468,088 research outputs found

    Nutrition and food technology for a Controlled Ecological Life Support System (CELSS)

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    Food technology requirements and a nutritional strategy for a Controlled Ecological Life Support System (CELSS) to provide adequate food in an acceptable form in future space missions are discussed. The establishment of nutritional requirements, dietary goals, and a food service system to deliver acceptable foods in a safe and healthy form and the development of research goals and priorities were the main objectives of the study

    Pengembangan Sistem Informasi sebagai Pendukung Asuhan Gizi Rawat Inap di Instalasi Gizi RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul DIY

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    Universitas Diponegoro Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Program Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen Kesehatan 2014 ABSTRAK Rinda Nurul Karimah Pengembangan Sistem Informasi sebagai Pendukung Asuhan Gizi Rawat Inap di Instalasi Gizi RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul DIY xv + 103 halaman + 7 tabel + 12 lampiran Berdasarkan pedoman gizi rumah sakit, asuhan gizi rawat inap harus disesuaikan dengan kondisi pasien yaitu keadaan klinis, status gizi dan metabolisme. Beban kerja ahli gizi di RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul besar karena penghitungan kebutuhan gizi masih dilakukan secara manual. Selain itu data yang dibutuhkan tersebar di beberapa ruang. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan sistem informasi agar pengelolaan data untuk asuhan gizi rawat inap dilakukan secara sistematis dan berdasarkan kebutuhan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Metode kualitatif digunakan untuk proses identifikasi pada setiap tahap dalam pengembangan sistem informasi. Metode kuantitatif digunakan untuk menilai kualitas informasi sebelum dan sesudah pengembangan sistem informasi dengan desain penelitian pra experimental. Pengumpulan data kualitatif dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam, sedangkan pengumpulan data kuantitatif dilakukan dengan memberikan kuesioner. Objek penelitian adalah sistem informasi pada instalasi gizi RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul. Subjek penelitian adalah 4 orang ahli gizi sebagai informan utama serta kepala SIMRS dan kepala instalasi rekam medis sebagai informan triangulasi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan basis data dalam sistem informasi instalasi gizi yang meliputi : data kajian keperawatan, data ahli gizi, data laboratorium, radiologi, info diet, dan data rekam medis pasien. Proses yang terjadi adalah pengintegrasian data dari berbagai sumber menjadi suatu basis data. Output yang dihasilkan berupa laporan status gizi pasien dan kebutuhan gizinya. Setelah pengembangan sistem informasi, kualitas informasi meningkat dalam aspek kemudahan akses dari 65% menjadi 80%, keakuratan dari 52,5% menjadi 80%, ketepatan waktu dari 50% menjadi 80%, kelengkapan dari 57,5% menjadi 76,25%, fleksibilitas dari 50% menjadi 66,25%, dan kejelasan dari 45% menjadi 75%. Disarankan mengembangkan sistem informasi gizi lebih lanjut untuk menghasilkan formulir lembar asuhan gizi beserta saran diet. Selain itu penambahan kapasitas server dan pengembangan sistem lebih mengacu pada kebutuhan pengguna. Kata kunci : asuhan gizi, pengembangan, sistem informasi, pedoman gizi rumah sakit. Referensi : 43(1991-2014) Diponegoro University Faculty of Public Health Master’s Program in Public Health Majoring in Health Management Information System 2014 ABSTRACT Rinda Nurul Karimah Development of Information System to Support Nutritional Care of Inpatient at Nutrition Installation at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Bantul in Yogyakarta xv + 103 pages + 7 tables + 12 enclosures Based on nutritional guidelines for hospital, nutritional care of inpatient must be adjusted with condition of a patient, namely clinical condition, nutritional status, and metabolism. Nutritionists at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Bantul had a big workload because they had to calculate the need of nutrition manually and collected data in some rooms. This research aimed to develop information system in order to manage data of nutritional care of inpatient systematically based on necessities. This was qualitative and quantitative research. A qualitative method was used to identify a process of each step in developing information system. In contrast, a quantitative method was used to assess a quality of information between before and after development of information system with pre-experimental design. Qualitative data were collected using in-depth interview. Meanwhile, quantitative data were collected using a questionnaire. The object of this research was information system at nutrition installation of PKU Muhammadiyah in Bantul. The subject of this research was 4 nutritionists as main informants. In addition, informants for triangulation purpose consisted of head of SIMRS and head of medical record installation. This research resulted data basis in information system at nutrition installation encompassed: data of a nursing study, data of nutritionist, data of laboratory, radiology, dietary info, and data of patient’s medical record. As a process, data were integrated from various sources and resulted data basis. Furthermore, resulted output was a report of nutritional status of a patient and nutritional needs. After developing the information system, the quality of information had been improved in terms of the aspects of: easiness to access from 65% to 80%, accuracy from 52.5% to 80%, timeliness from 50% to 80%, completeness from 57.5% to 76.25%, flexibility from 50% to 66.25%, and clarity from 45% to 75%. As suggestions, the information system needs to be further developed to result a form of nutritional care and dietary suggestions. In addition, server capacity needs to be added and development of the system needs to refer to user’s necessity. . Key Words : Nutritional Care, Development, Information System, Nutritional Guidelines for a Hospital Bibliography : 43 (1991-2014) l DI

