65 research outputs found

    ERIGrid Holistic Test Description for Validating Cyber-Physical Energy Systems

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    Smart energy solutions aim to modify and optimise the operation of existing energy infrastructure. Such cyber-physical technology must be mature before deployment to the actual infrastructure, and competitive solutions will have to be compliant to standards still under development. Achieving this technology readiness and harmonisation requires reproducible experiments and appropriately realistic testing environments. Such testbeds for multi-domain cyber-physical experiments are complex in and of themselves. This work addresses a method for the scoping and design of experiments where both testbed and solution each require detailed expertise. This empirical work first revisited present test description approaches, developed a newdescription method for cyber-physical energy systems testing, and matured it by means of user involvement. The new Holistic Test Description (HTD) method facilitates the conception, deconstruction and reproduction of complex experimental designs in the domains of cyber-physical energy systems. This work develops the background and motivation, offers a guideline and examples to the proposed approach, and summarises experience from three years of its application.This work received funding in the European Community’s Horizon 2020 Program (H2020/2014–2020) under project “ERIGrid” (Grant Agreement No. 654113)

    Efficient testing based on logical architecture

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    The rapid increase of software-intensive systems' size and complexity makes it infeasible to exhaustively run testing on the low level of source code. Instead, the testing should be executed on the high level of system architecture, i.e., at a level where component or subsystems relate and interoperate or interact collectively with the system environment. Testing at this level is system testing, including hardware and software in union. Moreover, when integrating complex, distributed systems and providing support for conformance, interoperability and interoperation tests, we need to have an explicit test description. In this vision paper, we discuss (1) how to select tests from logical architecture, especially based on the dependencies within the system, and (2) how to represent the selected tests in explicit and readable manner, so that the software systems can be cost-e!ciently maintained and evolved over their entire life-cycle. In addition, we further study the relevance between di↵erent tests, based on which, we can optimise the test suites for e!cient testing, and propose optimal resource allocation strategies for cloud-based testing

    Automated Testing: Requirements Propagation via Model Transformation in Embedded Software

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    Testing is the most common activity to validate software systems and plays a key role in the software development process. In general, the software testing phase takes around 40-70% of the effort, time and cost. This area has been well researched over a long period of time. Unfortunately, while many researchers have found methods of reducing time and cost during the testing process, there are still a number of important related issues such as generating test cases from UCM scenarios and validate them need to be researched. As a result, ensuring that an embedded software behaves correctly is non-trivial, especially when testing with limited resources and seeking compliance with safety-critical software standard. It thus becomes imperative to adopt an approach or methodology based on tools and best engineering practices to improve the testing process. This research addresses the problem of testing embedded software with limited resources by the following. First, a reverse-engineering technique is exercised on legacy software tests aims to discover feasible transformation from test layer to test requirement layer. The feasibility of transforming the legacy test cases into an abstract model is shown, along with a forward engineering process to regenerate the test cases in selected test language. Second, a new model-driven testing technique based on different granularity level (MDTGL) to generate test cases is introduced. The new approach uses models in order to manage the complexity of the system under test (SUT). Automatic model transformation is applied to automate test case development which is a tedious, error-prone, and recurrent software development task. Third, the model transformations that automated the development of test cases in the MDTGL methodology are validated in comparison with industrial testing process using embedded software specification. To enable the validation, a set of timed and functional requirement is introduced. Two case studies are run on an embedded system to generate test cases. The effectiveness of two testing approaches are determined and contrasted according to the generation of test cases and the correctness of the generated workflow. Compared to several techniques, our new approach generated useful and effective test cases with much less resources in terms of time and labor work. Finally, to enhance the applicability of MDTGL, the methodology is extended with the creation of a trace model that records traceability links among generated testing artifacts. The traceability links, often mandated by software development standards, enable the support for visualizing traceability, model-based coverage analysis and result evaluation

    HITECS: A UML Profile and Analysis Framework for Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing of Cyber Physical Systems

