11 research outputs found

    Modellbasierte Entscheidungsunterstützung für Vertraulichkeit und Datenschutz in Geschäftsprozessen

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    Informationsvertraulichkeits- und Datenschutz-Netze (ICPN) unterstützen Prozessmodellierer und -verantwortliche dabei, Datenschutz und Vertraulichkeit nicht nur rein technisch zu betrachten, sondern in Organisationen bereits frühzeitig beim Entwurf von Geschäftsprozessen zu berücksichtigen. Die in dem Buch veröffentlichte Petri-Netz-Erweiterung ICN ermöglicht es, Vertraulichkeit und Aspekte des Datenschutzes innerhalb von Geschäftsprozessmodellen systematisch zu betrachten

    Economic Imperatives for Women's Writing in Early Modern Europe (Volume 2)

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    Economic Imperatives for Women’s Writing in Early Modern Europe delves into the early modern history of women’s authorship and literary production in Europe taking a material turn. The case studies included in the volume represent women writers from various European countries and comparatively reflect the nuances of their participation in a burgeoning commercial market for authors while profiting as much from patronage. From self-representation as professional writers to literary reception, the challenges of reputation, financial hardships, and relationships with editors and colleagues, the essays in this collection show from different theoretical standpoints and linguistic areas that gender biases played a far less limiting role in women’s literary writing than is commonly assumed, while they determined the relationship between moneymaking, self-representation, and publishing strategies

    The AVARE PATRON : A Holistic Privacy Approach for the Internet of Things

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    Applications for the Internet of Things are becoming increasingly popular. Due to the large amount of available context data, such applications can be used effectively in many domains. By interlinking these data and analyzing them, it is possible to gather a lot of knowledge about a user. Therefore, these applications pose a threat to privacy. In this paper, we illustrate this threat by looking at a real-world application scenario. Current state of the art focuses on privacy mechanisms either for Smart Things or for big data processing systems. However, our studies show that for a comprehensive privacy protection a holistic view on these applications is required. Therefore, we describe how to combine two promising privacy approaches from both categories, namely AVARE and PATRON. Evaluation results confirm the thereby achieved synergy effects

    Around the World in English: The Production and Consumption of Translated Fiction in the UK between Cosmopolitanism and Orientalism

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    This thesis analyzes discourses of identity construction in the production and consumption of translated fiction in the contemporary British book culture. Drawing from ethnographic methods, it investigates what middle class, engaged readers make out of the translated novels they read, particularly in the ways that these books have been produced and marketed to them. The study concludes that translated fiction illustrates the multilayered meaning structures regarding taste and identity in reading communities and in the publishing industry in contemporary Britain. The theoretical framework of the thesis is based on sociological and anthropological studies on identity, intercultural communication and the consumption of art, alongside theories of reading and literary exchange from literary studies and translation studies. Data for the analysis on reading has been collected through participant observation/focus groups at over 30 book group meetings. Research methods also include interviews with individual readers and publishing industry professionals. Analysis of reading communities concentrates on responses to translated novels as texts that have undergone linguistic transference and as stories that portray other cultures. These responses are contextualized with the value orientations that arise from current trends of cultural consumption in the UK, such as monolingualism, cosmopolitanism and omnivorousness. The thesis also includes a case study on Turkish literature, exploring recent trends in literary production and the cultural role of literary translators. The study reveals the complex inflections of taste and identity in the practices of the agents of print culture. The textual-linguistic dimensions of translated texts are often the subject of negative evaluations when readers do not recognize the agency of the literary translator as an artist. Moreover, the opportunity of cultural encounter enabled by the reading experience activates varying discourses of intercultural communication, depending on readers’ cultural capital, their level of commitment to cosmopolitanism and the orientation of the book group’s discussion. In the production and consumption of translated fiction, the tension that arises between the pleasure and distinction dimensions of literary products translates into dilemmas between exoticism and cosmopolitan egalitarianism

    Anthropologues et économistes face à la globalisation

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    Malédiction des objets absents Explorations épistémiques, politiques et écologiques du mouvement transhumaniste par un chercheur embarqué

