161,197 research outputs found

    A self-testing quantum random number generator

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    The generation of random numbers is a task of paramount importance in modern science. A central problem for both classical and quantum randomness generation is to estimate the entropy of the data generated by a given device. Here we present a protocol for self-testing quantum random number generation, in which the user can monitor the entropy in real-time. Based on a few general assumptions, our protocol guarantees continuous generation of high quality randomness, without the need for a detailed characterization of the devices. Using a fully optical setup, we implement our protocol and illustrate its self-testing capacity. Our work thus provides a practical approach to quantum randomness generation in a scenario of trusted but error-prone devices.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, including supplementary materia

    Stock Repurchase Agreements: Close Corporation Use of Designee Provision Permits Repurchase Despite Insufficient Earned Surplus

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    Statistical random number testing is a well studied field focusing on pseudo-random number generators, that is to say algorithms that produce random-looking sequences of numbers. These generators tend to have certain kinds of flaws, which have been exploited through rigorous testing. Such testing has led to advancements, and today pseudo random number generators are both very high-speed and produce seemingly random numbers. Recent advancements in quantum physics have opened up new doors, where products called quantum random number generators that produce acclaimed true randomness have emerged. Of course, scientists want to test such randomness, and turn to the old tests used for pseudo random number generators to do this. The main question this thesis seeks to answer is if publicly available such tests are good enough to evaluate a quantum random number generator. We also seek to compare sequences from such generators with those produced by state of the art pseudo random number generators, in an attempt to compare their quality. Another potential problem with quantum random number generators is the possibility of them breaking without the user knowing. Such a breakdown could have dire consequences. For example, if such a generator were to control the output of a slot machine, an malfunction could cause the machine to generate double earnings for a player compared to what was planned. Thus, we look at the possibilities to implement live tests to quantum random number generators, and propose such tests. Our study has covered six commonly available tools for random number testing, and we show that in particular one of these stands out in that it has a series of tests that fail our quantum random number generator as not random enough, despite passing an pseudo random number generator. This implies that the quantum random number generator behave differently from the pseudo random number ones, and that we need to think carefully about how we test, what we expect from an random sequence and what we want to use it for.Statistisk slumptalstestning Àr ett vÀl studerat Àmne som fokuserar pÄ sÄ kallade pseudoslumpgeneatorer, det vill sÀga algorithmer som producerar slump-liknande sekvenser med tal. SÄdana generatorer tenderar att ha vissa defekter, som har exploaterats genom rigorös tesning. SÄdan testning har lett till framsteg och idag Àr pseudoslumpgeneratorer bÄde otroligt snabba och producerar till synes slumpade tal. Framsteg inom kvantfysiken har lett till utvecklingen av kvantslumpgeneratorer, som producerar vad som hÀvdas vara Àkta slump. SjÀlvklart vill forskare utvÀrdera sÄdan slump, och har dÄ vÀnt sig till de gamla testerna som utvecklats för pseudoslumpgeneratorer. Den hÀr uppsatsen söker utvÀrdera hurvida allmÀnt tillgÀngliga slumptester Àr nog bra för att utvÀrdera kvantslumpgeneratorer. Vi jÀmför Àven kvantslumpsekvenser med pseudoslumpsekvenser för att se om dessa vÀsentligen skiljer sig frÄn varandra och pÄ vilket sÀtt. Ett annat potentiellt problem med kvantslumpgeneratorer Àr möjligheten att dessa gÄr sönder under drift. Om till exempel en kvantslumpgenerator anvÀnds för att slumpgenerera resultatet hos en enarmad bandit kan ett fel göra sÄ att maskinen ger dubbel vinst för en spelare jÀmfört med planerat. DÀrmed ser vi över möjligheten att implementera live-tester i kvantslumpgeneratorer, och föreslÄr nÄgra sÄdana tester. VÄr studie har tÀckt sex allmÀnt tillgÀngliga verktyg för slumptalstestning, och vi visar att i synnerhet ett av dessa stÄr ut pÄ sÄ sÀtt att det har en serie av tester som slumptalen frÄn vÄr kvantslumpgenerator inte anser Àr nog slumpade. Trots det visar samma test att sekvensen frÄn pseudoslumpgeneratorerna Àr bra nog. Detta antyder att kvantslumpgeneratorn beter sig annorlunda mot pseudoslumpgeneratorerna, och att vi behöver tÀnka över ordentligt kring hur vi testar slumpgeneratorer, vad vi förvÀntar oss att fÄ ut och hurvida detta pÄverkar det vi skall anvÀnda slumpgeneratorn till

