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    Pengembangan Media Computer Assisted Instruction Pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Materi Australian Defense Force English Profiling System Untuk Tingkat III Di Akademi Angkatan Laut

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    ABSTRAKPendidikan yang baik saat ini adalah suatu sistem pendidikan yang mampu menghasilkan sumberdaya manusia yang seimbang antara segi intelektual dengan segi moralitas (Suwija, 2012, p 67).Kurikulum di Indonesia sudah mengalami perubahan terhadap kalender akademik, materi, jampelajaran dan sistem penilaian peserta didik yang akan berpengaruh. Demikian juga pada sistemkurikulum dan media pembelajaran pada pendidikan di Akademi Angkatan Laut.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran yang berbasis MultimediaInteraktif untuk mengatasi berbagai hambatan dalam proses pembelajaran taruna di AAL supayataruna lebih aktif dalam proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media Computer AssistedInstruction (CAI). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development,Implementation, Evaluation). Subjek pada penelitian pengembangan ini adalah taruna AkademiAngkatan Laut tingkat III yang sedang menempuh mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris.Penelitian ini di validasi oleh validator ahli media, validator ahli materi dan validator ahli RPP.Penilaian dari validasi ahli materi memperoleh skor 36 dengan persentase kualitas 90% sehinggapenilaian dari validator ahli materi termasuk dalam kategori “sangat baik”. Penilaian pada validasiahli media memperoleh skor 35 Dengan persentase kelayakan 87,5% sehingga sehingga penilaiandari validator ahli media termasuk dalam kategori “sangat baik”. Penilaian dari validasi RPPmemperoleh skor 38 dengan persentase kualitas 95% sehingga penilaian dari validator ahli materitermasuk dalam kategori “sangat baik”. Dari penilaian validasi ini maka media pembelajaranComputer Assisted Instruction (CAI) untuk taruna tingkat III Akademi Angkatan Laut dinyatakan“layak” untuk digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dan dapat dimanfaatkansebagai alternatif media pembelajaran mandiri bagi taruna.Kata kunci : Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI), Australian Defense Force English LanguangeProfiling System (ADFELPS), Taruna Akademi Angkatan Laut ABSTRACTGood education today is an educational system capable of producing balanced humanresources between the intellectual and the moral aspects (Suwija, 2012, p. 67). In Indonesia, thecurriculum has undergone changes which will affect the academic calendar, materials, lesson hoursand student assessment systems. Likewise, the curriculum system and learning media in educationat the Navy Academy.This study aims to develop interactive multimedia-based learning media to overcomevarious obstacles in the learning process for cadets at AAL so that cadets are more active in thelearning process using the Media Assisted Instruction (CAI). This research uses the Research &Development (R&D) method which consists of several steps, namely: potential and problems, datacollection, product design, design validation, design revision, product testing, product revision,usage testing, product revision and mass product revisions. The subjects in this developmentresearch trial were cadets of the 3rd level of the Navy Academy who were taking English courses.This study was validated by media expert validators and material expert validators. Theevaluation of the material expert validation obtained a score 36 with a quality percentage 90% sothat the evaluation of the material expert validator was included in the “very good” category. Theassessment on the media expert validation gets a score 35. With the percentage of eligibility 87,5%So that the assessment of the media expert validator is included in the “very good” category. Theevaluation of the RPP validation obtained a score 38 with a quality percentage 95% so that theevaluation of the material expert validator was included in the “very good” category. From thisvalidation assessment, the Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) learning media for cadets at levelIII of the Naval Academy is declared "feasible" to be used as an English learning medium and canbe used as an alternative to independent learning media for cadets.Keywords: Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI), Australian Defense Force English LanguageProfiling System (ADFELPS), Cadets of the Navy Academy &nbsp

    Pengembangan Media Computer Assisted Instruction Pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Daerah Materi Teks Sederhana Aksara Jawa Untuk Siswa Kelas VII di SMP Negeri 1 Driyorejo

