281 research outputs found

    The Effect Of Colors Of E-commerce Websites On Mood, Memorization And Buying Intention

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    This paper aims at studying the impact of the colors of e-commerce websites on consumer memorization and buying intention. Based on a literature review we wish to introduce the theoretical and methodological bases addressing this issue. A conceptual model is proposed, showing the effects of the color of the e-commerce website and of its components Hue, Brightness and Saturation, on the behavioral responses of the consumer memorization and buying intention. These responses are conveyed by mood. Data collection was carried out during a laboratory experiment in order to control for the measurement of the colored appearance of e-commerce websites. Participants visited one of the 8 versions of a website designed for the research, selling music CDs. Data analysis using ANOVA, regressions and general linear models (GLM), show a significant effect of color on memorization, conveyed by mood. The interaction of hue and brightness, using chromatic colors for the dominant (background) and dynamic (foreground) supports memorization and buying intention, when contrast is based on low brightness. A negative mood infers better memorization but a decreasing buying intention. The managerial, methodological and theoretical implications, as well as the future ways of research were put in prospect

    Effects of colored contrast of mobile websites on behavioral intentions

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    [EN] his study examines the effects of the mobile-phone website colored contrasts and the affective states of the consumer (emotions and moods) and trust respectively on intention to revisit, buy on and recommend the mobile website. For this purpose, a factorial plan 2x2 was developed and a mobile website, with two different alternatives, was designed especially for the experiment: positive contrast (yellow text on green background) and negative contrast (green text on yellow background). The research was conducted on French consumers. 312 valid responses were collected through online and personal survey questionnaires. Data was analysed using the method of structural equations. The results show the significant effects of mobile website’s color contrast on behavioral intentions. Perceived dominance and trust towards the website have positive effects on behavioral intentions, whereas mood has non-significant effects on behavioral intentions. Managerial implications are discussed.Pelet, J.; Taieb, B. (2016). Effects of colored contrast of mobile websites on behavioral intentions. En CARMA 2016: 1st International Conference on Advanced Research Methods in Analytics. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 84-91. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARMA2016.2016.3110OCS849

    Effects of e-Commerce Websites’ Auditory Features on Consumers’ Appreciation for Innovative Products

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    It is has been established that sensory interactions, including sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, can affect consumers’ consumption decisions. While various sensory interactions are devised in the offline context, e-commerce has to rely primarily on vision and hearing due to its inability to access other sensory. Previous IS literature has documented the substantial effects of various visual features. However, very few studies have examined auditory features. Drawing on the recent observation that medium noises enhance people’s abstractive thinking and creativity, this study tries to investigate this topic from a novel perspective that ambient sounds can promote users’ appreciation of innovative products when shopping online. The preliminary results of a lab experiment show that medium noise or music can improve participants’ likelihood of buying innovative products over traditional products, and noise brings other negative effects (e.g. bad mood), while music do not. Theoretical and practical contributions are discussed

    How is web design related to sales? The relationship between sales and web design within Amazon.com

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    Internship Report presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Marketing IntelligenceThe development of technology has caused significant changes in the business environment and the management of companies, and business competitiveness has become an increasingly important factor. Thus, companies must capture consumers' attention and convince them to buy. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how small and medium-sized businesses can differentiate themselves in an extensive medium like the Internet. This study aims to delve into the importance of web design according to the four defined elements - image, text, color, and video - on the Amazon website. An interview was conducted with thirty regular Amazon.com consumers to understand their behavior. The results provided an understanding of consumer perception and feelings about web design through data categorization and in-depth analysis. The results reveal that consumers question several factors before buying, such as the credibility and trustworthiness they have for the brand, which is influenced by its web design. Therefore, brands need to use the four pre-defined elements to positively influence consumers at the time of purchase and segment their audience to understand the type of consumer and, consequently, each element's impact

