278 research outputs found

    Customers’ Preference of Online Marketplace: Trendyol and Hepsiburada Case Study

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    The development of internet has increased the popularity of e-commerce. There are many different types of online marketplace, and each of them has its own customer base. Customers develop their preference or choice of specific online marketplace over the competitors. This research aimed to understand the factors influencing the choice. The research explored online dimensions that influencing user experience during shopping. In addition, the research incorporates neuroscientific findings, namely limbic types which is essentially similar to customer persona. Analysis of customer persona of the limbic type used descriptive analysis and dimension of attitude online shopping used regression analysis that done with SPSS application. The object of research was the online shopper with marketplace Trendyol and Hepsi Burada. The sampling technique was purposive with the criteria of responden is online shoppers. The collection of data by google form used snowballing technique. The total respondents were 117.   The results showed that Trendyol type of limbic types ware Connoisseurs and Hedonist. The limbic map of Trendyol was Fantasy/Pleasure towards Balance System. The dimensions of brand identity that give significant effect were interactivity, information quality, usability, entertainment and personalization. Interactivity, usability and entertainment gave a positive and significant effect towards brand attitude formation in E-shops Trendyol or Hepsiburada, whereas information quality and personalization resulted on signicantly negative impact. Design and domain name had no significant effect towards dependent variable. The model could explain 79.2% of brand attitude formation in E-shops Trendyol or Hepsiburad

    A real-time assessment of customer experience

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    We have now entered into the age of the customer, a time where competing through traditional methods is no longer valid; it is the customer experience that is crucial to gaining a competitive advantage. Despite the recognition of the importance of customer experience, there is a considerable dearth of knowledge among both academics and practitioners on aspects relating to customer experience including the drivers, measurement and value it provides to firms. In an attempt to move forward the body of knowledge on customer experience, the researcher set out to answer the following research question: what is the impact of customer experience on customer intentions and actual behaviour in multichannel retail and service settings? The research comprised two successive studies. Study 1 was conducted to identify the elements that encompass customer experience touch points. The study was based on a qualitative research approach, using a sequential incident technique to guide the data collection. A total of 28 customer experience narratives provided by 22 informants was collected through semi-structured interviews. An inductive thematic analysis of the semi-structure interview transcripts was employed to identify distinct elements of customer experience touch points; elements to be used to develop a holistic model of customer experience in Study 2. Study 2 was conducted to investigate empirically the real-time impact of customer experience on customer intentions and actual behaviour in multichannel retail and service settings

    The hierarchical effects of employee choice of language: The role of customer bilingualism and self-concept clarity

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    The impact of the choice of language is continuously widening and deepening in different socio-political contexts due to globalization and multiculturalism (Heller, 2010). A nascent stream of research (Zolfagharian, Hasan, & Iyer, 2017) also suggests that, in multicultural service encounters, employee choice of language affects customer perceived interaction quality, which in turn influences a host of outcome constructs germane to service researchers. Therefore, this dissertation focuses on how employee choice of language works in customer mind and shapes their attitude toward service interaction and the service itself. The exploration of this underlying psychological mechanism is expected to provide answers to the queries on whether and to what extent language matters in bilingual service interactions. This dissertation specifically identifies cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects of customer attitude where employee choice of language may exert influence. Besides, this research studies how employee choice of language evokes positive and negative routes of attitudes. This study also conceptualizes and tests how customer bilingualism and self-concept clarity play a role in directing customers toward these alternative routes of attitudes through their interplay with employee choice of language. To conduct this study, a scenario-based between-subjects experiment of 3 (employee choice and use of language: adheres to, adapts to, and ignores) x 2 (customer preference: two languages spoken in a bilingual service context) is conducted to capture the effects of employee choice of language on customer attitudes. The experiment is conducted on Mexican-Americans who are eighteen years or older and who have a preference for English or Spanish in the specific service context. The results support in general the proposed conceptual model and reveal the impact of employee choice of language in triggering both positive and negative attitudes. Self-concept clarity moderates the effect of employee choice of language on cognitive attitudes. However, the effect of positive and negative affect on customer behavior shows a negativity bias of employee choice of language. Unlike negative affect, positive affect does not influence customer behavior

    Customer equity drivers and emotions on algarve 5-star hotel clients´ satisfaction and loyalty