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    Depuis une dizaine d’années, le transhumanisme fait l’objet d’une attention soutenue de la part de nombreuses disciplines de sciences humaines, des médias et de nombreux acteurs du débat public sur les technologies émergentes. Très polarisé et virulent, le débat surprend par deux oublis. D’une part, le transhumanisme est rarement présenté comme un mouvement d’idées structuré en associations par des militants, mais plutôt renvoyé de manière vague à des grandes puissances lointaines (Silicon Valley ou Asie du Sud-Est en particulier). D’autre part, les objets techniques, qui focalisent l’attention, y sont en même temps relégués au rôle de décor en fond de scène. Cette recherche mobilise des perspectives croisées issues des STS, de la philosophie des techniques et des humanités environnementales, et est fondée sur une démarche de terrain de longue haleine au sein du mouvement transhumaniste, en particulier l’Association Française Transhumaniste. Elle présente une étude ethnographique approfondie du mouvement transhumaniste, en tant que défini, animé et habité par celles et ceux qui se disent et s’affichent transhumanistes. Cette thèse est composée de quatre parties principales. D’abord, elle présente un historique du mouvement transhumaniste et de sa lente structuration, ainsi qu’une cartographie de ses multiples composantes. La définition du transhumanisme adoptée ici reste volontairement incertaine, tout en conservant une précision descriptive : il s’agit d’un mouvement réunissant des individus qui considèrent que l’humanité peut et doit s’améliorer grâce aux technologies émergentes, afin d’augmenter sa santé, sa longévité, ou ses capacités physiques et cognitives. Cette définition prend au sérieux le fait que des hommes et des femmes, depuis une bonne trentaine d’années, choisissent de s’investir dans un mouvement qui s’attire les foudres de nombreux critiques. Qui sont ces gens ? Que veulent-ils ? Quelles sont leurs motivations ? Dans ce sens, plusieurs controverses internes au mouvement sont étudiées, afin d’en comprendre les dynamiques internes. Ensuite, des explorations épistémiques décrivent le type de savoir qui active la curiosité des transhumanistes, et montre que, bien plus que des ingénieurs prenant leurs rêves pour des réalités, les transhumanistes constituent une forme de public des promesses technoscientifiques qui irriguent le monde occidental. Dans cette perspective, je m’attarde sur le rapport que nouent les transhumanistes avec les objets techniques présents et futurs. Si les premiers sont souvent contrariants dans les pratiques quotidiennes, ils sont considérés avant tout comme des traces d’un futur à décrypter. Puis, des explorations politiques suivent les transhumanistes dans leurs activités quotidiennes de militants hésitants. J’y décris les efforts que les transhumanistes déploient pour être considérés comme des acteurs rationnels et respectables du débat public sur les technologies émergentes. J’y retrace également diverses initiatives d’organisation du mouvement en partis politiques, pour montrer à quel point l’insertion dans un débat social plus large et des contextes nationaux spécifiques fracture constamment un mouvement qui se veut universel. Enfin, des explorations écologiques ont deux enjeux : étudier la manière dont les transhumanistes répondent, rarement, aux enjeux environnementaux actuels ; et proposer une lecture centrée sur les objets (prothèses) de l’une des problématiques centrales du transhumanisme, l’augmentation humaine (human enhancement). Cette recherche a l’ambition de montrer qu’il ne suffit pas de s’attacher aux seuls contenus normatifs du transhumanisme pour en formuler une critique féconde. Enquêter sur leurs énonciateurs et leurs conditions d’énonciation doit ainsi enrichir les perspectives, en accordant aux objets techniques émergents un peu plus d’attention, et en les désenclavant de leur statut de préfigurations du futur. Plutôt que de débattre des conséquences éventuelles du transhumanisme, cette recherche étudie le transhumanisme au présent, en fait une énigme, ce qu’il s’agit d’expliquer plutôt qu’un point de départ. -- For the past ten years, transhumanism has triggered the attention of many disciplines, journalists, and many other actors of the public debate on emerging technologies. In this very polarized conversation, two omissions are striking. On the one hand, transhumanism is almost never reckoned as a movement of ideas, structured in associations by activists; but rather vaguely referred to major distant powers (Silicon Valley or Southeast Asia in particular). On the other hand, technical objects that are at the center of the debate are at the same neglected, as if they were nothing but the scenery of a normative debate. This research aims at cross-fertilizing STS perspectives, philosophy of technology, and environmental humanities. It is based on a long-term fieldwork, embedded within the transhumanist movement, in particular the French Transhumanist Association. It presents an in- depth ethnography of the transhumanist movement, as it is defined, structured and animated by those who call themselves transhumanists. This thesis is made of four main sections. First, I describe the history of the transhumanist movement and of its slow structuration, and I provide an unprecedented cartography of its multiple components. I stick with a deliberately unstable definition, yet descriptively accurate: transhumanism is a movement of individuals who consider that humanity can and must enhance itself with emerging technologies, in order to improve its health, longevity, or physical and cognitive capacities. This definition aims at taking seriously the fact that men and women, for over thirty years, have got involved in a very fragile and contested movement. Who are these people? What do they want? What are their motivations? In this sense, I study several internal controversies of the movement, in order to describe its internal dynamics. Secondly, epistemic explorations describe the kind of knowledge that triggers the curiosity of transhumanists. Here I show that, much more than engineers who take their dreams for reality, transhumanists constitute a form of public of technoscientific promises that irrigate the Western world. In this perspective, I focus on the ambiguous ways in which transhumanists relate to present and future technical objects. While the former are often frustrating in their everyday practices, they are mostly considered as clues of a future to be deciphered. Thirdly, political explorations follow the transhumanists in their daily activities as hesitant activists. Here, I describe how transhumanists struggle to be considered as rational and respectable actors in the public debate on emerging technologies. I also describe various initiatives, in which transhumanists have tried to set up political parties. So doing, I show that inscribing quite vague ideas in specific contexts and in a broader political context constantly fractures the movement, and brings in it numerous tensions and conflicts. Finally, ecological explorations face two challenges. First the ways in which transhumanists address the ecological crisis are at least surprising: most of the time they show little interest for this issue, and, when they don’t, their statements are somehow contrary to the central claims of the movement. Then I offer a reading of one of the core transhumanist themes, human enhancement, based on a thick description of the technical objects involved (prosthetics). This research aims at showing that focusing solely on transhumanism’s normative claims doesn’t allow for a fruitful critical examination. Investigating their enunciators and their conditions of enunciation should thus enrich the perspective. Giving emerging technical objects a little more attention might open them up from their status of prefiguration of the future. Rather than discussing transhumanism’s potential consequences, this research looks at it in its actual iterations and daily practices. This research accounts transhumanism as an enigma that has to be explored, much more than a starting point for normative claims

