768 research outputs found

    Wheat yellow rust monitoring by learning from multispectral UAV aerial imagery

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    The use of a low-cost five-band multispectral camera (RedEdge, MicaSense, USA) and a low-altitude airborne platform is investigated for the detection of plant stress caused by yellow rust disease in winter wheat for sustainable agriculture. The research is mainly focused on: (i) determining whether or not healthy and yellow rust infected wheat plants can be discriminated; (ii) selecting spectral band and Spectral Vegetation Index (SVI) with a strong discriminating capability; (iii) developing a low-cost yellow rust monitoring system for use at farmland scales. An experiment was carefully designed by infecting winter wheat with different levels of yellow rust inoculum, where aerial multispectral images under different developmental stages of yellow rust were captured by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle at an altitude of 16–24m with a ground resolution of 1–1.5cm/pixel. An automated yellow rust detection system is developed by learning (via random forest classifier) from labelled UAV aerial multispectral imagery. Experimental results indicate that: (i) good classification performance (with an average Precision, Recall and Accuracy of 89.2%, 89.4% and 89.3%) was achieved by the developed yellow rust monitoring at a diseased stage (45 days after inoculation); (ii) the top three SVIs for separating healthy and yellow rust infected wheat plants are RVI, NDVI and OSAVI; while the top two spectral bands are NIR and Red. The learnt system was also applied to the whole farmland of interest with a promising monitoring result. It is anticipated that this study by seamlessly integrating low-cost multispectral camera, low-altitude UAV platform and machine learning techniques paves the way for yellow rust monitoring at farmland scales

    Seasonal timing for estimating carbon mitigation in revegetation of abandoned agricultural land with high spatial resolution remote sensing

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    Dryland salinity is a major land management issue globally, and results in the abandonment of farmland. Revegetation with halophytic shrub species such as Atriplex nummularia for carbon mitigation may be a viable option but to generate carbon credits ongoing monitoring and verification is required. This study investigated the utility of high-resolution airborne images (Digital Multi Spectral Imagery (DMSI)) obtained in two seasons to estimate carbon stocks at the plant- and stand-scale. Pixel-scale vegetation indices, sub-pixel fractional green vegetation cover for individual plants, and estimates of the fractional coverage of the grazing plants within entire plots, were extracted from the high-resolution images. Carbon stocks were correlated with both canopy coverage (R2: 0.76-0.89) and spectral-based vegetation indices (R2: 0.77-0.89) with or without the use of the near-infrared spectral band. Indices derived from the dry season image showed a stronger correlation with field measurements of carbon than those derived from the green season image. These results show that in semi-arid environments it is better to estimate saltbush biomass with remote sensing data in the dry season to exclude the effect of pasture, even without the refinement provided by a vegetation classification. The approach of using canopy cover to refine estimates of carbon yield has broader application in shrublands and woodlands

    The Research And Application Of Remote Sensing Monitoring Method Of Actual Irrigated Area

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    The value of actual irrigated area is an important indicator of irrigation water management, but due to wide space range of irrigated district, ground manual monitoring is very difficult to achieve. Remote sensing methods have a wide rapid coverage, high efficiency, real-time, objective and other advantages, which can be used to solve the difficulties in monitoring irrigated area. In this paper, a remote sensing monitoring method of irrigated area based on modified perpendicular drought index (MPDI) is researched and the differential thresholds for distinguishing irrigation are analyzed and proposed. The method was applied to 5 rounds of actual irrigated area monitoring in Hetao irrigated district, inner Monglia, China., using the satellite images of HJ1A/1B CCD, China, and verified by ground tests. The results show that the method is of high precision, and can provide help for enhancing the management level of irrigated districts

    Combining UAV-based hyperspectral imagery and machine learning algorithms for soil moisture content monitoring

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    Soil moisture content (SMC) is an important factor that affects agricultural development in arid regions. Compared with the space-borne remote sensing system, the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has been widely used because of its stronger controllability and higher resolution. It also provides a more convenient method for monitoring SMC than normal measurement methods that includes field sampling and oven-drying techniques. However, research based on UAV hyperspectral data has not yet formed a standard procedure in arid regions. Therefore, a universal processing scheme is required. We hypothesized that combining pretreatments of UAV hyperspectral imagery under optimal indices and a set of field observations within a machine learning framework will yield a highly accurate estimate of SMC. Optimal 2D spectral indices act as indispensable variables and allow us to characterize a model’s SMC performance and spatial distribution. For this purpose, we used hyperspectral imagery and a total of 70 topsoil samples (0–10 cm) from the farmland (2.5 × 104 m2) of Fukang City, Xinjiang Uygur AutonomousRegion, China. The random forest (RF) method and extreme learning machine (ELM) were used to estimate the SMC using six methods of pretreatments combined with four optimal spectral indices. The validation accuracy of the estimated method clearly increased compared with that of linear models. The combination of pretreatments and indices by our assessment effectively eliminated the interference and the noises. Comparing two machine learning algorithms showed that the RF models were superior to the ELM models, and the best model was PIR (R2val = 0.907, RMSEP = 1.477, and RPD = 3.396). The SMC map predicted via the best scheme was highly similar to the SMC map measured. We conclude that combining preprocessed spectral indices and machine learning algorithms allows estimation of SMC with high accuracy (R2val = 0.907) via UAV hyperspectral imagery on a regional scale. Ultimately, our program might improve management and conservation strategies for agroecosystem systems in arid regions