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    The tourism and hotel industry are critical drivers for Portugal, particularly for Algarve’s economy. The hotel industry’s demand depends not only on macroeconomic variables of countries of the tourists but also on other customer behavior issues, such as Satisfaction, Loyalty, Emotions, and Customer Equity drivers, which are significantly related. All these items are essential for customer decision making. Therefore, understanding their relations can be useful for academia and, by knowledge transfer, to the industry. This research aimed to clarify the relationships between Customer Equity Drivers and Emotions with Satisfaction and Loyalty of five-star hotel clients from Algarve’s predominant tourist nationalities, contributing to a more integrative conceptual model. For this purpose, the perspectives of two leading hotel brands in Algarve were compared with the perspective of their clients. Questionnaires were administrated amongst five-star hotel clients from the two famous brands, who stayed overnight during July, August, and September of 2019 in the Algarve region. A sample of 133 respondents from the predominant tourist nationalities with valid answers was achieved. The five-star hotels’ management answered the questionnaires based on their data and perception to compare their clients’ perspectives. Complementary, the emotions of tourists about the Algarve region were also studied. The analysis was done in an exploratory approach, using three-way data analysis supported by Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) developed by Escofier and Pagès (1985). The MFA results confirmed stability between the dimensions constructed with the two hotel brands and clients’ data. It was identified, as expected, an opposition between negative emotions and all other model items. Nonetheless, there was a more evident linkage between positive emotions, joy, and happiness, with overall satisfaction and perception of brand ethics. Another highlighted linkage was between positive emotion enthusiasm, service/product quality, and attitudinal loyalties. The results showed that hotel brand one is a variance with the other two perspectives. This difference was mostly related to Portuguese nationality clients. The presupposes of the proposed conceptual model were aligned with the research results.O turismo é uma das principais formas de desenvolvimento de cada região. O turismo e a hotelaria em particular são fatores críticos para Portugal e em particular para a economia do Algarve. Neste contexto, o alojamento é uma parte importante da indústria do turismo e é significativo para o desenvolvimento dos destinos turísticos. Entre os diferentes tipos de alojamento, os hotéis são o setor mais tipificado e posicionam-se como o principal segmento na maioria dos destinos. Os hotéis têm que competir globalmente para atrair turistas e, numa realidade que é naturalmente dinâmica, as mudanças de preferências, requisitos e expectativas dos clientes tornam evidente a necessidade de investigação constante sobre a realidade ou realidades dos clientes. A procura da indústria hoteleira depende não apenas de variáveis macroeconómicas dos países de origem dos turistas, mas também de outras questões e conceitos associados a aspetos comportamentais do cliente, como a satisfação, a lealdade, as emoções e o valor do cliente, que estão significativamente relacionados. Todos estes itens são essenciais para o processo de tomada de decisão do cliente e entendimento das suas relações é um contributo de interesse para a academia e, por transferência de conhecimento, para a indústria, pois pode fornecer informações relevantes para apoiar os hotéis nas suas atividades relacionadas aos clientes. Investigações anteriores mostraram que a satisfação dos clientes é um fator-chave para o sucesso de todos os negócios, e essa satisfação leva ao suporte e à fidelidade por parte dos clientes, à passa-palavra ou marketing de boca-a-boca positivos, à retenção de clientes, à sua lealdade e traduz-se na diminuição do custo da captação de novos clientes. O reconhecimento da qualidade pelos clientes, intimamente relacionada com os níveis de satisfação, é possível não só em serviços de luxo, mas também em todos serviços que respondam ao que o cliente procura. No entanto, importa referir que, as próprias classificações dos alojamentos normalmente associadas à atribuição de mais estrelas em função da sua categoria, podem ser consideradas indicadores de qualidade. Neste sentido, e também de acordo com resultados de investigações anteriores, os clientes dos hotéis de categoria mais alta são mais exigentes. Particularmente