12,106 research outputs found

    Productive complex of defense and security in Brazil: dimensional, sectoral and technological impacts

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    Mensurou-se de forma inédita o complexo de defesa e segurança brasileiro. Ele correspondeu a 3,7% do PIB do Brasil em 2014. Também verificou-se que os projetos de investimento das Forças Armadas apresentam impactos socioeconômicos elevados e grande potencial tecnológico ao demandar produtos e serviços de alta tecnologia. Foram levantadas informações não publicadas junto a diversos órgão públicos (Ministérios, Secretarias Estaduais, Portal da Transparência). Com isto, estimamos os setores de defesa e segurança na matriz de insumo-produto brasileira e identificamos o perfil setorial dos projetos de investimentos de defesa. Esta metodologia inovadora pode ser aplicada para avaliar outras políticas públicas.In a novel way, we have measured the Brazilian defense and security complex. It corresponded to 3.7% of the Brazilian GDP in 2014. We have also estimated that the investment projects of Armed Forces have high socioeconomic impacts and great technological potential by demanding high-tech products and services. Unpublished information was collected from several public agencies (Ministries, Public Security, and Government Transparency Portal). With this, we estimate the security and defense sector in Brazilian input-output matrix and identify the sectoral profile of the defense investment projects. This innovative methodology can be applied to evaluate other public policies

    Brazil: Shadow WTO agricultural domestic support notifications

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    "This paper is devoted to better understanding of the Brazilian agricultural national policies towards domestic support and implications related to WTO rules. Domestic support has taken central stage in the last years and in light of a global economic crisis will play an even greater role in international trade politics. The paper focuses on Brazil and lays out the different domestic support policies used by the government. It is divided into five distinct parts for better comprehension. These parts are as follow: a synopsis of policies and recent studies; replication of official WTO support notifications; construction of consistent shadow notification; comparison and discussion of shadow notifications in relation to the WTO rules; and projected notifications through 2018. Also ethanol policies and the WTO rules were carefully analysed in order to better understand the Brazilian domestic support. Through this paper the reader will be able to have a better understanding of Brazilian agricultural domestic support policies with respect to WTO rules—a topic not well evaluated in the academic arena up to this time. A lot of scientific work has been done in the field of domestic support, but little has been done to better understand domestic support policies of specific countries in light of the WTO legal system." from authors' abstractAgricultural support, WTO Doha round, Notifications of domestic support, WTO compliance, Globalization,

    The Dilemma of Middle Class Philanthropy: A Summary Report Focusing on the BRIC Countries

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    A key question for the future of philanthropy emerged from discussions at the consultation meeting in Delhi which formed part of the Bellagio Initiative on the future of philanthropy and development in the pursuit of human wellbeing: what's happening with middle class giving in BRIC countries and how can it contribute effectively to equitable and sustainable development? Two key and difficult questions emerged from the discussions in Delhi which the Resource Alliance felt needed further attention:* 'What is the potential for giving of the growing middle class in BRICS countries?'* 'How can this philanthropy be (made) transformative?'Beyond those important and difficult questions, the Resource Alliance sought 'new knowledge, potential and challenges' on the problem of middle class philanthropy, so commissioned resource papers on middle class philanthropy in Brazil, China, India, and Russia. The papers sought to gather data and analysis on 'the potential of middle class giving in terms of numbers and income groups, growth in last three to five years, professional/educational/ financial background; differing philosophies of giving; the role of religious identities, current motivations and mechanisms for giving .... and the challenges/future options and we can draw from them'.The four resource papers prepared on middle class philanthropy in Brazil, China, India, and Russia noted a number of important themes. Notably, they highlighted the lack of significant data on the middle class and on middle class giving, and the need for more data. Little research thus far, including the resource papers, provides real data on the scope of the middle class and it's giving in these countries. This makes analysis and recommendations both very difficult and highly anecdotal. Furthermore, it is difficult to differentiate 'middle class philanthropy' from other forms of giving by local communities. The resource papers give some hints -- primarily in the area of methods of giving -- but we are left without answers to key questions such as is the newer middle class giving to different causes? In different ways? For different motivations? Changing over time? Since this is a new research area, the resource papers only begin to address these issues, which, we hope, other researchers will take up in the future.The problem of trust and the need for higher levels of accountability and transparency in the charitable community to encourage and sustain donation processes emerges as a constraint on giving, and confidence in giving, in each of the resource papers. Of course, issues of trust, accountability and transparency are not specific to the somewhat artificial category of 'middle class giving'. Yet they need to be further addressed in each of these countries and presumably in many others as well.Like the problem of trust, language, accountability and transparency, the continuing importance of policy and legal frameworks to encourage giving -- all giving, not just from the middle class -- emerges from each resource paper. And like other themes, more facilitative policy and legal frameworks would help to strengthen giving and non-profit service in general, not just among the 'middle class'. The growing importance of social innovation in the giving context, including new forms, structures, institutions and modes of philanthropy emerges in each of the four country contexts. And this may actually -- though, again, the data isn't there -- be something more specific to middle class and wealthy donors

    Mapa da violência do Distrito Federal : portal de visualização dos dados da Secretaria de Segurança Pública do DF

