306 research outputs found

    Representation Theory of Finite Semigroups, Semigroup Radicals and Formal Language Theory

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    In this paper we characterize the congruence associated to the direct sum of all irreducible representations of a finite semigroup over an arbitrary field, generalizing results of Rhodes for the field of complex numbers. Applications are given to obtain many new results, as well as easier proofs of several results in the literature, involving: triangularizability of finite semigroups; which semigroups have (split) basic semigroup algebras, two-sided semidirect product decompositions of finite monoids; unambiguous products of rational languages; products of rational languages with counter; and \v{C}ern\'y's conjecture for an important class of automata

    Matrix equations and Hilbert's tenth problem

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    We show a reduction of Hilbert's tenth problem to the solvability of the matrix equation Xi1 1 Xi2 2 Xik k = Z over non-commuting integral matrices, where Z is the zero matrix, thus proving that the solvability of the equation is undecidable. This is in contrast to the case whereby the matrix semigroup is commutative in which the solvability of the same equation was shown to be decidable in general. The restricted problem where k = 2 for commutative matrices is known as the \A-B-C Problem" and we show that this problem is decidable even for a pair of non-commutative matrices over an algebraic number field

    Parametric Polyhedra with at least kk Lattice Points: Their Semigroup Structure and the k-Frobenius Problem

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    Given an integral d×nd \times n matrix AA, the well-studied affine semigroup \mbox{ Sg} (A)=\{ b : Ax=b, \ x \in {\mathbb Z}^n, x \geq 0\} can be stratified by the number of lattice points inside the parametric polyhedra PA(b)={x:Ax=b,x0}P_A(b)=\{x: Ax=b, x\geq0\}. Such families of parametric polyhedra appear in many areas of combinatorics, convex geometry, algebra and number theory. The key themes of this paper are: (1) A structure theory that characterizes precisely the subset \mbox{ Sg}_{\geq k}(A) of all vectors b \in \mbox{ Sg}(A) such that PA(b)ZnP_A(b) \cap {\mathbb Z}^n has at least kk solutions. We demonstrate that this set is finitely generated, it is a union of translated copies of a semigroup which can be computed explicitly via Hilbert bases computations. Related results can be derived for those right-hand-side vectors bb for which PA(b)ZnP_A(b) \cap {\mathbb Z}^n has exactly kk solutions or fewer than kk solutions. (2) A computational complexity theory. We show that, when nn, kk are fixed natural numbers, one can compute in polynomial time an encoding of \mbox{ Sg}_{\geq k}(A) as a multivariate generating function, using a short sum of rational functions. As a consequence, one can identify all right-hand-side vectors of bounded norm that have at least kk solutions. (3) Applications and computation for the kk-Frobenius numbers. Using Generating functions we prove that for fixed n,kn,k the kk-Frobenius number can be computed in polynomial time. This generalizes a well-known result for k=1k=1 by R. Kannan. Using some adaptation of dynamic programming we show some practical computations of kk-Frobenius numbers and their relatives

    Polynomial Invariants for Affine Programs

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    We exhibit an algorithm to compute the strongest polynomial (or algebraic) invariants that hold at each location of a given affine program (i.e., a program having only non-deterministic (as opposed to conditional) branching and all of whose assignments are given by affine expressions). Our main tool is an algebraic result of independent interest: given a finite set of rational square matrices of the same dimension, we show how to compute the Zariski closure of the semigroup that they generate

    Nonnegativity Problems for Matrix Semigroups

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    The matrix semigroup membership problem asks, given square matrices M,M1,,MkM,M_1,\ldots,M_k of the same dimension, whether MM lies in the semigroup generated by M1,,MkM_1,\ldots,M_k. It is classical that this problem is undecidable in general but decidable in case M1,,MkM_1,\ldots,M_k commute. In this paper we consider the problem of whether, given M1,,MkM_1,\ldots,M_k, the semigroup generated by M1,,MkM_1,\ldots,M_k contains a non-negative matrix. We show that in case M1,,MkM_1,\ldots,M_k commute, this problem is decidable subject to Schanuel's Conjecture. We show also that the problem is undecidable if the commutativity assumption is dropped. A key lemma in our decidability result is a procedure to determine, given a matrix MM, whether the sequence of matrices (Mn)n0(M^n)_{n\geq 0} is ultimately nonnegative. This answers a problem posed by S. Akshay (arXiv:2205.09190). The latter result is in stark contrast to the notorious fact that it is not known how to determine effectively whether for any specific matrix index (i,j)(i,j) the sequence (Mn)i,j(M^n)_{i,j} is ultimately nonnegative (which is a formulation of the Ultimate Positivity Problem for linear recurrence sequences)

