818 research outputs found

    Skills substitution and trust: a new conception of attitude towards AI in a-HRM

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    Attitude towards new technologies depends on different factors. In case of AI (artificial intelligence), workers may perceive their own skills as easily substitutable and look at their job as likely to be replaced. This perception may have negative impact on their acceptance towards implementation of intelligent machines and automation, if there wouldn’t be a well based trust on the improvements brought by these technologies. Unfolding from such considerations, we have collected data from a diversified sample of 183 workers and requested a bootstrapped estimate from 5,000 samples. As a result, we propose a mediated process between skills substitution and perceived overall job replacement, moderated by trust, which leads to attitude towards AI in a-HRM (automated human resources management). Surprisingly for high substitution perceptions, workers manifested more positive attitude towards AI. This provided big room of discussion and great enrichments in current literature; plus considerable practical implication in understanding workers behaviors face automation investments in companies.A atitude em relação às novas tecnologias depende de diferentes fatores. No caso da IA (inteligência artificial), os trabalhadores podem perceber as próprias competências como facilmente substituíveis e perceber a instabilidade do seu trabalho. Essa perceção pode ter um impacto negativo na aceitação da implementação de máquinas inteligentes e de investimentos em automação, se não houvesse uma confiança bem fundamentada nas melhorias trazidas por essas tecnologias. Começando de tais considerações, coletamos dados de uma amostra diversificada de 183 trabalhadores e solicitamos uma bootstrapped estimate de 5.000 amostras. Como resultado, propomos um modelo mediado entre a substituição de competências e a perceção geral da substituição do trabalho, moderada pela confiança, o que leva a atitude face as IA em a-HRM (automated human resources management). Surpreendentemente, para perceções de alta substituição, os trabalhadores manifestaram uma atitude mais positiva em relação as IA. Isso proporcionou grande espaço de discussão e grandes enriquecimentos na literatura atual, mais implicações práticas fundamentais na compreensão dos comportamentos dos trabalhadores em frente aos investimentos em automação nas empresas

    An applicational process for dynamic balancing of turbomachinery shafting

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    The NASA Lewis Research Center has developed and implemented a time-efficient methodology for dynamically balancing turbomachinery shafting. This methodology minimizes costly facility downtime by using a balancing arbor (mandrel) that simulates the turbomachinery (rig) shafting. The need for precision dynamic balancing of turbomachinery shafting and for a dynamic balancing methodology is discussed in detail. Additionally, the inherent problems (and their causes and effects) associated with unbalanced turbomachinery shafting as a function of increasing shaft rotational speeds are discussed. Included are the design criteria concerning rotor weight differentials for rotors made of different materials that have similar parameters and shafting. The balancing methodology for applications where rotor replaceability is a requirement is also covered. This report is intended for use as a reference when designing, fabricating, and troubleshooting turbomachinery shafting


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    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to build an ISO 9126 based new quality model that describes quality characteristics for the successful assessment of COTS software and to guide the industries that are making COTS-based systems. Some new features are added as well as some dropped in existing model ISO 9126 for better evaluation of COTS components. In the proposed model, some new sub-characteristic such as availability, resource utilization, and capacity associated with high-level characteristic efficiency (performance) are included. Some new sub-characteristics are also added such as scalability, reconfigurability, stability, and self-contained.Keywords: COTS, Quality model, ISO 9126, Component-Based Software Development (CBSD)

    Choices of Contention: Decision Making Factors Leading to the Substitute Method Over In-Kind Repairs and Their Effectiveness at Lyndhurst Estate

