21 research outputs found

    Using mixed reality for the visualization and dissemination of complex 3D models in geosciences: application to the Montserrat massif (Spain)

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    In the last two decades, both the amount and quality of geoinformation in the geosciences field have improved substantially due to the increasingly more widespread use of techniques such as Laser Scanning (LiDAR), digital photogrammetry, unmanned aerial vehicles, geophysical reconnaissance (seismic, electrical, geomagnetic), and ground-penetrating radar (GPR), among others. Furthermore, the advances in computing, storage and visualization resources allow the acquisition of 3D terrain models (surface and underground) with unprecedented ease and versatility. However, despite these scientific and technical developments, it is still a common practice to simplify the 3D data in 2D static images, losing part of its communicative potential. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the possibilities of extended reality (XR) for communication and sharing of 3D geoinformation in the field of geosciences. A brief review of the different variants within XR is followed by the presentation of the design and functionalities of headset-type mixed-reality (MR) devices, which allow the 3D models to be investigated collaboratively by several users in the office environment. The specific focus is on the functionalities of Microsoft’s HoloLens 2 untethered holographic head mounted display (HMD), and the ADA Platform App by Clirio, which is used to manage model viewing with the HMD. We demonstrate the capabilities of MR for the visualization and dissemination of complex 3D information in geosciences in data rich and self-directed immersive environment, through selected 3D models (most of them of the Montserrat massif). Finally, we highlight the educational possibilities of MR technology. Today MR has an incipient and reduced use; we hope that it will gain popularity as the barriers of entry become lower.This research was funded by MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033: PID2019-103974RB-I00 and by Interreg V-A, POCTEFA: EFA364/19.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    IX Simposio Nacional sobre Taludes y Laderas Inestables

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    Presentamos una nueva edición, la novena, del Simposio Nacional sobre Taludes y Laderas Inestables. Este Simposio se ha consolidado como un foro independiente, abierto y pluridisciplinar, con el objetivo de difundir los conocimientos, presentar los avances recientes y fomentar la discusión entre expertos que trabajan en este apasionante campo. La edición de 2017 pone de manifiesto la notable evolución experimentada en los últimos años de las herramientas de caracterización y análisis así como de las medidas estabilización y protección. Las técnicas de captura remota de datos como el láser escáner, la interferometría radar, la fotogrametría y videometría digital, con el apoyo de los vehículos aéreos no tripulados, han cambiado la forma de analizar y monitorizar las laderas. No sólo permiten salvar los problemas de accesibilidad en las paredes rocosas de gran desarrollo sino que proporcionan productos de una gran resolución. Como resultado de todo ello, aparece un nuevo reto como es el almacenamiento, tratamiento y gestión de las ingentes cantidades de datos generadas.Postprint (published version