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    Проблема категоризации композиционно-речевых (дискурсивних) форм

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    З огляду на тенденцію розглядати дискурсивні явища з точки зору прагматичних, а не лише лінгвістичних, особливостей, «композиційно-мовленнєва (дискурсивна) форма» є важливим поняттям у вивченні організації монологічного письмового дискурсу. Проте розуміння «дискурсивної форми» може бути ускладнене через існування декілька інших споріднених наукових термінів на позначення різних форм мовлення. Відповідно, дана стаття має на меті, перш за все, з’ясувати чим відрізняються терміни «дискурс» і «текст», «стиль» і «жанр», з метою встановити відмінності між підходами до вивчення текстів різних типів. У статті також досліджуються класифікації типів текстів, розроблені протягом багатьох років низкою зарубіжних авторів. Зокрема, зазначаються основні принципи класифікації, такі як кореляція з когнітивними стратегіями, мовленнєвими актами, лінгвістичними особливостями тощо. Нарешті, обґрунтовано, що поняття «дискурсивна форма», яке іноді використовується як синонім терміну «тип тексту», насправді стосується прагматичних властивостей тексту і визначається комунікативно-риторичними стратегіями, що обираються для досягнення певних комунікативних цілей. Отже, категоризація «дискурсивних форм» конкретних типів дискурсу є актуальним завданням подальших лінгвістичних розвідок.With the current tendency to treat discourse phenomena as pragmatic rather than linguistic, the term “modes of discourse” has become an important concept in studying the organization of monological written discourse. However, there are some other linguistic terms which are closely related to, or sometimes even overlapping with, the concept of discourse modes, and this may lead to a problem of confusion. For this reason, the paper first of all elucidates the differences between discourse and text, register and genre, so that to point out the distinction between approaches to dealing with texts of various types. Next, it investigates diverse classifications of text types developed over the years by different authors (J. Kinneavy, E. Werlich, R. Longacre, D. Biber, J.-M. Adam, T. Virtanen, James R. Martin, M. Fludernik, C. Smith), indicating the key principles of categorization, such as correlation with cognitive strategies, speech acts, linguistic features, and so on. Finally, one arrives at the conclusion that modes of discourse, which could be used synonymously with text types, concern the pragmatic properties of the text, and reveal rhetorical patterns used to achieve certain communicative goals in a coherent discourse. It is thus the goal of further research in the field of discourse studies to come up with the typology of modes of discourse applicable for particular types of discourse.Учитывая тенденцию рассматривать дискурсивные явления с точки зрения прагматических, а не только лингвистических, особенностей, композиционно-речевая (дискурсивная) форма является важным понятием в изучении организации монологической письменного дискурса. Однако понимание «дискурсивной формы» может быть затруднено из-за существования некоторых других похожих научных терминов для обозначения различных форм речи. Соответственно, цель данной статьи – выяснить чем отличаются термины «дискурс» и «текст», «стиль» и «жанр», и установить различия между подходами к изучению текстов разных типов. В статье также исследуются классификации типов текстов, разработанные в течение многих лет рядом зарубежных авторов. В частности, указываются основные принципы классификации, такие как корреляция с когнитивными стратегиями, речевыми актами, лингвистическими особенностями и т.д. В выводах обоснованно, что понятие «дискурсивная форма», которое иногда используется как синоним термина «тип текста», на самом деле связано с прагматическими свойствами текста и определяется коммуникативно-риторическими стратегиями, которые используются для достижения определенных коммуникативных целей. Таким образом, категоризация «дискурсивных форм» конкретных типов дискурса является актуальным заданием будущих лингвистических исследований

    Shape Representations Using Nested Descriptors

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    The problem of shape representation is a core problem in computer vision. It can be argued that shape representation is the most central representational problem for computer vision, since unlike texture or color, shape alone can be used for perceptual tasks such as image matching, object detection and object categorization. This dissertation introduces a new shape representation called the nested descriptor. A nested descriptor represents shape both globally and locally by pooling salient scaled and oriented complex gradients in a large nested support set. We show that this nesting property introduces a nested correlation structure that enables a new local distance function called the nesting distance, which provides a provably robust similarity function for image matching. Furthermore, the nesting property suggests an elegant flower like normalization strategy called a log-spiral difference. We show that this normalization enables a compact binary representation and is equivalent to a form a bottom up saliency. This suggests that the nested descriptor representational power is due to representing salient edges, which makes a fundamental connection between the saliency and local feature descriptor literature. In this dissertation, we introduce three examples of shape representation using nested descriptors: nested shape descriptors for imagery, nested motion descriptors for video and nested pooling for activities. We show evaluation results for these representations that demonstrate state-of-the-art performance for image matching, wide baseline stereo and activity recognition tasks

    Gradient Metaphoricity of the Preposition in: A Corpus-based Approach to Chinese Academic Writing in English