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    Lyndhurst Mansion, located in Tarrytown, New York is a masterpiece of American Gothic Revival architecture designed by Alexander Jackson Davis beginning in 1838. Since its acquisition by the National Trust in 1961, the property has carried out a number of repairs to the mansion and other buildings on the estate in which a substitute material was chosen over an in-kind material. Financial constraints appear to be the driving force behind these decisions. Other factors, durability of materials and preservation philosophy, also played a role. An aim of this thesis is to determine the role these factors played in choosing methods and materials used in these repairs. Another aim is to assess the success of the substitute method compared to in-kind repair. Research conducted in Lyndhurst\u27s archives as well as interviews with current and past employees provided narrative data regarding the decision making process, while assessment of five case studies provided insight into the effectiveness of the decisions. Findings concluded that cost often outweighed the other considerations when choosing a repair method and materials. Substitute materials at Lyndhurst proved overall to be inferior to those of an in-kind replacement. The findings serve as an example of the financial challenges facing many historic sites

    Microservice Transition and its Granularity Problem: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    Microservices have gained wide recognition and acceptance in software industries as an emerging architectural style for autonomic, scalable, and more reliable computing. The transition to microservices has been highly motivated by the need for better alignment of technical design decisions with improving value potentials of architectures. Despite microservices' popularity, research still lacks disciplined understanding of transition and consensus on the principles and activities underlying "micro-ing" architectures. In this paper, we report on a systematic mapping study that consolidates various views, approaches and activities that commonly assist in the transition to microservices. The study aims to provide a better understanding of the transition; it also contributes a working definition of the transition and technical activities underlying it. We term the transition and technical activities leading to microservice architectures as microservitization. We then shed light on a fundamental problem of microservitization: microservice granularity and reasoning about its adaptation as first-class entities. This study reviews state-of-the-art and -practice related to reasoning about microservice granularity; it reviews modelling approaches, aspects considered, guidelines and processes used to reason about microservice granularity. This study identifies opportunities for future research and development related to reasoning about microservice granularity.Comment: 36 pages including references, 6 figures, and 3 table

    A multi-zone muffle furnace design

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    A Multi-Zone Muffle-Tube Furnace was designed, built, and tested for the purpose of providing an in-house experience base with tubular furnaces for materials processing in microgravity. As such, it must not only provide the desired temperatures and controlled thermal gradients at several discrete zones along its length but must also be capable of sustaining the rigors of a Space Shuttle launch. The furnace is insulated to minimize radial and axial heat losses. It is contained in a water-cooled enclosure for purposes of dissipating un-wanted residual heat, keeping the outer surfaces of the furnace at a 'touch-safe' temperature, and providing a rugged housing. This report describes the salient features of the furnace, testing procedures and results, and concluding remarks evaluating the overall design


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    Perubahan pola kerja yang dilakukan perusahaan dengan tidak lagi menerapkan aturan seluruh pegawai bekerja dari kantor meningkatkan kebutuhan akan aplikasi absensi. I-Office Plus hadir untuk memenuhi sistem administrasi kepegawaian. Guna menunjang kualitas pada I-Office Plus, evaluasi perangkat lunak dilakukan dari sisi fungsionalitas. Evaluasi dilakukan berdasarkan model ISO/IEC 20510:2011 merupakan bagian dari System and Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Pemrosesan data menggunakan model Kano untuk menentukan skor yang diharapkan pengguna aplikasi I-Office Plus untuk setiap karakteristik yang dievaluasi, menentukan kepuasan dan ketid-akpuasan pengguna, memberikan rekomendasi dari hasil analisis. Dalam penelitian ini diterapkan gabungan antara metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif sekaligus atau pendekatan mixed methods. Penelitian mixed methods ini menggunakan strategi sekuensial eksplanatori/sequential explanatory strategy. Hasil evaluasi diharapkan menunjukkan seberapa baik kualitas aplikasi I-Office Plus milik ICON+ yang diukur dari harapan dan kepuasan pegawai sebagai pengguna aplikasi tersebut. Penelitian ini juga memberi hasil rekomendasi perbaikan aplikasi I-Office Plus berdasarkan tingkat ketidakpua-san pengguna dengan melihat kategori pada Model Kano yang berada pada kategori indifference