    Recent advances in algorithmic problems for semigroups

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    In this article we survey recent progress in the algorithmic theory of matrix semigroups. The main objective in this area of study is to construct algorithms that decide various properties of finitely generated subsemigroups of an infinite group GG, often represented as a matrix group. Such problems might not be decidable in general. In fact, they gave rise to some of the earliest undecidability results in algorithmic theory. However, the situation changes when the group GG satisfies additional constraints. In this survey, we give an overview of the decidability and the complexity of several algorithmic problems in the cases where GG is a low-dimensional matrix group, or a group with additional structures such as commutativity, nilpotency and solvability.Comment: survey article for SIGLOG New

    Vector Reachability Problem in SL(2,Z)\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{Z})

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    The decision problems on matrices were intensively studied for many decades as matrix products play an essential role in the representation of various computational processes. However, many computational problems for matrix semigroups are inherently difficult to solve even for problems in low dimensions and most matrix semigroup problems become undecidable in general starting from dimension three or four. This paper solves two open problems about the decidability of the vector reachability problem over a finitely generated semigroup of matrices from SL(2,Z)\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{Z}) and the point to point reachability (over rational numbers) for fractional linear transformations, where associated matrices are from SL(2,Z)\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{Z}). The approach to solving reachability problems is based on the characterization of reachability paths between points which is followed by the translation of numerical problems on matrices into computational and combinatorial problems on words and formal languages. We also give a geometric interpretation of reachability paths and extend the decidability results to matrix products represented by arbitrary labelled directed graphs. Finally, we will use this technique to prove that a special case of the scalar reachability problem is decidable

    Decidability of the Membership Problem for 2×22\times 2 integer matrices

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    The main result of this paper is the decidability of the membership problem for 2×22\times 2 nonsingular integer matrices. Namely, we will construct the first algorithm that for any nonsingular 2×22\times 2 integer matrices M1,,MnM_1,\dots,M_n and MM decides whether MM belongs to the semigroup generated by {M1,,Mn}\{M_1,\dots,M_n\}. Our algorithm relies on a translation of the numerical problem on matrices into combinatorial problems on words. It also makes use of some algebraical properties of well-known subgroups of GL(2,Z)\mathrm{GL}(2,\mathbb{Z}) and various new techniques and constructions that help to limit an infinite number of possibilities by reducing them to the membership problem for regular languages

    Semigroup intersection problems in the Heisenberg groups

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    We consider two algorithmic problems concerning sub-semigroups of Heisenberg groups and, more generally, two-step nilpotent groups. The first problem is Intersection Emptiness, which asks whether a finite number of given finitely generated semigroups have empty intersection. This problem was first studied by Markov in the 1940s. We show that Intersection Emptiness is PTIME decidable in the Heisenberg groups Hn(K)\operatorname{H}_{n}(\mathbb{K}) over any algebraic number field K\mathbb{K}, as well as in direct products of Heisenberg groups. We also extend our decidability result to arbitrary finitely generated 2-step nilpotent groups. The second problem is Orbit Intersection, which asks whether the orbits of two matrices under multiplication by two semigroups intersect with each other. This problem was first studied by Babai et al. (1996), who showed its decidability within commutative matrix groups. We show that Orbit Intersection is decidable within the Heisenberg group H3(Q)\operatorname{H}_{3}(\mathbb{Q}).Comment: 18 pages including appendix, 2 figure

    Reachability problems for products of matrices in semirings

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    We consider the following matrix reachability problem: given rr square matrices with entries in a semiring, is there a product of these matrices which attains a prescribed matrix? We define similarly the vector (resp. scalar) reachability problem, by requiring that the matrix product, acting by right multiplication on a prescribed row vector, gives another prescribed row vector (resp. when multiplied at left and right by prescribed row and column vectors, gives a prescribed scalar). We show that over any semiring, scalar reachability reduces to vector reachability which is equivalent to matrix reachability, and that for any of these problems, the specialization to any r2r\geq 2 is equivalent to the specialization to r=2r=2. As an application of this result and of a theorem of Krob, we show that when r=2r=2, the vector and matrix reachability problems are undecidable over the max-plus semiring (Z{},max,+)(Z\cup\{-\infty\},\max,+). We also show that the matrix, vector, and scalar reachability problems are decidable over semirings whose elements are ``positive'', like the tropical semiring (N{+},min,+)(N\cup\{+\infty\},\min,+).Comment: 21 page