    An uncertainty prediction approach for active learning - application to earth observation

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    Mapping land cover and land usage dynamics are crucial in remote sensing since farmers are encouraged to either intensify or extend crop use due to the ongoing rise in the world’s population. A major issue in this area is interpreting and classifying a scene captured in high-resolution satellite imagery. Several methods have been put forth, including neural networks which generate data-dependent models (i.e. model is biased toward data) and static rule-based approaches with thresholds which are limited in terms of diversity(i.e. model lacks diversity in terms of rules). However, the problem of having a machine learning model that, given a large amount of training data, can classify multiple classes over different geographic Sentinel-2 imagery that out scales existing approaches remains open. On the other hand, supervised machine learning has evolved into an essential part of many areas due to the increasing number of labeled datasets. Examples include creating classifiers for applications that recognize images and voices, anticipate traffic, propose products, act as a virtual personal assistant and detect online fraud, among many more. Since these classifiers are highly dependent from the training datasets, without human interaction or accurate labels, the performance of these generated classifiers with unseen observations is uncertain. Thus, researchers attempted to evaluate a number of independent models using a statistical distance. However, the problem of, given a train-test split and classifiers modeled over the train set, identifying a prediction error using the relation between train and test sets remains open. Moreover, while some training data is essential for supervised machine learning, what happens if there is insufficient labeled data? After all, assigning labels to unlabeled datasets is a time-consuming process that may need significant expert human involvement. When there aren’t enough expert manual labels accessible for the vast amount of openly available data, active learning becomes crucial. However, given a large amount of training and unlabeled datasets, having an active learning model that can reduce the training cost of the classifier and at the same time assist in labeling new data points remains an open problem. From the experimental approaches and findings, the main research contributions, which concentrate on the issue of optical satellite image scene classification include: building labeled Sentinel-2 datasets with surface reflectance values; proposal of machine learning models for pixel-based image scene classification; proposal of a statistical distance based Evidence Function Model (EFM) to detect ML models misclassification; and proposal of a generalised sampling approach for active learning that, together with the EFM enables a way of determining the most informative examples. Firstly, using a manually annotated Sentinel-2 dataset, Machine Learning (ML) models for scene classification were developed and their performance was compared to Sen2Cor the reference package from the European Space Agency – a micro-F1 value of 84% was attained by the ML model, which is a significant improvement over the corresponding Sen2Cor performance of 59%. Secondly, to quantify the misclassification of the ML models, the Mahalanobis distance-based EFM was devised. This model achieved, for the labeled Sentinel-2 dataset, a micro-F1 of 67.89% for misclassification detection. Lastly, EFM was engineered as a sampling strategy for active learning leading to an approach that attains the same level of accuracy with only 0.02% of the total training samples when compared to a classifier trained with the full training set. With the help of the above-mentioned research contributions, we were able to provide an open-source Sentinel-2 image scene classification package which consists of ready-touse Python scripts and a ML model that classifies Sentinel-2 L1C images generating a 20m-resolution RGB image with the six studied classes (Cloud, Cirrus, Shadow, Snow, Water, and Other) giving academics a straightforward method for rapidly and effectively classifying Sentinel-2 scene images. Additionally, an active learning approach that uses, as sampling strategy, the observed prediction uncertainty given by EFM, will allow labeling only the most informative points to be used as input to build classifiers; Sumário: Uma Abordagem de Previsão de Incerteza para Aprendizagem Ativa – Aplicação à Observação da Terra O mapeamento da cobertura do solo e a dinâmica da utilização do solo são cruciais na deteção remota uma vez que os agricultores são incentivados a