    Testing a Random Number Generator: formal properties and automotive application

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    L'elaborato analizza un metodo di validazione dei generatori di numeri casuali (RNG), utilizzati per garantire la sicurezza dei moderni sistemi automotive. Il primo capitolo fornisce una panoramica della struttura di comunicazione dei moderni autoveicoli attraverso l'utilizzo di centraline (ECU): vengono riportati i principali punti di accesso ad un automobile, assieme a possibili tipologie di hacking; viene poi descritto l'utilizzo dei numeri casuali in crittografia, con particolare riferimento a quella utilizzata nei veicoli. Il secondo capitolo riporta le basi di probabilitĂ  necessarie all'approccio dei test statistici utilizzati per la validazione e riporta i principali approcci teorici al problema della casualitĂ . Nei due capitoli centrali, viene proposta una descrizione dei metodi probabilistici ed entropici per l'analisi di dati reali utilizzati nei test. Vengono poi descritti e studiati i 15 test statistici proposti dal National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Dopo i primi test, basati su proprietĂ  molto semplici delle sequenze casuali, vengono proposti test piĂč sofisticati, basati sull'uso della trasformata di Fourier (per testare eventuali comportamenti periodici), dell'entropia (strettamente connessi con la comprimibilitĂ  della sequenza), o sui random path. Due ulteriori test, permettono di valutare il buon funzionamento del generatore, e non solo delle singole sequenze generate. Infine, il quinto capitolo Ăš dedicato all'implementazione dei test al fine di testare il TRNG delle centraline

    Properties making a chaotic system a good Pseudo Random Number Generator

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    We discuss two properties making a deterministic algorithm suitable to generate a pseudo random sequence of numbers: high value of Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy and high-dimensionality. We propose the multi dimensional Anosov symplectic (cat) map as a Pseudo Random Number Generator. We show what chaotic features of this map are useful for generating Pseudo Random Numbers and investigate numerically which of them survive in the discrete version of the map. Testing and comparisons with other generators are performed.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, new version, title changed and minor correction

    Practical self-testing quantum random number generator based on an energy bound

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    We present a scheme for a self-testing quantum random number generator. Compared to the fully device-independent model, our scheme requires an extra natural assumption, namely that the mean energy per signal is bounded. The scheme is self-testing, as it allows the user to verify in real-time the correct functioning of the setup, hence guaranteeing the continuous generation of certified random bits. Based on a prepare-and-measure setup, our scheme is practical, and we implement it using only off-the-shelf optical components. The randomness generation rate is 1.25 Mbits/s, comparable to commercial solutions. Overall, we believe that this scheme achieves a promising trade-off between the required assumptions, ease-of-implementation and performance

    Penerapan Algoritma Pembangkit Bilangan Acak Pada Aplikasi Game Ingatan Berdasarkan Perbandingan Antara Algoritma Linear Congruential Generator Dan Algoritma Lagged Fibonacci Generator

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    Linear Congruential Generator and Lagged Fibonacci Generator are some random number generator algorithms. These random number generator algorithms can be used to make a game to test memory (recall test). In recall test, these algorithms, LCG and LFG can generate random numbers and letters. Both of algorithms are necessary to be compared to get randomice. Thus, it needs to calculate mean, variance, and deviation standard of the two algorithms to determine the most appropriate algorithm to be used in memory game. Numbers and letters are scrambled in time to be remembered by player, then player must enter back the numbers and letters into the system. The system will check if the user answers same as numbers and letters shown previously. Based on the results of statistical testing, it is known that LFG is more appropriate to be used in memory game

    Spectral analysis of random number generators

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    This paper is based on the theory developed by Dr. Evangelos Yfantis, professor of Computer Science at University of Nevada, Las Vegas. In this paper, we describe a method for testing the fairness of pseudorandom number generators using the Discrete Fourier Transform. We will show how the concept of a random process can be used in a representation for random discrete time signals. Using this concept, we have focused on the mathematical representations of the spectral analysis of a fair pseudorandom number generator. From this representation, a reasonable spectral expectation is determined. An algorithm which applies the developed method is described, and a modified shift register random number generator is used to produce sample data
