126 research outputs found

    A synthetic wheat l-system to accurately detect and visualise wheat head anomalies

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    Greater knowledge of wheat crop phenology and growth and improvements in measurement are beneficial to wheat agronomy and productivity. This is constrained by a lack of public plant datasets. Collecting plant data is expensive and time consuming and methods to augment this with synthetic data could address this issue. This paper describes a cost-effective and accurate Synthetic Wheat dataset which has been created by a novel L-system, based on technological advances in cameras and deep learning. The dataset images have been automatically created, categorised, masked and labelled, and used to successfully train a synthetic neural network. This network has been shown to accurately recognise wheat in pasture images taken from the Global Wheat dataset, which provides for the ongoing interest in the phenotyping of wheat characteristics around the world. The proven Mask R-CNN and Detectron2 frameworks have been used, and the created network is based on the public COCO format. The research question is “How can L-system knowledge be used to create an accurate synthetic wheat dataset and to make cost-effective wheat crop measurements?”

    L-systems in Geometric Modeling

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    We show that parametric context-sensitive L-systems with affine geometry interpretation provide a succinct description of some of the most fundamental algorithms of geometric modeling of curves. Examples include the Lane-Riesenfeld algorithm for generating B-splines, the de Casteljau algorithm for generating Bezier curves, and their extensions to rational curves. Our results generalize the previously reported geometric-modeling applications of L-systems, which were limited to subdivision curves.Comment: In Proceedings DCFS 2010, arXiv:1008.127


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    Pada suatu pertumbuhan tanaman, dibutuhkan sebuah formula yang tepat untuk mendapatkan hasil tanaman yang diinginkan seperti bibit tanaman, jenis tanah, dan pupuk yang akan digunakan. Selain itu faktor kelembaban, cahaya matahari, serta kebutuhan air untuk tanaman juga sangat mempengaruhi hasil dari pertumbuhan tanaman tersebut. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sebuah program yang dapat digunakan untuk menggambarkan bagaimana tumbuhan yang kita tanam akan tumbuh. L-systems dapat menggambarkan bagaimana batang, ranting, daun dan buah tumbuh. Sehingga kita dapat menyesuaikan apa saja kebutuhan tanaman tersebut agar mendapatkan tanaman yang diinginkan. Untuk proses tersebut, kita menggunakan algoritma SAD (Sum of Absolute Difference). Metode yang digunkan untuk mendeteksi gerakan ini bekerja dengan cara mengukur kesamaan antar blok gambar kemudian mengambil perbedaan mutak (Absolute Difference) antara setiap pixel di blok asli dan pixel yang sesuai di blok yang digunakan unuk perbandingan. Algoritma SAD (Sum of Absolute Difference) dapat menghasilkan sebuah aturan pertumbuhan yang digunakan dalam L-Systems. Dimana L-system mampu menggambarkan sebuah pertumbuhan tunas muda. Suhu yang terdapat pada ruangan dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tanaman tersebut. Tanaman rata-rata tumbuh pada suhu 24 derajat celcius dan tumbuh pada siang hari. Untuk selanjutnya penelitian ini baik dikembangkan dengan mendeteksi pergerakan ke arah samping pada pertumbuhannya. Kata Kunci : L-systems, SAD ( Sum Of Abdolute Difference

    Design of a nature-like fractal celebrating warp-knitting

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    In earlier work we created a new textile pattern which was derived from the well-known houndstooth pattern which originates from weaving with twill binding. The new pattern became interesting, both mathematically and aesthetically because it was a fractal. Now we are turning our attention to another basic fabric construction method: warp-knitting. We develop a recursive algorithm and explore the properties of the result. We also develop an attractive fashion item based on the new pattern, to be presented at Bridges

    Tree façades : generative modelling with an axial branch rewriting system

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    The methods and algorithms of generative modelling can be improved when representing organic structures by the study of computational models of natural processes and their application to architectural design. In this paper, we present a study of the generation of branching structures and their application to the development of façade support systems. We investigate two types of branching structures, a recursive bifurcation model and an axial tree based L-system for the generation of façades. The aim of the paper is to capture not only the form but also the underlying principles of biomimicry found in branching. This is then tested, by their application to develop experimental façade support systems. The developed algorithms implement parametric variations for façade generation based on natural tree-like branching. The benefits of such a model are: ease of structural optimization, variations of support and digital fabrication of façade components

    Procedural City Generator: Pattern Based Designs

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    This project examined a number of pattern designs found in common city street layouts and subsequently utilized procedural content generation techniques in order to provide the user of the program with a real-time rendering of those patterns. Each rendering of the content is uniquely different from any other rendering, despite maintaining self-similarity to other implementations of the same pattern
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