    Plant diversity to support humans in a CELSS ground based demonstrator

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    A controlled ecological life support system (CELSS) for human habitation in preparation for future long duration space flights is considered. The success of such a system depends upon the feasibility of revitalization of food resources and the human nutritional needs which are to be met by these food resources. Edible higher plants are prime candidates for the photoautotrophic components of this system if nutritionally adequate diets can be derived from these plant sources to support humans. Human nutritional requirements information based on current knowledge are developed for inhabitants envisioned in the CELSS ground based demonstrator. Groups of plant products that can provide the nutrients are identified

    Multispectral Image Processing for Plants

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    The development of a machine vision system to monitor plant growth and health is one of three essential steps towards establishing an intelligent system capable of accurately assessing the state of a controlled ecological life support system for long-term space travel. Besides a network of sensors, simulators are needed to predict plant features, and artificial intelligence algorithms are needed to determine the state of a plant based life support system. Multispectral machine vision and image processing can be used to sense plant features, including health and nutritional status

    Can agricultural cultivation methods influence the healthfulness of crops for foods

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    The aim of the current study was to investigate if there are any health effects of long-term consumption of organically grown crops using a rat model. Crops were retrieved over two years from along-term field trial at three different locations in Denmark, using three different cultivation systems(OA, organic based on livestock manure; OB, organic based on green manure; and C, conventional with mineral fertilizers and pesticides)with two field replicates. The cultivation system had an impact on the nutritional quality, affecting γ-tocopherol, some amino acids, and fatty acid composition. Additionally, the nutritional quality was affected by harvest year and location. However, harvest year and location rather than cultivation system affected the measured health biomarkers. In conclusion, the differences in dietary treatments composed of ingredients from different cultivation systems did not lead to significant differences in the measured health biomarkers, except for a significant difference in plasma IgGl evels

    Potential for utilization of algal biomass for components of the diet in CELSS

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    The major nutritional components of the green algae (Scenedesmus obliquus) grown in a Constant Cell Density Apparatus were determined. Suitable methodology to prepare proteins from which three major undesirable components of these cells (i.e., cell walls, nucleic acids, and pigments) were either removed or substantially reduced was developed. Results showed that processing of green algae to protein isolate enhances is potential nutritional and organoleptic acceptability as a diet component in controlled Ecological Life Support System

    Utilization of non-conventional systems for conversion of biomass to food components: Potential for utilization of algae in engineered foods