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    ABSTRAKPendidikan merupakan peranan penting dalam mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa dan tidakdapat dipisahkan dari pembangunan Negara. Untuk menghasilkan manusia yang berkualitas, gurudi wajibkan untuk bias mengajar bermacam-macam metode sesuai dengan karakteristik masingmasing peserta didiknya. Keberhasilan dalam proses pembelajaran yang ingin dicapai oleh gurutidak lepas dari media pembelajaran yang digunakan. Kepandaian guru dalam menggunakan mediapembelajaran berdampak positif bagi peserta untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar. Salah satu mediayang efektif untuk proses pembelajaran adalah CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction). CAImerupakan system penyampaian materi pelajaran yang berbasis mikroposesor yang pelajarannyadirancang dan deprogram ke dalam sistem tersebut.Pengembangan media pembelajaran berbasis Multimedia Interaktif merupakan-tujuan dasar padapenelitian ini untuk mengatasi berbagai hambatan dalam proses pembelajaran siswa kelas VII diSMP Negeri 1 Driyorejo supaya siswa lebih aktif dalam proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakanmedia Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode ADDIE (Analysis,Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) dan menggunakan teknik analisis datakuantitatif dan analisis data persentase dengan menggunakan instrument pengumpulan data berupaangket. Subjek pada penelitian pengembangan ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Driyorejoyang sedang menempuh mata pelajaran Bahasa Daerah.Hasil dari penelitian ini divalidasi oleh validator ahli media, validator ahli RPP danvalidator ahli materi. Hasil validasi kelayakan media Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) mendapatpersentase kualitas 87,5% masuk pada kategori “sangat baik”. Hasil validasi materi mendapatpersentase kualitas 100% masuk pada kategori “sangat baik”, sedangkan penilaian pada validasiRPP mendapatkan persentase kualitas 100% yang artinya media pembelajaran CAI dengan materiTeks Sederhana Menggunakan Aksara Jawa layak digunakan untuk siswa kelas VII di SMP Negeri1 Driyorejo. Dapat disimpulkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan produk yang dihasilkan daripenelitian adalah berupa media pembelajaran yang dapat dimanfaatkan siswa sebagai sarana sumberbelajar yang membantu siswa dalam mempelajari materi TeksSederhana Menggunakan Aksara Jawa.Kata-kunci : Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI), Bahasa-Daerah, Aksara-Jawa ABSTRACTEducation is an important role in the intellectual life of the nation and cannot be separatedfrom the development of the State. To produce quality human beings, teachers are required to beable to teach various methods according to the characteristics of each student. The success in thelearning process to be achieved by the teacher cannot be separated from the learning media used.The teacher's skill in using learning media has a positive impact on participants to improve learningoutcomes. One of the effective media for the learning process is CAI (Computer AssistedInstruction). CAI is a microprocessor based learning material delivery system whose lessons aredesigned and programmed into the system.The development of interactive multimedia-based learning media is the basic objective ofthis research to overcome various obstacles in the learning process of class VII students at SMPNegeri 1 Driyorejo so that students are more active in the learning process by using ComputerAssisted Instruction media (CAI). This study uses the ADDIE method (Analysis, Design,Development, Implementation, Evaluation) and uses quantitative data analysis techniques andpercentage data analysis using a data collection instrument in the form of a questionnaire. Thesubjects of this development research were students of class VII SMP Negeri 1 Driyorejo who weretaking Regional Language subjects.The results of this study were validated by media expert validators, RPP expert validatorsand material expert validators. The results of the validation of the feasibility of the ComputerAssisted Instruction (CAI) media got a quality percentage of 87.5% in the "very good" category.The results of the validation of the material get a 100% quality percentage in the "very good"category, while the assessment on the RPP validation gets a 100% quality percentage, which meansthat the CAI learning media with Simple Text Using Javanese Script is suitable for use for class VIIstudents at SMP Negeri 1 Driyorejo. It can be concluded that the results of research and discussionof the products resulting from the research are in the form of learning media that can be used bystudents as a means of learning resources that assist students in studying Simple Text using JavaneseScript.Keywords: Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI), Local Language, Javanese Alphabe