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, Departamento de Comunicação Organizacional, 2020.A Parceria para Governo Aberto e a Lei de Acesso à Informação brasileira possibilitaram o comprometimento do país com os princípios básicos de um governo aberto, que são: transparência, accountability, participação cidadã e tecnologia e inovação. A apropriação social é essencial, pensando nisso, este memorial apresenta o Mapa da Violência do Distrito Federal, um portal de visualização dos dados da Secretaria de Segurança Pública do DF, que têm como objetivo promover a transparência utilizando os conjuntos de dados que são divulgados pelo Portal de Dados Abertos do Governo do Distrito Federal. A pesquisa perpassa pelo contexto histórico da transparência pública, a implementação da transparência digital nas organizações e apresenta os desafios para a utilização, por parte da sociedade, dos Dados Abertos governamentais.The Open Government Partnership and the Brazilian Law on Access to Public Information enabled the country's commitment to the basic principles of open government, which are: transparency, accountability, citizen participation and technology and innovation. Social appropriation is essential, considering this, this memorial presents the Map of Violence of the Federal District, a data visualization portal of the Public Security Secretariat of the DF, which aims to promote transparency using the datasets that are released by Open Data Portal of the Federal District Government. The research goes through the historical context of public transparency, the implementation of digital transparency in organizations and presents the challenges for the use, by society, of open government data

    Analysis of Open Government Data initiatives in Brazil

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    The Open Data movement has been growing worldwide over the last decade following the crescent data production and technological evolution. This movement use Information and Communication Technologies to provide data in an available, interoperable, license-free, reusable and accessible way to everyone. The Open Data applied to government data relates to a subset called Open Government Data and has the potential to support better decisions and make governments more transparent, efficient, and accountable. Among some of the identified benefits that can be reached through Open Government Data are generate economic growth, motivate innovations, trigger social changes, stimulate citizen participation, thus promoting more democratic societies. The present study selected a set of Open Data requirements from the literature and characterized a collection of datasets from the main Brazilian Open Data government portals regarding their compliance with those requirements. The results showed that the analyzed datasets meet more than half of the requirements but are far from being fully compliant. These results can support government bodies in the identification of the gaps that need to be addressed to make Open Government Data initiatives more effective and harnessed to their full potential.O movimento de Dados Abertos tem crescido em todo o mundo ao longo da última década, acompanhando a crescente produção de dados e a evolução tecnológica. Este movimento utiliza as Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação para fornecer dados de forma disponível, interoperável, com licença livre, reutilizável e acessível a todos. Iniciativas de Dados Abertos aplicadas a dados do governo referem-se a um subconjunto chamado Dados Governamentais Abertos e tem o potencial de apoiar melhores decisões e tornar os governos mais transparentes, eficientes e responsáveis. Entre alguns dos potenciais benefícios identificados estão o impulsionamento do crescimento econômico, o desenvolvimento de inovações, o estímulo às mudanças sociais e à participação cidadã, promovendo, dessa forma, sociedades mais democráticas. O presente estudo identificou requisitos de Dados Abertos encontrados na literatura e caracterizou conjuntos de dados extraídos dos principais portais de Dados Abertos do governo brasileiro em relação à sua conformidade com esses requisitos. Os resultados mostraram que os conjuntos de dados analisados atendem a mais da metade dos requisitos, mas estão longe de apresentar 100% de conformidade. Esses resultados podem apoiar os órgãos governamentais na identificação das lacunas que precisam ser observadas para tornar as iniciativas da Dados Governamentais Abertos mais eficazes e aproveitadas em todo o seu potencial

    Transparency in Brazil: Why Has it Failed to Curb Corruption?

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    Transparency has often been hailed as one of the main mechanisms through which corruption can be combated due to the fact that it supposedly increases levels of accountability. In this sense, e-Government would be the platform through which this can be achieved. However, as the author demonstrates, this is a failed assumption since it is not applicable to several national contexts, such as is the case of Brazil. This study therefore aims to reach beyond what has already been done, and demonstrate why investments in transparency have not achieved the desired results by conducting an interpretive piece of research and adopting a multi-case study approach

    Open budget data: mapping the landscape

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    This report offers analysis of the emerging issue of open budget data, which has begun to gain traction amongst advocates and practitioners of financial transparency. Issues and initiatives associated with the emerging issue of open budget data are charted in different forms of digital media. The objective is to enable practitioners – in particular civil society organisations, intergovernmental organisations, governments, multilaterals and funders – to navigate this developing field and to identify trends, gaps and opportunities for supporting it. How public money is collected and distributed is one of the most pressing political questions of our time, influencing the health, well-being and prospects of billions of people. Decisions about fiscal policy affect everyone - determining everything from the resourcing of essential public services, to the capacity of public institutions to take action on global challenges such as poverty, inequality or climate change. Digital technologies have the potential to transform the way that information about public money is organised, circulated and utilised in society, which in turn could shape the character of public debate, democratic engagement, governmental accountability and public participation in decision-making about public funds. Data could play a vital role in tackling the democratic deficit in fiscal policy and in supporting better outcomes for citizens