os clientes ocidentais são mais exigentes, menos leais e mais recetivos a iniciativas de marketing. Assim, Portugal, como destino turístico predominantemente de turistas ocidentais, deve envidar esforços para atrair e reter mais visitantes. Para esse efeito, a apresentação de produtos ou serviços adequados para a satisfação dos clientes, a monitorização e controlo do valor e lealdade dos clientes são as melhores formas de o concretizar. A revisão da história e da literatura teórica mostram que o valor do cliente é um estímulo para a satisfação do cliente. A abordagem pelo valor do cliente é uma estratégia competitiva de marketing assente numa lógica de valores dos recursos investidos por clientes, em organizações específicas. Por outro lado, as emoções desempenham um papel importante no processo de compra dos clientes e sentimentos positivos podem levar a melhores níveis de satisfação e consequentemente à fidelidade ao destino. Neste contexto, os investigadores defendem que os sentimentos positivos podem influenciar positivamente as perceções do consumidor sobre a qualidade do serviço e como toma as suas decisões. Estudos anteriores revelaram diferenças significativas nas características comportamentais com base na nacionalidade e nas especificidades de conceito de produtos de luxo em diferentes culturas. O principal propósito da presente investigação foi esclarecer as relações entre os drivers de valor do cliente, as emoções, a satisfação e lealdade de clientes de hotéis de cinco estrelas, tendo em conta as nacionalidades turísticas predominantes na região do Algarve, contribuindo para um modelo conceptual mais integrador. Para o efeito, foram comparadas as perspetivas de duas marcas hoteleiras famosas na região do Algarve, na categoria de cinco estrelas, com a perspetiva dos seus próprios clientes, no que se refere a Valor do Cliente (10 itens), Emoções (9 itens), Satisfação (4 itens) e Lealdade (4 itens). A gestão dos hotéis de cinco estrelas respondeu aos questionários com base nos seus dados e perceção para comparação com a perspetiva dos seus clientes, também para diferentes nacionalidades turísticas. Complementarmente, foram estudadas as emoções dos turistas sobre a região do Algarve com recurso a 20 itens de Emoções Negativas e Positivas. Os questionários foram aplicados aos clientes de hotéis de cinco estrelas das duas marcas famosas, nos meses de julho, agosto e setembro de 2019 na região do Algarve. Foram obtidas respostas válidas de 133 inquiridos das nacionalidades turísticas predominantes. A gestão dos dois hotéis de cinco estrelas respondeu aos questionários com base nos seus dados e na sua perceção sobre os clientes das várias nacionalidades. A configuração dos dados recolhidos levou à construção de estruturas de dados tridimensionais que exigiram análises multivariadas de três vias. A investigação assentou numa abordagem predominantemente exploratória, utilizando a análise de dados de três vias suportada pela análise fatorial múltipla (AFM) desenvolvida por Escofier e Pagès (1985). Os resultados da AFM confirmaram a estabilidade entre as dimensões construídas com as duas marcas de hotel e dados dos clientes. Identificou-se, como esperado, uma oposição entre as emoções negativas e todos os demais itens do modelo. No entanto, houve uma ligação mais evidente entre as emoções positivas, alegria e felicidade, com a satisfação geral e a perceção da ética da marca. Outra ligação destacada foi entre o entusiasmo nas emoções positivas, com a qualidade do serviço/produto e a lealdade atitudinal. Os resultados mostraram que uma das marcas de hotel encontra-se em divergência com as outras duas perspetivas. Esta diferença está principalmente relacionada com a avaliação de clientes de nacionalidade portuguesa. Os pressupostos do modelo concetual proposto encontram-se alinhados aos resultados da pesquisa. Verificou-se complementarmente, que a região do Algarve se encontra numa situação ideal para os turistas no que se refere ao seu posicionamento no espetro de emoções negativas e positivas. Os itens positivos Simpatia / Interesse / Compaixão, e principalmente os itens relacionados às emoções Admiração / Maravilha / Espanto são menos relevantes para os outros itens positivos, e foram menos experienciados por comparação com as outras emoções positivas. A abordagem metodológica utilizada mostrou-se adequada para compreender relações menos evidentes, ao avaliar as mesmas observações, entre diferentes conjuntos de variáveis por diferentes perspetivas. Por fim, a investigação facilitou sugestões para os processos de decisão da gestão dos hotéis para melhoria seu desempenho e perceção pelos clientes

