54 research outputs found

    Designing Tactile Interfaces for Abstract Interpersonal Communication, Pedestrian Navigation and Motorcyclists Navigation

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    The tactile medium of communication with users is appropriate for displaying information in situations where auditory and visual mediums are saturated. There are situations where a subject's ability to receive information through either of these channels is severely restricted by the environment they are in or through any physical impairments that the subject may have. In this project, we have focused on two groups of users who need sustained visual and auditory focus in their task: Soldiers on the battle field and motorcyclists. Soldiers on the battle field use their visual and auditory capabilities to maintain awareness of their environment to guard themselves from enemy assault. One of the major challenges to coordination in a hazardous environment is maintaining communication between team members while mitigating cognitive load. Compromise in communication between team members may result in mistakes that can adversely affect the outcome of a mission. We have built two vibrotactile displays, Tactor I and Tactor II, each with nine actuators arranged in a three-by-three matrix with differing contact areas that can represent a total of 511 shapes. We used two dimensions of tactile medium, shapes and waveforms, to represent verb phrases and evaluated ability of users to perceive verb phrases the tactile code. We evaluated the effectiveness of communicating verb phrases while the users were performing two tasks simultaneously. The results showed that performing additional visual task did not affect the accuracy or the time taken to perceive tactile codes. Another challenge in coordinating Soldiers on a battle field is navigating them to respective assembly areas. We have developed HaptiGo, a lightweight haptic vest that provides pedestrians both navigational intelligence and obstacle detection capabilities. HaptiGo consists of optimally-placed vibro-tactile sensors that utilize natural and small form factor interaction cues, thus emulating the sensation of being passively guided towards the intended direction. We evaluated HaptiGo and found that it was able to successfully navigate users with timely alerts of incoming obstacles without increasing cognitive load, thereby increasing their environmental awareness. Additionally, we show that users are able to respond to directional information without training. The needs of motorcyclists are di erent from those of Soldiers. Motorcyclists' need to maintain visual and auditory situational awareness at all times is crucial since they are highly exposed on the road. Route guidance systems, such as the Garmin, have been well tested on automobilists, but remain much less safe for use by motorcyclists. Audio/visual routing systems decrease motorcyclists' situational awareness and vehicle control, and thus increase the chances of an accident. To enable motorcyclists to take advantage of route guidance while maintaining situational awareness, we created HaptiMoto, a wearable haptic route guidance system. HaptiMoto uses tactile signals to encode the distance and direction of approaching turns, thus avoiding interference with audio/visual awareness. Evaluations show that HaptiMoto is intuitive for motorcyclists, and a safer alternative to existing solutions

    Autonomous Operation and Human-Robot Interaction on an Indoor Mobile Robot

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    MARVIN (Mobile Autonomous Robotic Vehicle for Indoor Navigation) was once the flagship of Victoria University’s mobile robotic fleet. However, over the years MARVIN has become obsolete. This thesis continues the the redevelopment of MARVIN, transforming it into a fully autonomous research platform for human-robot interaction (HRI). MARVIN utilises a Segway RMP, a self balancing mobility platform. This provides agile locomotion, but increases sensor processing complexity due to its dynamic pitch. MARVIN’s existing sensing systems (including a laser rangefinder and ultrasonic sensors) are augmented with tactile sensors and a Microsoft Kinect v2 RGB-D camera for 3D sensing. This allows the detection of the obstacles often found in MARVIN’s unmodified office-like operating environment. These sensors are processed using novel techniques to account for the Segway’s dynamic pitch. A newly developed navigation stack takes the processed sensor data to facilitate localisation, obstacle detection and motion planning. MARVIN’s inherited humanoid robotic torso is augmented with a touch screen and voice interface, enabling HRI. MARVIN’s HRI capabilities are demonstrated by implementing it as a robotic guide. This implementation is evaluated through a usability study and found to be successful. Through evaluations of MARVIN’s locomotion, sensing, localisation and motion planning systems, in addition to the usability study, MARVIN is found to be capable of both autonomous navigation and engaging HRI. These developed features open a diverse range of research directions and HRI tasks that MARVIN can be used to explore

    Master of Science

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    thesisIncreased demand for powered wheelchairs and their inherent mobility limitations have prompted the development of omnidirectional wheelchairs. These wheelchairs provide improved mobility in confined spaces, but can be more difficult to control and impact the ability of the user to embody the wheelchair. We hypothesize that control and embodiment of omnidirectional wheelchairs can be improved by providing intuitive control with three degree of freedom (3-DOF) haptic feedback that directly corresponds to the degrees of freedom of an omnidirectional wheelchair. This thesis introduces a novel 3-DOF Haptic Joystick designed for the purpose of controlling omnidirectional wheelchairs. When coupled with range finders, it is able to provide the user with feedback that improves the operator's awareness of the area surrounding the vehicle and assists the driver in obstacle avoidance. The haptic controller design and a stability analysis of the coupled wheelchair joystick systems are presented. Experimental results from the coupled systems validate the ability of the controller to influence the trajectory of the wheelchair and assist in obstacle avoidance

    The State of Lifelong Learning in Service Robots: Current Bottlenecks in Object Perception and Manipulation