    The Effect Of Color Scheme On Purchase Intention With Attitude Towards Website As Mediation Variable (Study Case On Lazada.Co.Id In Malang)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh skema warna terhadap niat beli dengan sikap terhadap website sebagai mediator di website Lazada.co.id di Malang. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah pelanggan situs Lazada di wilayah Malang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian explanatory yang menjelaskan hubungan kausal antara variabel melalui pengujian hipotesis. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dan studi pustaka. Penelitian ini menggunakan 100 sampel untuk responden pengunjung Lazada.co.id di Malang. Sampel diambil menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen uji yang digunakan untuk pengujian instrumen penelitian adalah uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, dan uji asumsi klasik. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis model jalur dan pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan uji t menggunakan SPSS 21. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan pengujian t disimpulkan bahwa masingmasing Skema Warna berpengaruh signifikan langsung terhadap Sikap terhadap website. Karena itu, Color scheme juga memiliki efek signifikan dan langsung terhadap niat beli. Sikap Menuju website berpengaruh signifikan langsung terhadap niat beli. Selain itu, Sikap terhadap situs web memiliki efek positif sebagai mediator antara atmosfer toko online dan niat beli dalam studi Lazada.co.id

    The Effects of Information and Visual Website Design on User Frustration

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    When shopping online, customers may be less likely to buy a product if they feel frustrated with the website’s interface. However, few studies have investigated what attributes contribute to frustration with websites’ design. The goal of this study was to determine whether deficiencies in the information and visual design of a website can cause frustration. In a within-subjects design, participants were asked to do several tasks on four different versions of a website and afterwards were asked to complete a survey for each version. The results showed that color and information deficiency did cause frustration in users. These results will likely help website designers (or even marketing researchers) in designing more effective websites, as well as ways that can help the consumer have a more enjoyable online experience

    An Analysis of Previous Information Systems Research on Emotions

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    Abstract. In the past decade, the study of emotions in information systems research has gained prominence and has allowed the field itself to expand its horizon while delving into other disciplines. The idea behind decoding the human behavior promotes the need to understand the complex nature of human emotions and makes it especially relevant as an element for information systems research. In addition, the use of technologies to persuade and motivate individuals for health behavior change through web and advanced technologies takes the basis from such research. The purpose of this literature review was to extract and analyze studies on emotions published in "the basket of eight" journals in information systems research to gain a better understanding of previous research over the topic


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    Color has been for a long time, a crucial factor in influencing the consumer decision. Omnipresent in the natural landscape, it constitutes an essential attribute among the tools of Sensory Marketing. Indeed, the color of a packaging, an advertising poster, a sale place or even a website is not transparent to the consumer. It induced, by some of its aspects (hue, luminance, purity), specific behavioral responses which are the fruit of a deep cognitive and emotional process. In this context, this paper aims to highlight, through a literature review, the role of color seen from the marketing side as an explanatory variable of consumer behavior.  Article visualizations

    The Role Of Color In The Attainment Of Customers’ Intensive Buying Intention: An Exploratory Descriptive Case Study (S.O.R Model Application)

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    This research work studied the influence of colors in groceries, as an atmospheric variable, on the customer’s impulsive intention of buying. In the literature review, the researcher introduced the theoretical and methodological bases responding to this problematic situation. An experiment was made in the laboratory where 200 participants had visited a virtual grocery with 4 different color conditions (red, yellow, blue and green). Then they answered a questionnaire about the variables of this study. The results showed that colors influence the customer’s impulsive intention of buying either directly or through affect as intermediary.  Key words: the color, the impulsive intention of buying, affectالملخص:  الهدف من هذه المقالة هو دراسة تأثير اللون كمتغير بيئي لمتاجر المواد الغذائية على إثارة نية الشراء الاندفاعي عند المستهلكين، مع الاستناد إلى الشعور كوسيط. من اجل معالجة هذه الإشكالية استندنا على مسح أدبي منهجي في دراسة المتغيرات محل الدراسة. أنجزنا تجربة داخل المخبر على 200 مختبر يزورون افتراضيا متجر للمواد الغذائية بأربعة شروط لونية مختلفة (الأحمر، الأصفر، الأزرق، الأخضر)، ثم يجيبون على أسئلة تتعلق بإشكالية البحث. النتائج أظهرت تأثيراللون في بروز نية الشراء الاندفاعي بطريقة مباشرة، أو غير مباشرة عن طريق الشعور كوسيط. الكلمات المفتاحية: اللون، نية الشراء الاندفاعي، الشعور.       I.            Introduction