214,553 research outputs found

    Climate change and climate uncertainty in the Murray-Darling Basin

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    It is likely that climate change will be associated with reductions in inflows of water to the Murray–Darling Basin In this paper, we analyse the effects of climate change in the Murray–Darling Basin, using a simulation model that incorporates a state-contingent representation of uncertainty. The severity of the impact depends, in large measure, on the extent to which climate change is manifested as an increase in the frequency of drought conditions. Adaptation will partially offset the adverse impact of climate change.climate change, Murray-Darling Basin, uncertainty, water

    Environmental economics and the Murray-Darling river system

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    Much concern about the negative environmental consequences of agricultural development in Australia, including salinisation, waterlogging and algal blooms, has focused on the problems of the Murray–Darling Basin. The aim of this article is to provide an overview of the environmental problems of the Murray–Darling Basin from an economic perspective, and a selective survey of the relevant economic literature, including theoretical analysis, modelling and contributions to the development of water policy. In attempting to understand the complex problems of the Murray–Darling Basin, an eclectic approach drawing on externality, sustainability and property rights perspectives seems most appropriate.Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Taking Stock: Seventeen Years after the Murray-Darling Basin Agreement

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    There has now been almost two decades of natural resource management by signatory states under the Murray-Darling Basin Agreement Despite significant public expense, the success of initiatives to improve the Basin’s environmental remains ambiguous. This confusion is partly due to poorly distinguished investment outcomes, a blurring of the transparency of public spending and a lack of accountability of decision makers. The aim of this study is to demonstrate that significant environmental improvements could have been achieved at a much lower cost if decisive action been taken early. The research report outlines the myriad of Murray-Darling Basin related policies and its funding. It also notes the achievements and impediments to program success.water reform, water policy, cost efficiency, Murray-Darling Basin, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Environmental Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use,

    Managing the Murray Darling Basin: some implications for climate change policy

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    Among the many environmental problems facing Australia, the problems of managing the Murray-Darling Basin and of responding to climate change are notable for their complexity, intractability and for the wide range of people and regions affected. Consideration of policy successes and failures in the management of the Murray-Darling Basin may help in the design of a more effective, and cost-effective, response to the problem of climate change

    Evaluating the Anderson-Darling Distribution

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    Except for n = 1, only the limit as n approaches infinity for the distribution of the Anderson-Darling test for uniformity has been found, and that in so complicated a form that published values for a few percentiles had to be determined by numerical integration, saddlepoint or other approximation methods. We give here our method for evaluating that asymptotic distribution to great accuracy--directly, via series with two-term recursions. We also give, for any particular n, a procedure for evaluating the distribution to the fourth digit, based on empirical CDF's from samples of size 10^10 .

    A Case-study of the Murray-Darling Basin

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    Consultancy report for the International Water Management Institute. This case study was commissioned by the International Water Management Institute as part of an Asian Development Bank supported regional study on water management institutions. This case study is one of three case studies of advanced river basins (Murray-Darling Basin in Australia, Omonogawa in Japan and Brantas in Indonesia), and five other river basin studies in North China, West Sumatra of Indonesia, Philippines, Nepal and Sri Lanka.Australia;river;natural resource management;Murray-Darling

    Normality Testing- A New Direction

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    Abstract This paper is concerned with the evaluation of the performance of the normality tests to ensure the validity of the t-statistics used for assessing significance of regressors in a regression model. For this purpose, we have explored 40 distributions to find the most damaging distribution on the t-statistic. Power comparisons are conducted to find the best performing test against these distributions. It is found that Anderson-Darling statistic is the best option among the five normality tests, Jarque-Bera, Shapiro-Francia, D’Agostino & Pearson, Anderson-Darling & Lilliefors.Normality test, power of the test, t-statistic

    The Darling Estate_ Part III (1940s-1960s)

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    This history bulletin is about the people and place of Wentworth Point in Walpole, Maine before the inception of the Darling Marine Center in 1965. This bulletin is about the Darling family. One picture is of Ron Pendleton, Bennie Hagar, and Randall Rice haying in 1953. Ira Darling is in that picture. There are pictures of Ira Darling\u27s boat.
