313 research outputs found

    A New Approach for Collaborative Knowledge Management: A Unified Conceptual Model for Collaborative Knowledg Management

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    With the advancement of new communication and virtualization technologies, various tools and models have been proposed for enabling effective management of the e-collaboration processes related to the creation, sharing, and presentation of collective knowledge. In the theoretical perspective, two significant aspects of collaborative knowledge management have been considered: (a) the internal processes of collaborative knowledge creation and sharing, which occur not only within the individual knowledge workers but also among them (collaboration); (b) the effective design of human-computer interfaces facilitating the internal processes, by providing functionalities for the knowledge workers to comprehend, conceptualize, and cooperate in knowledge creation and sharing through e-collaboration processes, including the effective presentation of the generated knowledge on the website. At the present time, although there exist several studies in the related areas, there is no unique conceptual model that can be applied toward assessing both the interface layer and the internal processes of collaborative knowledge creation and sharing in distributed ICT-based work contexts. This gap has been a great motivation for us to propose a conceptual model, namely the Unified Collaborative Knowledge Management (UCKM) model, which can be used to design and evaluate the overall knowledge management process, including the underlying sub-processes, the presentation of knowledge, and the human-computer interfaces

    Collaboration for innovation networks: Towards a reference model

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    Part 5: Innovation NetworksInternational audiencePractitioners and scholars have argued that external collaboration has become fundamental to how organisations function. There is also an emerging rhetoric on the imperatives of innovation for competitiveness. This amplifies the relevance of innovation networks that allow partners to pool resources and share expertise. Consequently, an understanding of collaboration within these networks is crucial to better managing the complexities and uncertainties that underlie how organisations and individuals can collaborate to innovate. Along these lines, this paper has analysed the nature of collaboration in 12 real-world innovation networks with the aim of a developing a reference model. The analysis showed that in order to maintain resilience, the network design and orchestration in these networks are technology-oriented. In addition, the collaborative competencies and capabilities were found to be service-oriented to provide the mentoring, business support, technological, and scientific needs that underlie the formation of these innovation networks

    Rancang Bangun Internet Marketing pada Toko Mainan Pelangi Semarang

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    Persaingan usaha dalam penjualan produk yang semakin ketat, memotivasi usaha-usaha sejenis untuk meningkatkan eksitensi diri. Kemenangan tidak hanya dalam hal modal yang besar tetapi kecepatan dalam menyediakan informasi ke pelanggan.Dengan kehadiran internet, semakin banyak orang dapat cepat memperoleh informasi.Hal ini memungkinkan untuk melakukan promosi barang dan jasa melalui internet atau yang dikenal dengan internet marketing.Dengan adanya internet marketing membuat Toko Mainan pelangi ingin meningkatkan penjualan.Perancangan situs ini menggunakan metode Web Engineering dengan beberapa tahapan yaitu, komunikasi dengan pengguna, perencanaan,pemodelan, analisis,desain dan konstruksi,.Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah rancangan internet marketing dengan pendekatan framework 8C dan marketing mix 7P Website ini juga dibuat dengan pemanfaatan SEO dan didukung dengan manajemen konte

    Rekayasa Model Internet Marketing Pada E-supermuseum Batik Untuk Meningkatkan Pemasaran Batik Produk Unggulan UKM Batik Di Jawa Tengah

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    Supermuseum atau supermarket dan museum suatu model berbasis web yang di dalamnya terdapat kios-kios maya (e-market) yang dapat digunakan para pengrajin home industry untuk memperluas pemasaran. Umumnya para pengrajin home industry batik di Jawa Tengah dalam mempromosikan dan memasarkan produknya melalui pameran–pameran seperti Jateng Fair, brosur dan antar pemakai batik. Hal ini mengakibatkan kurang optimalnya penyampaian informasi karena promosi yang dilakukan tidak menjangkau masyarakat yang berada jauh dari lokasi galeri pameran. Tujuan dari internet marketing pada e-Supermuseum Batik adalah meningkatkan pemasaran dan penjualan batik USAha kecil dan home industry. Metode pengembangan menggunakan metode waterfall dan 8C Framework sebagai acuan merancang antarmuka untuk mengimplementasikan model bisnis

    A longitudinal study of the adoption of online interactive and social media by luxury fashion brands

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    Most luxury fashion brands have yet to develop a clear and focused integrated online strategy, as they have struggled with the dilemma of interacting with fans and customers online. We observed how 35 luxury fashion brands utilized social and interactive online technologies since 2006 by formulating a framework for assessing fashion websites and brand controlled social media sites. Our findings illustrate that the observed luxury brands have increased their adoption of social and interactive digital technologies since 2006, and that with the help of Web 2.0 technologies fashion brands can create an immersing and innovative environment online.The findings also have relevance for practitioners, as the developed 8C framework can function as a checklist for fashion brand website creation

    Global Diffusion of the Internet XV: Web 2.0 Technologies, Principles, and Applications: A Conceptual Framework from Technology Push and Demand Pull Perspective