    Leveraging Customer-integration Experience: A Review of Influencing Factors and Implications

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    Organizations have increasingly begun to co-create innovations, conduct idea competitions, or conduct crowdsourcing initiatives with customers in online communities. Yet, many customer-integration methods fail to attract sufficient customer participation and engagement. We draw on previous research to identify customers’ experience as an important determinant of whether customer-integration initiatives succeed. However, research has rarely applied the notion of experience in the context of customer integration. We conduct a cross-disciplinary literature review to identify the factors that constitute a positive customer-integration experience and the implications of the customer-integration experience. Based on 141 papers from marketing, technology and innovation management, information systems, human-computer interaction, and psychology research, we derive a framework for customer-integration experience that integrates 22 conceptually different influencing factors, 15 implications, and their interrelatedness based on motivation-hygiene theory. The framework sheds light on the current state of research on customer-integration experience and identifies possibilities for future research

    Competitive (versus Loyal) Showrooming: An Application of the Push-Pull-Mooring Framework

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    Showrooming is an increasingly popular practic that threatens retailers' performance. This paper adopts the push-pull-mooring framework to understand the shopper decision to purchase online from a different retailer (competitive showrooming) rather than from the same retailer visited to gather information (loyal showrooming). Going beyond the customer motivation to get the best value, we focus on retailer-situational variables (store crowding and quality of salesperson service) and retailer-relational variables (customer satisfaction, trust and loyalty) in the decision on competitive (vs loyal) showrooming. Data was collected via a survey answered by 659 showroomers and analysed using fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) to unveil different patterns of competitive showrooming. Results highlight the role of mooring factors, such as a strong customer-retailer relationship and quality salespersons' service, in reducing competitive showrooming

    The effects of variety and bundling on choice and satisfaction: Applications to new telecommunication and media services

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    The purpose of this working paper is twofold; 1)to review consumer behavior literature on how assortment variety and bundling influence choice related variables, and 2)to apply this review on an analysis of telecommunication and new services. Literature related to the characteristics of assortment/bundle, perception of the assortment/bundle, perception of the choice situation, choice, perception of the choice, and experience with the chosen option is reviewed with focus on assortment and bundling. The review is based on an open literature search using keywords as “assortment size”, “assortment variety”, “bundling” and “unbundling” in databases as ISI and Ebsco. In addition, manual reviews of references used in the articles revealed from the databases have also been used to make sure we cover as many relevant articles as possible. The articles reviewed are briefly summarized in table 1 (assortment studies) and table 2 (bundling studies). Based on the literature reviewed, the results revealed are applied in a theoretical analysis of the effects of variety and bundling on choice- and post-choice related variables in new telecommunication and media services. Six services are discussed; traditional telephony and broadband services, mobile internet services and applications, services in heterogeneous access networks, multiplay services, TV-channel network services, and online video services. The analyses focus on potential effects of assortment variety and bundling on choice and post choice related variables for each of the six services. Because regulatory authorities typically use variety to stimulate efficient competition, some regulatory issues of relevance for each of the six services are also briefly discussed. The main results from the general consumer literature review on variety and bundling is summarized. A brief summary of what seems to be the most relevant issues related to variety, bundling, and regulatory actions for the six telecommunication and media services analyzed is also presented. The review of the literature and the analyses of the six services show a significant need for research on how variety and bundling influence choice and choice related variables. A discussion of potential routes for future research together with a preliminary draft of a research model closes the discussion of this working paper

    Customer Envy at Service Encounters

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    Envy has been regarded as a complex emotion which can produce both positive and negative outcomes for consumers. This study explored the subjective experience of customer envy at service encounters in order to better understand how customers respond to unflattering comparisons with an envied customer. A questionnaire was designed to measure the cognitive appraisals, emotional responses, and consequences of customer envy. Study participants were also asked to share their envy incidents in the survey. A sample of 300 participants was collected and used for analysis. The findings illustrate that distinctively different patterns of cognitive appraisals such as preferential treatment, are associated with specific types of envy. Secondly, customer envy was shown to be a hybrid emotion, where other discrete emotions along with envy were experienced. In addition, service providers were found to be a major agency of customer envy. Finally, the results demonstrated that it is not envy, but other emotions experienced simultaneously that triggered interpersonal and organizational consequences. These findings offer insights into how the experience of customer envy is different at service encounters. They also forward implications for service managers as it was revealed that service employees have the ability to spark negative customer envy encounters