6 research outputs found

    On Notions of Security for Deterministic Encryption, and Efficient Constructions Without Random Oracles

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    The study of deterministic public-key encryption was initiated by Bellare et al. (CRYPTO ’07), who provided the “strongest possible” notion of security for this primitive (called PRIV) and constructions in the random oracle (RO) model. We focus on constructing efficient deterministic encryption schemes without random oracles. To do so, we propose a slightly weaker notion of security, saying that no partial information about encrypted messages should be leaked as long as each message is a-priori hard-to-guess given the others (while PRIV did not have the latter restriction). Nevertheless, we argue that this version seems adequate for many practical applications. We show equivalence of this definition to single-message and indistinguishability-based ones, which are easier to work with. Then we give general constructions of both chosen-plaintext (CPA) and chosen-ciphertext-attack (CCA) secure deterministic encryption schemes, as well as efficient instantiations of them under standard number-theoretic assumptions. Our constructions build on the recently-introduced framework of Peikert and Waters (STOC ’08) for constructing CCA-secure probabilistic encryption schemes, extending it to the deterministic-encryption setting as well

    On Notions of Security for Deterministic Encryption, and Efficient Constructions without Random Oracles

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    The study of deterministic public-key encryption was initiated by Bellare et al. (CRYPTO~\u2707), who provided the ``strongest possible notion of security for this primitive (called PRIV) and constructions in the random oracle (RO) model. We focus on constructing efficient deterministic encryption schemes \emph{without} random oracles. To do so, we propose a slightly weaker notion of security, saying that no partial information about encrypted messages should be leaked as long as each message is a-priori hard-to-guess \emph{given the others} (while PRIV did not have the latter restriction). Nevertheless, we argue that this version seems adequate for certain practical applications. We show equivalence of this definition to single-message and indistinguishability-based ones, which are easier to work with. Then we give general constructions of both chosen-plaintext (CPA) and chosen-ciphertext-attack (CCA) secure deterministic encryption schemes, as well as efficient instantiations of them under standard number-theoretic assumptions. Our constructions build on the recently-introduced framework of Peikert and Waters (STOC \u2708) for constructing CCA-secure \emph{probabilistic} encryption schemes, extending it to the deterministic-encryption setting and yielding some improvements to their original results as well

    From Known-Plaintext Security to Chosen-Plaintext Security

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    We present a new encryption mode for block ciphers. The mode is efficient and is secure against chosen-plaintext attack (CPA) already if the underlying symmetric cipher is secure against known-plaintext attack (KPA). We prove that known (and widely used) encryption modes as CBC mode and counter mode do not have this property. In particular, we prove that CBC mode using a KPA secure cipher is KPA secure, but need not be CPA secure, and we prove that counter mode using a KPA secure cipher need not be even KPA secure. The analysis is done in a concrete security framework

    Adaptively Secure Multi-Party Computation from LWE (via Equivocal FHE)

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    Adaptively secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) is an essential and fundamental notion in cryptography. In this work, we construct Universally Composable (UC) MPC protocols that are adaptively secure against all-but-one corruptions based on LWE. Our protocols have a constant number of rounds and communication complexity dependant only on the length of the inputs and outputs (it is independent of the circuit size). Such protocols were only known assuming an honest majority. Protocols in the dishonest majority setting, such as the work of Ishai et al. (CRYPTO 2008), require communication complexity proportional to the circuit size. In addition, constant-round adaptively secure protocols assuming dishonest majority are known to be impossible in the stand-alone setting with black-box proofs of security in the plain model. Here, we solve the problem in the UC setting using a set-up assumption which was shown necessary in order to achieve dishonest majority. The problem of constructing adaptively secure constant-round MPC protocols against arbitrary corruptions is considered a notorious hard problem. A recent line of works based on indistinguishability obfuscation construct such protocols with near-optimal number of rounds against arbitrary corruptions. However, based on standard assumptions, adaptively secure protocols secure against even just all-but-one corruptions with near-optimal number of rounds are not known. However, in this work we provide a three-round solution based only on LWE and NIZK secure against all-but-one corruptions. In addition, Asharov et al. (EUROCRYPT 2012) and more recently Mukherjee and Wichs (ePrint 2015) presented constant-round protocols based on LWE which are secure only in the presence of static adversaries. Assuming NIZK and LWE their static protocols run in two rounds where the latter one is only based on a common random string. Assuming adaptively secure UC NIZK, proposed by Groth et al. (ACM 2012), and LWE as mentioned above our adaptive protocols run in three rounds. Our protocols are constructed based on a special type of cryptosystem we call equivocal FHE from LWE. We also build adaptively secure UC commitments and UC zero-knowledge proofs (of knowledge) from LWE. Moreover, in the decryption phase using an AMD code mechanism we avoid the use of ZK and achieve communication complexity that does not scale with the decryption circuit

    Highly-Efficient Universally-Composable Commitments based on the DDH Assumption

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    Universal composability (or UC security) provides very strong security guarantees for protocols that run in complex real-world environments. In particular, security is guaranteed to hold when the protocol is run concurrently many times with other secure and possibly insecure protocols. Commitment schemes are a basic building block in many cryptographic constructions, and as such universally composable commitments are of great importance in constructing UC-secure protocols. In this paper, we construct highly efficient UC-secure commitments from the standard DDH assumption, in the common reference string model. Our commitment stage is non-interactive, has a common reference string with O(1)O(1) group elements, and has complexity of O(1)O(1) exponentiations for committing to a group element (to be more exact, the effective cost is that of 231323\frac{1}{3} exponentiations overall, for both the commit and decommit stages). Our scheme is secure in the presence of static adversaries

    All-But-Many Encryption: A New Framework for Fully-Equipped UC Commitments

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    We present a general framework for constructing non-interactive universally composable (UC) commitment schemes that are secure against adaptive adversaries in the non-erasure model under a re-usable common reference string. Previously, such ``fully-equipped\u27\u27 UC commitment schemes have been known only in [CF01,CLOS02], with strict expansion factor O(k); meaning that to commit L bits, communication strictly requires O(Lk)$ bits, where k denotes the security parameter. Efficient construction of a fully-equipped UC commitment scheme is a long-standing open problem. We introduce new abstraction, called all-but-many encryption (ABME), and prove that it captures fully-equipped UC commitment schemes. We propose the first fully-equipped UC commitment scheme with optimal expansion factor O(1) from our ABME scheme related to the DCR assumption. We also provide an all-but-many lossy trapdoor function (ABM-LTF)[Hof12] from our DCR-based ABME scheme, with a better lossy rate than [Hof12]