7,390 research outputs found

    Discrimination in a Low-Wage Labor Market: A Field Experiment

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    Decades of racial progress have led some researchers and policymakers to doubt that discrimination remains an important cause of economic inequality. To study contemporary discrimination we conducted a field experiment in the low-wage labor market of New York City. The experiment recruited white, black, and Latino job applicants, called testers, who were matched on demographic characteristics and interpersonal skills. The testers were given equivalent resumes and sent to apply in tandem for hundreds of entry-level jobs. Our results show that black applicants were half as likely to receive a callback or job offer relative to equally qualified whites. In fact, black and Latino applicants with clean backgrounds fared no better than a white applicant just released from prison. Additional qualitative evidence from our testers' experiences further illustrates the multiple points at which employment trajectories can be deflected by various forms of racial bias. Together these results point to the subtle but systematic forms of discrimination that continue to shape employment opportunities for low-wage workers.race, field experiment, discrimination, labor markets

    Broadcasting graphic war violence: the moral face of Channel 4

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    Drawing on empirical data from Channel 4 (C4) regarding the broadcasting of violent war imagery, and positioned within Goffman’s notion of the interaction ritual (1959, 1967), this article investigates how C4 negotiate potentially competing commercial, regulatory and moral requirements through processes of discretionary decision-making. Throughout, the article considers the extent to which these negotiations are presented through a series of ‘imaginings’ – of C4 and its audience – which serve to simultaneously guide and legitimate the decisions made. This manifestation of imaginings moves us beyond more blanket explanations of ‘branding’ and instead allows us to see the final programmes as the end product of a series of complex negotiations and interactions between C4 and those multiple external parties significant to the workings of their organization. The insights gleaned from this case study are important beyond the workings of C4 because they help elucidate how all institutions and organizations may view, organize and justify their practices (to both themselves and others) within the perceived constraints in which they operate