intensificar ou estender as culturas devido ao aumento contínuo da população mundial. Uma questão importante nesta área é interpretar e classificar cenas capturadas em imagens de satélite de alta resolução. Várias aproximações têm sido propostas incluindo a utilização de redes neuronais que produzem modelos dependentes dos dados (ou seja, o modelo é tendencioso em relação aos dados) e aproximações baseadas em regras que apresentam restrições de diversidade (ou seja, o modelo carece de diversidade em termos de regras). No entanto, a criação de um modelo de aprendizagem automática que, dada uma uma grande quantidade de dados de treino, é capaz de classificar, com desempenho superior, as imagens do Sentinel-2 em diferentes áreas geográficas permanece um problema em aberto. Por outro lado, têm sido utilizadas técnicas de aprendizagem supervisionada na resolução de problemas nas mais diversas áreas de devido à proliferação de conjuntos de dados etiquetados. Exemplos disto incluem classificadores para aplicações que reconhecem imagem e voz, antecipam tráfego, propõem produtos, atuam como assistentes pessoais virtuais e detetam fraudes online, entre muitos outros. Uma vez que estes classificadores são fortemente dependente do conjunto de dados de treino, sem interação humana ou etiquetas precisas, o seu desempenho sobre novos dados é incerta. Neste sentido existem propostas para avaliar modelos independentes usando uma distância estatística. No entanto, o problema de, dada uma divisão de treino-teste e um classificador, identificar o erro de previsão usando a relação entre aqueles conjuntos, permanece aberto. Mais ainda, embora alguns dados de treino sejam essenciais para a aprendizagem supervisionada, o que acontece quando a quantidade de dados etiquetados é insuficiente? Afinal, atribuir etiquetas é um processo demorado e que exige perícia, o que se traduz num envolvimento humano significativo. Quando a quantidade de dados etiquetados manualmente por peritos é insuficiente a aprendizagem ativa torna-se crucial. No entanto, dada uma grande quantidade dados de treino não etiquetados, ter um modelo de aprendizagem ativa que reduz o custo de treino do classificador e, ao mesmo tempo, auxilia a etiquetagem de novas observações permanece um problema em aberto. A partir das abordagens e estudos experimentais, as principais contribuições deste trabalho, que se concentra na classificação de cenas de imagens de satélite óptico incluem: criação de conjuntos de dados Sentinel-2 etiquetados, com valores de refletância de superfície; proposta de modelos de aprendizagem automática baseados em pixels para classificação de cenas de imagens de satétite; proposta de um Modelo de Função de Evidência (EFM) baseado numa distância estatística para detetar erros de classificação de modelos de aprendizagem; e proposta de uma abordagem de amostragem generalizada para aprendizagem ativa que, em conjunto com o EFM, possibilita uma forma de determinar os exemplos mais informativos. Em primeiro lugar, usando um conjunto de dados Sentinel-2 etiquetado manualmente, foram desenvolvidos modelos de Aprendizagem Automática (AA) para classificação de cenas e seu desempenho foi comparado com o do Sen2Cor – o produto de referência da Agência Espacial Europeia – tendo sido alcançado um valor de micro-F1 de 84% pelo classificador, o que representa uma melhoria significativa em relação ao desempenho Sen2Cor correspondente, de 59%. Em segundo lugar, para quantificar o erro de classificação dos modelos de AA, foi concebido o Modelo de Função de Evidência baseado na distância de Mahalanobis. Este modelo conseguiu, para o conjunto de dados etiquetado do Sentinel-2 um micro-F1 de 67,89% na deteção de classificação incorreta. Por fim, o EFM foi utilizado como uma estratégia de amostragem para a aprendizagem ativa, uma abordagem que permitiu atingir o mesmo nível de desempenho com apenas 0,02% do total de exemplos de treino quando comparado com um classificador treinado com o conjunto de treino completo. Com a ajuda das contribuições acima mencionadas, foi possível desenvolver um pacote de código aberto para classificação de cenas de imagens Sentinel-2 que, utilizando num conjunto de scripts Python, um modelo de classificação, e uma imagem Sentinel-2 L1C, gera a imagem RGB correspondente (com resolução de 20m) com as seis classes estudadas (Cloud, Cirrus, Shadow, Snow, Water e Other), disponibilizando à academia um método direto para a classificação de cenas de imagens do Sentinel-2 rápida e eficaz. Além disso, a abordagem de aprendizagem ativa que usa, como estratégia de amostragem, a deteção de classificacão incorreta dada pelo EFM, permite etiquetar apenas os pontos mais informativos a serem usados como entrada na construção de classificadores

