369 research outputs found

    The DFS-heuristic for orthogonal graph drawing☆☆Some of these result were published in the author's PhD thesis at Rutgers University; the author would like to thank her advisor, Prof. Endre Boros, for much helpful input. The results in Section 5 have been presented at the 8th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, Ottawa, 1996, see [1].

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    AbstractIn this paper, we present a new heuristic for orthogonal graph drawings, which creates drawings by performing a depth-first search and placing the nodes in the order they are encountered. This DFS-heuristic works for graphs with arbitrarily high degrees, and particularly well for graphs with maximum degree 3. It yields drawings with at most one bend per edge, and a total number of m−n+1 bends for a graph with n nodes and m edges; this improves significantly on the best previous bound of m−2 bends

    Efficient Algorithms for Ortho-Radial Graph Drawing

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    Orthogonal drawings, i.e., embeddings of graphs into grids, are a classic topic in Graph Drawing. Often the goal is to find a drawing that minimizes the number of bends on the edges. A key ingredient for bend minimization algorithms is the existence of an orthogonal representation that allows to describe such drawings purely combinatorially by only listing the angles between the edges around each vertex and the directions of bends on the edges, but neglecting any kind of geometric information such as vertex coordinates or edge lengths. Barth et al. [2017] have established the existence of an analogous ortho-radial representation for ortho-radial drawings, which are embeddings into an ortho-radial grid, whose gridlines are concentric circles around the origin and straight-line spokes emanating from the origin but excluding the origin itself. While any orthogonal representation admits an orthogonal drawing, it is the circularity of the ortho-radial grid that makes the problem of characterizing valid ortho-radial representations all the more complex and interesting. Barth et al. prove such a characterization. However, the proof is existential and does not provide an efficient algorithm for testing whether a given ortho-radial representation is valid, let alone actually obtaining a drawing from an ortho-radial representation. In this paper we give quadratic-time algorithms for both of these tasks. They are based on a suitably constrained left-first DFS in planar graphs and several new insights on ortho-radial representations. Our validity check requires quadratic time, and a naive application of it would yield a quartic algorithm for constructing a drawing from a valid ortho-radial representation. Using further structural insights we speed up the drawing algorithm to quadratic running time

    Solving the Physical Traveling Salesman Problem: Tree Search and Macro Actions

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    This paper presents a number of approaches for solving a real-time game consisting of a ship that must visit a number of waypoints scattered around a 2-D maze full of obstacles. The game, the Physical Traveling Salesman Problem (PTSP), which featured in two IEEE conference competitions during 2012, provides a good balance between long-term planning (finding the optimal sequence of waypoints to visit), and short-term planning (driving the ship in the maze). This paper focuses on the algorithm that won both PTSP competitions: it takes advantage of the physics of the game to calculate the optimal order of waypoints, and it employs Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) to drive the ship. The algorithm uses repetitions of actions (macro actions) to reduce the search space for navigation. Variations of this algorithm are presented and analyzed, in order to understand the strength of each one of its constituents and to comprehend what makes such an approach the best controller found so far for the PTSP. © 2009-2012 IEEE

    New circular drawing algorithms

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    In the circular (other alternate concepts are outerplanar, convex and one-page) drawing one places vertices of a n-vertex m-edge connected graph G along a circle, and the edges are drawn as straight lines. The smallest possible number of crossings in such a drawing of the graph G is called circular (outerplanar, convex, or one-page) crossing number of the graph G. This paper addresses heuristic algorithms to find an ordering of vertices to minimise the number of crossings in the corresponding circular drawing of the graph. New algorithms to find low crossing circular drawings are presented, and compared with algorithm of Makinen, CIRCULAR+ algorithm of Six and Tollis and algorithm of Baur and Brandes. We get better or comparable results to the other algorithms

    A bitwise clique detection approach for accelerating power graph computation and clustering dense graphs

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    Graphs are at the essence of many data representations. The visual analytics over graphs is usually difficult due to their size, which makes their visual display challenging, and their fundamental algorithms, which are often classified as NP-hard problems. The Power Graph Analysis (PGA) is a method that simplifies networks using reduced representations for complete subgraphs (cliques) and complete bipartite subgraphs (bicliques), in both cases with edge reductions. The benefits of a power graph are the preservation of information and its capacity to show essential information about the original network. However, finding an optimal representation (maximum edges reduction) is also an NPhard problem. In this work, we propose BCD, a greedy algorithm that uses a Bitwise Clique Detection approach to finding power graphs. BCD is faster than competing strategies and allows the analysis of bigger graphs. For the display of larger power graphs, we propose an orthogonal layout to prevent overlapping of edges and vertices. Finally, we describe how the structure induced by the power graph is used for clustering analysis of dense graphs. We demonstrate with several datasets the results obtained by our proposal and compare against competing strategies.Os grafos são essenciais para muitas representações de dados. A análise visual de grafos é usualmente difícil devido ao tamanho, o que representa um desafio para sua visualização. Além de isso, seus algoritmos fundamentais são frequentemente classificados como NP-difícil. Análises dos grafos de potência (PGA em inglês) é um método que simplifica redes usando representações reduzidas para subgrafos completos chamados cliques e subgrafos bipartidos chamados bicliques, em ambos casos com una redução de arestas. Os benefícios da representação de grafo de potência são a preservação de informação e a capacidade de mostrar a informação essencial sobre a rede original. Entretanto, encontrar uma representação ótima (a máxima redução de arestas possível) é também um problema NP-difícil. Neste trabalho, propomos BCD, um algoritmo guloso que usa um abordagem de detecção de bicliques baseado em operações binarias para encontrar representações de grafos de potencia. O BCD é mas rápido que as estratégias atuais da literatura. Finalmente, descrevemos como a estrutura induzida pelo grafo de potência é utilizado para as análises dos grafos densos na detecção de agrupamentos de nodos

    Kreuzungen in Cluster-Level-Graphen

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    Clustered graphs are an enhanced graph model with a recursive clustering of the vertices according to a given nesting relation. This prime technique for expressing coherence of certain parts of the graph is used in many applications, such as biochemical pathways and UML class diagrams. For directed clustered graphs usually level drawings are used, leading to clustered level graphs. In this thesis we analyze the interrelation of clusters and levels and their influence on edge crossings and cluster/edge crossings.Cluster-Graphen sind ein erweitertes Graph-Modell mit einem rekursiven Clustering der Knoten entsprechend einer gegebenen Inklusionsrelation. Diese bedeutende Technik um Zusammengehörigkeit bestimmter Teile des Graphen auszudrücken wird in vielen Anwendungen benutzt, etwa biochemischen Reaktionsnetzen oder UML Klassendiagrammen. Für gerichtete Cluster-Graphen werden üblicherweise Level-Zeichnungen verwendet, was zu Cluster-Level-Graphen führt. Diese Arbeit analysiert den Zusammenhang zwischen Clustern und Level und deren Auswirkungen auf Kantenkreuzungen und Cluster/Kanten-Kreuzungen