiments using real hospital database

    Behavioral Economics & Machine Learning Expanding the Field Through a New Lens

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    In this thesis, I investigate central questions in behavioral economics as well as law and economics. I examine well-studied problems through a new methodological lens. The aim is to generate new insights and thus point behavioral scientists to novel analytical tools. To this end, I show how machine learning may be used to build new theories by reducing complexity in experimental economic data. Moreover, I use natural language processing to show how supervised learning can enable the scientific community to expand limited datasets. I also investigate the normative impact of the use of such tools in social science research or decision-making as well as their deficiencies