    Agents with Affective Traits for Decision-Making in Complex Environments

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    Recent events have probably lead us to wonder why people make decisions that seem to be irrational, and that go against any easily understandable logic. The fact that these decisions are emotionally driven often explains what, at first glance, does not have a plausible explanation. Evidence has been found that proves that emotions and other affective characteristics guide decisions beyond a purely rational deliberation. Understanding the way emotions take place, the way emotions change, and/or the way emotions influence behavior, has traditionally been a concern of several fields including psychology and neurology. Moreover, other sciences such as behavioral economics, artificial intelligence, and in general, all sciences that aim to understand, explain, or simulate human behavior, acknowledge the important role of affective characteristics in this task. Specifically, artificial intelligence uses psychological findings in order to create agents that simulate human behavior. Nevertheless, individual research efforts in modeling affective characteristics are often overlapped, short of integration, and they lack of a common conceptual system. This deprives individual researches of the exchange and cooperation's inherent benefits, and makes the task of computationally simulating affective characteristics more difficult. Although much individual effort has been put in classifying, formalizing and modeling emotions and emotion theories on some fields, recognized researchers of emotions' and affective processes' modeling report that a common formal language, an informal conceptual system, and a general purpose affective agent architecture will greatly improve the interdisciplinary exchange and the intradisciplinary coordination. The research literature proposes a wide amount of affective models that deal with some of: relationship between emotions and cognition, relationship between emotions and behavior, emotions and their evolutionary account, emotions for appraising situations, emotion regulation, etc. These models are useful tools for addressing particular emotion-related issues. Furthermore, computational approaches that are based on particular psychological theories have also been proposed. They often address domain specific issues starting from a specific psychological theory. In such solutions, the absence of a common conceptual system and/or platform, makes difficult the feedback between psychological theories and computational approaches. This thesis systematizes and formalizes affect-related theories, what can benefit the interdisciplinary exchange, the intradisciplinary coordination, and hence, allows the improvement of involved disciplines. Specifically this thesis makes the following contributions: (1) a theoretical framework that includes the main processes and concepts that a model of an affective agent with practical reasoning should have; (2) a general-purpose affective agent architecture that shares the concepts of the proposed theoretical framework; (3) an implementation-independent formal language for designing affective agents that have the proposed architecture; and (4) a specific agent language for implementing affective agents which is an extension of a BDI language. Some studies with human participants have helped to validate the contributions of this thesis. They include classical games of game theory, and an study with 300 participants, which have provided the necessary information to evaluate the contributions. The validation has been performed in three directions: determine whether the proposed computational approach represents better the human behavior than traditional computational approaches; determine whether this approach allows to improve psychological theories used by default; and determine whether the proposed affective agents' behavior is closer to human behavior than the behavior of a purely rational agent.Probablemente algunos eventos recientes nos han conducido a preguntarnos por qué las personas toman decisiones aparentemente irracionales y en contra de alguna lógica fácilmente comprensible. El hecho de que estas decisiones estén bajo la influencia de las emociones a menudo explica lo que, a primera vista, parece no tener una explicación aceptable. En este sentido, se han encontrado evidencias que prueban que las emociones y otras características afectivas condicionan las decisiones más allá de una deliberación meramente racional. Entender cómo las emociones tienen lugar, cómo cambian y cómo influyen en el comportamiento, ha sido tradicionalmente de interés para muchos campos de investigación, incluyendo la psicología y la neurología. Además, otras ciencias como la economía conductual o la inteligencia artificial reconocen el importante papel de las características afectivas en esta tarea. Específicamente, la inteligencia artificial utiliza los resultados obtenidos en psicología para crear agentes que simulan el comportamiento humano. Sin embargo, a menudo los esfuerzos individuales de investigación en el modelado del afecto se solapan, carecen de la suficiente integración y de un sistema conceptual común. Esto limita a las investigaciones individuales para disponer de los beneficios que ofrecen el intercambio y la cooperación, y hace más compleja la tarea de simular los procesos afectivos. Las emociones y teorías relacionadas han sido clasificadas, formalizadas y modeladas. No obstante, reconocidos investigadores argumentan que un lenguaje formal común, un sistema conceptual informal y una arquitectura de agentes de propósito general, mejorarán significativamente el intercambio interdisciplinar y la coordinación intradisciplinar. En la literatura se propone una amplia cantidad de modelos afectivos que modelan: la relación entre las emociones y la cognición, la relación entre las emociones y el comportamiento, las emociones para evaluar las situaciones, la regulación de emociones, etc. Estos modelos son herramientas útiles para abordar aspectos particulares relacionados con las emociones. Además, se han realizado propuestas computacionales que abordan aspectos específicos sobre la base de teorías psicológicas específicas. En éstas soluciones, la ausencia de una plataforma y/o sistema conceptual dificulta la retroalimentación entre las teorías psicológicas y las propuestas computacionales. Esta tesis sistematiza y formaliza teorías relacionadas con el afecto, lo cual beneficia el intercambio interdisciplinar y la coordinación intradisciplinar, y por tanto, permite el desarrollo de las disciplinas correspondientes. Específicamente esta tesis realiza las siguientes contribuciones: (1) una plataforma teórica que incluye los conceptos y procesos principales que debería poseer un modelo de agentes afectivos con razonamiento práctico; (2) una arquitectura de agentes de propósito general que comparte los conceptos de la plataforma teórica propuesta; (3) un lenguaje formal independiente de la implementación, para diseñar agentes afectivos que poseen la arquitectura propuesta; y (4) un lenguaje de agentes específico para implementar agentes afectivos el cual es un extensión de un lenguaje BDI. Algunos estudios con participantes humanos han ayudado a validar las contribuciones de esta tesis. Estos incluyen juegos clásicos de teoría de juegos y un estudio con 300 participantes, los cuales han proporcionado la información necesaria para evaluar las contribuciones. La validación se ha realizado en tres direcciones: determinar si la propuesta computacional que se ha realizado representa mejor el comportamiento humano que propuestas computacionales tradicionales; determinar si esta propuesta permite mejorar las teorías psicológicas empleadas por defecto; y determinar si el comportamiento de los agentes afectivos propuestos se acerca más al comportamiento humano que el comporProbablement alguns esdeveniments recents ens han conduït a preguntar-nos per què les persones prenen decisions que aparentment són irracionals i que van en contra d'algun tipus de lògica fàcilment comprensible. El fet que aquestes decisions estiguin sota la influència de les emocions sovint explica el que, a primera vista, sembla no tenir una explicació acceptable. En aquest sentit, s'han trobat evidències que proven que les emocions i altres característiques afectives condicionen les decisions més enllà d'una deliberació merament racional. Entendre com les emocions tenen lloc, com canvien i com influeixen en el comportament, ha estat tradicionalment d'interès per a molts camps d'investigació, incloent la psicologia i la neurologia. A més, altres ciències com l'economia conductual, la intel·ligència artificial i, en general, totes les ciències que intenten entendre, explicar o simular el comportament humà, reconeixen l'important paper de les característiques afectives en aquesta tasca. Específicament, la intel·ligència artificial utilitza els resultats obtinguts en psicologia per crear agents que simulen el comportament humà. No obstant això, sovint els esforços individuals d'investigació en el modelatge de l'afecte es solapen, no tenen la suficient integració ni compten amb un sistema conceptual comú. Això limita a les investigacions individuals, que no poden disposar dels beneficis que ofereixen l'intercanvi i la cooperació, i fa més complexa la tasca de simular els processos afectius. Les emocions i teories relacionades han estat classificades, formalitzades i modelades. No obstant això reconeguts investigadors argumenten que un llenguatge formal comú, un sistema conceptual informal i una arquitectura d'agents de propòsit general, milloraran significativament l'intercanvi interdisciplinar i la coordinació intradisciplinar. En la literatura es proposa una àmplia quantitat de models afectius que modelen: la relació entre les emocions i la cognició, la relació entre les emocions i el comportament, les emocions per avaluar les situacions, la regulació d'emocions, etc. Aquests models són eines útils per abordar aspectes particulars relacionats amb les emocions. A més, s'han realitzat propostes computacionals que aborden aspectes específics sobre la base de teories psicològiques específiques. En aquestes solucions, l'absència d'una plataforma i/o sistema conceptual dificulta la retroalimentació entre les teories psicològiques i les propostes computacionals. Aquesta tesi sistematitza i formalitza teories relacionades amb l'afecte, la qual cosa beneficia l'intercanvi interdisciplinar i la coordinació intradisciplinar, i per tant, permet el desenvolupament de les disciplines corresponents. Específicament aquesta tesi realitza les següents contribucions: (1) una plataforma teòrica que inclou els conceptes i processos principals que hauria de posseir un model d'agents afectius amb raonament pràctic; (2) una arquitectura d'agents de propòsit general que comparteix els conceptes de la plataforma teòrica proposta; (3) un llenguatge formal independent de la implementació, per dissenyar agents afectius que posseeixen l'arquitectura proposada; i (4) un llenguatge d'agents específic per implementar agents afectius el qual és un extensió d'un llenguatge BDI. Alguns estudis amb participants humans han ajudat a validar les contribucions d'aquesta tesi. Aquests inclouen jocs clàssics de teoria de jocs i un estudi amb 300 participants, els quals han proporcionat la informació necessària per avaluar les contribucions. La validació s'ha realitzat en tres direccions: determinar si la proposta computacional que s'ha realitzat representa millor el comportament humà que propostes computacionals tradicionals; determinar si aquesta proposta permet millorar les teories psicològiques emprades per defecte; i determinar si el comportament dels agents afectius proposats s'acosta més alAlfonso Espinosa, B. (2017). Agents with Affective Traits for Decision-Making in Complex Environments [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90497TESI

