2,061 research outputs found

    Inter-firm collaboration in transportation

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    Dans la littérature académique et professionnelle relative au transport de marchandise, il y a longtemps que les méthodes de planification avancées ont été identifiées comme un moyen de dégager des économies grâce à une efficacité accrue des opérations de transport. Plus récemment, la collaboration interentreprises dans la planification du transport a été étudiée comme une source de gain supplémentaire en efficacité et, par conséquent, une opportunité pour dégager de nouvelles économies pour les collaborateurs. Cependant, la mise en œuvre d'une collaboration interentreprises en transports soulève un certain nombre d’enjeux. Cette thèse aborde trois thèmes centraux de la collaboration interentreprises et démontre les contributions via des études de cas dans l’industrie forestière et du meuble. Premièrement, les moyens technologiques pour soutenir une collaboration en planification du transport sont étudiés. Un système d’aide à la décision supportant la collaboration en transport forestier est présenté. Deuxièmement, le partage entre les collaborateurs du coût commun en transport est étudié. Une méthode de répartition du coût de transport tenant compte de l'impact - l’augmentation du coût de transport - des exigences inégales entre des collaborateurs est proposée. Troisièmement, la création de groupes collaboratifs - des coalitions - dans un ensemble de collaborateurs potentiel est étudiée. Un modèle réseau pour la formation d’une coalition selon les intérêts d’un sous-ensemble de collaborateurs adoptant ou pas un comportement opportuniste est détaillé. De plus, pour soutenir l'étude des thèmes précédents, la thèse comprend deux revues de la littérature. Premièrement, une revue sur les méthodes de planification et les systèmes d’aide à la décision en transport forestier est présenté. Deuxièmement, à travers la proposition d'un cadre pour créer et gérer une collaboration en transport et, plus généralement en logistique, une revue de travaux sur le transport et la logistique collaborative est offerte.In the academic and professional literature on freight transportation, computer-based planning methods have a long time ago been identified as a means to achieve cost reduction through enhanced transportation operations efficiency. More recently, inter-firm collaboration in transportation planning has been investigated as a means to provide further gains in efficiency and, in turn, to achieve additional cost reduction for the collaborators. However, implementation of inter-firm collaboration in transportation raises a number of issues. This thesis addresses three central themes in inter-firm collaboration and exemplifies the contributions in case studies involving collaboration in furniture and forest transportation. First, technological means to enable collaboration in transportation planning are studied. Embedding a computer-based planning method for truck routing, a decision support system enabling collaborative transportation is presented. Second, sharing the common transportation cost among collaborators is studied. A cost allocation method taking into account the impact – an increase of the transportation cost – of uneven requirements among collaborators is proposed. Third, building collaborating groups (i.e. coalitions) among a set of potential collaborators is studied. A network model for coalition formation by a subset of self-interested collaborators adopting or not an opportunistic behaviour is detailed. Moreover, to support the study of the aforementioned themes, the thesis includes two literature reviews. First, a survey on planning methods and decision support systems for vehicle routing problem in forest transportation is presented. Second, through the proposition of a framework for building and managing collaboration in transportation and, more generally in logistics, a survey of works on collaborative transportation and logistics is given

    The Benefits of Information Sharing in Carrier-Client Collaboration

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    This dissertation includes three related papers to investigate different methods that can help transport providers improve their operational efficiency. The first paper models and measures the profit improvement trucking companies can achieve by collaborating with their clients to obtain advance load information (ALI). The core research method is to formulate a comprehensive and flexible mixed integer mathematical model and implement it in a dynamic rolling horizon context. The findings illustrate that access to the second day ALI can improve the profit by an average of 22%. We also found that the impact of ALI depends on radius of service and trip length but statistically independent of load density and fleet size. The second paper investigates the following question of relevance to truckload dispatchers striving for profitable decisions in the context of dynamic pick-up and delivery problems: since not all future pick-up/delivery requests are known with certainty, how effective are alternative methods for guiding those decisions? We propose an intuitive policy and integrate it into a new two-index mixed integer programming formulation, which we implement using the rolling horizon approach. On average, in one of the practical transportation network settings, the proposed policy can, with just second-day ALI, yield an optimality ratio equal to almost 90% of profits in the static optimal solution. We enhance the proposed policy by adopting the idea of a multiple scenario approach. In comparison to other dispatching methods, our proposed policies were found to be very competitive in terms of solution quality and computational efficiency. Finally, inspired by a real-life third party logistic provider, the third paper addresses a dynamic pickup and delivery problem with full truckload (DPDFL) for local operators. The main purpose of this work is to investigate the impact of potential factors on the carriers’ operational efficiency. These factors, which are usually under managerial influence, are vehicle diversion capability, the DPDFL decision interval, and how far in advance the carrier knows of clients’ shipment requirements; i.e., ALI. Through comprehensive numerical experiments and statistical analysis, we found that the ALI and re-optimization interval significantly influence the total cost, but that diversion capability does not. A major contribution of this work is that we develop an efficient benchmark solution for the DPDFL’s static version by discretization of time windows. We observed that three-day ALI and an appropriate decision interval can reduce deviation from the benchmark solution to less than 8%

