385 research outputs found

    Testing and comparing web vulnerability scanning tools for SQL injection and XSS attacks

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    Web Security Detection Tool

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    According to Government Computer News (GCN) web attacks have been marked as all- time high this year. GCN says that some of the leading security software like SOPHOS detected about 15,000 newly infected web pages daily in initial three months of 2008 [13]. This has lead to the need of efficient software to make web applications robust and sustainable to these attacks. While finding information on different types of attacks, I found that SQL injection and cross site scripting are the most famous among attackers. These attacks are used extensively since, they can be performed using different techniques and it is difficult to make a web application completely immune to these attacks. There are myriad detection tools available which help to detect vulnerabilities in web applications. These tools are mainly categorized as white-box and black-box testing tools. In this writing project, we aim to develop a detection tool which would be efficient and helpful for the users to pinpoint possible vulnerabilities in his/her PHP scripts. We propose a technique to integrate the aforementioned categories of tools under one framework to achieve better detection against possible vulnerabilities. Our system focuses on giving the developer a simple and concise tool which would help him/her to correct possible loopholes in the PHP code snippets

    Some security issues for web based frameworks

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    This report investigates whether a vulnerability found in one web framework may be used to find a vulnerability in a different web framework. To test this hypothesis, several open source applications were installed in a secure test environment together with security analysis tools. Each one of the applications were developed using a different software framework. The results show that a vulnerability identified in one framework can often be used to find similar vulnerabilities in other frameworks. Crosssite scripting security issues are the most likely to succeed when being applied to more than one framework

    Nástroj pro penetrační testování webových aplikací

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    Abstract As hackers become more skilled and sophisticated and with cyber-attacks becoming the norm, it is more important than ever before to undertake regular vulnerability scans and penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities and ensure on a regular basis that the cyber controls are working. In this thesis the importance and working of penetration testing and web application based penetration testing are discussed, followed by comparison and information’s about various testing tools and techniques and their advantages and disadvantages. The next section of the thesis mainly focuses on the past, current and future state of penetration testing in the computer systems and application security, importance of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Content Management system (CMS) followed by the main goal of the thesis which explains the existing solutions in automated tools for vulnerability detection of web application their techniques, positive and negative results of the conducted tests and their merits and demerits. In the next section, based on the comparison of various existing tools selecting appropriate algorithm for discussing the importance of scanning the ports which are usually focused in very few existing web application tools, the following section practically demonstrate the scanning of ports which gives information regarding, the state of ports to understand the service information running on the server. Finally the result of the experiment will be compared with the existing web application tools.Abstraktní Vzhledem k tomu, že se hackeři stávají zkušenějšími a sofistikovanějšími a kybernetické útoky se stávají normou, je důležitější než kdy jindy provádět pravidelné kontroly zranitelnosti a penetrační testování, aby bylo možné identifikovat zranitelná místa a pravidelně zajišťovat fungování kybernetických kontrol. V této práci je diskutován význam a fungování penetračního testování a penetračního testování založeného na webových aplikacích, následuje srovnání a informace o různých testovacích nástrojích a technikách a jejich výhodách a nevýhodách. Další část práce se zaměřuje především na minulý, současný a budoucí stav penetračního testování v počítačových systémech a zabezpečení aplikací, význam nařízení o obecné ochraně údajů (GDPR) a redakčního systému (CMS) následovaného hlavním cílem práce, která vysvětluje stávající řešení v automatizovaných nástrojích pro zjišťování zranitelnosti webové aplikace, jejich techniky, pozitivní a negativní výsledky provedených testů a jejich přednosti a nedostatky. V další části, založené na srovnání různých existujících nástrojů, které vybírají vhodný algoritmus pro diskusi o důležitosti skenování portů, které jsou obvykle zaměřeny na velmi málo stávajících webových aplikací, následující část prakticky demonstruje skenování portů, které poskytují informace týkající se, stav portů pro pochopení informací o službě běžících na serveru. Nakonec bude výsledek experimentu porovnán s existujícími nástroji webové aplikace.460 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř

    Evaluation of Web vulnerability scanners based on OWASP benchmark

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    Web applications have become an integral part of everyday life, but many of these applications are deployed with critical vulnerabilities that can be fatally exploited. Web Vulnerability scanners have been widely adopted for the detection of vulnerabilities in web applications by checking through the applications with the attackers’ perspectives. However, studies have shown that vulnerability scanners perform differently on detection of vulnerabilities. Furthermore, the effectiveness of some of these scanners has become questionable due to the ever-growing cyber-attacks that have been exploiting undetected vulnerabilities in some web applications. To evaluate the effectiveness of these scanners, people often run these scanners against a benchmark web application with known vulnerabilities. This thesis first presents our results on the effectiveness of two popular web vulnerability scanners based on the OWASP benchmark, which is a benchmark developed by OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project), a prestigious non-profit web security organization. The two scanners chosen in this thesis are OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (OWASP ZAP) and Arachni. As there are many categories of web vulnerabilities and we cannot evaluate the scanner performance on all of them due to time limitation, we pick the following four major vulnerability categories in our thesis: Command Injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Light Weight Access Protocol (LDAP) Injection, and SQL Injection. Moreover, we compare our results on scanner effectiveness from the OWASP benchmark with the existing results from Web Application Vulnerability Security Evaluation Project (WAVSEP) benchmark, another popular benchmark used to evaluate scanner effectiveness. We are the first to make this comparison between these two benchmarks in literature. The results mainly show that: - Scanners perform differently in different vulnerability categories. That is, no scanner can serve as the all-rounder in scanning web vulnerabilities. - The benchmarks also demonstrate different capabilities in reflecting the effectiveness of scanners in different vulnerability categories. It is recommended to combine the results from different benchmarks to determine the effectiveness of a scanner. - Regarding scanner effectiveness, OWASP ZAP performs the best in CMDI, SQLI, and XSS; Arachni performs the best in LDAP. - Regarding benchmark capability, OWASP benchmark outperforms WAVSEP benchmark in all the examined categories