    E-education in pathology including certification of e-institutions

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    E–education or electronically transferred continuous education in pathology is one major application of virtual microscopy. The basic conditions and properties of acoustic and visual information transfer, of teaching and learning processes, as well as of knowledge and competence, influence its implementation to a high degree. Educational programs and structures can be judged by access to the basic conditions, by description of the teaching resources, methods, and its program, as well as by identification of competences, and development of an appropriate evaluation system. Classic teaching and learning methods present a constant, usually non-reversible information flow. They are subject to personal circumstances of both teacher and student. The methods of information presentation need to be distinguished between static and dynamic, between acoustic and visual ones. Electronic tools in education include local manually assisted tools (language assistants, computer-assisted design, etc.), local passive tools (slides, movies, sounds, music), open access tools (internet), and specific tools such as Webinars. From the medical point of view information content can be divided into constant (gross and microscopic anatomy) and variable (disease related) items. Most open access available medical courses teach constant information such as anatomy or physiology. Mandatory teaching resources are image archives with user–controlled navigation and labelling, student–oriented user manuals, discussion forums, and expert consultation. A classic undergraduate electronic educational system is WebMic which presents with histology lectures. An example designed for postgraduate teaching is the digital lung pathology system. It includes a description of diagnostic and therapeutic features of 60 rare and common lung diseases, partly in multimedia presentation. Combining multimedia features with the organization structures of a virtual pathology institution will result in a virtual pathology education institution (VPEI), which can develop to a partly automated distant learning faculty in medicine

    MOSAIC: A Model for Technologically Enhanced Educational Linguistics

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    Retrosynthetic reaction prediction using neural sequence-to-sequence models

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    We describe a fully data driven model that learns to perform a retrosynthetic reaction prediction task, which is treated as a sequence-to-sequence mapping problem. The end-to-end trained model has an encoder-decoder architecture that consists of two recurrent neural networks, which has previously shown great success in solving other sequence-to-sequence prediction tasks such as machine translation. The model is trained on 50,000 experimental reaction examples from the United States patent literature, which span 10 broad reaction types that are commonly used by medicinal chemists. We find that our model performs comparably with a rule-based expert system baseline model, and also overcomes certain limitations associated with rule-based expert systems and with any machine learning approach that contains a rule-based expert system component. Our model provides an important first step towards solving the challenging problem of computational retrosynthetic analysis

    Structured computer-based training in the interpretation of neuroradiological images

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    Computer-based systems may be able to address a recognised need throughout the medical profession for a more structured approach to training. We describe a combined training system for neuroradiology, the MR Tutor that differs from previous approaches to computer-assisted training in radiology in that it provides case-based tuition whereby the system and user communicate in terms of a well-founded Image Description Language. The system implements a novel method of visualisation and interaction with a library of fully described cases utilising statistical models of similarity, typicality and disease categorisation of cases. We describe the rationale, knowledge representation and design of the system, and provide a formative evaluation of its usability and effectiveness

    Designing intelligent computer‐based simulations: A pragmatic approach

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    This paper examines the design of intelligent multimedia simulations. A case study is presented which uses an approach based in part on intelligent tutoring system design to integrate formative assessment into the learning of clinical decision‐making skills for nursing students. The approach advocated uses a modular design with an integrated intelligent agent within a multimedia simulation. The application was created using an object‐orientated programming language for the multimedia interface (Delphi) and a logic‐based interpreted language (Prolog) to create an expert assessment system. Domain knowledge is also encoded in a Windows help file reducing some of the complexity of the expert system. This approach offers a method for simplifying the production of an intelligent simulation system. The problems developing intelligent tutoring systems are examined and an argument is made for a practical approach to developing intelligent multimedia simulation systems