    Monitoring environmental and climate goals for European agriculture: User perspectives on the optimization of the Copernicus evolution offer

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    Abstract A vicious cycle exists between agricultural production and climate change, where agriculture is both a driver and a victim of the changing climate. While new and ambitious environmental and climate change-oriented goals are being introduced in Europe, the monitoring of these objectives is often jeopardized by a lack of technological means and a reliance on heavy administrative procedures. In particular, remote sensing technologies have the potential to significantly improve the monitoring of such goals but the characteristics of such missions should take into consideration the needs of users to guarantee return on investments and effective policy implementation. This study aims at identifying gaps in the current offer of Copernicus products for the monitoring of the agricultural sector through the elicitation of stakeholder requirements. The methodology is applied to the case study of Italy while the approach is scalable at European level. The elicitation process associates user needs to the European and national legislative framework to create a policy-oriented demand of Copernicus Earth Observation services. Results show the limitations faced by environmental managers in relation to the use of Remote Sensing technologies and the shortcomings associated with a purely technology driven approach to the development of satellite missions. Through the introduction of this flexible and user centred approach instead, this paper provides a clear overview of agro-environmental user requirements and represents the basis for the definition of an integrated agricultural service

    Evaluating spectral indices for winter wheat health status monitoring in Bloemfontein using Lsat 8 data

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    Monitoring wheat growth under different weather and ecological conditions is vital for a reliable supply of wheat yield estimations. Remote sensing techniques have been applied in the agricultural sector for monitoring crop biophysical properties and predicting crop yields. This study explored the application of Land Surface Temperature (LST)-vegetation index relationships for winter wheat in order to determine indices that are sensitive to changes in the wheat health status. The indices were derived from Landsat 8 scenes over the wheat growing area across Bloemfontein, South Africa. The vegetation abundance indices evaluated were the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the Green Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (GNDVI). The moisture indices evaluated were the Normalised Difference Water Index (NDWI) and the Normalised Difference Moisture Index (NDMI). The results demonstrated that LST exhibited an opposing trend with the vegetation abundance indices and an analogous trend with the moisture indices. Furthermore, NDVI proved to be a better index for winter wheat abundance as compared to the GNDVI. The NDWI proved to be a better index for determining water stress in winter wheat as compared to the NDMI. These results indicate that NDVI and NDWI are very sensitive to LST. These indices can be comprehensive indicators for winter wheat health status. These pilot results prove that LST-vegetation index relationships can be used for agricultural applications with a high level of accuracy

    Integration of an unmanned aircraft system and ground-based remote sensing to estimate spatially distributed crop evapotranspiration and soil water deficit throughout the vegetation soil root zone

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    2016 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Irrigation is the largest consumer of fresh water and produces over 40% of the world’s food and fiber supply. As the world’s population continues to grow rapidly, the increased demands on fresh water will force the agricultural community to improve the efficiency and productivity of irrigation systems, while reducing overall water usage. In order to address the requirements of increased efficiency and productivity in agricultural water use, the agricultural community has begun to focus on the development of precision agriculture (PA) irrigation management systems for use with irrigated agriculture. Remote sensing (RS) is at the forefront of the PA movement, allowing the estimation of spatially distributed crop water requirements on a large-scale basis. Techniques using ground, aerial and space-borne RS platforms, have been developed to estimate actual crop evapotranspiration (ETa) and soil water deficit (SWD) for use in PA irrigation management systems. The ability to monitor the ETa and SWD allows irrigators to manage their irrigation to increase efficiency and decrease overall water use while maintaining crop yields goals. Historically, remote sensing data, such as spectral reflectance and thermal infrared (TIR) imagery, were provided by ground or space-borne RS platforms, like NASA’s Landsat 8 satellites. Though these methods are effective at estimating ETa over large areas, their lack of spatial and temporal resolution limit their effectiveness for application in PA irrigation management systems. In order to address the required spatial and temporal resolutions required for PA systems, Colorado State University (CSU) developed an unmanned aircraft system (UAS) RS platform capable of collecting high spatial and temporal resolution data in the TIR, near-infrared (NIR), red and green bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. During the summer of 2015, CSU conducted four flights over corn at the Agriculture Research Development and Education Center (ARDEC), near Fort Collins, CO, with the Tempest UAS RS platform in order to collect thermal and multispectral imagery. The RS data collected over the ARDEC test location were used in three studies. The first was the comparison of the raw RS data to the ground-based RS data collected during the RS overpasses. The second study used the Tempest RS data to estimate the ETa using four methods: two methods based on the surface energy balance (Two-Source Energy Balance (TSEB) and the Surface Aerodynamic Temperature (SAT)), one method based on the TIR imagery (Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI)), and one method based on the spectral reflectance imagery (reflectance-based crop coefficients (kcbrf)) and reference ET. Remote sensing derived ETa estimates were compared to ETa derived using neutron probe soil moisture sensors. The third study utilized the RS derived ETa and the Hybrid Soil Water Balance method to estimate the SWD for comparison with the neutron probe derived SWD. Results showed that the Tempest RS data was in good agreement with the ground-based data as demonstrate by the low RMSE of the raw data, ETa and SWD calculations (TIR = 5.68 oC, NIR = 5.26 % reflectance, red = 3.51 % reflectance, green = 7.31 % reflectance, TSEB ETa = 0.89 mm/d, Hybrid SWD = 16.19 mm/m). The accuracy of the results of the Tempest UAS RS platform suggests that UAS RS platforms have the potential to increase the accuracy of ETa and SWD estimation for use in the application of a PA irrigation management system
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