    OWASP ZAP vs Snort for SQLi Vulnerability Scanning

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    Web applications are important to protect from threats that will compromise sensitive information. Web vulnerability scanners are a prominent tool for this purpose, as they can be utilized to find vulnerabilities in a web application to be rectified. Two popular open-source tools were compared head-to-head, OWASP ZAP and Snort. The performance metrics evaluated were SQLi attacks detected, false positives, false negatives, processing time, and memory usage. OWASP ZAP yielded fewer false positives and had less processing time. Snort used significantly fewer memory resources. The internal workings of ZAP’s Active Scan feature and Snort’s implementation of the Boyer-Moore and Aho-Corasick algorithms were identified as the main processes responsible for the results. Based on the research, a set of future working recommendations were proposed to improve web vulnerability scanning methods

    Baseline: Metrics for setting a baseline for web vulnerability scanners

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    As web scanners are becoming more popular because they are faster and cheaper than security consultants, the trend of relying on these scanners also brings a great hazard: users can choose a weak or outdated scanner and trust incomplete results. Therefore, benchmarks are created to both evaluate and compare the scanners. Unfortunately, most existing benchmarks suffer from various drawbacks, often by testing against inappropriate criteria that does not reflect the user's needs. To deal with this problem, we present an approach called Baseline that coaches the user in picking the minimal set of weaknesses (i.e., a baseline) that a qualified scanner should be able to detect and also helps the user evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the scanner in detecting those chosen weaknesses. Baseline's goal is not to serve as a generic ranking system for web vulnerability scanners, but instead to help users choose the most appropriate scanner for their specific needs

    A Survey and Comparative Study on Vulnerability Scanning Tools

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    Vulnerability scanners are a tool used by many organizations and developers as part of their vulnerability management. These scanners aid in the security of applications, databases, networks, etc. There are many different options available for vulnerability scanners that vary in the analysis method they encompass or target for which they scan, among many other features. This thesis explores the different types of scanners available and aims to ease the burden of selecting the ideal vulnerability scanner for one’s needs by conducting a survey and comparative analysis of vulnerability scanners. Before diving into the vulnerability scanners available, background information is provided regarding the types of testing a vulnerability scanner may use as well as the types of vulnerability scanners out there. This thesis highlights application scanners, database scanners, and network-based scanners as those were the types of vulnerability scanners primarily found in the survey. This thesis also compares the accuracy of two network scanners—OpenVAS and Nessus—when scanning the same target and discusses the results and their implications

    SQL Injection analysis, Detection and Prevention

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    Web sites are dynamic, static, and most of the time a combination of both. Web sites need protection in their database to assure security. An SQL injection attacks interactive web applications that provide database services. These applications take user inputs and use them to create an SQL query at run time. In an SQL injection attack, an attacker might insert a malicious SQL query as input to perform an unauthorized database operation. Using SQL injection attacks, an attacker can retrieve or modify confidential and sensitive information from the database. It may jeopardize the confidentiality and security of Web sites which totally depends on databases. This report presents a “code reengineering” that implicitly protects the applications which are written in PHP from SQL injection attacks. It uses an original approach that combines static as well as dynamic analysis. [2] In this report, I mentioned an automated technique for moving out SQL injection vulnerabilities from Java code by converting plain text inputs received from users into prepared statements. [3

    A Survey and Comparative Study on Vulnerability Scanning Tools

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    Vulnerability scanners are a tool used by many organizations and developers as part of their vulnerability management. These scanners aid in the security of applications, databases, networks, etc. There are many different options available for vulnerability scanners that vary in the analysis method they encompass or target for which they scan, among many other features. This thesis explores the different types of scanners available and aims to ease the burden of selecting the ideal vulnerability scanner for one’s needs by conducting a survey and comparative analysis of vulnerability scanners. Before diving into the vulnerability scanners available, background information is provided regarding the types of testing a vulnerability scanner may use as well as the types of vulnerability scanners out there. This thesis highlights application scanners, database scanners, and network-based scanners as those were the types of vulnerability scanners primarily found in the survey. This thesis also compares the accuracy of two network scanners—OpenVAS and Nessus—when scanning the same target and discusses the results and their implications