693 research outputs found

    Location-Based Learning Management System for Adaptive Mobile Learning

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    E-learning and distance learning are all forms of learning that take place outside of a traditional learning environment and can be alternatives for learners who are not able to study in a traditional environment for various reasons. With advancement in technologies and increased use of smart phone, mobile learning has gained popularity as another form of learning and has enabled learners to learn anywhere and anytime. Ubiquitous learning takes mobile learning to another level by providing contents that are context and location aware. There is therefore the need to provide mobile devices with the right learning contents for the right users. The right learning contents should be adaptive to the learner’s location, as well as learning style and device etc. To be able to implement the learning, learning management systems play the important role in creating, managing, and delivering the learning contents. In this paper, a location-based Learning Management System for adaptive and personalized mobile learning is presented. The systems makes use of 5R Adaptation Framework for Location based Mobile learning, the location-based dynamic grouping algorithm, and concepts of the IMS Learning Design model to produce a location-based adaptive mobile learning setting

    Personalized and adaptive learning: educational practice and technological impact

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    Education Technology advances many aspects of learning. More and more learning is taking place online. Learners’ learning behaviors, style, and performance can be easily profiled through learning analytics which collects their online learning footage. It enables and encourages educational research, learning software application development, and online education practices towards personalized and adaptive learning. As we continue to see personalized and adaptive learning progress, we must also pay attention to the negative impacts that feed into our research. In this paper, we will present our introspection of personalized and adaptive learning and argue that it is the social and moral responsibility of educators and institutions to apply personalized and adaptive learning wisely in their education practice. Educators and institutions should also recognize the realistic diversities of individual students’ learning styles and variable learning progress, contextually dependent learning accessibility, and their correspondent support needs for the fine-grained learning activities. We argue that the strategically balanced practices and innovated learning technology are crucial towards an optimized learning experience for the learners. A Tecnologia da Educação avança muitos aspectos da aprendizagem. Cada vez mais aprendizagem está ater lugar online. Os comportamentos de aprendizagem, estilo e desempenho dos aprendentes podem serfacilmente perfilados através de análises de aprendizagem que recolhem as suas filmagens de aprendizagemon-line. Permite e encoraja a investigação educacional, o desenvolvimento de aplicações de software deaprendizagem, e práticas de educação em linha para uma aprendizagem personalizada e adaptativa. À medidaque continuamos a ver progressos na aprendizagem personalizada e adaptativa, devemos também prestaratenção aos impactos negativos que alimentam a nossa investigação. Neste documento, apresentaremos anossa introspecção de aprendizagem personalizada e adaptativa e argumentaremos que é da responsabilidade social e moral dos educadores e instituições aplicar sabiamente a aprendizagem personalizada e adaptativa nasua prática educativa. Os educadores e as instituições devem também reconhecer as diversidades realistas dosestilos de aprendizagem dos estudantes individuais e o progresso variável da aprendizagem, a acessibilidade àaprendizagem contextualmente dependente, e as suas necessidades de apoio correspondente para as actividadesde aprendizagem de grão fino. Argumentamos que as práticas estrategicamente equilibradas e a tecnologiade aprendizagem inovadora são cruciais para uma experiência de aprendizagem optimizada para os alunos

    Energy-Aware Streaming Multimedia Adaptation: An Educational Perspective

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    As mobile devices are getting more powerful and more affordable the use of online educational multimedia is also getting very prevalent. Limited battery power is nevertheless, a major restricting factor as streaming multimedia drains battery power quickly. Many battery efficient multimedia adaptation techniques have been proposed that achieve battery efficiency by lowering presentation quality of entire multimedia. Adaptation is usually done without considering any impact on the information contents of multimedia. In this paper, based on the results of an experimental study, we argue that without considering any negative impact on information contents of multimedia the adaptation may negatively impact the learning process. Some portions of the multimedia that require a higher visual quality for conveying learning information may lose their learning effectiveness in the adapted lowered quality. We report results of our experimental study that indicate that different parts of the same learning multimedia do not have same minimum acceptable quality. This strengthens the position that power-saving adaptation techniques for educational multimedia must be developed that lower the quality of multimedia based on the needs of its individual fragments for successfully conveying learning informatio