    Le concept de「ma」et l’identité nationale japonaise

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    Le 「ma」 est, depuis quelques décennies, un concept dont il est assez souvent question dans les textes portant sur le Japon. Tel le kanji qui le représente, soit un pictogramme qui montre le soleil qui perce entre les deux battants d’une porte, le 「ma」 exprime un entre-deux dynamique et porteur de sens. Après un premier chapitre qui explore les liens entre langue et culture au Japon, quatre chapitres sont consacrés au 「ma」, un premier qui présente un état des lieux, un second qui explore ses précurseurs ainsi que ses formes disciplinaires, sauf en musique et en architecture, traités au chapitre suivant, alors que le dernier chapitre tente de cerner et de définir le 「ma」, et qu’une annexe survole ce qu’il en est en Occident. Le sixième chapitre de la thèse présente la dichotomie 「内・外 uchi-soto」, marqueur premier de l’appartenance à tout groupe au Japon, incluant la nation. Suit un chapitre portant sur la frontière entre le uchi et le soto de la nation japonaise, puis un autre qui explore les formes que prend l’identité nationale japonaise. Le dernier chapitre offre une synthèse. Il en ressort que : - le 「ma」 est un concept associé à un terme importé au début de l’âge classique, mais ce n’est qu’à la transition entre le 戦国 sengoku (mi 15e à fin 16e) et l’ère 江戸時代 Edo (1600-1868) que les conditions seront réunies pour permettre la naissance du concept. Celui-ci restera toutefois presque purement disciplinaire jusqu’à 昭和 Shōwa (1926-1989), après quoi il prendra des formes qu’on peut qualifier d’identitaires, d’abord en opposition à l’Occident au début Shōwa, puis comme ambassadeur d’une identité japonaise consolidée à partir des années 1960.The concept of 「ma」 has, for the last several decades, been mentioned quite often in texts on Japan. Like the kanji that represents it, a pictogram showing the sun piercing between the two leaves of a door, 「ma」 expresses a dynamic and meaningful in-between. After a first chapter exploring the links between language and culture in Japan, four chapters are devoted to 「ma 」, a first one which presents a portrait of 「ma 」, a second which explores its precursors as well as its disciplinary forms, except in music and in architecture, treated in the next chapter, while the last chapter attempts to identify and define 「ma」, and an appendix covers what has happened in the West. The sixth chapter of the thesis presents the 「内・外 uchi-soto」 dichotomy, the primary marker of belonging for any group in Japan, including the nation. Follows a chapter on the border between the uchi and the soto of the Japanese nation, then another one that explores the forms that Japanese national identity takes. The last chapter provides a synthesis. It is concluded that : - 「ma」 is a concept associated with a term imported at the beginning of the classical age, but it is only at the transition between the 戦国 sengoku (mid 15th to late 16th) and the 江戸時代 Edo era (1600-1868) that the conditions for the birth of the concept were met. However, it remained almost purely disciplinary until 昭和 Shōwa (1926-1989), after which it took forms that can be qualified as identity carriers, first in opposition to the West at the beginning of Shōwa, then as the ambassador of a consolidated Japanese identity from the 1960s. - 「ma 」 is now clearly linked to Japanese national identity, but it never became a star of national identity. It has certain qualities that would perhaps allow it to become one one day, including its