5,701 research outputs found

    Application of data science to reduce employee attrition

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    Retaining valuable employees and preventing their resignation is a matter that can make a company save a considerable amount of time and money. Traditionally, this task had been carried out by the Human Resources department of the companies, who would regularly conduct interviews among the employees in order to subsequently analyse them and try to extract conclusions and patterns that could help them understand the reasons why employees leave and thus, prevent the resignation of other employees in the future. Nowadays, with the existence of Data Science and prediction techniques, this task can be automatically done, which allows the managers of the companies to obtain the information they require from the employees in a much faster and efficient way than it was obtained in the past when the task was done manually by the Human Resources department. This results in a significant decrease of the costs associated with employee attrition, maximizing the revenue of the company.Ingeniería Telemátic

    The importance of motivation in HRM: A study of the connection between work motivation and productivity in an international working environment

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    The importance of work motivation and productivity in working life is highly essential. Further, work motivation is acting as a base for achieving high results, commitment, and satisfaction at the workplace. Previous research proves that work motivation affects many different fields of working life such as productivity, satisfaction, and success. This research wants to examine the current situation in nowadays working life with young adults working in an international environment. The study focuses on the importance of motivation in human resource management (HRM) and it is a study of the connection between work motivation and productivity in an international working environment amongst young adults. Thus, the literature review introduces the essential theories related to the topic which are human resource management, work motivation, work productivity and engagement, work satisfaction, and organizational behavior. The main theory used in this thesis is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The research aims to get a deeper understanding of work motivation and what are the main causes affecting it amongst the target group. Further, it also aims to understand the effect of motivation on productivity. The qualitative research was conducted through in-depth face-to-face theme interviews with six different young adults. Interviews were transcribed and categorized into themes in order to analyze and understand the results. The results proved that work motivation affects work productivity in many different ways. Motivation affects the work and individual’s performance. It was found out from the research that the key factors for motivation are colleagues and the team at the workplace. Moreover, receiving feedback from the work and work environment makes an impact on work motivation as well. The results showed there are different factors affecting productivity at the workplace which are motivation, health and energy, shift rotation, colleagues, and work environment. In productivity health and energy and shift scheduling is in a bigger role than colleagues and environment. It can be found from the research that there are also cultural dimensions in these topics among the answers. As a result, from the research, it can be stated that motivation is also one of the key factors in performance and engagement in the workplace. Performance and engagement are also affected by colleagues, team, salary, position, stress, work environment, well-being, and time management. Again, colleagues and team are the key factors. It can be said from the research that motivation is a key factor in working life and affecting a lot on productivity, engagement, and performance at work. Motivation and well-being are the most important factors for success in the company and personnel.Työmotivaation ja tuottavuuden merkitys työelämässä on äärimmäisen tärkeässä roolissa. Työmotivaatio toimii korkeiden tulosten, menestymisen ja työtyytyväisyyden perustana ja melkeinpä edellytyksenä. Aiemmat tutkimukset osoittavat, että työmotivaatio vaikuttaa moniin eri työelämän osa-alueisiin, kuten tuottavuuteen, työtyytyväisyyteen ja menestykseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella nykyistä työelämän tilannetta kansainvälisessä ympäristössä työskentelevien nuorten aikuisten näkökulmasta. Tutkimus keskittyy motivaation tärkeyteen henkilöstöhallinnossa ja tutkii työmotivaation ja tuottavuuden välistä yhteyttä kansainvälisessä työympäristössä nuorten aikuisten keskuudessa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa esitellään aiheeseen liittyviä olennaisia teorioita, jotka ovat henkilöstöjohtaminen, työmotivaatio, työn tuottavuus ja sitoutuminen, työtyytyväisyys ja organisaatiokäyttäytyminen. Tässä pro gradu – tutkielmassa käytetty pääteoria on Maslowin tarvehierakia. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on syventää ymmärrystä työmotivaatiosta ja siitä, mitkä ovat tärkeimmät siihen vaikuttavat syyt kohderyhmän keskuudessa. Lisäksi, tavoitteena on ymmärtää motivaation vaikutus tuottavuuteen. Laadullinen tutkimus toteutettiin kasvotusten tehtävillä teemahaastatteluilla kuudelle eri nuorelle aikuiselle. Haastattelut litteroitiin ja kategorisoitiin teemoiksi tulosten analysoimiseksi ja ymmärtämiseksi. Tulokset osoittivat, että työmotivaatio vaikuttaa työn tuottavuuteen monin eri tavoin. Motivaatio vaikuttaa työhön ja yksilön suoritukseen. Tutkimuksesta selvisi, että keskeisiä motivaatiotekijöitä ovat kollegat ja työtiimi. Lisäksi, palautteen saaminen työstä ja työympäristö vaikuttavat myös olennaisesti työmotivaatioon. Tulokset osoittivat, että työpaikan tuottavuuteen vaikuttavat erilaiset tekijät, joita ovat motivaatio, terveys ja energia, vuorotyö, työkaverit ja työympäristö. Tuottavuudessa terveys ja energia sekä vuorotyön vaikutus olivat isommassa roolissa kuin työkaverit ja työympäristö. Tutkimuksesta käy ilmi, että näissä aiheissa on myös kulttuurisia eroavaisuuksia. Tuloksena tutkimuksesta voidaan todeta, että motivaatio on myös yksi keskeisistä suorituskyvyn ja sitoutumisen tekijöistä työpaikalla. Suoritukseen ja sitoutumiseen vaikuttavat myös kollegat, tiimi, palkka, asema, stressi, työympäristö, hyvin-vointi ja ajanhallinta. Jälleen, kollegat ja tiimi ovat avainvaikuttajia. Tutkimuksesta voidaan sanoa, että motivaatio on keskeinen tekijä työelämässä ja vaikuttaa paljon tuottavuuteen, sitoutumiseen ja työsuoritukseen. Motivaatio ja hyvinvointi ovat yrityksen ja henkilöstön menestymisen tärkeimpiä tekijöitä