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    The major nutritional components of the green algae (Scenedesmus obliquus) grown in a Constant Cell density Apparatus were determined. Suitable methodology to prepare proteins from which three major undesirable components of these cells (i.e., cell walls, nucleic acids, and pigments) were either removed or substantially reduced was developed. Results showed that processing of green algae to protein isolate enhances its potential nutritional and organoleptic acceptability as a diet component in a Controlled Ecological Life Support System

    Nutritional Requirements for Space Station Freedom Crews

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    The purpose of this report was to set preliminary nutritional requirements for crewmembers flying from 90 to 180 day missions on Space Station Freedom. Specific recommendations included providing crewmembers with in flight feedback on nutritional intake, weight and strength, and incorporating issues of energy intake, body weight, body composition, strength, and protein intake in the flight medicine program. Exercise must be considered an integral part of any plan to maintain nutritional status, especially those modes that stress the skeleton and maintain body weight. Nutrient intake, amount of exercise, and drugs ingested must be recorded daily; high priority should be given to development of fully automated record systems that minimize astronauts' effort. A system of nutritional supplements should be developed to provide a method for reducing intake deficits that become apparent. Finally, post flight monitoring should include bone density, muscle mass and function, and iron status at three and six months after landing

    Blockchain For Food: Making Sense of Technology and the Impact on Biofortified Seeds

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    The global food system is under pressure and is in the early stages of a major transition towards more transparency, circularity, and personalisation. In the coming decades, there is an increasing need for more food production with fewer resources. Thus, increasing crop yields and nutritional value per crop is arguably an important factor in this global food transition. Biofortification can play an important role in feeding the world. Biofortified seeds create produce with increased nutritional values, mainly minerals and vitamins, while using the same or less resources as non-biofortified variants. However, a farmer cannot distinguish a biofortified seed from a regular seed. Due to the invisible nature of the enhanced seeds, counterfeit products are common, limiting wide-scale adoption of biofortified crops. Fraudulent seeds pose a major obstacle in the adoption of biofortified crops. A system that could guarantee the origin of the biofortified seeds is therefore required to ensure widespread adoption. This trust-ensuring immutable proof for the biofortified seeds, can be provided via blockchain technology

    Perspectives of healthcare providers on the nutritional management of patients on haemodialysis in Australia: An interview study

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    Objective To describe the perspectives of healthcare providers on the nutritional management of patients on haemodialysis, which may inform strategies for improving patient-centred nutritional care. Design Face-to-face semistructured interviews were conducted until data saturation, and thematic analysis based on principles of grounded theory. Setting 21 haemodialysis centres across Australia. Participants 42 haemodialysis clinicians (nephrologists and nephrology trainees (15), nurses (12) and dietitians (15)) were purposively sampled to obtain a range of demographic characteristics and clinical experiences. Results Six themes were identified: responding to changing clinical status (individualising strategies to patient needs, prioritising acute events, adapting guidelines), integrating patient circumstances (assimilating life priorities, access and affordability), delineating specialty roles in collaborative structures (shared and cohesive care, pivotal role of dietary expertise, facilitating access to nutritional care, perpetuating conflicting advice and patient confusion, devaluing nutritional specialty), empowerment for behaviour change (enabling comprehension of complexities, building autonomy and ownership, developing self-efficacy through engagement, tailoring self-management strategies), initiating and sustaining motivation (encountering motivational hurdles, empathy for confronting life changes, fostering non-judgemental relationships, emphasising symptomatic and tangible benefits, harnessing support networks), and organisational and staffing barriers (staffing shortfalls, readdressing system inefficiencies). Conclusions Organisational support with collaborative multidisciplinary teams and individualised patient care were seen as necessary for developing positive patient-clinician relationships, delivering consistent nutrition advice, and building and sustaining patient motivation to enable change in dietary behaviour. Improving service delivery and developing and delivering targeted, multifaceted self-management interventions may enhance current nutritional management of patients on haemodialysis