links to several artistic disciplines, most of which, moreover, are traditional, but it also has characteristics that could be a problem, notably the difficulties in rationalizing it. - 「ma」 seems to have developed only in Japan, yet it represents a universal reality. The existence of the concept, however, has certainly helped to frame the apprehension of this reality better than without it, thus facilitating its reappropriation in a variety of artistic fields. - 「ma」 represents relatively well the buffer dynamics that one finds at the border between the uchi and the soto of the nation, but the reality is way more complex than what a model resulting from a simple concept would allow. - 「ma」 is not a fundamental and timeless element of Japanese nature, but clearly arose in a specific context, with favourable conditions which might just as well never have happened

    Examples of works to practice staccato technique in clarinet instrument

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    Klarnetin staccato tekniğini güçlendirme aşamaları eser çalışmalarıyla uygulanmıştır. Staccato geçişlerini hızlandıracak ritim ve nüans çalışmalarına yer verilmiştir. Çalışmanın en önemli amacı sadece staccato çalışması değil parmak-dilin eş zamanlı uyumunun hassasiyeti üzerinde de durulmasıdır. Staccato çalışmalarını daha verimli hale getirmek için eser çalışmasının içinde etüt çalışmasına da yer verilmiştir. Çalışmaların üzerinde titizlikle durulması staccato çalışmasının ilham verici etkisi ile müzikal kimliğe yeni bir boyut kazandırmıştır. Sekiz özgün eser çalışmasının her aşaması anlatılmıştır. Her aşamanın bir sonraki performans ve tekniği güçlendirmesi esas alınmıştır. Bu çalışmada staccato tekniğinin hangi alanlarda kullanıldığı, nasıl sonuçlar elde edildiği bilgisine yer verilmiştir. Notaların parmak ve dil uyumu ile nasıl şekilleneceği ve nasıl bir çalışma disiplini içinde gerçekleşeceği planlanmıştır. Kamış-nota-diyafram-parmak-dil-nüans ve disiplin kavramlarının staccato tekniğinde ayrılmaz bir bütün olduğu saptanmıştır. Araştırmada literatür taraması yapılarak staccato ile ilgili çalışmalar taranmıştır. Tarama sonucunda klarnet tekniğin de kullanılan staccato eser çalışmasının az olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Metot taramasında da etüt çalışmasının daha çok olduğu saptanmıştır. Böylelikle klarnetin staccato tekniğini hızlandırma ve güçlendirme çalışmaları sunulmuştur. Staccato etüt çalışmaları yapılırken, araya eser çalışmasının girmesi beyni rahatlattığı ve istekliliği daha arttırdığı gözlemlenmiştir. Staccato çalışmasını yaparken doğru bir kamış seçimi üzerinde de durulmuştur. Staccato tekniğini doğru çalışmak için doğru bir kamışın dil hızını arttırdığı saptanmıştır. Doğru bir kamış seçimi kamıştan rahat ses çıkmasına bağlıdır. Kamış, dil atma gücünü vermiyorsa daha doğru bir kamış seçiminin yapılması gerekliliği vurgulanmıştır. Staccato çalışmalarında baştan sona bir eseri yorumlamak zor olabilir. Bu açıdan çalışma, verilen müzikal nüanslara uymanın, dil atış performansını rahatlattığını ortaya koymuştur. Gelecek nesillere edinilen bilgi ve birikimlerin aktarılması ve geliştirici olması teşvik edilmiştir. Çıkacak eserlerin nasıl çözüleceği, staccato tekniğinin nasıl üstesinden gelinebileceği anlatılmıştır. Staccato tekniğinin daha kısa sürede çözüme kavuşturulması amaç edinilmiştir. Parmakların yerlerini öğrettiğimiz kadar belleğimize de çalışmaların kaydedilmesi önemlidir. Gösterilen azmin ve sabrın sonucu olarak ortaya çıkan yapıt başarıyı daha da yukarı seviyelere çıkaracaktır