    Designing and Scheduling Cost-Efficient Tours by Using the Concept of Truck Platooning

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    Truck Platooning is a promising new technology to reduce the fuel consumption by around 15% via the exploitation of a preceding and digitally connected truck’s slipstream. However, the cost-efficient coordination of such platoons under consideration of mandatory EU driving time restrictions turns out to be a highly complex task. For this purpose, we provide a comprehensive literature review and formulate the exact EU-Truck Platooning Problem (EU-TPP) as an Integer Linear Program (ILP) which also features a hypothetical task-relieving effect for following drivers in a convoy. In order to increase the computational efficiency, we introduce an auxiliary constraint and two hierarchical planning-based matheuristic approaches: the Shortest Path Heuristic (SPH) and the Platoon Routing Heuristic (PRH). Besides a qualitative sensitivity analysis, we perform an extensive numerical study to investigate the impact of different critical influence factors on platooning, being of major political and economic interest. Our experiments with the EU-TPP suggest remarkable fuel cost savings of up to 10.83% without a 50% task relief, while its inclusion leads to additional personnel cost savings of up to even 31.86% at best with maximally 12 trucks to be coordinated in a recreated part of the European highway network. Moreover, we prove our matheuristics’ highly favorable character in terms of solution quality and processing time. Keywords: autonomous transport; Truck Platooning; driving time and rest periods; cost-efficient routing & scheduling; computational efficiency

    Motor Carrier Service Network Design

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    This chapter introduces service network design (SND) operations research models and solution methodologies specifically focused on problems that arise in the planning of operations in the trucking, or motor freight, industry. Consolidation carriers such as less-than-truckload and package trucking companies face flow planning problems to decide how to route freight between transfer terminals, and load planning problems to decide how to consolidate shipments into trailerloads and containerloads for dispatch. Integer programming models are introduced for these network design decision problems as well as exact and heuristic solution methods

    Optimization models and methods for real-time transportation planning in forestry