    Decoding the Workplace & EOR: An Employee Survey Analysis by Data Science Techniques and Visualization

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    This research study explores the new dynamics of employee-organi-zation relationships (EOR) [6] using advanced data science methodologies and presents findings through accessible visualizations. Leveraging a dataset pro-cured from a comprehensive nationwide big employee survey, this study employs innovative strategy for theoretical researcher by using our state-of-the-art visual-ization. The results present insightful visualizations encapsulating demographic analysis, workforce satisfaction, work environment scrutiny, and the employee's view via word cloud interpretations and burnout predictions. The study underscores the profound implications of data science across various management sectors, enhancing understanding of workplace dynamics and pro-moting mutual growth and satisfaction. This multifaceted approach caters to a diverse array of readers, from researchers in sociology and management to firms seeking detailed understanding of their workforce's satisfaction, emphasizing on practicality and interpretability. The research encourages proactive measures to improve workplace environ-ments, boost employee satisfaction, and foster healthier, more productive organ-izations. It serves as a resourceful tool for those committed to these objectives, manifesting the transformative potential of data science in driving insightful nar-ratives about workplace dynamics and employee-organization relationships. In essence, this research unearths valuable insights to aid management, HR profes-sionals, and companiesComment: Accepted in XXV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "Data Analytics and Management in Data Intensive Domains" (DAMDID/RCDL 2023

    Unlocking the Talent Puzzle: Examining the Impact of Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Career Development on Talent Attraction and Retention

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    The current competitive organizational market warrants the implementation of talent attraction and retention strategies to aid organizations faced with talent management challenges. To provide organizations with practical strategies and best practices, it is vital first to understand real-world experiences of organizations as well as employees. This dissertation’s objectives are to discover the relationship between job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and career development or advancement in influencing talent attraction and retention strategies. The comprehensive qualitative research study will incorporate interview and survey data from organizational leaders and employees within the Southeastern United States region and the Fintech industry space. The participants will aid the study in supplying actual experiences with job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and career development or advancement. The research findings will contribute to the existing literature on talent management, precisely the attraction and retention factors previously mentioned. The study will identify essential factors that drive top talent to join and remain with organizations and further enhance organizational strategy for talent attraction and retention. The research conclusions will provide organizational recommendations to drive strategies aimed at improving job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and career development or advancement. The insights will benefit organizations in creating appealing work environments that attract talent and growth environments that retain their human capital, contributing to sustaining long-term success