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    Hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) testing is an important step in the development of cyber physical systems (CPS). CPS HiL test cases manipulate hardware components, are time-consuming and their behaviors are impacted by the uncertainties in the CPS environment. To mitigate the risks associated with HiL testing, engineers have to ensure that (1) HiL test cases are well-behaved, i.e., they implement valid test scenarios and do not accidentally damage hardware, and (2) HiL test cases can execute within the time budget allotted to HiL testing. This paper proposes an approach to help engineers systematically specify and analyze CPS HiL test cases. Leveraging the UML profile mechanism, we develop an executable domain-specific language, HITECS, for HiL test case specification. HITECS builds on the UML Testing Profile (UTP) and the UML action language (Alf). Using HITECS, we provide analysis methods to check whether HiL test cases are well-behaved, and to estimate the execution times of these test cases before the actual HiL testing stage. We apply HITECS to an industrial case study from the satellite domain. Our results show that: (1) HITECS is feasible to use in practice; (2) HITECS helps engineers define more complete and effective well-behavedness assertions for HiL test cases, compared to when these assertions are defined without systematic guidance; (3) HITECS verifies in practical time that HiL test cases are well-behaved; and (4) HITECS accurately estimates HiL test case execution times

    Single-Frequency Network Terrestrial Broadcasting with 5GNR Numerology

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    Lightweight edge-based networking architecture for low-power IoT devices

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    Abstract. The involvement of low power Internet of Things (IoT) devices in the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) allow enhanced autonomous monitoring capability in many application areas. Recently, the principles of edge computing paradigm have been used to cater onsite processing and managing actions in WSNs. However, WSNs deployed in remote sites require human involvement in data collection process since internet accessibility is still limited to population dense areas. Nowadays, researchers propose UAVs for monitoring applications where human involvement is required frequently. In this thesis work, we introduce an edge-based architecture which create end-to-end secure communication between IoT sensors in a remote WSN and central cloud via UAV, which assist the data collection, processing and managing procedures of the remote WSN. Since power is a limited resource, we propose Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) as the communication media between UAV and sensors in the WSN, where BLE is considered as an ultra-low power radio access technology. To examine the performance of the system model, we have presented a simulation analysis considering three sensor nodes array types that can realize in the practical environment. The impact of BLE data rate, impact of speed of the UAV, impact of distance between adjacent sensors and impact of data generation rate of the sensor node have been analysed to examine the performance of system. Moreover, to observe the practical functionality of the proposed architecture, prototype implementation is presented using commercially available off-the-shelf devices. The prototype of the system is implemented assuming ideal environment

    Defensive Distillation-Based Adversarial Attack Mitigation Method for Channel Estimation Using Deep Learning Models in Next-Generation Wireless Networks

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    Future wireless networks (5G and beyond), also known as Next Generation or NextG, are the vision of forthcoming cellular systems, connecting billions of devices and people together. In the last decades, cellular networks have dramatically grown with advanced telecommunication technologies for high-speed data transmission, high cell capacity, and low latency. The main goal of those technologies is to support a wide range of new applications, such as virtual reality, metaverse, telehealth, online education, autonomous and flying vehicles, smart cities, smart grids, advanced manufacturing, and many more. The key motivation of NextG networks is to meet the high demand for those applications by improving and optimizing network functions. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a high potential to achieve these requirements by being integrated into applications throughout all network layers. However, the security concerns on network functions of NextG using AI-based models, i.e., model poisoning, have not been investigated deeply. It is crucial to protect the next-generation cellular networks against cybersecurity threats, especially adversarial attacks. Therefore, it needs to design efficient mitigation techniques and secure solutions for NextG networks using AI-based methods. This paper proposes a comprehensive vulnerability analysis of deep learning (DL)-based channel estimation models trained with the dataset obtained from MATLAB\u27s 5G toolbox for adversarial attacks and defensive distillation-based mitigation methods. The adversarial attacks produce faulty results by manipulating trained DL-based models for channel estimation in NextG networks while mitigation methods can make models more robust against adversarial attacks. This paper also presents the performance of the proposed defensive distillation mitigation method for each adversarial attack. The results indicate that the proposed mitigation method can defend the DL-based channel estimation models against adversarial attacks in NextG networks

    Uncertainty-aware Specification and Analysis for Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing of Cyber Physical Systems

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    Hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) testing is important for developing cyber physical systems (CPS). HiL test cases manipulate hardware, are time-consuming and their behaviors are impacted by the uncertainties in the CPS environment. To mitigate the risks associated with HiL testing, engineers have to ensure that (1) test cases are well-behaved, e.g., they do not damage hardware, and (2) test cases can execute within a time budget. Leveraging the UML profile mechanism, we develop a domain-specific language, HITECS, for HiL test case specification. Using HITECS, we provide uncertainty-aware analysis methods to check the well-behavedness of HiL test cases. In addition, we provide a method to estimate the execution times of HiL test cases before the actual HiL testing. We apply HITECS to an industrial case study from the satellite domain. Our results show that: (1) HITECS helps engineers define more effective assertions to check HiL test cases, compared to the assertions defined without any systematic guidance; (2) HITECS verifies in practical time that HiL test cases are well-behaved; (3) HITECS is able to resolve uncertain parameters of HiL test cases by synthesizing conditions under which test cases are guaranteed to be well-behaved; and (4) HITECS accurately estimates HiL test case execution times