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    In Cognitive Linguistics, a conceptual metaphor is a systematic set of correspondences between two domains of experience (Kövecses 2020: 2). In order to have an extensive understanding of metaphors, metaphoricity (Müller and Tag 2010; Dunn 2011; Jensen and Cuffari 2014; Nacey and Jensen 2017) has been emphasized to address one of the properties of metaphors in language usage: gradience (Hanks 2006; Dunn 2011, 2014), which indicates that metaphorical expressions can be measured. Despite many noteworthy contributions, studies of metaphoricity are often accused of subjectivity (Müller 2008; Jensen and Cuffari 2014; Jensen 2017), this is why this study uses a big corpus as a database. Therefore, the main aim of this dissertation is to measure the gradient senses of the preposition in in an objective way, thus mapping the highly systematic semantic extension. Based on these gradient senses, the semantic and syntactic features of the preposition in produced by advanced Chinese English-major learners are investigated, combining quantitative and qualitative research methods. A quantitative analysis of the literal and other ten metaphorical senses of the preposition in is made at first. In accounting for the five factors influencing image schemata of each sense: “scale of Landmark”, “visibility”, “path”, “inclusion” and “boundary”, the formula of measuring the gradability of metaphorical degree is deduced: Metaphoricity=[[#Visibility] +[#Path] +[#Inclusion] +[#Boundary]]*[#Scale of Landmark]. The result is that the primary sense has the highest value:12, and all other extended senses have values down to zero. The more shared features with proto-scene, the higher the value of the metaphorical sense, and the less metaphorical the sense. EVENT and PERSON are the “least metaphoric” (value = 9-11); SITUATION, NUMBER, CONTENT and FIELD are “weak metaphoric” (value = 6-8); Also included are SEGMENTATION, TIME and MANNER (value = 3-5), and they are “strong metaphoric”; PURPOSE shares the least feature with proto-scene, and it has the lowest value, so it is “most metaphoric” (value = 0-2). Then, a corpus-based approach is employed, which offers a model for employing a corpus-based approach in Cognitive Linguistics. It compares two compiled sub-corpora: Chinese Master Academic Writing Corpus and Chinese Doctorate Academic Writing Corpus. The findings show that, on the semantic level, Chinese English-major students overuse in with a low level of metaphoricity, even advanced learners use the most metaphorical in rarely. In terms of syntactic behaviours, the most frequent nouns in [in+noun] construction are weakly metaphoric, whilst the nouns in the construction [in the noun of] are EVENT sense, which is least metaphorical. Moreover, action verbs tend to be used in the construction [verb+in] and [in doing sth.] in both master and doctorate groups. In the qualitative study, the divergent usages of the preposition in are explored. The preposition in is often substituted with other prepositions, such as on and at. The fundamental reason for the Chinese learners’ weakness is the negative transfer from their mother tongue (Wang 2001; Gong 2007; Zhang 2010). Although in and its Chinese equivalence zai...li (在...里) share the same proto-scene, there are discrepancies: the metaphorical senses of the preposition in are TIME, PURPOSE, NUMBER, CONTENT, FIELD, EVENT, SITUATION, SEGMENTATION, MANNER, PERSON, while those of zai...li (在...里) are only five: TIME, CONTENT, EVENT, SITUATION and PERSON. Thus the image schemata of each sense cannot be correspondingly mapped onto each other in different languages. This study also provides evidence for the universality and variation of spatial metaphors on the ground of cultural models. Philosophically, it supports the standpoint of Embodiment philosophy that abstract concepts are constructed on the basis of spatial metaphors that are grounded in the physical and cultural experience

    Theory and Applications for Advanced Text Mining

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    Due to the growth of computer technologies and web technologies, we can easily collect and store large amounts of text data. We can believe that the data include useful knowledge. Text mining techniques have been studied aggressively in order to extract the knowledge from the data since late 1990s. Even if many important techniques have been developed, the text mining research field continues to expand for the needs arising from various application fields. This book is composed of 9 chapters introducing advanced text mining techniques. They are various techniques from relation extraction to under or less resourced language. I believe that this book will give new knowledge in the text mining field and help many readers open their new research fields

    Revisiting the Future: The Future Indicative and Perfective Aspect in Johannine Literature

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    As Greek aspectual studies continue to develop, there remains a significant gap in research on the future as it pertains to aspect. The nature of the future indicative is debated, especially as to whether or not it conveys aspectual value. Using Buist Fanning’s premise that aspect and Aktionsart interact to produce predicable outcomes, Mark O’Brien has shown that future STATIVE verbs consistently create an ingressive meaning that mirrors that of STATIVE verbs in the aorist tense. He has used this to demonstrate that the aorist and future share the same aspect-Aktionsart interactions and that they therefore both communicate perfective aspect. O’Brien’s method serves as a useful format for studying the possible aspect of the future tense. It is the goal of this work to utilize O’Brien’s method as a means of studying the aspect of the future with greater depth. This thesis supplements the research on the future and aspect (1) by studying Fanning’s other Aktionsarten categories (ACTIVITIES, ACCOMPLISHMENTS, CLIMAXES, and PUNCTUALS) and (2) by studying the behavior of the future and comparing it to the additional behaviors of the aorist described by Fanning (the constative, consummative, gnomic, and proleptic). This is accomplished by identifying the Aktionsart and behavior of every future verb in the Johannine literature and by comparing the patterns observed in the future to those established in the aorist. By using Fanning’s idea that aspect and Aktionsart interact to produce predictable behaviors, this thesis finds that the future tense-form mirrors the behaviors found in the aorist-tense form. This result indicates that the aorist and future have similar aspect-Aktionsart interactions and that the aorist and future carry the same inherent aspectual value of perfective aspect

    Knowledge Expansion of a Statistical Machine Translation System using Morphological Resources

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    Translation capability of a Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation (PBSMT) system mostly depends on parallel data and phrases that are not present in the training data are not correctly translated. This paper describes a method that efficiently expands the existing knowledge of a PBSMT system without adding more parallel data but using external morphological resources. A set of new phrase associations is added to translation and reordering models; each of them corresponds to a morphological variation of the source/target/both phrases of an existing association. New associations are generated using a string similarity score based on morphosyntactic information. We tested our approach on En-Fr and Fr-En translations and results showed improvements of the performance in terms of automatic scores (BLEU and Meteor) and reduction of out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words. We believe that our knowledge expansion framework is generic and could be used to add different types of information to the model.JRC.G.2-Global security and crisis managemen