    The role of introspection, text and anecdotes in pluralistic approaches to economics

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    Cost modelling and concurrent engineering for testable design

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.As integrated circuits and printed circuit boards increase in complexity, testing becomes a major cost factor of the design and production of the complex devices. Testability has to be considered during the design of complex electronic systems, and automatic test systems have to be used in order to facilitate the test. This fact is now widely accepted in industry. Both design for testability and the usage of automatic test systems aim at reducing the cost of production testing or, sometimes, making it possible at all. Many design for testability methods and test systems are available which can be configured into a production test strategy, in order to achieve high quality of the final product. The designer has to select from the various options for creating a test strategy, by maximising the quality and minimising the total cost for the electronic system. This thesis presents a methodology for test strategy generation which is based on consideration of the economics during the life cycle of the electronic system. This methodology is a concurrent engineering approach which takes into account all effects of a test strategy on the electronic system during its life cycle by evaluating its related cost. This objective methodology is used in an original test strategy planning advisory system, which allows for test strategy planning for VLSI circuits as well as for digital electronic systems. The cost models which are used for evaluating the economics of test strategies are described in detail and the test strategy planning system is presented. A methodology for making decisions which are based on estimated costing data is presented. Results of using the cost models and the test strategy planning system for evaluating the economics of test strategies for selected industrial designs are presented

    Creative thinking and its relationship to visual field and visual speed among goalkeepers of the Iraqi Handball Premier League

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    The aim of this study was to identify the level of creative thinking and the level of visual field of vision and its speed among goalkeepers. The study was also aimed to identify the relationship between these factors. The researcher used the descriptive approach in the correlative research method. This study involved a sample of 10 goalkeepers participating in the local championship of Iraqi clubs in the Premier League held in Sulaymaniyah Governorate, Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS 26.0. The results of our study showed that creative thinking directly affects the visual field of vision and inversely to the visual reaction of goalkeepers in the Premier League handball clubs. The higher the creative thinking is, the degrees of their visual vision will increase and the time of their visual reaction will reduce. It is necessary to establish the improvement of creative thinking as an important psychological factor in the training units in the Premier League handball clubs, and also to increase the coaches’ experiences on improving it by gathering the physical and skill exercises of the goalkeepers

    Medicines management issues in dementia and coping strategies used by people living with dementia and family carers: a systematic review

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    Objectives: Medicines play a key role in the lives of people with dementia, primarily to manage symptoms. Managing medicines is complex for people with dementia and their family carers and can result in multiple problems leading to harm. We conducted a systematic review to identify and model medication issues experienced and coping strategies used by people with dementia and/or family carers. Methods: Eleven general databases and four systematic review databases were searched. Studies were quality assessed using an established framework and thematically analysed. Results: 21 articles were included in this study and four domains affecting medication use were identified: cognitive, medication, social and cultural and, knowledge/educational and communication. People with dementia reported medication issues in all four domains but few coping strategies were developed. Family carers reported issues and coping strategies related to the medication and knowledge/educational and communication domains. Common issues with regards to knowledge and communication about medicines remain unresolved. The ‘voices’ of people with dementia appeared largely missing from the literature so were in-depth understanding of how, whether and in which circumstances coping strategies work in managing medicines. Conclusions: Medicines management is a complex set of activities and although current coping strategies exists, these were primarily used by family carers or the person with dementia-carer dyad. Health and social care practitioners and researchers should seek to understand in-depth, the ‘mechanisms of action’ of existing coping strategies and actively involve people with dementia as co-producers of knowledge to underpin any further work on medicines management