    Defensive Distillation-based Adversarial Attack Mitigation Method for Channel Estimation using Deep Learning Models in Next-Generation Wireless Networks

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    Future wireless networks (5G and beyond), also known as Next Generation or NextG, are the vision of forthcoming cellular systems, connecting billions of devices and people together. In the last decades, cellular networks have dramatically grown with advanced telecommunication technologies for high-speed data transmission, high cell capacity, and low latency. The main goal of those technologies is to support a wide range of new applications, such as virtual reality, metaverse, telehealth, online education, autonomous and flying vehicles, smart cities, smart grids, advanced manufacturing, and many more. The key motivation of NextG networks is to meet the high demand for those applications by improving and optimizing network functions. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a high potential to achieve these requirements by being integrated into applications throughout all network layers. However, the security concerns on network functions of NextG using AI-based models, i.e., model poisoning, have not been investigated deeply. It is crucial to protect the next-generation cellular networks against cybersecurity threats, especially adversarial attacks. Therefore, it needs to design efficient mitigation techniques and secure solutions for NextG networks using AI-based methods. This paper proposes a comprehensive vulnerability analysis of deep learning (DL)-based channel estimation models trained with the dataset obtained from MATLAB’s 5G toolbox for adversarial attacks and defensive distillation-based mitigation methods. The adversarial attacks produce faulty results by manipulating trained DL-based models for channel estimation in NextG networks while mitigation methods can make models more robust against adversarial attacks. This paper also presents the performance of the proposed defensive distillation mitigation method for each adversarial attack. The results indicate that the proposed mitigation method can defend the DL-based channel estimation models against adversarial attacks in NextG networks.publishedVersio

    Konzeption und Entwicklung eines Moduls fĂĽr die Generierung von V2X Nachrichten aus OpenSCENARIO Daten als Teil einer HiL Laborumgebung

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    Hochautomatisierte und vernetzte Fahrfunktionen sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Mobilität der Zukunft. Die umfangreiche Erprobung der zugrundeliegenden Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) nimmt im Zulassungsprozess solcher „intelligenten“ Fahrzeuge eine tragende Rolle ein und wird aus Risiko- und Kostengründen zunehmend in Simulationsumgebungen statt im realen Fahrbetrieb durchgeführt. Das Dateiformat OpenSCENARIO in Kombination mit dem OpenDRIVE Standard hat sich in den letzten Jahren als Quasi-Standard bei der Simulation von komplexen, dynamischen Verkehrsszenarien etabliert. Die OpenSCENARIO Definition eines Verkehrsszenarios umfasst die Beschreibung der Infrastruktur und der Fahrzeugbewegungen enthaltener Akteure, sodass diese innerhalb einer Simulationsumgebung abgebildet werden können. Die Simulation von Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Nachrichten, die Fahrzeuge mit vernetzten Fahrfunktionen versenden und empfangen können, aus OpenSCENARIO Daten ist bislang lediglich theoretisch betrachtet worden. Inhalt dieser Arbeit ist die Generierung von V2X Nachrichten aus in OpenSCENARIO definierten Verkehrsszenarien. Dies erfolgt durch die Integration eines OpenSCENARIO Parsers und einer Cohda MK5 OBU, ausgestattet mit dem Vanetza Protokoll Stack, in die Hardware in the Loop (HiL) Laborumgebung des Instituts für Verkehrssystemtechnik des DLR in Braunschweig. Die Werkzeugkette, die das Einlesen eines Verkehrsszenarios, die Ermittlung dynamischer Fahrzeuginformationen und die Aussendung von CAMs und DENMs für sämtliche simulierten Fahrzeuge umfasst, wurde mit mehreren Verkehrsszenarien erfolgreich getestet. Die generierten V2X Nachrichten bilden die im Verkehrsszenario definierte Fahrweise ab und konnten mit einem Tablet zur Validierung von V2X Nachrichten (WaveBEE touch) empfangen werden
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