    La Città Altra: Storia e immagine della diversità urbana: luoghi e paesaggi dei privilegi e del benessere, dell’isolamento, del disagio, della multiculturalità

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    [English]: This volume proposes a rich corpus of papers about the ‘Other City’, a subject only few times dealt with, but worthy of all our attention: it imposes itself on the scene of international modern and contemporary historiography for its undeniable topicality. Throughout history, the city has always had to deal with social ‘otherness’, i.e. with class privileges and, consequently, with discrimination and marginalization of minorities, of the less well-off, of foreigners, in short, with the differences in status, culture, religion. So that the urban fabric has ended up structuring itself also in function of those inequalities, as well as of the strategic places for the exercise of power, of the political, military or social control, of the spaces for imprisonment, for the sanitary isolation or for the ‘temporary’ remedy to the catastrophes. From the first portraits of cities, made and diffused at the beginning of the fifteenth century for political exaltation purposes or for religious propaganda and for devotional purposes, which often, through increasingly refined graphic techniques, distort or even deny the true urban image, we reach, at the dawn of contemporary history, the new meaning given by scientific topography and new methods of representation; these latter aimed at revealing the structure and the urban landscape in their objectivity, often unexpected for who had known the city through the filter of ‘regime’ iconography. The representation of the urban image still shows the contradictions of a community that sometimes includes and even exalts the diversities, other times rejects them, showing the unease of a difficult integration / [Italiano]: Questo volume propone un ricco corpus di contributi sulla ‘Città Altra’, un tema sinora poco battuto ma degno di tutta la nostra attenzione, che s’impone sulla scena della storiografia internazionale, moderna e contemporanea, per la sua innegabile attualità. Nel corso della storia, la città ha dovuto sempre fare i conti con le ‘alterità’ sociali, ossia con i privilegi di classe e, conseguentemente, con la discriminazione e l’emarginazione delle minoranze, dei meno abbienti, degli stranieri, insomma con le diversità di status, di cultura, di religione. Sicché il tessuto urbano ha finito per strutturarsi anche in funzione di quelle diseguaglianze, oltre che dei luoghi strategici per l’esercizio del potere, del controllo politico, militare o sociale, degli spazi per la reclusione, per l’isolamento sanitario o per il rimedio ‘temporaneo’ alle catastrofi. Dai primi ritratti di città elaborati e diffusi sul principio del Quattrocento per fini di esaltazione politica o per la propaganda religiosa e per scopi devozionali, che spesso, attraverso tecniche grafiche sempre più raffinate, falsano o addirittura negano la vera immagine urbana, si giunge, all’alba della storia contemporanea, al nuovo significato dato dalla topografia scientifica e dai nuovi metodi di rappresentazione, atti a svelare la struttura e il paesaggio urbano nella loro oggettività, spesso cruda e inaspettata per quanti, prima di allora, avessero conosciuto la città attraverso il filtro dell’iconografia ‘di regime’. La rappresentazione dell’immagine urbana mostra ancora oggi le contraddizioni di una comunità che a volte include, e persino esalta, le diversità, altre volte le respinge, tradendo il malessere di una difficile integrazione