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    Web 2.0, the current Internet evolution, can be described by several key features of an expanded Web that is more interactive; allows easy social interactions through participation and collaboration from a variety of human sectors; responds more immediately to users\u27 queries and needs; is easier to search; and provides a faster, smoother, realistic and engaging user search capability, often with automatic updates to users. The purpose of this study is three-fold. First, the primary goal is to propose a conceptual Web 2.0 framework that provides better understanding of the Web 2.0 concept by classifying current key components in a holistic manner. Second, using several selective key components from the conceptual framework, this study conducts case analyses of Web 2.0 applications to discuss how they have adopted the selective key features (i.e., participation, collaboration, rich user experience, social networking, semantics, and interactivity responsiveness) of the conceptual Web 2.0 framework. Finally, the study provides insightful discussion of some challenges and opportunities provided by Web 2.0 to education, business, and social life

    Pengembangan Model Instrumen Pengukuran Customer Interface 8C

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    ABSTRACTThis study aims to develop a measurement model of customer interface or display interface using 8C that is context, content, community, customization, communication, connection, commerce and collaboration on the website or website of e-commerce digital industry in West Kalimantan especially from visitor perspective. The customer interface measurement model will be developed to overcome the limitations of the commonly used model of webqual. Appropriate measurement models will greatly assist in improving the look of the website interface with the e-commerce platform. Literature studies and interviews will be used to construct measurement models. Studies are conducted on literature on web quality measurement models, e-business and e-commerce concepts, and customer interface factors in e-commerce web. Interviews were conducted on ecommerce web users. Respondents were chosen by using purposive sampling technique.The result of the research is a measurement model of e-commerce web quality using customer interface factors as dimensions. The attributes identified for measuring the quality of e-commerce web are 16 items grouped into 8 (eight) customer interface dimensions. The development of e-commerce website measurement model is constructed into the website www.cicommerce.id comprehensively and commercially to map the position of e-commerce web customer interface. ABSTRAK  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model pengukuran customer interface atau tampilan antar muka menggunakan 8C yaitu context, content, community, customization, communication, connection, commerce dan collaboration pada website atau situs e-commerce industry digital yang ada di Kalbar khususnya dari persepektif pengunjung. Model pengukuran customer interface akan dikembangkan untuk mengatasi keterbatasan-keterbatasan dari model yang umum digunakan yaitu webqual. Model pengukuran yang sesuai akan sangat membantu dalam meningkatkan tampilan antar muka website dengan platform e-commerce. Studi literatur dan wawancara akan digunakan untuk membangun model pengukuran. Studi dilakukan pada literatur-literatur mengenai model pengukuran kualitas web, konsep e-business dan e-commerce, serta faktor-faktor customer interface dalam web e-commerce. Wawancara dilakukan terhadap pengguna web e-commerce. Responden dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling.Hasil penelitian adalah sebuah model pengukuran kualitas web e-commerce yang menggunakan faktor-faktor customer interface (tampilan antar muka) sebagai dimensi-dimensinya. Atribut-atribut yang teridentifikasi untuk pengukuran kualitas web e-commerce berjumlah 16 item yang dikelompokkan ke dalam 8 (delapan) dimensi customer interface. Pengembangan model pengukuran website e-commerce dikonstruksi ke dalam website www.cicommerce.id secara komprehensif dan komersial untuk memetakan posisi customer interface web e-commerce.Kata kunci                  : Model Pengukuran, E-Commerce, Customer InterfaceKorespondensi             :  [email protected]

    Integrating social features in service systems: the case of a library service

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    Socially-oriented technologies are growing in importance and are increasingly being used in organizations. There is anopportunity to enhance customer interactions in service offerings using social features, yet the incorporation of social featuresinto information systems has been largely unexplored. In this paper, we propose a modeling extension that enhances existinginformation systems’ modeling techniques such that they can be used to identify opportunities to incorporate social featuresin service system exchanges. We define social features as online technologies that support the creation of: 1) user profiles; 2)articulated social connections and membership within groups or communities; and, 3) user-generated content. Wedemonstrate the use of our social features modeling extension in a library service offering

    The adoption of Web 2.0 by luxury fashion brands

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    This is a longitudinal study of the extent to which luxury fashion brands have struggled with the dilemma of on the one hand interacting with fans and customers online, while on the other hand retain the exclusivity, surprise, and innovation hype of the brand. We have developed a framework for assessing websites and social media sites of luxury fashion brands. We applied the framework in three empirical studies in 2006, 2008 and 2010. Our findings show that the observed luxury brands have increased their adoption of social and interactive digital Internet-based technologies since 2006. We also document some of the most interesting uses of Web 2.0 technologies fashion brands for creating an immersing and innovative environment online. While some brands like Burberry has gone „the full Monty‟, others like Prada has not had a functioning web-site since 2007, probably disappointed about their first attempts at „getting their feet wet‟ early on. The findings have theoretical relevance in the shape of the 8C framework, but it should also have relevance for practitioners, as it might function as a checklist for creators and management of fashion brand websites
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