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    Lors du transport du bois de la forêt vers les usines, de nombreux événements imprévus peuvent se produire, événements qui perturbent les trajets prévus (par exemple, en raison des conditions météo, des feux de forêt, de la présence de nouveaux chargements, etc.). Lorsque de tels événements ne sont connus que durant un trajet, le camion qui accomplit ce trajet doit être détourné vers un chemin alternatif. En l’absence d’informations sur un tel chemin, le chauffeur du camion est susceptible de choisir un chemin alternatif inutilement long ou pire, qui est lui-même "fermé" suite à un événement imprévu. Il est donc essentiel de fournir aux chauffeurs des informations en temps réel, en particulier des suggestions de chemins alternatifs lorsqu’une route prévue s’avère impraticable. Les possibilités de recours en cas d’imprévus dépendent des caractéristiques de la chaîne logistique étudiée comme la présence de camions auto-chargeurs et la politique de gestion du transport. Nous présentons trois articles traitant de contextes d’application différents ainsi que des modèles et des méthodes de résolution adaptés à chacun des contextes. Dans le premier article, les chauffeurs de camion disposent de l’ensemble du plan hebdomadaire de la semaine en cours. Dans ce contexte, tous les efforts doivent être faits pour minimiser les changements apportés au plan initial. Bien que la flotte de camions soit homogène, il y a un ordre de priorité des chauffeurs. Les plus prioritaires obtiennent les volumes de travail les plus importants. Minimiser les changements dans leurs plans est également une priorité. Étant donné que les conséquences des événements imprévus sur le plan de transport sont essentiellement des annulations et/ou des retards de certains voyages, l’approche proposée traite d’abord l’annulation et le retard d’un seul voyage, puis elle est généralisée pour traiter des événements plus complexes. Dans cette ap- proche, nous essayons de re-planifier les voyages impactés durant la même semaine de telle sorte qu’une chargeuse soit libre au moment de l’arrivée du camion à la fois au site forestier et à l’usine. De cette façon, les voyages des autres camions ne seront pas mo- difiés. Cette approche fournit aux répartiteurs des plans alternatifs en quelques secondes. De meilleures solutions pourraient être obtenues si le répartiteur était autorisé à apporter plus de modifications au plan initial. Dans le second article, nous considérons un contexte où un seul voyage à la fois est communiqué aux chauffeurs. Le répartiteur attend jusqu’à ce que le chauffeur termine son voyage avant de lui révéler le prochain voyage. Ce contexte est plus souple et offre plus de possibilités de recours en cas d’imprévus. En plus, le problème hebdomadaire peut être divisé en des problèmes quotidiens, puisque la demande est quotidienne et les usines sont ouvertes pendant des périodes limitées durant la journée. Nous utilisons un modèle de programmation mathématique basé sur un réseau espace-temps pour réagir aux perturbations. Bien que ces dernières puissent avoir des effets différents sur le plan de transport initial, une caractéristique clé du modèle proposé est qu’il reste valable pour traiter tous les imprévus, quelle que soit leur nature. En effet, l’impact de ces événements est capturé dans le réseau espace-temps et dans les paramètres d’entrée plutôt que dans le modèle lui-même. Le modèle est résolu pour la journée en cours chaque fois qu’un événement imprévu est révélé. Dans le dernier article, la flotte de camions est hétérogène, comprenant des camions avec des chargeuses à bord. La configuration des routes de ces camions est différente de celle des camions réguliers, car ils ne doivent pas être synchronisés avec les chargeuses. Nous utilisons un modèle mathématique où les colonnes peuvent être facilement et naturellement interprétées comme des itinéraires de camions. Nous résolvons ce modèle en utilisant la génération de colonnes. Dans un premier temps, nous relaxons l’intégralité des variables de décision et nous considérons seulement un sous-ensemble des itinéraires réalisables. Les itinéraires avec un potentiel d’amélioration de la solution courante sont ajoutés au modèle de manière itérative. Un réseau espace-temps est utilisé à la fois pour représenter les impacts des événements imprévus et pour générer ces itinéraires. La solution obtenue est généralement fractionnaire et un algorithme de branch-and-price est utilisé pour trouver des solutions entières. Plusieurs scénarios de perturbation ont été développés pour tester l’approche proposée sur des études de cas provenant de l’industrie forestière canadienne et les résultats numériques sont présentés pour les trois contextes.When wood is transported from forest sites to mills, several unforeseen events may occur, events which perturb planned trips (e.g., because of weather conditions, forest fires, or the occurrence of new loads). When such events take place while the trip is under way, the truck involved must be rerouted to an alternative itinerary. Without relevant information on such alternative itineraries, the truck driver may choose a needlessly long one or, even worse, an itinerary that may itself be "closed" by an unforeseen event (the same event as for the original itinerary or another one). It is thus critical to provide drivers with real-time information, in particular, suggestions of alternative itineraries, when the planned one cannot be performed. Recourse strategies to deal with unforeseen events depend on the characteristics of the studied supply chain, such as the presence of auto-loaders and the management policy of forestry transportation companies. We present three papers dealing with three differ- ent application contexts, as well as models and solution methods adapted to each context. In the first paper, we assume a context where truck drivers are provided a priori with the whole weekly plan. In this context, every effort must be made to minimize the changes in the initial plan. Although the fleet of trucks is homogeneous, there is a priority ranking of the truck drivers. The priority drivers are ensured the highest work- loads. Minimizing the changes in their plans is also a priority. Since the consequences of unforeseen events on transportation are cancellations and/or delaying of some trips, the proposed approach deals first with single cancellations and single delayed trips and builds on these simple events to deal with more complex ones. In this approach, we try to reschedule the impacted trips within the same week in such a way that a loader is free at the truck arrival time both at the forest site and at the mill. In this way, none of the other trips will be impacted or changed. This approach provides the dispatchers with alternative plans in a few seconds. Better solutions could be found if the dispatcher is allowed to make more changes to the original plan. In the second paper, we assume a context where only one trip at a time is communicated to the drivers. The dispatcher waits until the truck finishes its trip before revealing the next trip. This context is more flexible and provides more recourse possibilities. Also, the weekly problem can be divided into daily problems since the demand is daily and the mills are open only for limited periods in the day. We use a mathematical programming model based on a time-space network representation to react to disruptions. Although the latter can have different impacts on the initial transportation plan, one key characteristic of the proposed model is that it remains valid for dealing with all the unforeseen events, regardless of their nature. Indeed, the impacts of such events are reflected in the time-space network and in the input parameters rather than in the model itself. The model is solved for the current day each time an unforeseen event is revealed. In the last paper, the fleet of trucks is heterogeneous, including trucks with onboard loaders. The route configuration of the latter is different than the regular truck routes, since they do not have to be synchronized with the loaders. We use a mathematical model where the columns can be easily and naturally interpreted as truck routes. We solve this model using column generation. As a first step, we relax the integrality of the decision variables and consider only a subset of feasible routes. The feasible routes with a potential to improve the solution are added iteratively to the model. A time-space network is used both to represent the impacts of unforeseen events and to generate these routes. The solution obtained is generally fractional and a heuristic branch-and-price algorithm is used to find integer solutions. Several disruption scenarios were developed to test the proposed approach on case studies from the Canadian forest industry and numerical results are presented for the three contexts

    IT solutions for parcel deliveries with electric vehicles in Central London - Technology-based solution to facilitate efficient allocation and cross-carrier routing. Data Report

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    This data report contains the results of the second set of Agile Urban Logistics trials that were funded by the Mayor of London and delivered 2015 to 2017 by Gnewt Cargo in partnership with the University of Westminster. The Agile Urban Logistics project was delivered under the Mayor’s Smart London Demonstrator programme. The aim was to trial innovative solutions for the light freight sector that allows it to adapt to changing regulatory and market conditions, mitigating congestion and emissions impacts. Agile 2: IT solutions for parcel deliveries trial The trial was designed to test a range of IT solutions for electric fleet management, improving efficient client communication management and routing and planning systems
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