    Mobile learning application for children: Belajar bersama Dino

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    Mobile devices and services have the potential in the enhancement of learning and education field. Because of that, computer based learning application has become inappropriate to be used based on the fast development of mobile technology which means all activity was conducted by using mobile devices. This paper proposed the design and development process of Mobile Learning Application which is Belajar Bersama Dino that mainly suitable for children who aged four to six years old. This paper will explain in details in every stages of the design development process for this application

    Mobile learning and content creation for location-based learning applications

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    Using mobile devices to enable new ways of learning has been a big area of interest in research for quite some time. Mobile devices have the opportunity to foster free movement and enable structured context-aware learning activities regardless of time and location restrictions. The increased amount of mobile devices and advances in mobile technologies has made creating these new learning applications a reality. This thesis discusses the possibilities mobile learning offers to the field of education and the type of actions that must be taken in order to support the adoption of m-learning. Mobile learning is discussed by first looking at the history of technology enhanced education and the special affordances that mobile devices have to offer. In order to create applications that can provide meaningful learning experiences and go beyond the novelty factor of using mobile devices, supportive pedagogies must be developed and integrated into tools that can be used in designing learning content for these applications. The main concepts and pedagogies for mobile learning are discussed by looking at some example applications and previous research. The main challenge for adopting m-learning in practice is to develop generic and easy to use tools for the educators to author the learning content to be used. This thesis focuses especially on content creation for location-based mobile learning applications and presents some examples of existing solutions. As a result from the constructive part of this thesis this kind of tool was also developed as a part of the Seek'N'Share platform for location-based mobile learning

    Text Extraction From Natural Scene: Methodology And Application

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    With the popularity of the Internet and the smart mobile device, there is an increasing demand for the techniques and applications of image/video-based analytics and information retrieval. Most of these applications can benefit from text information extraction in natural scene. However, scene text extraction is a challenging problem to be solved, due to cluttered background of natural scene and multiple patterns of scene text itself. To solve these problems, this dissertation proposes a framework of scene text extraction. Scene text extraction in our framework is divided into two components, detection and recognition. Scene text detection is to find out the regions containing text from camera captured images/videos. Text layout analysis based on gradient and color analysis is performed to extract candidates of text strings from cluttered background in natural scene. Then text structural analysis is performed to design effective text structural features for distinguishing text from non-text outliers among the candidates of text strings. Scene text recognition is to transform image-based text in detected regions into readable text codes. The most basic and significant step in text recognition is scene text character (STC) prediction, which is multi-class classification among a set of text character categories. We design robust and discriminative feature representations for STC structure, by integrating multiple feature descriptors, coding/pooling schemes, and learning models. Experimental results in benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our proposed framework, which obtains better performance than previously published methods. Our proposed scene text extraction framework is applied to 4 scenarios, 1) reading print labels in grocery package for hand-held object recognition; 2) combining with car detection to localize license plate in camera captured natural scene image; 3) reading indicative signage for assistant navigation in indoor environments; and 4) combining with object tracking to perform scene text extraction in video-based natural scene. The proposed prototype systems and associated evaluation results show that our framework is able to solve the challenges in real applications

    Metodologias de Planejamento e Organização para Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem Pervasivos

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    Metodologias como as Arquiteturas Pedagógicas (AP), o Design Instrucional (DI) e o Planejamento Instrucional (PI) orientam a organização da aprendizagem, podendo ser aplicadas em qualquer ambiente, inclusive o virtual. O objetivo deste estudo é encontrar implementações dessas metodologias em ambientes virtuais voltados à educação pervasiva. Para tanto, realizou-se um Mapeamento Sistemático (MS), apontando 18 trabalhos relevantes ao tema da pesquisa. Alguns trabalhos apresentaram de forma parcial o desenvolvimento dessas metodologias, havendo maior incidência de aplicações adaptadas ao contexto tecnológico e de localização do estudante

    A people-centric framework for mobile augmented reality systems (MARS) design: ArcHIVE 4Any

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