9 research outputs found

    Asymptotic results for multiplexing subexponential on-off processes

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    On large deviation probabilities for random walks with heavy tails

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    Statistical multiplexing and connection admission control in ATM networks

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    Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) technology is widely employed for the transport of network traffic, and has the potential to be the base technology for the next generation of global communications. Connection Admission Control (CAC) is the effective traffic control mechanism which is necessary in ATM networks in order to avoid possible congestion at each network node and to achieve the Quality-of-Service (QoS) requested by each connection. CAC determines whether or not the network should accept a new connection. A new connection will only be accepted if the network has sufficient resources to meet its QoS requirements without affecting the QoS commitments already made by the network for existing connections. The design of a high-performance CAC is based on an in-depth understanding of the statistical characteristics of the traffic sources

    The Effect of Multiple Time Scales and Subexponentiality in MPEG Video Streams on Queueing Behavior

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    Guided by the empirical observation that realtime MPEG video streams exhibit both multiple time scale and subexponential characteristics, we construct a video model that captures both of these characteristics and is amenable to queueing analysis. We investigate two fundamental approaches for extracting the model parameters: using sample path and second order statistics based methods. The model exhibits the following two canonical queueing behaviors. When strict stability conditions are satisfied, i.e., the conditional mean of each scene is smaller than the capacity of the server, precise modeling of the inter-scene dynamics (long term dependency) is not essential for the accurate prediction of small to moderately large queue sizes. In this case the queue length distribution is determined using quasistationary (perturbation theory) analysis. When weak stability conditions are satisfied, i.e., the conditional mean of at least one scene type is greater than the capacity of the server, the..

    Modelos de series temporales para simulaci贸n de procesos industriales : aplicaci贸n al dimensionamiento y control de sistemas altamente variables

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    [Resumen] La simulaci贸n es una reconocida metodolog铆a para la modelizaci贸n de sistemas productivos. Dentro de un proyecto de simulaci贸n, el an谩lisis de los datos de entrada al modelo es una fase cr铆tica que condiciona la validez de los resultados. Aunque diversos autores han indicado anteriormente la importancia de modelar adecuadamente las propiedades estad铆sticas de las series de temporales de un proceso, pocos trabajos del 谩rea han analizado los modelos adecuados para su empleo pr谩ctico m谩s all谩 de la asunci贸n de la hip贸tesis de independencia e igualdad de distribuci贸n (i.i.d.). Con el fin de proporcionar una metodolog铆a flexible para la modelizaci贸n de series con autocorrelaci贸n, se considera la adopci贸n de los modelos ARTA (proceso autorregresivo a distribuci贸n general). Estos modelos son empleados para estudiar el comportamiento de l铆neas con autocorrelaci贸n en los tiempos de ciclo. El estudio llevado a cabo permite determinar el impacto que la presencia de autocorrelaci贸n tiene sobre el rendimiento de la l铆nea, sobre las soluciones al problema de dimensionamiento 贸ptimo y asignaci贸n de buffers y sobre los sistemas de control de la producci贸n. Por otro lado, se proporciona un marco conceptual para caracterizar la presencia de variabilidad en m煤ltiples escalas temporales y se analiza la influencia que la consideraci贸n de modelos con distintas escalas ejerce sobre los resultados. La tesis se completa con el estudio de un caso paradigm谩tico de una l铆nea de fabricaci贸n altamente variable. Se muestra c贸mo la adopci贸n de un modelo con dos escalas temporales, junto con la consideraci贸n de los efectos de autocorrelaci贸n, fueron medios necesarios para obtener un modelo v谩lido. Este modelo fue empleado para la valoraci贸n de mejoras bajo un enfoque de fabricaci贸n Lean

    The Effect of Multiple Time Scales and Subexponentiality in MPEG Video Streams on Queueing Behavior

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    Guided by the empirical observation that realtime MPEG video streams exhibit both multiple time scale and subexponential characteristics, we construct a video model that captures both of these characteristics and is amenable to queueing analysis. We investigate two fundamental approaches for extracting the model parameters: using sample path and second-order statistics-based methods. The model exhibits the following two canonical queueing behaviors

    The effect of multiple time scales and subexponentiality in MPEG video streams on queueing behavior

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