85 research outputs found

    L'atomisme, le holisme et la quĂŞte d'une tierce alternative viable

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    Selon John McDowell, l'atomisme et le holisme sont chacun incapables de porter fruit. Plutôt que d'osciller futilement entre ces deux pôles, il croit que nous devrions repenser notre façon de concevoir la relation liant l'esprit et le monde. Inspiré par certains passages de Kant, il nous invite donc à reconsidérer l'expérience de telle sorte qu'on y admette d'entrée de jeu l'exercice d'une liberté distinctement humaine-l'étendue de l'esprit devenant ainsi dénuée de toute contrainte externe. À notre avis, McDowell a plus de succès lorsqu'il dépeint le va-et-vient entre l'atomisme et le holisme que lorsqu'il propose une façon d'échapper à ce mouvement. Nous croyons que la fusion qu'il cherche à développer ne tient pas la route dans la mesure où, d'un point de vue naturaliste, il y a bel et bien lieu de distinguer la réceptivité empirique et la spontaneité conceptuelle. À l'encontre de McDowell, nous soutenons qu'il n'y a oscillation entre ces facultés que si l'on endosse une inférence allant du statut non-atomique des représentations au holisme, saut inductif qui repose sur une approche spéculative que nous rejetons. Le premier chapitre cherche à démontrer comment les théories holistes de filière quinéenne se fondent sur des présupposés spéculatifs et comment les éléments plus louables de la philosophie de McDowell à cet égard sont rendus impuissants par son assentiment à la critique que fait W. Sellars du "mythe du Donné". Le second chapitre reconstruit méticuleusement l'argument fort complexe qu'étale McDowell dans Mind and World, pour ensuite critiquer sa suggestion que la culture et l'éducation induisent chez l'être humain une attitude critique pouvant remplacer la friction produite par l'expérience. Le troisième chapitre soutient que la thèse de Sellars voulant que l'expérience peut causer mais non justifier nos représentations détruirait non seulement la connaissance empirique mais aussi la capacité de tirer des inférences. Enfin, le quatrième chapitre présente une nouvelle vision "constrictive" qui, par l'entremise des notions de coercition et de complexité, reconnait que la représentation du monde met en jeu une échelle plus large que l'atome mais plus petite que le tout. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Atomisme, Holisme, Représentation, John McDowell

    Walking the Wire in the Wireless World: Legal and Policy Implications of Mobile Computing

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    The impact of Neuromarketing on Consumer Behaviour.

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    In this study, it was shown that the innovative field of neuromarketing is able to impact the mind of consumers and their behaviour. The main objectives of this study were to understand if neuromarketing has a real and (especially) measurable influence on consumer behaviour and to understand if the better performances obtained by the products could be due to the insights produced by neuromarketing tests. In order to reach these objectives, the researcher designed a qualitative study starting from an existing case study. Under the influence of critical realism as research philosophy, the researcher adopted a deductive approach. The best suitable strategy was identified to be the single case study, in which data were collected through interviews. These non-standardised, semi-structured interviews were conducted with a sample of fifteen people, divided respectively in three homogeneous groups, through videoconference apps. The participants were Italians aged between 25 and 60 years old, nationally representatives. The conduction of the interviews was supported by the vision of three different versions of a video, one per each group, that included the main object of the analysis: an humanitarian commercial in its two versions; when aired, the first obtained poor results while the second version, aired after neuromarketing tests, performed greatly. The results obtained from this research have confirmed the researcher's main hypothesis and therefore the relationship between the new insights produced by neuromarketing and the unquestionable better performance of advertising, especially in terms of awareness, emotions aroused and response to call to action. Another important issue was raised by this research, concerning the influence that each type of content, when interrupted by the commercial, have on the perception of the commercial itself; further investigation is required on this particular issue. In conclusion, this study was seen positively by the researcher who, on the basis of the results obtained, considers neuromarketing an extremely useful and reliable tool for the success of a marketing campaign and for businesses, with the issues related to the real context of use of the product and the market in which it is consumed to be always taken into account

    Cubaneo In Latin Piano: A Parametric Approach To Gesture, Texture, And Motivic Variation

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    ABSTRACT CUBANEO IN LATIN PIANO: A PARAMETRIC APPROACH TO GESTURE, TEXTURE, AND MOTIVIC VARIATION COPYRIGHT Orlando Enrique Fiol 2018 Dr. Carol A. Muller Over the past century of recorded evidence, Cuban popular music has undergone great stylistic changes, especially regarding the piano tumbao. Hybridity in the Cuban/Latin context has taken place on different levels to varying extents involving instruments, genres, melody, harmony, rhythm, and musical structures. This hybridity has involved melding, fusing, borrowing, repurposing, adopting, adapting, and substituting. But quantifying and pinpointing these processes has been difficult because each variable or parameter embodies a history and a walking archive of sonic aesthetics. In an attempt to classify and quantify precise parameters involved in hybridity, this dissertation presents a paradigmatic model, organizing music into vocabularies, repertories, and abstract procedures. Cuba\u27s pianistic vocabularies are used very interactively, depending on genre, composite ensemble texture, vocal timbre, performing venue, and personal taste. These vocabularies include: melodic phrases, harmonic progressions, rhythmic cells and variation schemes to replace repetition with methodical elaboration of the piano tumbao as a main theme. These pianistic vocabularies comprise what we actually hear. Repertories, such as pre-composed songs, ensemble arrangements, and open- ended montuno and solo sections, situate and contextualize what we hear in real life musical performances. Abstract procedures are the thoughts, aesthetics, intentions, and parametric rules governing what Cuban/Latin pianists consider possible. Abstract procedures alter vocabularies by displacing, expanding, contracting, recombining, permuting, and layering them. As Cuba\u27s popular musics find homes in its musical diaspora (the United States, Latin America and Europe), Cuban pianists have sought to differentiate their craft from global salsa and Latin jazz pianists. Expanding the piano\u27s gestural/textural vocabulary beyond pre-Revolutionary traditions and performance practices, the timba piano tumbao is a powerful marker of Cuban identity and musical pride, transcending national borders and cultural boundaries
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