    The ethics of people analytics: risks, opportunities and recommendations

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    Purpose: This research analyzed the existing academic and grey literature concerning the technologies and practices of people analytics (PA), to understand how ethical considerations are being discussed by researchers, industry experts and practitioners, and to identify gaps, priorities and recommendations for ethical practice. Design/methodology/approach: An iterative “scoping review” method was used to capture and synthesize relevant academic and grey literature. This is suited to emerging areas of innovation where formal research lags behind evidence from professional or technical sources. Findings: Although the grey literature contains a growing stream of publications aimed at helping PA practitioners to “be ethical,” overall, research on ethical issues in PA is still at an early stage. Optimistic and technocentric perspectives dominate the PA discourse, although key themes seen in the wider literature on digital/data ethics are also evident. Risks and recommendations for PA projects concerned transparency and diverse stakeholder inclusion, respecting privacy rights, fair and proportionate use of data, fostering a systemic culture of ethical practice, delivering benefits for employees, including ethical outcomes in business models, ensuring legal compliance and using ethical charters. Research limitations/implications: This research adds to current debates over the future of work and employment in a digitized, algorithm-driven society. Practical implications: The research provides an accessible summary of the risks, opportunities, trade-offs and regulatory issues for PA, as well as a framework for integrating ethical strategies and practices. Originality/value: By using a scoping methodology to surface and analyze diverse literatures, this study fills a gap in existing knowledge on ethical aspects of PA. The findings can inform future academic research, organizations using or considering PA products, professional associations developing relevant guidelines and policymakers adapting regulations. It is also timely, given the increase in digital monitoring of employees working from home during the Covid-19 pandemic

    Negotiating limits on algorithmic management in digitalised services: cases from Germany and Norway

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    Artificial intelligence (AI)-based algorithms are increasingly used to monitor employees and to automate management decisions. In this article, we ask how worker representatives adapt traditional collective voice institutions to regulate the adoption and use of these tools in the workplace. Our findings are based on a comparative study of union and works council responses to algorithmic management in contact centres from two similar telecommunications companies in Germany and Norway. In both case studies, worker representatives mobilised collective voice institutions to protect worker privacy and discretion associated with remote monitoring and workforce management technologies. However, they relied on different sources of institutional power, connected to co-determination rights, enforcement of data protection laws, and labour cooperation structures.Negotiating limits on algorithmic management in digitalised services: cases from Germany and NorwayacceptedVersio

    Human resource transformation as a strategy for addressing talent management challenges at ESwatini electricity company.

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    Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Business and Leadership). University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Durban, 2019.Faced with looming talent challenges, uncertain business environments and changing demographics, organizations find themselves forced to adapt or perish. These changes not only suppress an organizations’ competitive edge but also greatly affect the manner in which they are positioned to respond to the changes. Adapting to such volatile environments requires organizations to rethink and reinvent their operations. Moreover, with these changes having human capital implications in both strategy and operations, HR professionals find themselves under immense pressure to rise to the challenge and help their organizations achieve competitive advantage. The aim of the study was to explore the nature of HR transformation and determine the impact it has in addressing talent management challenges. To address the research questions and objectives, the study employed a descriptive mixed method approach. The survey strategy by means of questionnaires and interviews was used for data collection. Quantitative and qualitative data analysis was performed using the statistical package for social sciences and the NVIVO system respectively. The results indicated that there was consensus that the company has taken strides in transforming the HR function through the adoption of the business partner model however, the findings also revealed that HR lacks the in-depth knowledge of business operations necessary to function optimally as a business partner. As such, respondents felt that HR does not add as much value as expected. Furthermore, the study found that HR does not have a clear talent strategy, lags in instilling a talent culture in the organization and application of data analytics. While some employees showed confidence in the HR department and were happy with the support they get, they also expressed dissatisfaction with major talent management practices and the delivery of the employee value proposition. The study recommended that HR should improve on the value-adding aspects of their activities by gaining deeper understanding of core business operations. This requires a shift from tactical to strategic management where HR issues are viewed from both a people and business perspective. This mind-set shift would provide a crucial balance, which would enable HR to tailor its TM strategies to critical business requirements

    #MeTooBots and the AI Workplace

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    Artificial Intelligence in Human Resources Management: A Scoping Review

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    There is a growing interest in the application of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resources Management, but there remains a substantial gap between the promise of AI and its practical application in organizations. In order to guide future research, a scoping review was conducted: 85 articles were identified and classified based on the 6 dimensions of the human resource Life Cycle. A seventh dimension – Legal and Ethical Issues – was also identified and integrated into the existing HR Life Cycle framework. Implications and future research opportunities are discussed