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    Service robots are appearing more and more in our daily life. The development of service robots combines multiple fields of research, from object perception to object manipulation. The state-of-the-art continues to improve to make a proper coupling between object perception and manipulation. This coupling is necessary for service robots not only to perform various tasks in a reasonable amount of time but also to continually adapt to new environments and safely interact with non-expert human users. Nowadays, robots are able to recognize various objects, and quickly plan a collision-free trajectory to grasp a target object in predefined settings. Besides, in most of the cases, there is a reliance on large amounts of training data. Therefore, the knowledge of such robots is fixed after the training phase, and any changes in the environment require complicated, time-consuming, and expensive robot re-programming by human experts. Therefore, these approaches are still too rigid for real-life applications in unstructured environments, where a significant portion of the environment is unknown and cannot be directly sensed or controlled. In such environments, no matter how extensive the training data used for batch learning, a robot will always face new objects. Therefore, apart from batch learning, the robot should be able to continually learn about new object categories and grasp affordances from very few training examples on-site. Moreover, apart from robot self-learning, non-expert users could interactively guide the process of experience acquisition by teaching new concepts, or by correcting insufficient or erroneous concepts. In this way, the robot will constantly learn how to help humans in everyday tasks by gaining more and more experiences without the need for re-programming

    Universal Design and Visitability: from Accessibility to Zoning

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    National Endowment for the Art

    Lab experiences for teaching undergraduate dynamics

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2003.Includes bibliographical references (p. 443-466).This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.This thesis describes several projects developed to teach undergraduate dynamics and controls. The materials were developed primarily for the class 2.003 Modeling Dynamics and Control I. These include (1) a set of ActivLab modular experiments that illustrate the dynamics of linear time-invariant (LTI) systems and (2) a two wheeled mobile inverted pendulum. The ActivLab equipment has been designed as shareware, and plans for it are available on the web. The inverted pendulum robot developed here is largely inspired by the iBOT and Segway transportation devices invented by Dean Kamen.by Katherine A. Lilienkamp.S.M

    Small is smart: making micromobility work for citizens, cities and service providers

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    Màster universitari en Disseny -- Contemporary DesignGaur egun higikortasuna bira erradikala ematen ari da. Mugitzen garen modua ez da ere duela 20 urte, gizartea aldatzen ari den eta harekin bera bere balioak. Ikerketa hau, Master-Amaiera Laneko Diseinuko Ikasketa Aurreratuetan – Bartzelona (MBDesign), bereziki Diseinu Garaikideko lerroan parte hartzailea, gaur egunko erabiltzailearen beharretara, diseinuko erremintaren bitartez, molda daitezkeen hiri-higikortasun kontzeptu berriko bilaketan oinarritzen da. Gaur egun hiri zentruak autoz beteta daude, trafiko ikaragarria sortuz, eta hiriaren zona jendetsuenak ostopatzen. Honek hiritarrei iraganean eragingo dieten hainbat arasoproblema desberdin ekarriko dizkigute; hiriguna masifikatu bat bezala, kutsatutako giroa, ibilde bakotzean denbora galdua… Ikerketa honekin, kasu ideal hipotetiko batean, hiriaren, higikortasunaren eta erabiltzailearen harteko konponbidea proposatu nahi dut. Diseinuko erremintaren, hipotesiaren eta aurkezpen honetarako konponbidea emateko ikerketa jarraituaren bitartez, Bartzelonako ingurunea analizatzea lortu dut, nola eboluzionatzen duen Smart City honek eta nola hiri-higikortasuna ahalegin handiak egiten ditu harengana moldatzen saiatzean. Ikerketaren kasu desberdinen bidez ezinbesteko ezaugarri batzuk ezarri ditut produktuaren garapenerako. Teknologia berriek pauso handietara eboluzionatzen hari dira eta ibilgailuetako aplikazioa jada ikusten hari dira Auto Aretoetan. Garapen hau diseinua, gizartea, teknologia eta ingurunea bat egiten dutenean, etorkizuneko ikerketako hasiera gisa balio lezakeen oinarria izan litzateke.Mobility today is taking a radical turn. The way we move is not the same as 20 years ago, society is changing and with it also its values. This research that belongs to the Master’s Thesis in the Interuniversity Master in Advanced Design Studies - Barcelona (MBDesign), especially in the Contemporary Design line, is based on the search for new concepts of urban mobility that can be adapted to the needs of the user of today, through the design tool. Today, urban centers are crowded with vehicles, creating immense traffic and hampering the busiest areas of the city. This brings us different problems that throughout the years will affect considerably all the resident citizens; as a crowded city, a polluted environment, waste of time in each journey ... With this research I intend to propose a possible solution in a hypothetical ideal case of city, mobility and user. Through the design tool, a hypothesis and continuous research to solve this approach, I have been able to analyze the Barcelona environment, how Smart City evolves and how urban mobility makes great efforts to try to adapt to it. Through different cases of study I have established essential characteristics for the development of the product. The new technologies are evolving at great strides and the application of them in vehicles can already be seen in the Auto Showrooms. This development in which one design, society, technology and environment is the basis that could serve as the beginning of a future research for its real approach
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